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By -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp

133K 4.7K 2.1K

Nayliรค was a mighty warrior from the metkayina clan. She was one of the few of her tribe who fought in the fi... More

โ™คNayliรค's Rageโ™ค


2.4K 99 6
By -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp

●Spider was scared.

It was dark outside and he could barely make out the shapes of the trees below him.

He was currently strapped into a helicopter that did nothing to help soothe his nerves. Norm had told him they would be leaving about three hours ago but once they actually left he was anxious on the unsaid reasoning of their needed return.

He couldn't think of any reason why they would want him to come back other than the fact they had found out what he had done. Just thinking about their reactions made him sick to his stomach. He had finally started to feel fully accepted into their family and now that would be gone.

Although, he couldn't be upset with whatever they decided to do to him. He knowingly saved his dad who had taken so much from the Na'vi as a whole. If he could he would blame it on the heat of the moment. His father saved him once and he was only returning the favor so they had to understand. Right?


Spider wasn't naive.

Nayliä was dead.

One of the few people who didn't see him as just a charity case or some demon spawn, was gone.

The teen sniffled inside his mask and took a deep breath.

Throughout his life all he wanted was to feel as if he belonged somewhere, that someone actually wanted him. That's why he was so drawn to the Sullys. Not only were the kids his age and he could make long lasting bonds but he had unknowingly found his mother figure.

Nayliä never made him feel that his presence was unnecessary. As a child she treated him almost like he had been born from her own body.

If only he got to tell her how much she meant to him before it was too late.

The boy was tired of thinking and leaned his head back and forced his body to relax enough to sleep.

Spider was running through the thick trees and bushes of Pandora. He couldn't be more than six or seven years old but his speed and agility would put most humans his age to shame. His skills were due to his environment and to keep up with peers, he had to adapt.

Currently he was looking for a specific fruit so that he could give it to the nice woman who patched him up after he slipped off a branch.

She was the mother of his best friends and he liked to pretend she was his mom too.

It was getting dark and the young boy knew he had to return back home soon but he desperately wanted to find what he was looking for.

Unfortunately, he failed to notice the group of hungry canine-like creatures ready to hunt their easy meal.

"There it is!" He saw it! Low to the ground but still connected to its mother tree.

But just as he grabbed his delicious prize, a branch snapped behind him.

His eyes got as wide as they could get and he started to slowly back away into the huge tree behind him. The branches were too high up for him so he knew climbing was out the window.

The small boy bravely faced what he could only describe as monsters or beasts,ready to enjoy their meal.

His heart began to race and he hugged his gift close to his little chest tightly.

"It's mine! You can't have it!" He was upset because he thought they were after his present but in reality they were after him.

When one of the animals got too close, he tried to mimic the hisses he had heard before. It was weak, small and didn't deter his attackers.

But when he heard something land on the tree behind him and snarl. He hesitantly looked up.

Nayliä was crouched with one leg bent on the lower branch of the tree with her bow drawn. Her face was scrunched up in a protective hiss.

Spider no longer paid attention to the viperwolves and kept his gaze on his savior.

His smile was bright and he knew that now that she was here, he would be okay.

Lucky for them both this pack was small and the older woman scared them off quickly. She dropped down in front of the child with more violent hisses.

When she knew they were gone for sure she turned to face the child hiding behind her with anger on her face.

"What were you thinking? Coming out this far, alone!"

Spider wasn't phased by her yelling and quickly showed her the gift he did all this for.

"For you, mama." He held it up with both hands and with a huge grin on his face.

The Na'vi woman sighed and gently grabbed it from his hands.

"For me?"

The curly haired boy nodded eagerly and Nayliä couldn't stop herself from letting her anger go. She kissed the boy on his forehead and smiled at him.

"Thank you my love, but you cannot come this far out by yourself anymore, alright?"

He nodded once again, "Yes mama."

She bit into the bright colored fruit but then offered it to the young one who also took a bite.

She wiped the stray juices away from his mouth.

