The Solitary Coffin

By Brianna_luvvv

220 75 5

Genevieve is a devoted Church girl who got sent to a private boarding school in France, with her favorite cou... More

Avignon Summit Academy. 1
Rules and Levels. 1.5
Who We Are 2
The Garden 3
Waterfall 4
School Begins 5
The Chapel for us all 6
Acting Odd 7
Gods truth 8
Feel a little something 9
Broken Ribs For You 10
Psych Day 11
Color Me Pink 12
Girls Kiss In Black 13
What It Means To Be Mine 14
Frakenweenie 15
Eighteen Candles 17
Eighteen Candles 17.5
Genesis 2:24 / 18

Mrs and Mr D'auraville 16

6 1 0
By Brianna_luvvv

The Friday

I was startled out of my sleep when the dorm room door swung open and the sound of a loud bell rang over and over. I sat up to see one of those nuns. "Awaken from your slumber ; Réveillez-vous de votre sommeil. You have twenty minutes to meet in the hall ; Vous avez vingt minutes pour vous rencontrer dans le hall." The nun repeated twice and continued ringing the bell before she moved on to the next dorm. I looked over to see Aveeana in Luna's bed rubbing her eyes. I panicked as I remembered Luna was in Michael's dorm.

"Aveeana get up, we have to call Luna." I shouted as I got out of bed and looked for my phone. "I have to get to my dorm before they realize I'm not supposed to be here." She said as she pulled her shirt back on. I found my phone and immediately called Luna but it went straight to voicemail. "Why are they even waking us up?" Aveeana shrugged as she got out of bed. The sound of the door slamming shut caught my attention. Luna had rushed in and stood out of breath with her dress covering her chest as she had no bra on.

"Someone had a fun night." Aveeana laughed as Luna opened the door. "Get the fuck out Ana." She said, rolling her eyes. "Why are the nuns waking us up? And why do we only have twenty minutes to get ready?" I asked as Aveeana left and I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Luna came in behind me with the dress out of sight and her forearm covering her breast. "They never tell us in advance but it's most likely parents' attendance day." She sighed as my eyes went wide.

"My mom is going to be here?" I looked at myself in the mirror. Most of Yara's scratches were gone but some were still noticeable. I knew my mother would freak out. "And if you have siblings they can come too." Which was worse because Genesis immediately would guess I was in a fight. "I'm so not ready for this." Luna whispered. We brushed our teeth and got into uniform. I wore sneakers in case I had to run away from my father's unbearable amount of talking.

I did a prayer and we both took a deep breath before walking out to the main hall. The principal was already speaking as students surrounded him and nuns stood behind him. "And level four you will meet your parents in the cafeteria." As he said that I crossed my arms looking over at Luna when I felt an arm over my shoulder. I turned and looked up to see Cain next to me, while Michael stood beside him. Cain kept his gaze on the principal as if his arm wasn't really around me so I did the same.

"You will only have the third period and the seventh period today. In between you'll show your parents around. Most of you have your extracurricular activities during third period class and your parents will join you. For the rest of you, you'll show your extracurricular activities to your parents during another time slot. You will attend seventh period classes as normal as your parents will then leave. Go on, go say hello to your parents for the last time because your parents will not be allowed on campus again."

"Where's Aveeana?" I asked as I looked around us. "Her parents never visit so she's probably still in her dorm." Cain told me as I watched the other kids begin to find their parents. "That's because her parents would tell us she's not allowed any visitors." I mumbled to myself in disbelief. Though what she did was wrong there's no need to not see her again.

"Can I have a hug? For good luck of course." I gave Cain a half smile before I turned and stood in front of him wrapping my arms around his torso. I laid my head on his chest and sighed. He laid a kiss to my head as he held me back. "Good luck." I whispered before pulling away. I gave Michael a high five for good luck as well as we walked into the cafeteria. There weren't many level fours so not many parents.

