Sweet Revenge

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Chapter 38 Sweet Revenge

Once we finally got Emery calmed down and back to sleep me and Alec headed to my room. Somehow Alec wasn’t able to see what I saw and I wasn’t ready to tell him even with his constant demands and glares and threats. So instead we laid there with those images flashing through my mind. Alec fell asleep with me pressed firmly against his chest. I couldn’t sleep and decided to push the images to the back of my mind for now. Instead I started plopping my revenge. Jules isn’t off the hook yet. As quietly as possible I slipped out of Alec’s hold and went looking for the spell book.

When I had my idea I went sneaking around looking for Jules room. That was a challenge in itself and when I finally found it I wasn’t sure it would be possible to slip in without her hearing. I mean she is a vampire, you would think a mere human wouldn’t be able to sneak up on them but I did and it was amazing. Once my plan was in place I headed out to the hall trying not to giggle. Oh sweet, sweet revenge.

I walked around the house for hours just thinking and waiting for Jules to wake up. While I was walking around downstairs I saw a large black door down the hall from the kitchen and decided to check it out. When I opened it I was welcomed by, yep darkness. I know vampires can see good in the dark but come on this is getting ridicules. So I created a fireball to see old stone steps leading downstairs and stone walls. It looked pretty old but well maintained since there wasn’t a single crack in the walls. Making my way down the steps slowly taking in the area which wasn’t much since it was a stairwell but the sounds of moans and groans had my heart racing. I made it to a small landing that turned to the left and went down more steps. The smell was horrible like rotting flesh, blood and mold. The sounds were getting louder and I feared I just walked into a nightmare.

When I reached the bottom it was like Deja vu all over again. There were cages everywhere but the room was huge and there were tons of cages filled with people. Once they saw me all eyes in the place were on me making me shiver. There were glowing orange eyes, yellow eyes, black eyes, the ones that creped me out the most though were the red ones that looked like flames. Oh dear what have I just walked into?

“Morgan” a voice said from somewhere in front of me. If I wanted to find the voice it meant walking between all these cages and I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. But at the same time the voice sounded familiar and calm. The cage closest to me had a few guys that were only wearing black pants and were pacing in front of the cage like they were going to reach out and grab me. One of them had flaming red hair, red eyes and at least 7’ tall with lots of muscles looking scary as hell. The other was about the same height with blond hair, red eyes and tattoos covering his chest, back and arms.

“Morgan come down here” that same voice said. Looking down the narrow walkway I decided I’d find out who it was even if my heart was threatening to break my rips. So keeping my eyes forward I started walking but of course my eyes do what they want and continue to look around. There were more people in some cells, where there were 2 in the first one there were 5 and 10 in others. But I did notice there wasn’t a single cell empty. As I got toward the middle I spotted who was talking to me.

“Wes” I asked when I saw the blond werewolf that was with Jace. He smiled at me and nodded his head probably surprised I remember who he was.

“Hello again” he said “Glad to see you are alive even though I’m not sure how”

“Long story, what are you doing in here” I asked looking behind him to see there were about 6 more guys in the cage with him.

“The prince put all of us in here till he decided whether to kill us or not. But now I see why he hasn’t come back down.” Wes said looking at the fireball in my hand. I pictured it floating above us lighting up the room and it slowly lifted off my hand hovering about 2’ above my head. It lit up the whole place and I saw more cells made of stone behind these cages, the floors were stone, walls stone or at least what I could see and the ceiling was stone. I felt like I was standing in a cavern just without all the jagged rocks.

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