Werewolf In Smallville

By arrow-wolf

824 14 12

Eli hale's life has been hell for nine months, since Derek hale, his dad died. He's lost the only person who... More

1: why am I in a cave?
2: getting use to Smallville
3: Smallville full moon
4: first day of Smallville school
6: aftermath
7: making it up
8: Eli's gift
9: going to the superman museum
10: super-museum problem.
11: anchored trust
12: doppelganger's children.
13: I've been WHAT?!
14: goodbyes and Nat's memories.
15: healed and home

5: argument

43 1 0
By arrow-wolf

Eli hale, it's been a couple of hours since Lois told me to go to bed. I have not. "At least I'm not Just swinging around a Lacrosse stick" I said, I was finishing painting my room, and wondering about that dream. "What did that dream mean?" I asked myself, I know what was more 'real' in that dream, or I think I do. The Blue Light, clear sky with the full moon and the Nemeton. I think that Nat was right. I might be trying to remember how I got here, but my brain couldn't of thought of a none traumatic way to get me to remember? "Of course I couldn't" I sighed, because every hale must have trauma. Mine is that I am in a different universe not even a year after my dad died, that I'm now blaming myself for. "Fucking hell" I groaned, I have the third worst. Peter was in a coma and Dad was... I don't have time to list everything I know about. "I need to at least try and go to sleep" I sighed, I'm not even a little tired, I Just want to lay on that bed. I did some slight tiding and got into my bed.

I found myself running, shades of blue surrounding me, parts flashing with familiar sights, I don't know what they are though, the scenery keeps on changing between two places, the places are on the tip of my tongue, I Just can't acknowledge it. I was out of breath, I knew I couldn't stop running but I don't know why I can't. Am I running from someone? From something? Or to something or someone? "Where am I?!" I yelled, the blue around me shooked and I stopped moving, was I even running in the first place? I could recognise the scenery now. The first one was of the nemeton from Beacon hills, and the caves of Smallville. "This is another dream" I realised, I was half aware that this is dream, last time I was barely aware. I shuttered. "I wasn't- I'm not at fault" I said, I held myself, Don't start blaming yourself Eli. as I glanced around the... wherever I am. I could see it was the same blue mix as the last dream. "is this part of how I got here?" I Demanded, memories flashed through the scenery, but once again I couldn't acknowledge what I was seeing. I groaned. "What does it matt-er..." I started to yell, a voice ran through my ears before I could continue. "Eli!" The voice yelled again, it was my dad's voice. "Dad?!" I yelled, I couldn't help but respond to him. "Dad!?" I Repeated, I was desperate to see him again. The voice was all around me, I didn't know where to go, so I could see him. "what's the point of these dreams if they Just hurt me?!" I yelled, I wanted to hit something, and cry. "I Just want to figure out why I'm here" I said, I fell to the... 'ground', if you can call it that. "I Just want to see him again" I cried silently, I don't even care that much about finding out what this means. "I Just want to see my dad again" I cried, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I Turned my head to look "Dad?" I whispered, it wasn't him, it was Clark kent again. But he looks like him. "I've missed you" he sighed, he- he missed me? He collapsed to the floor, holding me. "Dad? D- dad?" I cried, he pulled me closer to him. "Eli" he breathed, it's him. It's Derek hale, my dad "Dad" I sobbed, I pulled him closer to me. "I've wanted to see you so bad" he Whispered, he Held me tight against himself. I didn't want to let go of him either "Why are you crying?" He asked, he wiped my eyes and put space in between us "I- it doesn't matter" I said, I could feel his Arms around me. "Y-you don't blame me for your death do you?" I asked Quietly, tears fell from my face. "Eli.." He said, I'm dreading his response. He put his hand through my hair and hugged me tight. "of course not, my death wasn't your fault" he said, I cried harder. He doesn't balme me. "thank you" I said, I clung to him, I needed to hear that. "I've missed you so much" I said, he rubbed my back, back and fourth. "Shhh~ it's okay" he shushed, I know this is a dream, and it kills me "I've missed you too" he Whispered, I was completely comfortable in his arms, I've wanted this since he died, for him to hold me again. "I Don't want this to end" we said, we chuckled a little after saying it. "It's going to have to" I said, all dreams have to end. "I love you Eli, you will always be my son, my wolf pup" dad Asurred, he pulled me closer. "I know dad, I love you too" I said, At least through this dream I actually got to say something to him "bye dad" I said, I needed to say it, I didn't when he actually died. "I don't want you to go" he sa- cried, he's crying. We pulled ourselves away from each other. "I don't want you to go" I said, I felt as if I should say something, I Just can't come up with anything. "You look exactly like you did" dad observed, I guess I do. "I can't exactly say the same for you, you look like a nerd" I Joked, he laughed, nodding as he stood up. "Ya, ya I do wolf pup" dad agreed, he pulled me up. he wasn't crying anymore, and nore was I. The 'world' started shaking "Dad what's going on?!" I panicked, dad pulled me closer to him. "I don't know, stay close to me" he Demanded, I held his side. He was partly crouched in a fighting stance "Dad I'm scared" I whispered, he put his arm around me. "It's okay, it's going to be okay" he Asurred, the 'world' started to shake even more, we pulled each other closer. The 'world' started to crack, revealing a black void "dad!" I yelled, he straighten up, Held me against himself. "I'm not going to lose you again" he said, I don't want to lose him! The floor splintered and cracked under my feet "dad!" I yelled, the floor broke beneath me, and I fell. "Dad!" I screamed, he grabbed my wrists. I was hanging in the void, shaking uncontrollably. "Why can't I pull you up!?" He said urgently, I had hold of the edge of the blue thing we were standing on, but not well. "Dad- dad I'm scared!" I yelled, I was shaking violently, and I heard... yelling? "What's that voice?" I asked, I.. recognise it. "No! No!" I yelled, I started to cry "I can't- not now!" I yelled, I could Tell my dad's grip was slipping "Eli everything is going to be okay!" He yelled anxiously, the voice was louder, yelling my name "I love you dad" I said, his grip failed. "ELI!" He Screamed, I fell into the void.

