SasuSaku: You Saved Me

By breshea_carter

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Modern/Highschool Au Sasuke and Sakura two individuals who once lived in the same neighborhood during Junior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 18

244 12 30
By breshea_carter

"You two ready to go?" Itachi asked looking at Sasuke and Sakura who nodded at him. Before he could look away he narrowed his eyes a bit, analyzing the two of them. Last night when he got back home, he found the two of them fast asleep in Sasuke's room. Looking at them now, they both seemed unusually calm, and had a sort of glow to them.

He could only imagine what they could've gotten themselves up to while he was away, but he wouldn't pry, he'd let them have their business.

"Sakura here! Sorry Im late! Tsuna packed your bag, it has clothes for the decent amount of time you'll be away, medicine you might need, a pouch with your favorite personal hygiene items, and some snacks. You couldn't leave without your bag." Shizune said panting after running over.

"I would've came and got it Shizune, but thank you. I'll text Auntie." Sakura said.

"Right, be safe all of you, Sakura keep me updated, we'll call you shortly okay?" Shizune said.

"Noted." Sakura said giving a soft smile.

"You okay? You seem very... calm.." Shizune said.

"It's a calming and beautiful morning Shizune, why would I be riled up?"

"Maybe because you're on your way to a trial in court? You aren't nervous?" Shizune asked.

"No, I have faith." Sakura said softly.

"Um.. well..okay...." Shizune said cutting her eyes at Itachi. She tilted her head a bit asking that he follow her. "What's with her? Did something happen? Did she take something? Usually Sakura would be a nervous wreck with something like today?" Shizune asked Itachi.

"I don't know for sure, I have an idea why these two are so mellow." He said.

"Why do you think?" She asked.

"I left the two of them in the house last night when I went to the station. They were deep in sleep, woke up chipper, and are calm as ever, lets do the math." He said.

Shizune's eyes widened. "Do you think they-"

"Like I said Im not sure, so we shouldn't pry, it'll only make them uncomfortable it they did do it."

"Those two... I hope they atleast used protection.."

"I've gone over that with Sasuke so Im sure they did, considering how their friend ended up, They wouldn't make the same mistake."

"Why do they keep whispering and looking at us?" Sakura whispered to Sasuke.

"Knowing them, they probably know." Sasuke said. "I knew we wouldn't be able to hide it."

"Were we that obvious?!"

"You are very... mellow." He said.

"What about you?!?"

"Im always calm.." Sasuke said.

"Ughh this is so embarrassing, I know Shizune is going to tell Auntie."

"Oh well, atleast we used protection, so it's no big deal." Sasuke said. "We shouldn't get too riled up that they know."

"You're right.. it's just super embarrassing." Sakura sighed. "Lets just put our bags in the car and get ready then maybe those two will stop sneaking glances and whispering about us." Sakura said as Sasuke nodded.

He took her bag from her hands placing them in the trunk. He opened the back door for Sakura as well making sure she got in the car good, then closed the door behind her.

"Oooh Sasuke look, the school is having their annual Halloween bash, we should definitely go!" Sakura said.

"Halloween bash?" He asked.

"Yeah? Your school in Osaka did host anything for Halloween?" Sakura asked.

"No?" He said.

".... Well, what we do is, everyone dresses in costumes, and the hallways are made decorated like haunted hallways and you have to basically find your way out, when you get out you meet in the gym for drinks, music, food, and more games." Sakura said. "It's super fun, everyone goes!"

"Do we have to wear costumes?" He asked.

"Well you don't have to but it's fun! I promise!" She said looking at him. "Do you want to go? I can get our tickets." She said.

"Do you really want to go?" He asked.

"I do!"

"Then we'll go." He said as she squealed with happiness. "I'll buy the tickets now!" She said.


"Sorry to keep you two, are you guys ready?" Itachi said getting into the driver's seat, starting the car.

"We are!" Sakura said.

"Good, do you want to stop for breakfast on the way?" He asked

"Yes please." Sakura answered.

"You Sasuke?" Itachi asked.

"It's fine with me." He said as his brother nodded. "Alright then, we'll be on our way."

"Are we sharing a hotel room?" Sakura asked as Itachi sat his bags down using the key to the room.

"Yes, there's two beds here, I'm sure you two will be comfortable sleeping together hm?" Itachi said looking over his shoulder with a smirk seeing Sakura's face turn a bright red as Sasuke's ear tips turned the same color.

"Idiot... open the door." Sasuke said.

"Alright, Alright don't kill me." Itachi chuckled letting everyone into the room.

