My Horrible Ex-Husband


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After a messy divorce with his husband Eli, Caleb thinks he'd never have to deal with his foolishness again... Еще

My Horrible Ex-Husband
Chapter One: A Most Horrible Daughter
Chapter Three: A Most Horrible Ride
Chapter Four: The Most Horrible Memories
Chapter Five: The Most Horrible Thing I Could Ever Do
Chapter Six: A Most Horrible Discovery
Chapter Seven: A Most Horrible Circumstance
Chapter Eight: The Most Horrible Company
Chapter Nine: One Horrible Idea
Chapter Ten: A Most Horrible Drunk
Chapter Eleven: Eli's Most Horrible Suggestion
Chapter Twelve: A Most Horrible Therapy Session
Chapter Thirteen: A Second Most Horrible Therapy Session
Chapter Fourteen: A Most Horrible Visit
Chapter Fifteen: A Most Horrible Masked Figure
Chapter Sixteen: A Most Horrible Feeling
Chapter Seventeen: A Most Horrible Dinner
Chapter Eighteen: A Most Horrible Ending

Chapter Two: A Most Horrible Punishment

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I stared at the sight before me, as I walked into the kitchen the very next morning. Eli, Michelle, and Michael were all sitting at the table eating cereal – Coco Puffs. This was the last sight in the world that I ever thought that I’d see. They looked like a – I dare say – family.

“Good morning,” I said awkwardly. They all glanced up at me, as I poured a cup of orange juice.

“You don’t have any coffee, do you?” Eli asked curiously.

“I can make a pot,” I said pulling the coffee pot out from behind the toaster.

“Never mind I don’t drink instant,” Eli said brushing me off. Michael rolled his eyes. What a snob! I don’t drink instant. He had some nerve to say such a thing.

“Fine,” I huffed. “Michael! Hurry up before you’re late to school.”

“I wouldn’t be running late, if Michelle didn’t take such a long shower,” Michael said,, as he tossed his bowl in the sink. “Why are you guys even here? Oh yeah because she burned your house down. Hey! While I’m gone, try not to burn ours down too.”

With that said, Michael walked out of the kitchen. He grabbed his keys and was out of the door in a flash. Michelle sucked her teeth as she pushed her bowl into the sink. That was when I realized she was fully dressed. I was so confused. Where was she going? She was suspended from school.

“Dad, can I have twenty dollars?” Michelle asked, holding her hand out to Eli.

“I don’t have any money on me,” Eli said. “Remember my wallet burned up in the fire.”

“Caleb?” she said turning towards me.

“What do you need twenty dollars for?” I asked curiously.

“I just need it,” Michelle said without any further explanation.

“For what?” I retorted. I don’t just give money out like Eli does. I’m not that kind of dad nor am I rich.

“So I can hang out with my friends,” Michelle said. I nearly choked I was laughing so hard.

“Friends? You’re not going anywhere,” I chuckled. “You’re grounded.”

“That’s not fair,” Michelle said glancing at Eli. “Dad!”

“As long as you’re under my roof, you abide by my rules,” I said raising my voice a little. “You are grounded – so go upstairs to your room and read a book.”

“I hate you,” Michelle said stomping upstairs to her room.

“You could have backed me up,” I said staring at Eli.

“You know she’s just going to leave anyways,” Eli said, not even looking at me. “There’s no point.”

“Well I don’t know how you run things at your house, but that doesn’t work here,” I said rushing upstairs. I stomped all the way  upstairs to Michelle’s room, just in time to see her trying to sneak out the window. I pulled her back in and slammed the window shut. I locked it closed, as she rolled back onto her bed.

“This bites,” She said.

“Michelle, what is your problem? Speak to me,” I said sitting her down. “You never used to be like this. Is it because of your father and I? Is it because we got a divorce?”

“It has nothing to do with you guys,” Michelle said.

“Then what? Tell me I love you and care about you,” I said.

