Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

362K 8.1K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.5K 41 8
By tonysnarky

The sun had yet to rise above the horizon, casting the world in a soft, lavender hue. The private villa they had chosen for their summer escape lay ensconced in a tranquil cocoon of nature, cradled by the lush greenery of the Mexican coast. The gentle lapping of waves against the shore was the only sound that punctuated the stillness of the early morning.

Charles stirred in his sleep, his eyelids fluttering open. He glanced at the peaceful figure of Alexandra, still wrapped in slumber beside him. He t0ok a moment to watch her, smiling softly as he saw her finally sleeping peacefully, not a single bad dream in sight as she slept.

As the first rays of dawn painted the room in a warm, golden glow, an idea took root in his mind.

With practiced stealth, Charles slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb the woman who had captured his heart. He tiptoed across the room and softly closed the bedroom door behind him, leaving Alexandra to her dreams.

The terrace beckoned, and Charles followed its siren call. The scent of salt in the air invigorated him as he descended the wooden steps that led to the private beach. The villa's location, nestled between verdant palm trees and the azure sea, felt like a slice of paradise carved out just for them.

Charles had a surprise in mind, one that would make this morning unforgettable for Alexandra. He had spotted a beachside spot perfect for an impromptu breakfast picnic. He smiled as he set the plan in motion, arranging a tray with care, arranging fruits, pastries, and a pot of steaming coffee.

Just as he was about to place the last item on the tray, Charles noticed the sun making its ascent into the sky. The first rays bathed the beach in a warm, rosy glow. He knew he had little time left before Alexandra would awaken.

Meanwhile, Alexandra stirred in her slumber, sensing a void beside her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she blinked in the dim morning light. Her gaze swept the room, and a fond smile curved her lips as she realized that Charles must be up to something.

That man was never awake this early on his days off.

Throwing off the covers, she slipped out of bed and donned a light, summer dress and bikini. Her bare feet padded silently across the room as she made her way to the terrace, the anticipation bubbling within her.

As Alexandra stepped onto the terrace, she was met with a breathtaking sight. Charles had set up a charming breakfast spread on the beach. The tray boasted an array of fruits, pastries, and a pot of rich, aromatic coffee. The sea stretched out before them, its waves whispering sweet secrets to the shore.

"Bongiorno, Amor," Charles greeted her, his eyes sparkling with affection.

"Morning," Alexandra replied, her voice still laced with sleepiness. She moved toward him, unable to contain her delight. "You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

Charles chuckled, the sound as melodic as the ocean's gentle waves. He reached out to draw her close, his arms enveloping her in a loving embrace. "Only for you," he murmured. "ciao bella,"

Together, they settled on the beach, the warm sand beneath their feet. As they shared breakfast and conversation, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their little bubble of happiness.

"I never want to go home," Charles remarked, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

Alexandra nodded, a soft smile gracing her features. "I could stay here forever."

He leaned in and kissed her, a tender expression of their shared joy. "That's what makes it so special. Just you and me."

Alexandra leaned her head against his shoulder, savoring the moment. "I've never felt more relaxed, more at peace. It's like all our worries have vanished."

Charles nodded, his fingers entwined with hers. "Being here with you makes everything else fade away. I love it. Ma io ti amo di più,"

"I still don't know what on earth you're saying when you talk Italian." Alexandra giggled as he pulled her in for another kiss. His lips tasted like coffee and sea salt, and she savoured every second.

The two of them continued to enjoy their breakfast on the beach, their hearts and souls in sync with the rhythm of the waves. It was a moment of pure bliss, a reminder of the beauty and serenity that life could offer when shared with the one you loved.

As the morning sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a warm embrace over their private paradise, Charles and Alexandra found solace in the simplicity of the moment. In the midst of their hectic lives, they had found a haven where time seemed to stand still, allowing them to cherish every precious second together.

The day stretched out ahead of them, an unending canvas of azure sky and turquoise waters. After their serene beachside breakfast, Charles and Alexandra decided to immerse themselves further in the natural wonders of their Mexican paradise.

