Maid of Honor

By PamHursey

2.6M 31.3K 1.8K

Morgan Stone is a normal 23 year old. Or so she thinks. After a year of not hearing from her older sister Jul... More

I hate airplanes
Time to kill Sis
Bachelorette Parties are disasters waiting to happen
Time to murder the Bride
Rehearsal Dinner with Uninvited Guests
Alone in the Dark
Untold Secrets
Wedding Rehearsal
Meeting the Parents
Dinner with the King and Queen
A Wedding to Remember
Escaping the Werewolf
First kiss
Anger and Power
Jace's Plan
Mom and Dad
Flower Power
The girl in the vision
An angel with brown curls
Witch Power
Alec's Discovery
Escaping the werewolf take 2
New Acquaintances
Bad News
The Waiting Game
Becoming One
Never say No to a Witch
Returning to the Cemetery
Don't Mess with the Dead
I Really Hate Devon
Loss and Heartache
First Tears
Waking up
A wedding from Hell
Dirty Little Secret
Author's Note

Sweet Revenge

37.3K 761 62
By PamHursey

Chapter 38 Sweet Revenge

Once we finally got Emery calmed down and back to sleep me and Alec headed to my room. Somehow Alec wasn’t able to see what I saw and I wasn’t ready to tell him even with his constant demands and glares and threats. So instead we laid there with those images flashing through my mind. Alec fell asleep with me pressed firmly against his chest. I couldn’t sleep and decided to push the images to the back of my mind for now. Instead I started plopping my revenge. Jules isn’t off the hook yet. As quietly as possible I slipped out of Alec’s hold and went looking for the spell book.

When I had my idea I went sneaking around looking for Jules room. That was a challenge in itself and when I finally found it I wasn’t sure it would be possible to slip in without her hearing. I mean she is a vampire, you would think a mere human wouldn’t be able to sneak up on them but I did and it was amazing. Once my plan was in place I headed out to the hall trying not to giggle. Oh sweet, sweet revenge.

I walked around the house for hours just thinking and waiting for Jules to wake up. While I was walking around downstairs I saw a large black door down the hall from the kitchen and decided to check it out. When I opened it I was welcomed by, yep darkness. I know vampires can see good in the dark but come on this is getting ridicules. So I created a fireball to see old stone steps leading downstairs and stone walls. It looked pretty old but well maintained since there wasn’t a single crack in the walls. Making my way down the steps slowly taking in the area which wasn’t much since it was a stairwell but the sounds of moans and groans had my heart racing. I made it to a small landing that turned to the left and went down more steps. The smell was horrible like rotting flesh, blood and mold. The sounds were getting louder and I feared I just walked into a nightmare.

When I reached the bottom it was like Deja vu all over again. There were cages everywhere but the room was huge and there were tons of cages filled with people. Once they saw me all eyes in the place were on me making me shiver. There were glowing orange eyes, yellow eyes, black eyes, the ones that creped me out the most though were the red ones that looked like flames. Oh dear what have I just walked into?

“Morgan” a voice said from somewhere in front of me. If I wanted to find the voice it meant walking between all these cages and I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. But at the same time the voice sounded familiar and calm. The cage closest to me had a few guys that were only wearing black pants and were pacing in front of the cage like they were going to reach out and grab me. One of them had flaming red hair, red eyes and at least 7’ tall with lots of muscles looking scary as hell. The other was about the same height with blond hair, red eyes and tattoos covering his chest, back and arms.

“Morgan come down here” that same voice said. Looking down the narrow walkway I decided I’d find out who it was even if my heart was threatening to break my rips. So keeping my eyes forward I started walking but of course my eyes do what they want and continue to look around. There were more people in some cells, where there were 2 in the first one there were 5 and 10 in others. But I did notice there wasn’t a single cell empty. As I got toward the middle I spotted who was talking to me.

“Wes” I asked when I saw the blond werewolf that was with Jace. He smiled at me and nodded his head probably surprised I remember who he was.

“Hello again” he said “Glad to see you are alive even though I’m not sure how”

“Long story, what are you doing in here” I asked looking behind him to see there were about 6 more guys in the cage with him.

“The prince put all of us in here till he decided whether to kill us or not. But now I see why he hasn’t come back down.” Wes said looking at the fireball in my hand. I pictured it floating above us lighting up the room and it slowly lifted off my hand hovering about 2’ above my head. It lit up the whole place and I saw more cells made of stone behind these cages, the floors were stone, walls stone or at least what I could see and the ceiling was stone. I felt like I was standing in a cavern just without all the jagged rocks.