“It happened when you and dad separated,” Michelle said. “Dad was angry and lonely. He used to bring different guys home and one of them -”  

“One of them what?” I asked curiously. I grabbed her hand, nervously. I hoped I wasn’t about to hear what I thought I was.

“Touched me,” Michelle said starting to cry.

“Did you tell Eli?” I asked. She shook her head as I held her in my arms. I kissed her on the forehead and rocked her gently in my arms. My little baby. I remembered when she was born. Someone had hurt her. I grew angry. I couldn’t believe Eli had let this happen. That little asshole! I was going to kill him I swear. It was all his fault. It was his fault. Not only did he mess up my life, but my daughter’s too.

I rushed downstairs to confront Eli. He had just hung up the phone when I entered with a rage.

“Eli, Michelle told me that one of your little friends raped her,” I said angrily. “One of your little one night stands came into her room and touched our child.”

“She told you that,” Eli said, starting to laugh.

“Eli this isn’t funny,” I said. “This is serious.”

“Come here,” Eli said grabbing my arm.

Eli pulled me towards the window. He opened it, as Michelle hopped into her friend’s car. They sped off quickly from the house. My face burned a bright red as I realized that I had been duped.

“Does that look like a girl that has been raped?” Eli asked. “She played you, Caleb.”

“What the hell!?” I said angrily. “She lied to me. Eli, how?”

“She’ll do anything to get away,” Eli said. “That’s why I gave up. She’ll come back.”

“Eli this is more serious than I thought,” I said running my fingers through my hair. “She has serious behavioral issues. I mean she cried for god’s sake – she was so convincing. I’m going to get her.”

“What? What do you mean?” Eli asked.

“I’m going to drag her out if I have to,” I muttered. “With or without you – I’m not letting her get away with this.”

“Fine! I’ll drive,” he said jingling his keys in his hands. I followed Eli into his car, as we drove around town for a bit. We went to malls, stores and other places where we thought a teenager would go. We couldn’t find her for anything. Eli didn’t know where any of her friends lived so we eventually gave up and returned home. Eli was right – she would pop up home eventually and when she did, she would be in for a big surprise.

I had barred her window and gotten rid of her door. Her privacy privileges were revoked and she had no way of sneaking out of the house anymore. If she wanted rights, she would have to earn them. All privileges had been taken away including her television, laptop and her cell phone, as soon as she got home. I had taken her punishment into my own hands.

Eli just went along as usual.

“Are you sure this is going to work?” Eli asked.

“It should,” I nodded. “She’ll be mad of course, but we are not to give in to that behavior.”

“But her door too – Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” Eli sighed.

“Extreme? Ha! And what have you been doing that’s been working?” I shot back. “You’re the reason she’s like this.”

“I’m the reason! Yeah just blame me for everything! Just like you blamed me for our marriage,” Eli said raising his voice at me.

“You know why I blame you because it’s always your fault! You never do what you’re supposed to do! You just walk around like everything is peachy until something bad happens like I don’t know maybe – your fucking house burning down,” I retorted.

“You know what Caleb! I won’t sit here and be subjected to this,” Eli said. “We aren’t even together and you’re still arguing with me.”

“You’re the father of my children,” I spat.

“Only to one,” Eli muttered.

“Peachy! Real nice, Eli!” I said slapping him in the face hard. Eli grabbed me before I could hit him again, shoving me against the wall. His cheek was red with my handprint. I wrestled with him, as we fell to the ground. I had never gotten physical with Eli before, but I was so mad I wanted to hit him again.

“Caleb stop,” Eli said as I struggled beneath him. “I’m not going to fight you.”

“Get off of me right now,” I warned.

“Not until you’ve calm down,” Eli said. “I actually kind of like you in this position.”

“Get off of me Eli,” I said again with a serious tone. Eli’s hand fell onto my ass as he squeezed it.

“Just as firm as I remember,” Eli chuckled. “Have you been working out?”

“Your flirting isn’t going to calm me down so you can stop,” I muttered not looking at him.