I saw a metal person gripping me, fell onto the ground and curled into myself "don't hurt me!" I begged, this is it. I'm going to be locked up in a government facility for the rest of my life "Eli!" The metal person yelled happily, the voice was recognisable, please not another doppelganger "Eli, Eli... it's me, Nat" said Nat, I glanced through my arms. It was Nat, the helmet was off now, she was the one standing Infront of me. "N-nhat? N-nat?" I Freaked, my voice and breath was shaking. "Shh it's okay, it was Just a dream" Asurred Nat, ...She thinks the dream is what freaked me out. "Right... it was a dream" I sighed, I felt the tears on my face and wiped them away. "You had another one?" Nat asked, she held out her arm and pulled me up. I nodded. "Want to tell me about it?" She asked, I shook my head. She patted me on the back. "That's okay, but if you need to I'm here" she reminded, I nodded and wiped my eyes- wait what? "What are you wearing?" I asked, she was in a metal suit, I looked behind her and saw some kind of helmet. "ummm" said Nat, she didn't think this through did she? "Let's Just get out of here, I'll explain on the way" said Nat, I already recognised this place as the caves- "oh shit I sleepwalked again didn't I?" I asked, I didn't connect the dots fast enough "ya, let's Get going wolfy" confirmed Nat, I rolled my Eyes, I knew that was going to stick. we got going, she picked up her helmet.

Nat Lane Irons, something doesn't feel right, I'm a worried about Eli, maybe it's because of what he told me last night. "He shouldn't need that" I sighed, he shouldn't need those contingency plans, but what he told me about his world it makes sense he needs them, and probably more. My dad did feel the need to kill Clark from this universe. "what was that?" Asked Dad, I said that a little too loud. "Nothing, mind if I go to the farm before school?" I asked, I got up a little to early. "Sure, I Don't think Lois would mind" allowed Dad, she probably won't, especially if I say I'm here for Eli, I'm sure we're all worried for him.

