Who are you?

By luton1983

204 7 2

Who is this girl? Where'd she come from? More



12 1 0
By luton1983

' Right, where to next?", asked Barry as he stood up to get back in the car after they had finished eating 

Caitlin didn't respond. Barry turned back to look at her

' Caitlin?"

' Be quiet"

Barry watched as Caitlin came to a stop and her eyes turned blue as she transformed 

' What's wrong?"

Frost turned around and blasted ice everywhere

' What are you doing?"

' Whoever you are, show yourself"

Barry watched as some figures appeared out of nowhere and threw the walls 

' Leave now before you get seriously hurt"

' Frost, no one has to get hurt. We just want the princess"

' Over my dead body. As long as I'm alive you'll never have her. I will protect her until my final breath"

'' It doesn't have to be like this Frost. Just hand her over"

' Are you deaf? I'll never give her to you"

' Suit yourself", they said unleashing their power 

Frost pulled Barry behind her and made a protective layer out of ice

' Barry we have to do something. I can't hold them off forever"

Barry quickly looked around 

' Well then we'd better make sure that they don't catch us"

Barry grabbed Frost and they made a run for it. They quickly got into the car and sped off

' Who were they? What's happening?"

' Just keep driving Barry. I will explain everything later or Caitlin will. Right now we have to get out of here. They have found us"

' They have escaped. She has some guy helping her. No he seems human. No I don't think he has any idea who he is protecting. But the question is why is he helping her if he doesn't know anything? But we'll catch her sooner or later. How long can she run from us?"

'Okay I want to know everything. Don't you dare leave anything out"

' Barry I've already have told you everything that you need to know. Please believe me that the stuff I can't tell you is for your own good. I don't want to put you in any more danger than you already are"

' Caitlin your not putting me in any danger. I chose this danger willingly when I set out to help you. Please let me in and don't leave anything out"

' Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies"

' Caitlin I need to know everything? The danger we're in, who is this princess that they want, and who Frost has vowed to protect?"

' I've told you everything that I know and if you keep questioning me I'll leave this place and go"

Barry watched helplessly as Caitlin stormed off

' Caitlin don't you think that you were a bit harsh on him?"

' Pot, kettle, black"

' All he wants to do is help us"

' He doesn't know the full story so he doesn't know the full danger he is in. I need to keep him away from this"

' But I don't want to be kept away from this. I will do my best to protect you but I need to know what I'm up against"

' No, you need to stay away. It's too dangerous"

' I declare what's dangerous and if I should stay away"

' Barry, they have already targeted your mother. What if they target somebody else that you care about?"

'  Lucky I have no one else I care about. But my mum? Is she alright?"

' She's fine. They won't target her now because they already did it once and they failed. So she's of no use to them anymore"

' So now we need to get you home because they are coming for you"

' Barry, they won't stop. I can't let you get hurt. These things have powers and can easily hurt you. I'm fine because I have a power and also have Frost to help me. But you don't have anything. I can't let you get  hurt in my presence. I won't have that on my conscience"

' So what happens now?"

' This is where we part ways"

' No"

' You have already risked a lot getting me here. I can't let you risk anymore. I'm eternally grateful for everything that you have done"

Duff, duff, duff. As always, feedback appreciated 

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