"Gen!" My name was called and before I knew it arms crossed around me. I leaned forward and hugged Genesis back. "Hi Gen." I laughed, nearly on the verge of tears. She pulled away and went straight over to Michael. He picked her up and held her close. Luna and Michael went to their parents as I spotted my mother. Her smile disappeared when she saw me. Michael and I walked over to them as my parents sat with his mother and siblings. My mother stood up as I quickly looked over at her. She was wearing a huge white fur coat over a long wine red dress with kitten heels that matched her coat.

"Genevieve, Ton visage." She said as she reached over to touch my face. "Was it a fight?" Genesis asked as Michael put her down and greeted his mother. "No it wasn't. I'm fine. Hello Mrs. Moore. Hi Hudson." I waved as I pulled my mother in for a hug. "Please call me Maya, Genevieve." Michael's mother said as she waved back. She tells me that all the time but I never really listen. "Hi Hannah." I waved to Michael's sister but she was too busy sitting on the edge of the table fixing her lip gloss. Michael pulled the lipstick and mini mirror from her hand and put it into her pocket as he sat down. "Hey! I was using that." She called out. "You deserved it. Hi Gen." Hudson fist bumped Michael before getting up to hug him.

Hudson looked up to Michael, followed all his footsteps like a little brother would. Hannah was a bit more to herself. She loved being on her own and she had a big attitude when she wasn't. Kind of like Genesis.

My mother hugged back as my father stood up and pulled me into a hug. "If it was a fight you must tell me. I'll bring it to the principal's attention. Has none of your teachers seen you?" He asked as I pulled away from his hug. "Yes they have but none has said a word meaning no one cares, father." He shook his head as he fixed his suit. I sat down as they sat on the other side of the table. "I have a gift for you." I whispered to Genesis and she smiled. Hannah walked around the table and hugged me from behind. "Hi Genevieve." She said sadly. I smiled and put my hand on hers. "Don't worry I'll get you your lip gloss back." That got her smile back immediately before she sat between Michael and Genesis.

"So tell me about grades, how are you guys doing?" Michael's mother asked as she fixed her hair up into a bun. "Straight A's." We answered in sync which gave them a sense of relief. "Michael what's going on with basketball, doing good?" My father asked. "I was just about to ask. Any offers?" Hudson asked excitedly as Maya put her arm around him. "Offers are later on in the year but it's going good Mr. D. Coach loves me." My dad nodded in approval.

"Genevieve. How's ballet?" I smiled as big as I could. "Great couldn't be any better. My coach doesn't love any of us though." Our parents started talking amongst themselves as I looked over to see Cain sitting on his phone in front of his father who had a laptop on, typing away. Not a word went between them. I turned behind me to see Luna quietly arguing with her parents.

"Have you been going to church? Praying?" I looked back to my parents and made their day by saying yes. "God will forgive you for your sins Genevieve." My father smiled. "Well you guys are doing good in class and have been keeping up with your sports which is exactly what we wanted. I had a negotiation with you both. Good grades, you guys can go out and have fun. So have you guys gone out and done anything fun?" I looked at Michael and he looked at me.

"Nope we haven't done a thing." I said. "Yeah, we're focusing on our studies." He lied. Our parents shrugged and looked at one another as we seemed like saints. "Gen, can we go see your room?" Genesis asked, laying her head on my shoulder. "Yeah I want to go see bubblegum." Hudson said as he stood up.

We all stood up as our parents agreed. "Can I go with Genevieve please mom?" Hannah asked. Maya allowed her as my father decided to go with Michael to see his room as well.

As we walked into my dorm Genesis spotted the painting on the wall immediately. "Is that me?" She yelled as she went over to it. "It's all yours." Hannah put her hand in mine as she and my mother looked around. "Who's your roommate?" My mother asked as she flipped through my Bible. "A nice girl. Her name is Luna." I said as Genesis took the painting down and hugged it. "Is she religious?"