I was at the farm. I knocked the door "Nat what are you doing here?" Asked Lois, I'm worried about a lost werepuppy that's living with you. Don't laugh. "Thought I'd come over and check on Eli, that's okay right?" I asked, Eli is a lost werepuppy. I chuckled "ya of course, he's still asleep in his room, I was Just about to let him out" informed Lois, Let him out? Oh right his sleep walking, he thinks it's best if his locked in his room. "I can do that" I offered, I still have this bad feeling. "Sure, if you want, here's the key" said Lois, she gave me the key. "Hay Nat!" Greeted Jonathan and Jordan, they were already eating "hay, going to wake up Eli" I said, I ran up the Stairs before they could say something. I unlocked the door "Eli you up?" I asked, I didn't hear anything, so I opened the door- the rooms empty. The window was open. "Lois!" I yelled, this isn't good! I ran to the window, it was definitely opened, not broken. At least it was Just the fall then. "what- Where's Eli?" Asked Lois, I saw the boys at the door "I don't know-..." I said, well I have a suspicion. "Call my dad, get him to bring my suit" I Demanded, I need to go looking for him.

We all went separate ways, Jordan was searching Just outside of Smallville, Lois and Jonathan were searching inside of Smallville, dad was searching around, and I went to the Mines, I bet this is where he'll be, but Just incase he isn't I sent them all over Smallville. "Any sign of him?" I asked, I hope I'd find him first, it would be easier for him if it was me, I think. "No, I'm guessing same on your end?" Asked Dad, I haven't came across a sign of him yet. "I wish" I sighed, we searched in silence. "Where are you Eli?" I sighed, I heard something, I went quiet. Mumbling! "Eli!" I yelled, I ran to the mumbling. He was there, still sleep walking. "I found him, don't expect a response" I said, I ran to Eli, I started shaking him. "Eli! Eli!" I Chanted his name, he had seemed to be crying. During his sleep. "Eli!" I yelled, he mumbled things under his breath "N-no!" He mumbled, he had started crying again. "Eli wake up!" I yelled, he needs to wake u-p... am I scaring him? his eyes shot open and he fell to the ground and curled into hisself. "Eli!" I Sighed nervously, he's awake, why did he get int- "don't hurt me!" He begged, he must of been having a nightmare. "Eli, Eli... it's me, Nat" I Whispered, I ripped off my helmet. he glanced through his arms. "N-nhat? N-nat?" He checked, his voice and breath was shaking. He's terrified. "Shh it's okay, it was Just a dream" I Asurred, he seemed to be confused, and really out of it. "Right... it was a dream" he sighed, it's sad that these hurt him and scare him. he wiped his Eyes, he stopped crying. "You had another one?" I asked, he nodded slightly. I held out my arm for him and I pulled him up. "Want to tell me about it?" She asked, he shook his head. I figured that would be his response. I patted him on the back. "That's okay, but if you need to talk, I'm here" I reminded, he nodded, wiping his eyes again, then tilted his head, looking confused "What are you wearing?" He asked, ohhhg rrighht. My suit. "Ummm" I hummed, this is going to be hard to expla- why am I trying to think of a lie? "Let's Just get out of here, I'll explain on the way" I promised, he's told me almost everything about him, I can tell him this. "oh shit I sleepwalked again didn't I?" He asked, I chuckled a little, he didn't realise that. "ya, let's Get going wolfy" I said, Eli rolled his Eyes but we began walking, I grabbed my helmet.

We had been walking for awhile, I'd been trying to figure out how to explain the suit. "You remember superman right? The alien hero?" I checked, Eli nodded, of course he does, how could you forget an alien hero? "Well.. I'm a hero, in training, so when I you were missing, I got this on and went searching for my little lost werepuppy" I explained, werepuppy is better. Eli rolled his eyes hard at my Nickname, I chuckled. "first: I can deal with those comments and or Nicknames, Just no little okay? And not infront of anyone, got it?" Asked Eli, that seems far, suprised he's okay with the 'my' part of the comment. "Of course" I said, does he want them said in private out of fear? "And Second, you're becoming a hero!? That's awesome! Right?" Supported Eli, I nodded, he told me how some people don't want to be supernatural, is that why he backtracked? "Ya, So I should probably put my helmet back on and act like you don't know it's me" I said, I pulled on the helmet. "Of course Nat, or weird metal person" Joked Eli, we both broke down laughing.