"Can you teach me to roar like you?"

Nayliä paused. She wasn't sure if she should teach the human child more Na'vi customs. Her wife would definitely disapprove but what was the harm in it?

"Okay dear."

A tear fell down Spider's eye in his sleep.

The family may hate him for what he had done but no one could hate him more than he hated himself.

It was dark now and the village was silent as everyone was getting ready to sleep.

But the Sully's were wide awake and they waited.

Jake peeked out of their home and looked around with his ears standing straight up and alert. When he deemed it safe he stepped out and motioned for his family to follow.

First Neytiri, then Nayliä and then their children.

They all were giggling and hushing each other as they moved in the dark.

Originally, Jake planned to go get Spider on his own but his mates and children thought this was a fun mission to practice their stealth.

He had told the base back home to land on a special island a little ways from the village in order to not raise too much attention and so that Nayliä could sneak out as well.

Nayliä had her youngest son strapped to her back and even he was awake with a bright smile on his face.

They were all moving low to the ground, almost crawling but when Jake thought he heard something he held a hand up so they would stop.

His mates stopped gracefully but his children stumbled.

Lo'ak stepped on Neteyam's tail causing the boy to hiss quietly but accidentally push Kiri who fell onto Liia.

Tuk thought it was hilarious and bit her hand so she didn't laugh out loud. But Liia grabbed her tail and didn't let go, making Tuk fall flat on her stomach while she hissed at her big sister.

Lo'ak started to smack Liia's head lightly so that she would let go of Tuk's tail but Neteyam elbowed him for hitting their sister.

Kiri was still laying on top of Liia's legs and she didn't even bother trying to get up with all the fighting going on.

Malík thought they were playing so he giggled and babbled to them, wishing he could join in.

Nayliä glanced behind her at the commotion and snorted before covering her mouth. She lightly slapped Neytiri's shoulder as she laughed silently.

Neytiri flinched away and looked behind her at her tangled children then hid her face in Nayliä's neck as she chuckled.

She tapped Jake's shoulder and when the man turned around and saw their kids, he sighed and face palmed.

He then smiled at the sight of his children being kids again.

Kids that weren't plagued by the horror of war.

They all somehow made it to the forest ,undetected, where their Ikrans were nestled up and getting ready for bed.

But there was one isolated from the others. It didn't look like it would be getting sleep anytime soon as it gazed at the sky.

Nayliä could recognize him even in her sleep. Her heart started racing as she did her usual call for him.

The creature looked around frantically while letting out mournful sounds which made the woman chuckle and chirp again.

This time he found what it was looking for and he dove off the branch he was on.

Nayliä had a small grin as the ikran landed right in front of her. She only smiled wider as it came closer until they were face to face. Her head unconsciously tilted to the right and the ikran followed her moments.

"Khazì. I've missed you."

She reached a hand up to touch his head but he leaned into her and met her halfway. Her smile only grew as he started to chirp softly. She nuzzled their faces together and reached back for her que so they could finally be reconnected.

The first thing she felt through their bond was relief and happiness but then she felt all of his pain and despair.

"I'm so sorry for causing so much distress. Thank you for waiting for my return, my brave boy."

Her family watched on with smiles at the reunion.

"I have someone you must see." She reached for the wrap around her that held her son and grabbed him out of it. She then held him up closer to the beautifully large Ikran.

His eyes seemed to impossibly soften and he inched his head closer until Malík was able to reach out and place a hand on the bird's beak.

Khazì squawked softly and leaned into the newborn's touch, making Nayliä beam at him. She could feel through their bond how protective he felt of the child already and it made her heart swell.

"Liä we have to go now."

She wiped her eyes and nodded while pulling her son closer to her.

"Let me help," Kiri held onto her brother while her mother got settled onto Khazì who was brimming with excitement from wanting to fly with his rider again.

When she was ready she gleefully grabbed onto her baby and made sure he was secured into her right arm and chest.