"Catholic." I lied. If I didn't she would've made me get a new roommate. "I love this school." She chuckled. She wouldn't be saying that if she saw the non catholic nuns.

A knock laid on the open door and I saw Luna standing there with her parents behind her only this time her eyes were puffy. I said nothing at the moment and just smiled. "Mom, this is Luna. Luna, my mother, Michael's sister and my sister." They all shook each other's hand. "Papi, this is Genevieve, my roommate." I shook her parents' hand. Seeing Michael's sister brought a smile to Luna's face. Hannah was a spitting image of Michael especially with their long blonde hair. "I've heard so much about you." Her mother said as her father looked around. "All good I hope." She chuckled.

We all then walked out and I closed the door behind us, as I noticed Genesis holding the painting to take home. As we walked down the hallway Cain was coming down the stairs with his father who was now holding a briefcase which probably had his laptop but he was now on a phone call. Michael came as well from upstairs. We all kind of stood in silence knowing we all had kissed one another.

But I sucked it up and broke the silence when Cain's dad put his phone away. "Father this is Luna my roommate and her parents also this is Cain a friend." Cain shook my fathers hand before my father shook Luna's parents' hands. "Mom this is Luna and Cain guys this is my brother and sister." Michael said as he put his arm around his mother as she was way shorter than him. "Hi Ms. Moore." Luna and Cain said.

Before Cain and Luna could introduce us to their parents, my father pulled Cain's collar gently to reveal my rosary. "I know someone who has something similar." He said genuinely curious. My heart dropped as I pulled my fathers hand away. "You can't touch people like that." He shrugged at my words as I noticed the fear glistening in Cain's eyes. "Cain who's this?" Michael asked, pointing to his father, saving us both. "Dad my friends, my friends dad." He said simply. "So nice to meet you all but I won't be staying. I'm a busy man." He shook our hands with a smile as Cain rolled his eyes. "It was nice meeting you Mr. black." I said. "Please call me Ben." Which was the last we heard before he said his goodbyes and made his way out.

"Who wants to go see the court?" Michael got everyone's attention as Cain and I fell back. I looked up at him as annoyance was written all over his face. "Sorry about my father." I whispered as I tucked the rosary better into his shirt. "Your father seems kind." I said and he scoffed. "He's okay. At least your father is attentive." My eyes narrowed as I looked up at him. "He couldn't even recognize a rosary that I wore for three years straight."

"Gen?" I looked over to see my mother waiting for me down the hall as I immediately took my hand away from Cain. "We're coming." And in fact we did. We walked all the way to the basketball court. Our families sat on the bleachers as Cain and I stood by the door watching as my mother went to sit down as well. Other parents sat on the bleachers as Michael and coach Madden put on a show along with some other students. "What does your father do again?" I asked looking back up to Cain. "He's a criminal lawyer so he doesn't have the time of day. Surprised he showed up at all."

"At least he showed." I looked down to his hand as he focused on the court. I carefully slipped my hand into his. He immediately intertwined our hands, never looking down at me. "At least you're here." He whispered. Hudson ran down the bleachers over to us as we immediately let go of each other's hands. "Michael says you fence, can you show me?" He asked excitedly. "Go ask your mom first." I told him. "Mom! I'm going somewhere with Genevieve!" He said knowing Maya had no problem with him being with me. "You look just like your brother." Cain said as we walked out into the hallway. "No I don't, I look better." We laughed and turned around when our attention was caught by the door opening and closing.

Genesis ran over to me and put her hand in mine. "Dad said I could come." She looked over to Cain and waved. "Do you like my sister?" I put my other hand over her mouth as we walked upstairs. Hudson looked at me then to Cain who had a wide grin on his face. "I thought the brown-haired girl was your girlfriend." I narrowed my eyes at him as Genesis pulled my hand away from her mouth. "She's pretty." She said, "Nobody's dating anybody, don't worry." Cain told them as we walked through the double doors where we found Mr. Lynx fencing one student while his parents stood in the corner. The student won and his parents cheered as they walked to the locker room.