We were back at the farm, Dad had relade to everyone that I found Eli "Eli your okay!" Yelled Lois, she ran over to us. "ya I am, the fall wasn't that bad, turns out I know how to fall correctly, even in my sleep " Joked Eli, I'm envious of werewolves healing abilitys. "Well I should go get dressed... bye... metal person?" Said Eli, I chuckled slightly, Eli ran into the house "He's okay right?" Asked Jonathan, I pulled off my helmet and nodded. "And he doesn't know that you're you?" Checked Dad, he'd be mad knowing I told him. But I know Eli's a werewolf so I don't care. "He doesn't, he was pretty frightened when he saw me but he's okay now" I said, that's our story. "Right because he doesn't have hero's in his world" Remembered Jordan, but he has supernaturals instead. Even trade. "you should get out of the suit, I'll keep an Eye on Eli" said Lois, I started to get the suit off as she ran after the werepuppy. I chuckled.

Eli hale, I walked into the house chuckling from calling Nat a metal person. "Eli" said Lois, I Tensed and Turned around. She hugged me. I feel so guilty. "I'm so Sorry For worrying you, I forgot to lock the window" I apologised, this is why I wanted to be locked in, I don't want to cause any trouble! "Eli, it's okay, I'm Just glad you're okay" she said, we stopped hugging. "Oh, okay then... I'll be in my room for a moment" I said, I don't want to be in my room for long, I should go to school. I ran upstairs and got changed. I was dressed and ready for school, I ran outside, Nat's dad was here. "Eli what are you doing down so quickly?" Asked Lois, damn it am I already to late for school? "I need to go to school, or am I too late?" I asked, they all seemed confused, school is a weekly thing in this universe right? "you want to go to school even though this happened?" Asked Lois, do they think this is my first time? "Eh this isn't the first time I've slept walked on a school day, I'm fine to go to school" I assured, I kind of want to, it'll be getting back to normal, or as normal as it can be. "Oh well okay then" said Lois, Nat gave me a little glare. She doesn't want me to go. "well shouldn't we be off to school then?" I asked, I adjusted my backpack. "ya, get in the car, all four of you" said Lois, Nat's coming with us? Cool.

School went by fast, it was already lunchtime. "Guys I'm fine, this happeneds a lot, okay?" I assured, they've been asking me that anytime they could, Well Nat's left me alone, mostly. "Really? A lot?" Asked Jordan, I don't see how that's hard to believe. "listen I can tell you think it's worse than it is, it really isn't that bad" I promised, and they still don't believe me. "Can we drop this? You three are overreacting" I said, Nat's more worried about the dream, but the dream wasn't the problem. "Sarah over here" summoned Jordan, his girlfriend sat down with us. "what are you overreacting about?" Asked... his girlfriend, I really need to learn her name, he Just said it! "We're Just worried about Eli, for a reasonable reason" said Jordan, I rolled my eyes, not really. "What's the reason?" She asked, why does she want to know? "Eli thinks that hi-" Jordan started to explain, why is he telling her? She has no right to know! "none of your business" I spat, I don't know her, I don't trust her. "Oh... okay then, I'll see you later Jordan" she said, she had gotten upset and uncomfortable, so she got up and left. Jordan was giving me a dirty look "what the hell was that?!" Asked Jordan, why is he so mad? "she doesn't need to know" I said, I could tell that there was confusion in my tone of voice. "She's my girlfriend!" Told Jordan, and then it clicked. He's angry because of how I spoke to her. "So?" I asked, I rolled my eyes, making him more angry. "You have no right to speak to her like that!" He Continued, she has no right to know. I rolled my eyes again. "well I just did, maybe you should tell your girlfriend not to be so nosy" I spat, what gives her the right to know about my sleepwalking!? Nothing! "she was Just wondering what we were talking about!" Said-Yelled Jordan, I punched down on the table "ya and you were going to tell her!" I yelled, what gave him the right to try!? "what's the problem with that?" He asked, he's got to be kidding me! "I don't know her, let alone trust her, she doesn't get to know what's going on with me" I said, she's Just a random girl! "she's Sarah! My girlfriend, you can trust her!" He assured angrily, I scoffed, he really thinks that, that's cute. "what you trust anyone if they bat their eyes at you? Aww" I mocked, he wouldn't of survive a day in my world. "why are you so guarded?!" He asked, guarded? How am I guarded? I opened my mouth to speak "Because you're dad's dead!?" He yelled, It felt like something piercing through me. he's really bringing that up, isn't he? "I- Eli" he back tracked, he Just said that. He's really using my dad's death against me. "Don't" I spat, I wanted to rip his throat out! With my teeth. Don't shift Eli! Control yourself! "and the reason I'm so fucking 'guarded' is because in my world it'll get you killed if you trust the wrong person" I informed angrily, I wanted to start crying aswell. Don't do either Eli. "I guess I have" I added, keep cool Eli, keep cool. I got up and walked away, then started to run.