“Well at least he didn’t kill you on sight but I don’t know why he hasn’t let you out unless he fears you are a threat.” I said looking at the guys behind him who were just watching us quietly.

“No we told him we wouldn’t mess with any of you again but he said he would see. We didn’t know Jace was going after you for revenge or none of us would of joined him. He came to us talking about witches and vampires coming together to wipe out the werewolves because they felt we were a threat and thought we were going to try and take over this world. But I swear Morgan we never meant to hurt anyone. Most of us didn’t really, just watched but we thought if the witches were trying to kill us we wouldn’t stop Jace. I’m sorry about what happened to your friends and wish I knew the truth before” Wes looked down at his hands that were gripping the bars so tight his knuckles were turning white.

“How did Jace find out where my parents lived” I asked wondering how he went from not knowing to actually kidnapping them.

“That vampire, Devon, she called Jace and told him”

“What about the other wolves that stayed with Jace did Alec bring them here?”

“Yeah they are locked up father down the way. They however don’t feel the same as we do and think all the witches should be killed. Most of them Alec has already sentenced to death but some he hasn’t decided about yet. Not really sure what he is waiting for. But I will do whatever you want if you get us out of here” Wes was pleading with me and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He looked so young and I knew he meant what he said. But it wasn’t my place to make that decision but I know who is.

“I will talk to Alec and get him to let you go, but keep in mind I am strong enough to kill you myself I just don’t like the idea of killing. So if you are lying to me in any way and try anything I won’t hesitate to kill you” I stated making him nod quickly.

“Hang in there and I’ll see what I can do” I said turning to walk away.

Nobody said anything to me but they all watched me as I went back upstairs rather quickly because those people were scaring the hell out of me. I walked up the stairs heading for my room thinking about what Wes said. Alec locked them all up but didn’t go back to let the out. Maybe he wasn’t planning on letting them out. As I was walking down the hall an ear piercing scream echoed the whole palace and I grinned like a madman. Ace, Max, Davis, Collin, Alec and a few other guys I didn’t know showed up in the hallway where I was standing and I wondered where they all came from. They were standing there looking around trying to figure out who screamed. I was giggling like a fool when they all looked at me confused.

“MORGAN LEE STONE” Jules screamed. My eyes went wide when I saw her storming down the hall.

“RUN” I screamed and turned running down the hall away from everyone when Jules popped up in front of me.

“AAAAHHH” I screamed and turned to see all the guys trying not to laugh even Alec was trying not to laugh and I threw myself at him as he caught me with ease.

“What did you do” Alec asked with a chuckle.

“MORGAN YOU’RE DEAD MEAT” Jules screamed just as she tackled me and Alec to the ground. We were rolling around on the floor and every time I saw her I would start laughing making her even more pissed. Finally Collin grabbed Jules pulling her off me laughing until Jules shot him a look to kill. He quickly shut up but I was still rolling on the floor laughing so hard it was making my sides hurt.

“You did that” Alec asked pointing toward Jules hair. I laughed and nodded unable to speak. One thing my sister hates more than the color hot pink is people messing with her hair.

“You turned my hair HOT PINK” Jules shrieked making me laugh again.

“R-Re-Revenge” I finally managed to say between laughs “Not over either” I said getting up and running down the hall leaving them all confused.

“MORGAN” Jules yelled but I hid in a room that I remembered to be Alec’s. Within seconds everyone was in the room circling me and all I could do was laugh. Jules stepping in front of me looking murderous but it was too funny because her hair was hot pink and the madder she got the brighter it got. The spell I found required a strand of her hair and all I had to do was think of the color I wanted. Jules started toward me but I took off running for my life laughing the whole way down the hall after maneuvering around everyone.

“MORGAN, I’M GOING TO KILL YOU” she screamed making me laugh harder. Someone grabbed me around the waist lifting me off the floor while my feet kept moving. I turned to see Collin trying to hide a smile but turned me to see Jules standing behind me.

“That’s not fair, you can’t involve the men” I snapped making Jules laugh like an evil psycho.

“You better change this back before my baby comes out with pink hair” she said but quickly cover her mouth. Collin dropped me so fast I landed on my face on the floor.

“Ow, that wasn’t nice” I said standing up and turned to see Collin standing right in front of Jules and she looked like she was going to cry. AWE! Then it dawned on me what she said.

“Holy shit your pregnant” I squealed rushing over to her knocking Collin out of the way because he seemed in shock and pulled Jules into a hug before pressing my ear to her stomach “It’s a girl and she said she likes pink” I laughed knowing Jules was going to smack me.