"Cain who's this?" Mr. Lynx asked as he walked over to us and pointed to the kids. "My sister and my cousin." I said as Genesis and I took a seat while Cain drew swords for him and Hudson. Genesis looked up at me. "I know you guys are dating." I rolled my eyes. "That's your rosary around his neck. I saw it as soon as he came down the stairs. Mom saw it too but don't worry she's clueless." I took a deep breath as I watched Hudson try to fence Cain. "We're not dating Gen. I gave it to him as a friend because his broke." She crossed her arm and turned in her seat to face me. "So why didn't you give him this one?" I placed my hand on my neck feeling my rosary before tucking it into my shirt.

"Can you talk about anything else smartass?" She shrugged. "Okay. Did you get a motorcycle? I saw the pink helmet by your bed. Can you take me for a spin? Please." She begged. "Does it look like I know how to drive a motorcycle?" I whispered as I watched Cain slowly and dramatically drop to the floor. I clapped for Hudson on his win. "Then why do you have a motorcycle helmet smartass?"

I sucked my teeth and looked down at her. "First of all, watch your mouth; second, it's for decoration. It's not real." She rolled her eyes and gave up as Hudson ran over to me. "I won. Michael won't believe it!" He said as Cain stood up. "Point the sword away from them." He redirected and Hudson did just that. The bell rang for the third period. "Gen go get mom and dad and meet me downstairs at the brown door that says 'Ms. Alastair." She nodded and stood up as Hudson gave his sword back to Cain as they left.

"Can you check on Aveeana after class please?" Cain nodded and placed a kiss on my forehead. "So touchy." I said pretending to wipe away his kiss. He placed another kiss. "Trying to make sure you're not uncomfortable with me, sweetheart." He said through low eyes as my face blushed. "I have to get to class." I whispered before turning away and walking out.

Ms. Alastair stood outside of her classroom with the door opened as she greeted students and their parents. The parents were all blindsided by her smile but we all knew by tomorrow we'd get hit with a ruler again. I went in and changed in the bathroom. When I came out my parents and Genesis were sitting in the corner talking to other kids and parents. Ms. Alastair made us get into a line as she introduced herself.

My father never cared about me being in ballet. He wanted me in volleyball, I never had the guts for it though. Dance was a passion of mine always has been. I honestly couldn't wait to get into Princeton because of my dance. I'll get into Princeton either way. I have a good Gpa and lots of credits and community service hours. My mother went to Princeton University. It was Aveeana and I's dream school.

Class was easy today, as Ms. Alastair wouldn't hit us in front of our parents. Genesis cheered for us and other younger siblings tried to copy our moves. At the end I went and changed into my uniform once again. I came out and went over to my father while I watched my mother speak with Ms. Alastair. "Would you like to invite your friends and their parents out to lunch with us?" I agreed to do so as my mother came up to us. "Walter, will her friends be joining us?" My mother asked and he nodded. "I'll go ask, meet you guys in the parking lot." We went our separate ways as I spotted Aveeana and Cain going downstairs.

I ran after them and smiled at Aveeana. "Do my parents know you're here?" She shook her head. "They don't need to, it'll only make things worse." She said as she left us behind to go to another class. I brushed off the fact and decided I'd speak to her about it later. I turned to Cain as it was just us in the stairwell. "Do you want to have lunch with my parents and I? You cannot ride your bike though." I asked as I looked down to his hand which he was holding a small box. "Did you steal the entire box of snickerdoodle cookies from the teachers lounge?" I asked laughing as I opened the box and took a cookie. "Yes and yes. Because I care about you." I took a bite and smiled as I reached over and pushed his hair out of his face. "I care about you too, Cain."

