𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐍 The Last Witch

By TheMoonlightOracle

11.5K 794 1.2K

The fires dance across my body in a sinful display of lust and need. The flames lick upon my skin, searing un... More

Character Aesthetics


478 46 88
By TheMoonlightOracle


Insufferable woman. She brings me to the edge of insanity with the feelings she stirs within me. My darkness continuously pushes me to seek her out, though I resist.

I only give in when she seeks me out, I refuse to be the one to come to her, knowing that once Jericho returns whatever it is that's happening between us will cease.

I know who she belongs to, and it's not me. Letting her sleep comfortably is the only thing I've allowed to happen until the other day. I fucked up thoroughly when I tried to kiss her.

My inner darkness was beginning to come to the surface, giving it just enough control to convince myself it wouldn't hurt to try. Fucking idiot.

I never should have let it get this far, I shouldn't have been comfortable enough to let the thought cross my mind.

The little witch hurt me more than I care to admit when she attacked me with her magic. I can still remember the immobilized feeling I experienced when the lightening coursed through every inch of my body.

Strong little thing that she is. I deserved what she did to me and more for trying to cross that line with her.


I should have been the one to go through that portal, Jericho and Eden would have been fine if it would have been I that got lost in that abyss.

Why can't I turn her away? Why does she seek me out? Though it seems things have changed since I made my foolish mistake. Eden hasn't come to my room in many nights, seeming to avoid me any chance she has. Always training with the other female fighters, and if she's not doing that she's with Persephone exploring the depths of her dreams and what they could mean.

Trying her best to find her mate.

My brother.

What will I tell him when he gets back? That I'm a weak, sad excuse of a man? That I let his woman into my arms not only for her own comfort.. but for mine as well?

Why am I drawn to her this way? She's not my mate. I met my mate long ago, and she rejected me. I was too hurt to try to sway her mind, afraid she would reject me again. Claiming she could never be with a monster.

Jericho had found and fucked her first, I'll admit I wished I had been the one to fuck her first, but she was a whore so it's not like she didn't have a few customers per night, anyways. And I still would have accepted her if she would have accepted me.

He acted as if he had committed a sin when I told him what she was to me, I simply laughed, he acted as though I wouldn't have shared her with him. I'm not a selfish lover, and at one time neither was Jericho. There were only a handful of women we didn't share.

It seems that changed with his mate, though I respect his decision. He's waited a long time for her.

But fuck, the thought of sharing Eden with Jericho does something to me. These past few nights I've been alone, left with only thoughts of Eden and how her body reacted to my hand simply being near her.

Her fucking smell.


My cock grows hard at the memory, and I will myself not to give into these fucking temptations.

She is a fucking temptation.

All the filthy thoughts I have of her run through my mind. I can't count how many times I've woken up with a hard-on in bed with her. She says I sleep like the dead, but really I'm rolling over till it fucking goes away so she doesn't see.

I can sense my will slowly caving in as I reach down and grab my thick erection in my hand. I begin moving my hand up and down in steady strokes as I let my mind wander where it shouldn't.

Thoughts of her taking me in her mouth as Jericho takes her from behind. Taking turns with her. It'll never happen, but god I know we could blow her fucking mind with the things we could do to her.

She truly doesn't know such pleasures.

I can feel my climax building as my abs start to tense up. I stroke myself faster until my cock grows harder before I cum, spilling myself onto my own stomach.

I lean my head back and lay an arm over my eyes, catching my breath as I come back down. The shame slowly creeps in, knowing I shouldn't be getting off to the thought of her.

I groan angrily as I sit up and make my way to my bathroom to rinse off. I clean myself in the running water, washing away the evidence of what I just finished doing. Wishing the water could rinse away these fucking thoughts that plague me.

After getting cleaned I step out of the bathroom with a towel on, walking to my bed I lay down in it, hoping unconscious will save me from myself.

It takes longer than I'd like to fall asleep, but it feels like I'm being woken up just moments afterwards as an ear piercing scream reaches me.