Nat Lane Irons, it's true that's we've been overreacting... a little, over Eli's Sleepwalking, but I've been more concerned about the dream, he seemed so scared when he woke up. "How long do you think this is going to last?" Whispered Jonathan, Eli and Jordan are in an argument because Eli yelled at Sarah because Jordan was going to say about Eli's Sleepwalking. I'm more on Eli's side than Jordan's. "Why are you so guarded?! Because your dad's dead?!" He said, he did not Just say that. I saw Eli's face fall, and Jordan realised what he Just said. "I- Eli" Defended Jordan, Don't wolf out Eli, even though it would be so justifiable. "Don't, and the reason I'm so fucking 'guarded' is because in my world it'll get you killed if you trust the wrong person, I guess I have" He said, Eli got up and left the cafeteria. He controlled himself well. "What was that about?" Asked Sarah, she came over and sat next to Jordan "I broke his trust" he sighed, ya, you did. I clenched my fist. "You need to find Eli first" I said under my breath, Eli's more important than punching a half Kryptonian. got up and Started to leave. "where are you going? Asked Jordan, he seemed ashamed, that's good at least. "to find Eli" I said, I exited before anything else could happen. I hope he didn't leave, I've searched half of the school for hi-m. "I'm an idiot" I laughed slightly, he has a phone. called him up "what?" He asked, he didn't sound okay, why would he? "where are you?" I asked, I could hear him sniffing on his side of the phone. He's been crying. "Under the stairs" he mumbled, there's only one stair case where you can be under it. "I'm coming Eli" I said, I heard him hang up and I ran to the stairs.

I looked under the stairs and saw Eli, it wasn't as dark as you think it could be. I sat next to him. "Hay" I said, He was half curled into a ball, his head on his knees, holding himself. "Hay" he cried, I put my arm around him, I think he needs it. "Am I overreacting? Then and now?" He asked, he had raised his head a little. He definitely didn't overreact. "Eli, if I was you I would of wolfed out and killed him if he said that to me" I told, I heard a slight laugh from Eli, but it didn't last long. "He had no right to say that" I said, why did he even say it? "But what about before? How I lashed out at his girlfriend?" Asked Eli, he had sat up more now, still holding himself. "Well... Why did you react like that?" I asked, that was an odd way to react to someone. "I- uh.." mumbled Eli, it's a personal reason, of course it is. "You don't need to tell me" I said, he doesn't need to tell me anymore than he has. He shooked his head. "My dad... he dated a hunter" Eli admitted quietly, he didn't tell me that, but why should he? He barely knows anything about me. "her name was Kate Argent, s-she manipulated him She killed his- our family." Explained Eli, He told me about the fire, but he didn't say who did it. "He always blamed himself for everything, especially that, but he was Just a teenager when it happened" he Continued, Eli had started to cry again, or at least harder, I don't think he realised. the peices started to fall into place. 'you trust anyone if they bat their eyes at you?' "That's why you said that" I realised, his tone did change after he said that. He nodded. "Eli, after hearing that you definitely aren't in the wrong" I said, his whole family died because of his dad's girlfriend. He didn't even get to meet them. "But you don't need to be worried about that here" I promised, we don't have psychopaths that will kill you and your family for no reason. Eli shooked his head. "My dad told me his relationship with women, raised me to be wary of relationships, because he wasn't" Eli ended, that's why he doesn't trust Sarah. "Okay, thank you for telling me all this, I won't tell anyone" I promised, Eli seemed better, he wiped his eyes. "I won't even put it in the book" I added, he's told me a lot, and I've Just realised that means he trusts me so much "thanks, And I know you won't tell anyone, I trust you" thanked Eli, he hasn't known me long and he already trusts me this much, I won't break it. Ever. "You want to ditch?" I asked, Eli Laughed, it Just seems he wants to get out of here. "No, when should we go to our next class?" He asked, Just then the bell rang, we laughed "you sure you're okay?" I asked, Eli nodded and wiped his eyes one last time "ya, let's go, We have the same class right?" He checked, I nodded and we went to class.