“Morgan you can’t hear anything and it’s not going to like pink” Jules defended making me giggle.

“You just watch” I said walking away laughing. Her hair would change as soon as she took a shower but I wasn’t telling her that.

After my little prank and Jules took a shower we decided to start working on the wedding. Jules said she wasn’t planning on telling anyone about the baby till after the wedding but since it slipped we decided to let everyone know. Everyone was excited and Jules was glowing while we talked about all the things we would have to do before the baby came. I was thrilled to be an Aunt and thrilled it wasn’t me because I didn’t think I was ready for a baby. Especially since that vision Emery had made me think I might be around long enough to have one. The wedding was taking place in the back yard, somewhere I’d never been and if I thought the front was big the back was even bigger. It was covered with beautiful bright green grass, flower gardens everywhere and more statues. There were statues of people, animals, flowers and I swear I saw one of a hand holding up a peace sign. WEIRD!

People were everywhere setting up benches and flowers, the alter, music and more. What we were doing here I wasn’t sure but Jules was walking around talking to people while I watched. The guys were setting up guards for during the wedding so nothing would happen.

“I think we should do a double wedding” Jules said stepping up beside me where I was sitting on a bench in front of the alter.

“That would be cool, who would be the other bride” I asked looking over to see Jules grinning at me.

“I have an idea” she said winking at me.

“Oh hell no, not happening. One I just met that crazy ass, two he might not want me soon and three he hasn’t even asked” I said as the images of Emery’s vision flashed in my mind.

“What is that supposed to mean, of course he wants you. Why would you say that” Jules looked like she was angry that I said that.

“Jules I saw something that is kind of freaking me out. But if I tell you, you can’t run to Alec or Collin, not yet” I said taking a deep breath.

“Honey you can tell me anything” Jules looked worried and I didn’t blame her. I was worried myself.

“Emery had a vision and I was able to see it, let’s say it wasn’t pretty. I saw a bunch of demons I think, But the thing is there was a guy with black eyes with red rings on the edge, black hair and scary as hell. He had me tied up to a wall and was using a whip on me. There was blood everywhere and this guy seemed to be evil beyond evil. Jules it was the scariest thing I’ve seen and I’m actually pretty freaked but I know if I tell Alec he is going to go crazy on me and never let me out of his  sight” I sighed feeling defeated. I have no idea when this guy is going to take me but I’m sure I have an idea why. POWER!

“Oh Mori, I’m so sorry. But I think you need to tell Alec so he can at least know what is going on. You don’t want him to be blindsided by this if something does happen do you” well that wasn’t what I wanted to hear. But she is right.

“Fine I’ll tell him later” I said getting up and walking back inside. I wasn’t doing anything anyway. Inside I found everyone running around like crazy people and I just smiled at anyone that passed.

“What are you doing princess” Alec whispered in my ear making me jump.

“Don’t do that” I snapped spinning around smacking his arm. Alec just laughed and kissed my forehead.

“Alec what are you planning to do with Wes and the other wolves that came to you” I asked when I realized we were standing right beside the door to the basement. He raised an eyebrow at me his lips drawn in a thin line.

“How do you know they are still alive” he questioned. I pointed to the door.

“I went down there and talked to him” Alec looked pissed about that and knew the yelling was about to begin.

“God damn it Morgan you shouldn’t have been down there. Do you even know what half those things are down there? If the wrong person touched you you’d be dead. Don’t you ever go down there without me, actually don’t ever go down there again” he yelled. I shook my head and walked away from him not liking him talking to me like a child.

“Ok dad” I said sarcastically and started up the steps. Alec growled and when I glanced down he was glaring at me. I flipped him off and continued up the stairs only to be picked up and thrown over Alec’s shoulder.

“Put me down you ass” I shouted. He put me down alright, he threw me onto a bed and I didn’t remember even zapping her.

“Morgan,” Alec growled and I smiled.

“Alec” I think this is becoming a normal thing with us. I sat up on my arms staring at Alec while he glared at me. Like I said before he doesn’t bother me with that look anymore.

“I want Wes let go along with the rest of the wolves that came with him. The ones that stayed with Jace you can do what you like but Wes chose to leave and not fight with Jace so he doesn’t need to be locked up.” I said looking him right in the eyes.

“You are really hot when you get all bossy but keep in mind princess I’m in charge” Alec said which pissed me off. I stood up on the bed so I was actually a little taller than Alec and glared.

“You might be in charge of this place but you are not in charge of me and if that means I let Wes out myself I will.” I yelled and his usual smirk crossed his face and those eyes turned bright blue. Oh shit.