"Wowwww this is nice." Sakura said amazed at how big the hotel room was.

"Take it in now because we have to leave soon, the trial starts soon." Itachi said. "So change your clothes if you need to and let's get a move on." He said a bit more serious now.

Sakura cut her eyes to Sasuke who looked coldly at his brother. "Then let's go, we're ready." Sasuke said as Itachi nodded.

"Yeah! We-We're ready!" Sakura said trying to break the sudden tension with positive energy. She didn't know what was going on with the both of them, but she knows today is going to be a stressful day for the both of them, that's a fact.

She'd be there for the both of them though.

Walking into the courthouse there were a few people sitting inside already. Itachi ushered for Sasuke and Sakura to sit as he walked away and began talking to a few people.

"Wow, this place seems...serious, I don't miss being in courtrooms at all." Sakura whispered to Sasuke.

"Hn.." He grunted.

"Are you okay?" Sakura asked

"I don't know, I don't really know how to feel about all of this. I thought if I came I'd be some kind of support to my brother but knowing I'm going to see that bastards face again makes me feel mad, knowing I'm going to see evidence pictures of my parents uncensored makes me almost feel nauseous. I have a bunch of things running through my mind right now."

"I'm here for you Sasuke... I know this is hard.. and I know it's stressful but I have hope that today your parents will get their proper justice and whatever that guy claims will be irrelevant to the facts laid out in front of us."

"What facts?"

"That he's guilty and that he's a drunken idiot who mindlessly killed two innocent people. He won't win Sasuke." Sakura said as she grabbed his hand squeezing it reassuring him.

"Thank you Sakura." He said giving her hand a small squeeze as well and continuing to hold it.

During the entire trial they stayed like that, both of them anxiously hearing the case be read over, watching lawyers call people to the stand who were witnesses to what occurred during the crash. People who stepped and testified on behalf of the late Uchiha's.

Sakura could feel Sasuke's hand get clammy while holding her own. When the pictures of the scene were shown. Sasuke gave her hand a tight squeeze, he didn't mean to hurt her if he did, he couldn't look at those pictures again, they lived in his mind for days on end when he first viewed them, when the officer's in Osaka called him and Itachi to their precinct to identify the bodies.

He didn't look up until the photos were gone. He continued to hold her hand tightly but she didn't mind. She was a big source of comfort to him right now. She didn't know what would happen if she wasn't here for him now. All the things Sasuke worked hard to forget about the death of parents being shoved in his face all over again, all because the idiot who drove drunk was granted a retrial.

"I need some air." Sasuke said as he released Sakura's hand standing and walking towards the exit of the courtroom. When the defendant took the stand and began talking its when he decided to get up.

Sakura turned watching him walk away, worry etched onto her face. She turned to face Itachi who sat beside them. He mouthed the words "Go" to her. She nodded and quickly slipped from her seat walking towards exit.

When she made it outside she didn't see Sasuke anywhere, worried she checked her phone, he didn't text her or anything so she called. When he didn't answer she bit her lip anxiously.

He probably walked off to calm down, he did know the streets of Osaka, and without him to help her around, she didn't want to walk off too far to look for him.

It probably wasn't her best idea but she needed to make sure he was okay.

Quickly she shot a text to Itachi informing him of where she was going incase he didn't see them.

As she started walking she wanted to shout his name, but of course she couldn't do that. They were downtown so there were different walk ways and stores surrounding the courthouse. There were hotels around too but the one they were residing at was further away so she didn't think Sasuke would've went there.

There was a clothing store nearby, Sakura didn't mind to read the name of it, so she just walked in, she would look around for Sasuke incase he was in there.

Going through the different clothing racks, people were all around looking at the clothes, she didn't spot Sasuke so when she turned to leave, something small ran into her legs. She looked down seeing a small child, sitting on their butt now rubbing their head.

"Are you okay little girl?" Sakura asked softly. She kneeled down to the little girl's height checking on her. "Where's your parents?" She asked.

"Papa" The small child said. When she finally looked up at Sakura, she was absolutely stunned. The child had shoulder length pink hair, maybe a shade darker than her own, and the same green colored eyes. It was almost as if she was looking down at a toddler version of herself.

"Papa." The little girl pointed. She held her hand out for Sakura to take. "Is your papa this way?" Sakura asked as she nodded. Sakura let the small child lead her to where her Papa was.

They ended up making it to the counter and when they did the little girl ran behind it.

"Hey! Wait! I don't think you can go back there!" Sakura said.