“Fine,” he said standing up. He gave me his hand, but I refused it as I brushed myself off. I walked out the room in anger. Eli called out to me, but I ignored him completely. I could hear him following me as I slammed my bedroom door shut closed.

“I’m sorry,” I heard him say from outside the door. “I didn’t mean what I said. I was mad.”

“Mad?” I said opening the door back. “You know Michael doesn’t think you love him and for you to say that. He doesn’t even look at you as a father.”

“I don’t blame him,” Eli nodded. “I’ve been a shitty parent. You’re right, Caleb. Everything you said was right. I can’t control Michelle and Michael doesn’t even like me. My house is gone- all my clothes – everything that I have ever owned. Now, I’m here living with you, because I can’t even get a credit card. The only thing going right in my life is my job and that’s the only thing I have. I’m sorry I’m just angry.”

I was silent for a moment as I felt sympathy for a split second. Eli fell onto the couch, as he rested his head into his hands. I sat next to him and rested a hand on his shoulder. He sighed as I rubbed his shoulders a little, trying to relieve a little tension. Eli glanced at me for a moment, before he kissed me on the lips. I pulled back quickly in shock.

“Eli, what are you doing?” I said jumping back.

“What? Come on Caleb,” Eli said his hand falling onto my thighs. “The kids aren’t here.”

“We aren’t together anymore Eli,” I spat back.

“Come on – You and I both know that we don’t have to be in a relationship to fool around a little,” Eli winked.

“Fool around! Ha! Don’t make me laugh,” I muttered. “I would never sleep with you.”

“Never is a strong word,” Eli retorted. “Come on – You can’t honestly say that you don’t think about me sexually anymore. We were married.”

“We were only married for like three years and that was so long ago,” I snorted. “Michael is sixteen now and Michelle is fifteen.”

“ But we were together for way longer than three years Caleb,” Eli replied. 

“Yeah – I still don’t think about you,” I said sarcastically. “Leonardo DiCaprio? Yes. You? No.”

“Fine,” Eli huffed. “But just for the record, I still think about you.”

“Do you? Really?” I said changing my entire attitude. Eli nodded as I walked over towards him and sat on his lap. I ran one finger down his chest and towards his package. Eli smirked at me as I brushed my lips against his neck.

“Do you miss me?” I whispered outside his ear.

“Of course I do,” he said wrapping his arms around my waist. I gave him an over the pants massage for a moment. Just as he started moaning, I grabbed his package and squeezed until he began shouting like a little girl.

“You’re such a fucking liar,” I muttered. “Did you honestly think if you said a few sweet words to me I’d sleep with you? You’re dumber than I thought.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” Eli said his face burning red in embarrassment. “Jeez.”

“Oh boo hoo! You deserved it,” I muttered. “That’s for grabbing my ass earlier.”

“And you think Michelle got her insane behavior from me,” he huffed. “That’s all you, honey bear.”

“Don’t call me honey bear,” I mumbled. Just as Eli was about to say something, the front door slammed shut. I glanced into the hallway as we heard footsteps move up the stairs. Eli shot a glance at me as there was silence for the next minute or so. I grinned as an ear-shattering scream pierced through the house, followed by a series of stomps.

“Y-you? Where is my TV? Where is my door? What did you guy do?” Michelle said glancing at the two of us.

“You were grounded and then you deliberately disobeyed me, so I took away a few things,” I explained.

“Dad?” she said staring at Eli. I gave Eli a death stare as I waited for his answer. I swear he better back me up on this one or else I’ll kill him. Punishment isn’t effective if one parent says one thing and the other says something else.

“Don’t Dad me,” Eli said. “I agree with Caleb on this one.”


“I hate you guys,” she growled as she stomped up stairs into her room.

“That’s no way to get your things back,” I called back to her. Eli shook his head as Michelle threw a tantrum like a child. I ignored it.

“I’m going to make dinner,” I said casually.

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