We walked downstairs and found Michael and Luna talking while he wiped her tears. She noticed us and wiped her face immediately. "Not better?" Cain asked and she shook her head. "What's not better?" I asked, confused. "My shitty parents." She said through a chuckle. She gave me a stern look and I knew not to push.

"Well in hopefully better spirits, do you guys want to go out for lunch with my parents?" I asked as Michael took the rest of my cookie. "We're not doing anything better. I'll drive." I grabbed my keys and threw it to him.

I put my arm around Luna and she leaned into me as the boys walked in front of us. "Only a few more hours okay?" She agreed and pulled her phone out.

When we got to the parking lot, Luna's parents were speaking to Michael's mother. "So where are we going to eat?" Hannah asked as she was the first to notice us. "L 'Épicerie de Ginette. It's on me." Maya said with a smile. Michael drove my car with Luna in the passenger seat. Cain, Hannah and I sat in the back seat. I had forgotten to get Hannah her lipstick back so I dug around in my purse and found one along with a mini mirror for her to use and handed it to her secretly.

Luna kept expressing how cute she thought Hannah and Hudson were as Cain kept whispering how much he cared about me in my ear. In my head all I had to do was replace 'care' with 'love' because I know if I was in his position I'd never say it either.

"Are you guys dating? I won't tell?" We all froze. "Who are you talking about babes?" Luna asked, turning in her seat. "You and my brother. Genevieve and Cain. I only asked because in most cases girls sit with girls and boys sit with boys. But you and Cain switched spots. Cain keeps talking to Gen and you can't get enough of how much Hudson and I look like Michael."

Unlike Genesis, Hannah really wouldn't tell anyone. Michael and I both knew that so he looked at me in the rearview mirror for reassurance and I nodded. "No one in this car is dating. Luna and I are talking." Hannah interrupted. "And kissing. I saw you guys earlier in the hall." He rolled his eyes. "Well Cain and I really are just talking." I said knowing we haven't kissed today. Hannah turned to me. "And he wants to be kissing. Hudson and I heard him say you guys aren't on kissing terms to Aveeana. By the way, what is she doing here?" Luna and I laughed at how accurate this little girl was.

"I meant Hershey kisses." Cain said. "I'm not dumb. I mean even I know that's Genevieve's Rosary." She reached over and untucked it from his shirt. "I asked her if she could make me a matching bracelet when she showed me it." She continued as she put her wrist out showing the bracelet I made her.

"Oh she's good." Luna said looking at Michael who was star struck. "None of this leaves the car. Got it?" He asked her. "I don't like anyone outside of this car enough to tell." Luna leaned back and gave her a high five. "A piece of advice, never start dating during your last year of high school when half of you are going to different colleges. Right?" The four of us looked at each other as that sunk in.

"How do you know that? We all could want to go to the same college." Michael shrugged. "My friend's sister said the same thing. Now she's still in France while her ex-boyfriend is dating her best friend in another school in America." Cain and I's jaw dropped. "By the way nobody told me why Aveeana is here."

"She's visiting, she goes back to her campus later. That also doesn't leave this car, okay?" Luna explained. Hannah shrugged and leaned back as she continued to over apply the lipstick I gave her. We all sat back and took a deep breath. It was ironic she said that as I was just thinking about going to college in New Jersey. I looked up at Cain and he smiled at me as I came to the realization I have no idea where his dream school is and we only have a few months before we are separated. I smiled back at him though because that is a few months away.

Hannah sat back up and looked at me. "Happy early birthday by the way. What are you doing to celebrate tomorrow? Michael told me how his day went yesterday." I smiled. "I won't be doing anything Hannah. Luna and I will just go get food or something, that's it." She nodded.

After a few minutes we got to the restaurant and we all stepped out meeting our parents inside. They got a separate table for the kids and made us three sit in front of them all which was intimidating as half this day we've been lying. It was awkward in the first half as the parents spoke amongst themselves about us as if we weren't here.