With a surfboard in hand, Charles led Alexandra toward the rolling waves. He was a family decent surfer, and while Alexandra was eager to learn, she had no previous experience with the sport. The prospect of her attempts left both of them brimming with excitement.

The sun hung high in the sky as Charles positioned the surfboard in the shallow water, the waves gently lapping at their legs. Alexandra, clad in a red bikini, stood beside him with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

"Alright, Amor," Charles said, a playful glint in his eyes, "First lesson: It's all about balance and timing."

She nodded, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon where waves rose and fell like nature's dance. "Balance and timing. Got it."

Charles grinned and began explaining the fundamentals of catching a wave, his voice a soothing backdrop to the rhythmic sound of the ocean.

Alexandra watched intently, trying to mimic his movements as he demonstrated. She positioned herself on the board, paddling gingerly when a promising wave approached. Yet, time and again, she found herself tumbling into the water, the sea echoing with Charles' infectious laughter.

"I think I've discovered a new talent," Alexandra teased as she emerged from the water, her hair plastered to her face.

Charles, still grinning, paddled over to her. "Oh, absolutely," he replied with mock seriousness. "The world's first professional wipeout artist. Tu es horrible à ça,"

"Don't bully me, Leclerc, au moins, je suis le meilleur conducteur." She teased him.

Their playful banter was like music to Alexandra's ears. It felt wonderful to let go of her worries and simply enjoy the moment with Charles by her side.

As they paddled farther from the shore, the sea unveiled more of its secrets. A pod of dolphins leaped through the waves, their joyful antics filling the air with laughter and wonder. Alexandra couldn't help but squeal with delight, her eyes tracing the graceful arcs of the aquatic ballet.

Charles, with his innate connection to the ocean, shared in her joy. "They're amazing, aren't they?" he said, his gaze fixed on the majestic creatures.

"They really are," Alexandra replied, her heart filled with gratitude for the incredible experiences they were sharing.

Their adventure continued as they spotted sea turtles gliding beneath the surface, their ancient, wise eyes regarding the world with a tranquil curiosity.

In the afternoon sun, they returned to the beach, their bodies sun-kissed and their spirits rejuvenated. They spread out on a large beach towel, the soft sand beneath them providing a natural cushion. Charles and Alexandra watched as the sky began to transform into shades of amber and crimson, the setting sun casting its warm, golden embrace upon them.

"I could stay here forever," Alexandra murmured, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on Charles' chest.

He turned to her, his gaze tender. "What if we don't leave?" He pondered. "We could fake our own deaths and just stay here,"

"Unfortunately not, Amor...Max knows we're here. He'll definitely come to find us," Alexandra grinned. Charles groaned. "One day though, this will be our lives. We can spend everyday like paradise."

The serenity of the moment cocooned them, the weight of the world lifting from their shoulders. They had found a haven in each other's company, a place where laughter, love, and tranquility converged. As the sun dipped below the horizon, they knew that the memories they were creating in their private paradise would stay with them forever.

With the sun's final traces tucked beneath the horizon, they made their way back to the villa. The salty breeze rustled the leaves of nearby palm trees as they ascended the steps to the terrace.

Dinner was a romantic affair. A private chef had conjured culinary delights from the villa's well-equipped kitchen, and the tantalizing aroma of their meal greeted them like an old friend. The table was adorned with flickering candles, their soft glow casting dancing shadows across the terrace. A symphony of stars sparkled above, painting the night sky with celestial beauty.

Charles had opted for a sumptuous pasta dish, a choice he defended with an infectious enthusiasm. Alexandra couldn't help but tease him, her laughter ringing through the warm evening air. "You and your pasta," she quipped, playfully rolling her eyes.

He grinned in response, his eyes fixed on her. "You know how it is," he replied, feigning a solemn tone. "Pasta is the food of the gods. And I'm a God."

"The Tifosi are definitely getting into your head. I don't think your ego can take much more."

