Time to murder the Bride

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Chapter 4 Time to murder the Bride

“I swear if I get my hands on you you’re dead” I yelled at my sister who was hiding behind the seamstress.

The lady was older in her 50’s with white hair and soft blue eyes tall with her 4 inch heels. She looked like she had more stress than any one person should have but I guess dealing with a pissed off maid of honor doesn’t help. The dresses Jules picked out were so ugly I told her I wasn’t wearing it.

“Come on Mori, it’s not that bad” she cried still hiding behind the older lady.

“If you want me in this damn wedding you will pick a different color of dress and style” I yelled looking over at the puck green puffy dress which made me gag.

“Fine I’ll change your dress but only yours” she said pouting which made me smile triumphantly.

An hour later I’m back in my jeans, light blue tank top and boots. The lady, who I found out is Callie got all my measurements, a new color and design for my dress. She wasn’t at all happy about making a new dress for this wedding but Jules promised her a bonus or something. Rich people I swear. It was noon when we finally decided to go to the dining room in the hotel to eat. Which was good because I didn’t get breakfast and all the chasing made me hungry.

The lounge was all black and white with black marble floors and walls, white tables, a bar at the back and some chairs around the room. A young girl with wavy black hair led us to a large table at the back where some of Jules friends were sitting.

“Mori, this is Ashley, Daisy, Sandy and Devon” Jules said pointing to each of the girls.

Ashley had long brown hair that fell to her shoulders with brown eyes, pale skin, thin body and a nice smile. Daisy is pretty with blond hair, blue eyes looking like a little girl. Her blond hair falling in tight curls around her baby face. Sandy is also blond but it is short with short bangs and spiky in the back, hazel eyes and a friendly smile.

Devon however looks like she wants to kill me and I’m not sure why. She has long red hair, lavender eyes with high cheek bones, full lips, and small button nose. Her body is perfect with long legs, small waist, ample breasts, let’s just say a model would kill to look like her.

“Hello” I said sitting down beside Ashley and Jules.

“So did you see the dresses” Daisy asked with a giggle.

“Yea but see being the more violent sister I threatened death to get a different one” I laughed when Jules glared at me.

An hour later we were still talking about the wedding, all the girls other than Devon seemed really nice and easy to talk to. From what I was told the wedding is going to be on the beach at night with lots of candles and Christmas lights or rope lights, I wasn’t really paying attention to that. It sounded like a fairy tale wedding and the reason my sister picked green was because she likes the color and it reminds her of the sea. I pointed out that the ocean is brown or blue not puke green which got me another glare and an eye roll.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom when they started talking about the honeymoon. The bathroom was like the dining room with black floors, black walls, black everything. At least they were rich enough to use soft toilet paper. After washing my hands I looked in the mirror to see my hair looked like a mess so I combed it out with my fingers then walked out into the small hallway. What I saw shocked the hell out of me; Devon was pinned to the wall by a tall guy with short dark brown hair, a dark blue dress shirt and light blue jeans. She looked scared pulling at his forearm that was across her throat.

“Where is she” he growled in her face. The voice sounded somewhat familiar.

I wasn’t sure why it pissed me off so much but I stormed over to him shoving him away from Devon with all my strength. He stumbled away from Devon, not expecting it obviously, the knife that was in my pocket already in hand as I grabbed Devon pulling her behind me when the guy finally turned to me. I couldn’t help but gasp when I saw him. Damn it I never wanted to see him again.

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