The school day was almost over and I can tell Eli's been out of it this whole time, understandablely so, so I've written extra notes for him. The bell went off, everyone reacted to it except Eli. "And before you all go you'll need your permission slips for the School trip" said the Teach, school trip? I haven't done one of them in ages! Wonder if Eli'll be interested. "to the Superman museum" they added, that's going to be amazing for Eli! He needs to know more about Superman! Everyone started to get up, chating about the soon to be school trip. "Eli?" I asked, Eli Just stayed still. He's in his own world. "Eli" I said, I tapped his shoulder, he straighten up and looked around in confusion. "Huh? the class ended?" He asked, I smiled stlightly and nodded, he packed up his books "and there's going to be a school trip soon" I told, that pirked his interest "where?" He asked, he got up and we grabbed our promison slips. "The Superman museum" I answered, Eli stopped walking "he has a museum?!" He said-Whisperered-yelled, how did he say that three ways at once? I laughed for a moment. "Ya of course he does, did you forget?" I chuckled nervously, pulling him forward, tilting his head down. "maybe you should Whisper shocking things quietly" I shushed, if someone heard that they'd be confused. "wh- oh right, thanks" smiled Eli, I could tell he didn't think about that. "and yes he does, he's a big hero here, try to keep your shock a secret" I suggested, Superman is a national hero. "you shouldn't be shocked about anything superman related really" I continued, it doesn't seem like anyone was paying attention to us anyway. "Okay, got it, thanks Nat" Whispered Eli, I put an arm over his shoulder. We were leaving the school "Eli wait!" Yelled Jordan, Eli Tensed up and Froze. "you want me to deal with this?" I asked, Eli nodded slightly "please?" He Whispered, I could tell he's uncomfortable, is he going to be okay at the farm? "It would be my pleasure wolfy" I said, I turned to Jordan. "go away Jordan, he doesn't want to talk to you" I said, I still can't believe he brough that up! "I just need to talk to him" he said, I walked away from Eli. "you don't get to talk to him after what you said" I spat, he seemed shocked, for some reason. "Eli-" he yelled, I shoved him to the ground, I don't want to break my hand. "he doesn't want to talk to you!" I said, I walked back over to Eli. "Thanks" he mumbled, I put my arm over him "no problem werepuppy" I smiled, I heard him chuckle. We walked away.