Before I knew it Alec had me pinned to the bed, my arms to my sides and his hands beside my shoulders. His lips brushed mine sending shivers down my body, this so isn’t fair. I turned my head to the side which didn’t stop him from kissing down my jaw to my neck where he teased me licking and nipping at my skin.

“Alec,” my voice was low but I wanted an answer.

“I’ll let them go princess only because you asked oh so nicely, but I demand payment after the party we are going to tonight” Alec smirked. I arched an eyebrow at him. What party? Nobody said anything about a party, the last party I was at turned into a disaster and if I remember correctly Alec was making out with Devon. That was not a mental picture I wanted to see.  And what the hell is he talking about payment?

“Don’t worry about it now princess I’ll let you know later but for now get ready for the party. It’s mostly just friends, music and some fun to relax before the wedding” Alec said giving me a gentle kiss then disappeared. What the hell get me all hot and bothered to just walk away, that’s not even right. Oh he will be so sorry for that. I’ll make sure of it.

After digging through all the clothes in the huge closet I found just what I was looking for to make Alec sorry for teasing me. I told him he wasn’t allowed to see me for what he did and Ace could bring me to the party where ever it was. He wasn’t happy at all making me laugh evilly. The dress I picked out was a simple black dress that wrapped around my neck leaving my back exposed. It fell to mid-thigh and with the black heels it looked really good. Doing just a make-up and leaving my hair down I looked in the mirror to see I looked ok then headed out to find Ace sprawled out on my bed. He was wearing a white t-shirt and light blue jeans with bare feet. Huh what’s up with that? Ace turned to me with a grin.

“Are you trying to give him a heart attack” Ace teased.

“No just make him sorry for messing with me” I answered. Ace laughed and stood up taking my hand as the room disappeared. We reappeared at the beach Jules took me to and it was packed. There were people everywhere. The sky was a dark purple as it was slowly getting dark, the black sand was the same and making it very hard to walk in heels. Now I know why Ace was barefooted. I kicked my heels off and looked around to see there were a bunch more stacks of wood incased in rocks but not a single one was burning. Maybe because it wasn’t dark yet. Ace was leading me toward a group of people when I realized it was Blake, Samantha, Shawn, Gage, Daniel, Jesse, Jules and Collin. I ran over to Daniel hugging him, then Jesse because I hadn’t seen them since I woke up.  Shawn was smiling at me when I turned to him.

“You are an evil little woman” Shawn said and I looked at him innocently.

“What did I do” I asked faking hurt.

“Alec told us what you did”

“What I did, he started it” I said wondering if we were even talking about the same thing now.

“You tease him, get what you want and you think he started it” Shawn laughed

“I didn’t tease him, he was teasing me” I snapped.

“Honey, you not backing down from Alec is a turn on for him plus you are hot, so I’m sure you can figure out the rest” Shawn said. I just stared dumbfounded. I never knew that oh but I will use it.

Music started blaring through large speakers by a small stage I didn’t see before. There was a few people standing there talking and I realized one of them immediately. Alec. My heart started beating a little faster when I saw him, a black beater that was stretched across his muscled chest, his biceps flexing every time he moved his arms. The black leather pants sat low on his hips hugging his body and making me drool. Maybe this is going to backfire on me. Alec must of felt me staring because he finally turned to look at me when our eyes locked. When he looked down my body I saw his eyebrows raise and in a flash he was in front of me his eyes shining bright blue. Maybe it will work. His arm wrapped around my waist pulling me to him as a smile spread my lips.

“You are trying to kill me aren’t you” he growled.

“Why would you think that” I teased.

“Come with me” Alec said pulling me away from everyone toward the stage. I followed only because he wasn’t letting me go and was pretty much dragging me. When we got up on stage I saw all the people had stopped what they were doing and was watching us. This is not a good thing, I hate being watched.

“Good evening everyone” Alec started when the music stopped and instantly I had knots in my stomach “I want you all to meet my mate Morgan Stone, and yes she is the one you have all been hearing about” Alec looked at me then, this is not good.

“Morgan light the bonfires” Alec whispered in my ear. Oh great now he’s showing me off. I gave him a look that said ‘I’m not happy about this’ but he just smiled. I gave up knowing I wasn’t getting out of this and turned to the crowd who was already whispering. Looking at all the stacks of wood I pictured them burning and listened to everyone gasp when the wood ignited and blazed high above their heads. When they were burning I turned to walk away from Alec annoyed he would do that to me when I heard his next words making me freeze.

“Marry me Morgan”


Ok so being sick isn't helping my writing so if this chapter sucks let me know.




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