"There you are Saki, Did you run off on your own again? I thought I told you not to do that while Papa is working."

That voice, Sakura must've been hearing things, it sounded just like her-

"Papa?" Sakura said as the man turned around facing her.

The dark pink hair, the dull green eyes, it was no mistake, it was her father, here, and yet another little girl is calling him Papa.

"Sakura? Is that you?"

"Wh-what is this? You have another child?" Sakura asked.

"Keep your voice down." He said to her.

"Is this where you've been this entire time? In Osaka?" She asked.

"We should.. Talk in the back." He said "Follow me." He said.

She followed him hesitantly, he led her to an office where he took a seat behind the desk and he ushered for Sakura to take the seat in front of it.

"First I want to say, you've grownup." He said as Sakura just stared at him. "I get it you want answers.. I'm just so.. happy to see you Sakura."

"I don't understand, are you Sober and clean now?" Sakura asked. There was a tremble in her voice as she spoke. She couldn't believe she was sitting in front of her father again.

"I am, going on 3 years now. I did a complete year in rehab after everything, and for the past two years I've been here running this store."

"And the little girl?" Sakura asked.

"My daughter, Saki Haruno.. she's two years old."

"I don't get this, you.. You never came back, did you even try to check on me? Did you even think about me? And all the pain you and Mama caused me? And yet you're here thriving with another child, Were you even going to come back?" Sakura asked.

"I did come back, When I contacted your mother after I was released from rehab, I asked about you, She had told me the court placed you back in her custody and that you didn't want to see me again, I begged and pleaded with your mother and she said if she ever saw me near you again she'd call the police on me.. I had just gotten sober.. I didn't need another mark on my record.. So I moved to Osaka... I found someone else.. and now.. we're here."

"Why didn't you verify what Mama had said? She's a liar, she lied.. I haven't lived with her since I was placed in the custody of my Auntie." Sakura said.

"I didn't verify because I was scared Sakura, and heartbroken, to hear you never wanted to see me again really broke my heart, I loved you so much and everytime I think of how vulnerable and weak I was, I was incapable of helping you back then, I knew I had failed you, and I didn't want you to feel pain anymore. I had no idea you were still Tsunade, your mother told me you hated it with her and were back with her."

"No.. Mama is a lie... I've been with Auntie for 3 years... I only just started seeing her after three years.."

"Sakura I'm so sorry, had I known.. I would've been there for you.. I-"

"But you weren't.. God I went through so much, and yet you're here acting as if I don't even exist in this new life of yours. I was put through hell and you let a couple of lies and threats keep you away from your own daughter.... Does she even know she has a big sister?" Sakura asked.

"You're right.. there's no excuse for why I didn't fight for you enough..I was a coward... and to answer that, yes, she knows she has a big sister I just never knew you two would meet this way." He said.

"Honestly this is way too much to fathom." Sakura said standing.

"Sakura wait.. I want to make this right... are you truly with your Aunt?"

"Do you think I'd lie about that?" Sakura asked sarcastically.

"I'll visit Sakura." Her father stated.

"I have to go.. I have to find my boyfriend, Today is about him and getting justice for his parents, I'll continue to focus on him." Sakura said turning and walking out of the office, leaving her father to watch her walk away.

She fought her tears that threatened to fall as she walked out of the store. She felt so much pain, she couldn't believe her own father who was clean and Sober never came back for her, instead he wanted to redo his life over again in a different city.

It wasn't fair, it isn't fair.

Another child gets the childhood she was never given a chance to have.

"Ugh, I need to find-" She cut off being bumped into someone. She looked up when she saw who it was. "Sasuke." She said his name.

"What are you doing here?" Sasuke asked.

"I came looking for you, I was worried."

Sasuke analyzed her quickly, something else was troubling her.

"Sakura, what happened? What's the matter?" He asked.

She looked him in his eyes. She didn't want today to be a day when he gives up time for her. What happened in the store will be discussed a different time. Today and for however long she would be here for him.

"It's nothing.. How about we get back? We wouldn't want to miss justice being served to your parents." She cracked a small smile.

Sasuke dropped it for now because she was right but he made a mental note to ask her about it later.

"Alright then .. let's get back." He held his hand out as she took it.

Together they walked back to the courthouse.

The both of them a mystery to each other.

Sakura wondered where Sasuke could have gone for that length of time.

Sasuke wondered what exactly happened in that boutique.

Until the both of them opened up, it was continued on a as mystery between them.

Something they both will want answers for pretty soon.

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