As the night deepened, they lingered at the table, sipping wine and conversing in hushed tones. Slow music wafted through the speaker system in the villa, adding to the ambiance of the evening. The notes carried on the sea breeze, a melodic backdrop to their intimate moments.

They talked about everything and nothing, their words flowing freely. Sometimes, they'd fall into comfortable silences, content in each other's presence, lost in the poetry of the night.

With the wine flowing and the stars above, it was as if time itself had stopped. The world outside their little haven faded into obscurity, leaving only the two of them and the tranquil symphony of the sea.

Charles gazed at Alexandra with tender admiration as she spoke, the flickering candlelight casting a warm glow on her face. Her strength and resilience had never ceased to amaze him, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride in the woman he loved.

"I'm so proud of you, Amor," Charles said earnestly, his eyes never leaving hers. "In the past few weeks, I've watched you fall apart...and i never thought I'd feel a pain like it...but then, you started to heal. I watched you fight, I saw you put yourself back together again. You've shown incredible strength, and I admire you for it."

Alexandra's smile held a certain warmth as she listened to Charles's words. She seemed to be contemplating something, her expression thoughtful. Charles sensed there was more she wanted to say, and he waited patiently, his curiosity piqued.

After a brief silence, Alexandra finally spoke, her voice filled with a gentle affection. "You know, Charles, my new therapist, Dr. Railey, suggested a couple of ways to cope with everything. One is writing in a therapy journal, which you've seen me do."

Charles nodded in agreement, recalling the moments when he had glimpsed her writing in the journal. "Yes, I remember that."

She leaned forward slightly, her eyes locked on his. "But another thing she suggested was writing letters to people, letters that I'd never send. It's a way to let my emotions out, to say the things that I might find hard to say otherwise."

Curiosity and warmth filled Charles's gaze. "That sounds...helpful," he acknowledged.

A mischievous twinkle appeared in Alexandra's eyes as she continued, "Well, Charles, I've written a letter...For you."

He watched as she hopped up from the table and disappeared inside the villa, her excitement palpable. A sense of anticipation welled up within him as he wondered what she might have written. Moments later, she returned, holding a sealed envelope addressed to him.

With a gentle smile, she handed the envelope to him, her eyes filled with affection and vulnerability. "I want you to read it, Charles. It's something I had been feeling for a long time, and I think you deserve to know."

"Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded cautiously.

"I wrote this when...well, just read it." She stuttered, suddenly looking scared.

With the sealed envelope in his hand, he couldn't help but feel that this week in Mexico had been a transformative experience, deepening their connection and opening up new ways for them to communicate and understand each other.

Slowly, Charles opened the letter, looking to Lexi with a soft smile as he reached to grasp her hand, noticing how she was shaking slightly.


My Charles,

I don't know where to begin; my heart aches as I put pen to paper to write these words. Please understand that writing this letter has been the most heart-wrenching thing I've ever done. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Ever since that night with Jackson, the darkness has consumed me. His face is etched into the very fabric of my being, and I can't escape the torment. It's all I see when I close my eyes, and it haunts my every waking moment. I feel trapped, suffocated, with no way out. The pain, the fear, it's overwhelming.

I can't sleep, I can't eat, and I can't stand the thought of being around other people. I'm terrified of my own shadow, and it hurts.

I've tried, Charles, I really have. I've fought through countless battles in my life, overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable, but this darkness is different. It's like a relentless storm that won't abate. I've grown so tired, my love, and I can't carry this weight any longer. The fight has been long and exhausting, and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I want you to know that I don't blame you for any of this, and I don't want you to blame yourself either. You've been my anchor, my solace, my everything. You've shown me a love I never thought possible, and for that, I am eternally grateful. But, Charles, this darkness has become too much for me to bear. It's like a suffocating fog that has enveloped me, and I can't find my way out.

I feel guilty, Charles, for wanting the pain to end, for leaving you behind. You've been my reason for fighting, my source of strength, and now I feel like I'm betraying you. But this pain, it's unbearable, and I can't carry it any longer.

I'm so tired of fighting, and I don't want to fight anymore.