Liia would be riding with Jake like usual while Tuk was with Neteyam.

"All good?" After hearing confirmations from everyone, Jake took off with his family behind him.

It didn't take long for them to get to the island that Max had landed on. Nayliä recognized it as the one she came to when they had first arrived. It made her feel oddly nostalgic because of everything they had gone through since then.

This time, Neytiri helped her down and Lo'ak reached for his little brother, eager to hold him again.

Nayliä wanted to lengthen the surprise for Spider so she walked behind her family which wasn't too hard considering her height.

The helicopter in front of them was off and outside was Norm and Spider while Max sat inside.

The human boy was pacing back and forth but stopped when he noticed Kiri was running towards him. He met her halfway and the two hugged each other.

Even though it wasn't long since they last saw each other, it was long enough.

The two best friends were forced to separate when Liia and Tuk jumped on them to join in the hug.

They all giggled as they pulled apart.

Spider felt his nerves ease even more when Jake walked up to hug him to the best of his ability. Neytiri smiled at him softly and he nodded at her with a grin.

But he noticed Neteyam and Lo'ak standing back in front of someone...?

When they noticed him looking they went to greet him but he was too busy staring at who was behind them. Too busy to notice the babbling child in Lo'ak's arms.

The environment around them was mostly bioluminescent so they could see pretty clearly without the light from the Sun but Spider wasn't sure.

His eyes were damn near popping out of his head. "Holy f-"

Nayliä grinned but cut him off, "Uh , language?"

She then got on her knees and opened her arms and the boy had no hesitation in running into them.

Her much larger hand cradled the back of his head as he cried onto her shoulder.

His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest and no matter how much air he inhaled it didn't feel like it was enough.

Throughout his life he was used to putting on an act in front of others. He didn't want to seem weaker than what he already was as a human child. But now? He couldn't care less about the way he looked, he was just so ecstatic and relieved to have Nayliä back. A heavy weight was lifted from his shoulders almost instantly.

Nayliä found herself to tear up as well and did her best to not start crying all over again.

For a split second, she was back in the forest with a small human boy in her arms.

She blinked and was back in present time but she also felt regret. She had packed up and left when he was taken. She didn't try looking for him at all. Could she really call herself his mother?

She pulled back from their embrace and grabbed both his hands tightly.

"There's so much to be said between us but I have to start with saying I'm sorry. I never should've left you," she placed a gentle hand onto his cheek and wiped his tears away, "We should've gone after you instead of running away."

Spider only leaned into her hand, "It's okay, ma." To be honest, he never held any harsh feelings for being left with his father. He understood why they had to go but he wouldn't lie and say it didn't sting a bit. He often wondered if Kiri or Lo'ak had been taken, would they have stayed and gone after them?

Deep down he already knew the answer and that hurt more than anything but once again, he understood why. So hearing the one he looks up to apologize for that, healed a large part of his heart.

"It's not okay. I swear, I will be a better mother to you." She then pulled him into another hug against her chest.

They stayed in their embrace for a minute until Spider calmed down and soon Norm walked over.

"It's good to see you Nayliä." She smiled and stood up to give him a hug.

The two had become good friends during Nayliä's stay in the forest. She was glad he was doing okay throughout all the drama.

"It's good to see you too." She laid her head on his shoulder and squeezed him tightly then pulled away.

"Lo'ak! Stop!" Tuk was running and splashing through the ocean waves.

Norm and Max had headed home but the Sullys weren't ready to go home. So they stayed on the island playing together freely under the moonlight.

Lo'ak was chasing his youngest sister through the water with a grin.

"Run, Tuk!" Liia shouted as Neteyam was chasing her.

The kids had roped the trio of mates into a confusing game of tag. The boys were it and all after the girls.

Kiri chuckled at her sisters but had to quickly dodge her dad almost tagging her shoulder.

"Better luck next time!" The teen girl had a bright smile on face but it fell when she realized she had fallen into his trap.

As soon as she had dodged, Spider was waiting to tag her.