Eli hale, the words Jordan said rung in my ears 'Why are you so guarded?! Because your dad's dead?!' H-how could he use that against me? "Why did he use it against me?" I mumbled, is that normal in this world? Using people's weaknesses against them? "Am I guarded?" I asked Quietly, I never thought I was guarded, but I am stealing from Lois out of fear, incase I can't live with my dad's doppelganger. I felt a hand on my shoulder "Eli, we're here" said Nat, huh? I looked around "my home, that's my dad" introduced Nat, oh. I really zoned out "hi sir, sorry I'm pretty out of it today" I apologised, I didn't even realise we'd left school grounds. "It's fine Eli, why did you come over?" he asked, I don't want to talk about it. "Jordan was an ass, to simplify it" said Nat, I wouldn't say he was an ass, Just that he was an... ass. "Okay" he said, he didn't think that was coming. "We'll be in my room" said Nat, she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the house "do people Just think I can't walk?" I asked, we arrived in her room. "Sorry, do you mind that?" She asked, she let go of my hand "not really, but you do know I can walk right?" I asked, Nat Laughed, I chuckled as we walked into her room. "Yes I do, do you want me to stop?" She asked, I shrugged, it doesn't bother me that much. "I'll take that as a no then" said Nat, I don't mind that it won't end, I'm use to it. She closed the door. "Do you want me to kill him?" She asked, I broke down laughing, even though I know she's serious. "No, no it's fine, but thanks for bringing me here" I said, I can't even think about dealing with Jordan now, let alone earlier. "No problem Eli, how you feeling about the superman museum?" She asked. We sat on the bed next to each other. I shrugged. "Why would I be.. excited?" I asked, And why is she so excited? It's a museum, did people enjoy them in her world? "Because it's about Superman! And you don't even have him in your world" she reminded, she doss make it sound more exciting. "I guess so, I Just thought of it as a museum, why are you so interested in it? You did have a superman right?" I asked, I swear I remember her saying she did. "Ya, but he was Evil" said Nat, oh right now I remember. "Wait can I even go to the museum?" I checked, I took a look at her promison slip, mine was still in my bag. "What do you mean? Of course you can" She said, I don't have a guardian, Scott isn't here. "you need a parent or guardian to sign it, I don't have one of those" I reminded, I passed her promison slip back. "Eli. Lois is your guardian, She'll be happy to sign it" Reminded Nat, oh right. Lois is my guardian now. "I kinda forgot that she was, but I don't want to hassle her anymore than I do now" I said, I've scared her with my sleep walking multiple times. "Eli, Look at it this way" sighed Nat, what way? How do I look at it? "You need to know about Superman so you don't question you, everyone knows who superman is" explained Nat, it would help me fit in here better. "And if you hear about something very normal for superman and you were shocked, it would cause questions" she added, right, like earlier, I almost screwed things up. "thanks Nat, about this and then, I'll talk to Lois about it when I go back to the farm" I said, I Tensed at the thought of seeing Jordan again. "Hay, it's okay, do you want to say here? I'm sure I could convince my dad-" offered, I shook my head, she shouldn't do that. "No it's fine Nat, thanks though" I said, I bit my lip, I don't want to go back. "I'll go back with you if you like" offered Nat, I feel like I should decline, but I can't make myself "thank you" I mumbled, it would be easier to be there.

Nat Lane irons, we've been at my place for awhile now, and I've been bugging Eli about his dream "come on werepuppy, Tell me" I said, he seemed so scared when he woke up "why do you want to know? I already told you that it meant nothing" said Eli, it doesn't mean nothing if it gets you yelling don't hurt me! "Because! B.. because you seemed terrified when you woke up, I Just want to make sure you're okay" I admitted, he's told me so much, it must of been something bad if he isn't telling me "Nat... are you sure you want to know?" Eli Asked, how bad could it be? "Yes" I said, what scared him so much to yell? "The dream was lovely, it didn't scare me.." admitted Eli, huh? Then what... did. Oh. "I scared you" I realised, Eli nodded. I scared him. That's why he didn't tell me. "It was the suit, I- I hadn't seen anything like it, I thought you worked for the government and... that I was over" Eli added Quickly, I made him feel like that? Like he was over? "Eli I'm so sorry!" I apologised, he told me that he was afraid of people finding out. "No it's okay! You did nothing wrong" he Asurred, it makes sense that it scared him, he has nothing like that in his universe. "okay, but next time anything like that happens, tell me" I Demanded, I want to know when stuff like this happens, especially if I'm doing it "okay, I promise" Eli promised, I didn't seriously consider that it was my fault he reacted like that, it flashed my mind but... I didn't. Consider it. "We should get you back to the farm" I said, I saw him Tense up. "You're right, we should" agreed Eli, I guess we'll start getting ready to go soon.

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