Please remember me as the woman who loved you with all her heart, who cherished every moment we shared. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for this decision, and more so, I want you to forgive yourself. This wasn't your fault Charles. There's nothing you could have done to stop me.

You could save me from the monsters, but you could never save me from myself - and thats okay.

I love you, Charles, more than words can express. I hope, somehow, you can find happiness in a life without me.

I pray that if soulmates are real, you were mine, and I'll see you in the next life.

With love,
Your Ally x

Charles sat in stunned silence, the letter clutched in his trembling hand. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks, blurring the words on the page. He couldn't believe what he was reading, couldn't fathom the depth of Alexandra's despair. The weight of her pain pressed heavily on his chest, and it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room.

He had no idea she had been suffering so much, that the darkness had consumed her to this extent. Guilt gnawed at him, sharp and relentless, for not seeing the signs, for not realizing just how close he had come to losing her. The realization that she had been on the brink of ending her life shook him to his core.

Slowly, Charles looked up from the tear-stained letter to find Alexandra standing before him, her face a mask of terror and despair. Her cheeks were wet with silent tears, her eyes filled with a haunting emptiness. The sight of her, so broken and vulnerable, shattered him even further.

The only sound in the room was the gentle rhythm of the waves crashing against the shore, a stark contrast to the storm raging within them. For a long while, they simply stared at each other, both drowning in their own sorrow.

Finally, Charles found his voice, his words trembling as he spoke. "Alexandra," he choked out, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I... I had no idea. I didn't see your pain. I didn't realize how close you were to...leaving." His voice cracked on the last words, and fresh tears welled up in his eyes as he couldn't bring the words he meant to say.

Leaving. Dying. Peace.

He couldn't find the words.

Alexandra's lips quivered as she tried to respond, but no words came out. Instead, she collapsed into a chair beside him, her body shaking with sobs. Charles moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around her trembling form, holding her as if he could shield her from the darkness that threatened to consume her.

"I'm so sorry," Alexandra finally managed to whisper, her voice hoarse from crying. "I didn't want to hurt you, Charles. But I just... I couldn't bear the pain anymore. I felt so trapped, so lost."

Charles tightened his grip on her, his heart breaking at the thought of the anguish she had been enduring. "I wish you had talked to me, Lexi," he said softly, his voice filled with anguish. "I wish you had told me what you were going through. I would have done anything to help you, to ease your pain."

Alexandra buried her face in his chest, her tears soaking through his shirt. "I know," she whispered. "I'm so sorry, Charles. I didn't know how to ask for help. I felt like such a burden, like I was drowning, and I didn't want to drag you down with me."

Charles gently tilted her chin up so that he could look into her tear-filled eyes. "You are never a burden to me, Lexi," he said firmly. "I love you, and I would do anything for you. We're in this together, no matter what. You don't have to face your demons alone. I'd told you a million times, and I'll tell you a million more."

They sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, the weight of the letter and its revelations heavy in the air. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the room, as if nature itself was trying to comfort them.

In that moment, Charles realized just how fragile life could be, how precious their love was. He made a silent promise to himself that he would never let Alexandra slip away from him again. They had a long journey ahead of them, one filled with healing and rediscovering the strength of their love. But they were in it together, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Quietly, Alexandra reached into the pocket of her shirt and extracted another letter. It was neatly sealed in an envelope, addressed to Charles. Her eyes held a mixture of vulnerability and determination as she handed it to him.

Charles took the envelope with trembling hands, his gaze locked on Alexandra's. He had experienced a rollercoaster of emotions reading her previous letters, and he wasn't sure if he could bear to read another one. But he trusted her when she said this one would explain everything.

"This one's different, amor," she said softly, her fingers gently stroking his cheek as they remained locked in their embrace. "It was written three days after the last one, and it'll help you understand."

Charles nodded, his heart heavy with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. He carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. The familiar, elegant script of Alexandra's handwriting greeted him as he began to read.

My Charles,

I tried to do it today. I truly did.

I had it all planned out and everything.