"Oh Emma, that reminds me," my father said to my mother. "Genevieve, have you visited the chapel, it's to be known that there's one somewhere in that big school." I smiled at him. "It's beautiful, you should see it before you leave. Cain showed me it." My father's attention was brought to Cain. "You're religious?" My father looked at Cain's tattooed hands which Cain immediately put under the table. "I'm Catholic, sir." My parents were taken aback at his response. "I wasn't expecting that, from your name and all. Do you know who Cain was in the Bible?" My father asked. "I didn't name myself sir." Cain said with a cocky tone. "You all are Catholic?" Luna's mother asked and my heart dropped. "Well aren't you?" My mother chuckled. Michael's mother caught my red face as I was nervous and her eyebrows dipped at me.

"No, we aren't religious at all." My parents looked at me confused. As Luna sat beside me I gently tapped my foot against hers. "But I am. I'm learning to be. I told you guys this." Luna said quick enough for it to not sound like a lie. "No Luna, you never said anything about this." Her father said with a stern voice. "Well now you know, surprise." Our parents looked at us confused as I could tell Maya already knew I was lying. Thankfully she was kind and didn't say anything.

"Michael, how was your birthday baby?" She asked, redirecting the conversation and attention. "It was fine mom. We cut a cake and went to sleep." He said trying to keep the simplicity as we finished eating. "How will you be celebrating Gen?" She asked and I shrugged. "Same thing."

"I know you all are here on punishment but I still want you to make the most of it. What you guys did during the summer was a part of life, yes but in which the way you did it was wrong. You guys are still our children and we love you that is why we are here today. You guys know right from wrong, especially Genevieve." Michael's mom told us. "Luna and Cain, you guys look like perfectly fine children who are good individuals and influences okay?" They nodded as she checked her watch.

She stood up and kissed Michael's forehead. "I have to get into work." She told us. She came around and hugged me with a kiss to my cheek leaving Cain and Luna with a soft tap to the head. Hannah and Hudson gave me and Michael a big hug before they followed their mother out to the parking lot. Genesis came and sat where Maya was by our mother.

We were left with my parents as well as Luna's. "It'll be getting late soon, don't you guys think you should head home as well?" Luna asked her parents. "Are you kicking us out?" Her mother asked. "You know what, I am a little bit, mom." Her parents were taken aback as Michael and I looked at one another shocked. "That's not how you speak to your parents, young lady." My father intervened. "Finish your food father so you can leave too." Luna's parents stood up and so did Luna as they walked out. "Cain do you mind giving us a moment with my daughter and nephew?" My mother asked and Cain agreed. Cain went to the restroom and my mother leaned over the table.

"I don't like them." She whispered. "You don't know them Mrs. D." Michael said as he crossed his arms. "I mean you guys barely exchanged a good twenty sentences. You don't have the right to like them or not." My father shrugged as he pushed his plate away. "I don't care what you say Genevieve. Especially that Cain guy, all those tattoos I wonder what he has under his sleeves. And Luna? Very disrespectful to her parents. I don't think you kids need them as friends. Your guys future is bright not theirs."

Michael and I felt disrespected in a sense. Almost hurt. I stood up from my seat and grabbed my purse. "Father, mother it was very nice seeing you guys." Michael stood up as well and took my keys out of his pocket as Cain walked out from the bathroom. "Yeah Mr. And Mrs. D we have to get back to our punishments."

Cain followed us out the door where we found Luna pacing back and forth waiting for us. Michael threw Cain my keys as they sat upfront leaving Luna and I to sit in the back. We drove in silence as Luna laid her head in my lap and quietly cried to herself. I looked out the window and drifted away, hoping I was anywhere but in this car.

Children, obey your parents, and everything, for this pleases the Lord. Colossians 3:20.

Do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. Colossians 3:21.

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