"That wasn't fair at all."

Jake and Spider fist bumped as they laughed at Kiri's annoyed face.

It got worse when Jake said, "Better luck, next time," to mock her.

She huffed and went to sit on the beach as she was now out. Spider went to join her and she smiled slightly as they sat next to each other.

Liia was still on the run but she stopped as she got an idea.

Neteyam was confused when she suddenly changed course and started running towards Neytiri. But he continued trying to tag her anyway.

Liia smirked as she neared her mother and when she was close enough she ran even faster.

Neytiri was busy keeping her eye on her husband who had chosen her as his next target.

She wasn't exactly in the mood to run so she played defensively.

Everytime he stepped closer she stepped back and the two began to circle each other with matching smiles.

But Neytiri was completely unaware of the plan Liia had for her.

"Sorry, mom!"

Neytiri frowned in confusion only to have her tail be tugged. Of course, she turned around quickly but then Liia pushed her towards Neteyam.

The mother and son duo fell and splashed into the water as a crackling Liia ran away.

Neytiri sighed as she was once again sacrificed by someone she loved.

Neteyam was laughing as he got out of the water and offered a hand to his mom who took it gratefully.

Now it was down to Liia, Tuk and Nayliä.

Tuk was getting tired of running but didn't want to lose the game.


Lo'ak snorted, "You already used your last timeout, sis."

Tuk rolled her eyes and forced her legs to keep moving.

Neteyam flipped his braids away from his eyes and spotted Liia looking at him with a victorious grin.

He decided to stop taking it easy on her and the two were back to playing cat and mouse.

Liia was extremely agile so she had no trouble dodging his hands. But karma had caught up to her when she tripped as her and Tuk crossed paths.

Tuk yelled out an apology but it was too late as Neteyam had finally tagged Liia.

"You had a good run." His tone was teasing and Liia was sulking now that she was out.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, suck my toes." Neteyam made a gross face and the two went to sit on the shore next to Kiri, Spider and his mother.

Tuk had finally had enough and Lo'ak was ecstatic he pushed her into giving up.

He gladly mocked her as they walked to where everyone was sitting. "Aw, the poor baby is tired."

Tuk hissed at him, "Shut up!"

Now the group watched the last two players.

Nayliä was holding a non stop giggling Malík. She had him close to her chest as she jogged through the water. Her husband was hot on her heels but she couldn't stop the laughter escaping her.

The man felt as if time slowed as he watched his wife who had a bright expression on her face. His heart skipped a beat from her laughter and it felt as if he had just fallen in love all over again.

He forgot all about the game as he grabbed her waist and turned her to face him.

Her twinkling ocean eyes looked up at him and he folded.

Being mindful of his son, he brought her into a kiss that she reciprocated instantly.

She murmured against his lips, "You got me."

He only dropped his hands from her waist to her hips while never taking his eyes off her lips. "I got you."

Somehow those words meant a lot more to both of them.

Nayliä was now sitting on the shore with Jake on her right side and Neytiri on her left.

Lo'ak was leaning against Jake's shoulder and Liia was laying across both of their legs. Tuk was laying against Nayliä's chest while she held her baby brother. Kiri laid her head into Neytiri's lap. Spider was leaning into Neytiri and the woman was happy they both felt comfortable enough to do so.

All of them were just happy to be complete again.

The family sat in a peaceful silence as the breeze dried them off. The ocean seemed to glow a bright blue and purple while the moon shone down on it. The waves gently washed on the shore and then raced back, creating a soothing sound.

Nayliä took a moment to look at all the smiling faces around her and felt her heart melt.

She hoped this peacefulness would last for a while.●


{Idk why but the image of Neytiri being sacrificed by Liia like Nayliä did in the older chapters is so fucking hilarious to me.

Anyways the next chapter will be the longest chapter as it will be the last official chapter until Avatar 3 comes out. But I will be open to writing oneshots of the family doing whatever you guys wanna see until then.}

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