The morning started with a visit from our friends. Lando, Daniel, Max, and Carlos—they all came to see me, to offer their love and support. It should have been a beautiful moment, a time to reconnect with people who care about me. But my mind, Charles, it plays tricks on me.

It whispered cruel lies that my friends would hurt me, turn against me like Jackson did. I know it's irrational; I mean, we both know Lando wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone me. But still, I couldn't bring myself to reach out to them, to hug them, to let them in. Every time I looked at them, I saw him.

I could picture it. Lando putting the pill in my drink.

Daniel catching me as I fell unconscious, laughing and taunting me.

Carlos pinning me down in the back of that van.

Max...max hurting me.

I could see it all Charles. And thats when I knew I had no way out.

After they left, I found the courage to make an excuse. I asked you to go grocery shopping while I took a nap, and for that, I'm deeply sorry for lying to you. I pretended to nap, waiting for you to leave, but you didn't. I heard you come in, and my heart ached as I listened to your sobs.

You whispered that you loved me, that you'd be lost without me. You begged me to keep fighting. You said you couldn't see any spark in my eyes anymore. You asked me to stay, to not let Jackson win. You promised you'd never leave my side.

Charles, your words broke my heart and mended it all at once. I heard you climb into bed beside me, felt your arms wrap around me, your heartbeat against my back. And that's when the guilt washed over me like a relentless tide.

You've already lost so much—the pain of losing your father, Jules, Antoine. I can't be another loss, Charles. I can't be the reason you build walls so high that no one can climb them. I won't let you get lost in the same darkness that's consumed my life.

I won't let you become me.

So, as you fell asleep beside me, I made a promise.

I won't leave.

I'll fight with every ounce of strength I have left. I won't let the darkness win, not for me, and certainly not for you. You are my light, Charles. You are the love of my life, my family, my home. And I will do everything in my power to stay with you, to protect you from the darkness that I've endured.

I love you more than life itself, Charles. Please hold onto that love, even on my darkest days, and know that I'm fighting for us, for our future. I promise you this, my heart and soul are yours, now and forever.

Yours eternally,
Ally x

Charles's shoulders shook with each sob as he clung to Alexandra, his grip unrelenting, as though he feared she might slip away if he let go. Tears streamed down his face, and he buried his head in her shoulder, his cries echoing in the quiet night.

Alexandra held him close, her own tears mixing with his. She felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for giving him those letters, for putting him through this pain. But she also felt a strange sense of relief. She was no longer hiding, no longer lying to him. The weight of her secrets had been lifted, and she felt like she could finally breathe.

Gently, she ran her fingers through his hair, soothing him as best she could. It took some time, but eventually, Charles's sobs began to subside, replaced by shaky breaths and quiet sniffles.

She whispered softly, her voice trembling, "I promised you, baby. I'm not leaving. I'm staying right here with you. For as long as you'll have me."

They shared a tender kiss, and Charles's voice was filled with emotion as he asked, "Forever?"

"Forever," Alexandra replied, her heart full.

He pulled her into another tight hug, his gratitude evident in the way he held her. He thanked her for giving him the letters and for being honest, and then he made a solemn plea. "If you ever feel like that again, Lexi, promise me you'll tell me. Promise me you won't keep it to yourself. Let me help you, please."

She nodded, her eyes filled with sincerity, and said, "I will, Charles. I promise. I feel better now, and it's because of you, our friends, and Dr. Railey. With all of your support, I think I might finally be able to get that fresh start I've always wanted."

They held each other in the moonlit night, their love and commitment stronger than ever before. It was a night of healing, a night when they both found the strength to face their demons together, hand in hand.

Charles looked at her with a sad smile, a terrible weight lifting from his shoulders as he finally saw a glimpse into Alexandra's mind. She was trying. She was fighting. That's all he could ask for.

"S'il te plaît mon ange, ne me quitte jamais. Je t'aime trop pour te laisser partir."

"Je t'aime, Charles, et je te le promets, je ne vais nulle part. Tu es ma maison."

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