I toss on my sleep pants as I make my way to my door, darting down the hall as fast as my Reaper speed can carry me.

I don't bother knocking as her screams continue to echo through the palace.

I swear I broke the door when I opened it, but I also swear I'll fix it later.


"Make it stop! Please!" Her screams are laced with pain as she clutches at her side in bed, still mostly under the blankets.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" I hesitate before walking up to her bed, I pause at the foot of it, not knowing what to do.

"It hurts! Please make it stop!"

"What hurts, Eden?"

She shoves the blankets off of her body, revealing that she wears nothing but a pair of sheer underwear and a silk top that leaves nothing to the imagination.

I swallow hard as I focus on what the hell could be causing her to act in such a way. Both of her hands grip her lower side near her hip as she cries out.

I push all my thoughts and feelings aside as I walk up to her, grabbing her hands to move them out of the way, taking note this is obviously where the pain is coming from.

"Shit." A rune sits just below her hip bone, one for increased abilities if I'm not mistaken. But this rune looks as though it's scorching the surrounding skin, causing burns to spread from its center.

"Eden is this the rune Jericho gave you?" She only nods to confirm my fears as she continues to whimper from the pain.

I place my hand on the rune, going to see if I can ease the pain, only for it to burn my palm instead. "What the fuck?" I don't get burned easily. Something is wrong.

Eden begins screaming so loud it causes me to grow anxious. "Please make it stop! I can't handle it! Please!"

"I don't know how! I'm trying!" I say to her, panicked.

I place my hand on the rune again, ignoring the pain it causes me as I chant over her repeatedly. But none of my magic is affecting it, it just continues to burn me as Eden screams.

"Fuck! What do I do?!"

A thought crosses my mind and I don't take time to think it through as I scoop her body up into my arms and teleport straight into Hades home. He'll send me to the pits for it, having forbid using anything other than portals in the underworld, but I didn't have time to seek one out.

"Hades!" My voice booms out through the halls of the massive place.

"Do you know what time it is, you little shit?" Hades voice comes from behind me.

"Help her!" I yell at him. He eyes me and then the woman in my arms, judgingly taking in our state of partial undress.

"We'll talk later, help her. Now."

Eden let's out another blood curdling scream, at that time Persephone and Melinoe make their way over to the screaming woman, though upon seeing Melinoe I hold Eden closer, not liking her seeing Eden in such a state. Filthy bitch.

"What's going on?" Persephone questions as she makes her way over to me, she brings her hand to Edens face, touching it lightly as her eyes seem to fade, searching for answers only she can see.

"Jericho is dying, his mark upon her will die with him. The process is not.. pleasant." My stomach fucking drops at her words.

"We have to do something! Now!"

"Give her here." Hades groans, seeming annoyed I had woken everyone in his home up with this.

I place Eden in Hades arms, as I do so he places a hand on her rune, closing his dark eyes he begins chanting, a deep glow appearing around his hand, as he does this Eden cries out again.

"What are you doing to her?!" I shout as I go to retrieve her from his arms, a hand on my shoulder stops me, and I turn to see it's Persephone, she simply nods at me, silently asking me to trust Hades.

The glow from Hades hand slowly fades, and along with it so do Edens cries. "I've stopped the process for now, but it won't keep it away forever. The rune will begin fading again as Jericho's life force fades. But for now, she won't feel any pain."

Eden is asleep, seeming to have went unconscious as soon as the pain left her weakened body. Hades hands her sleeping form back to me, and I take her back quicker than I mean to.

"Hades.. There has to be something we can do. Jericho can't.." I trail off, my emotions getting the best of me.

"We're trying, Damien. We just need to try harder. With all of our resources going towards preparing for war it's made it harder to focus on finding him. Make no mistake, I plan to bring him back before it's too late." Persephone says confidently.

Though she seems so sure, the dark feeling in my chest continues to grow at the thought of Jericho really never returning. What if we're too late? We're obviously running out of time, that much is clear now.

"Take her back to your room and rest." Hades says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I turn my gaze to him, annoyed he'd say something like that. "She was sleeping in her own room." I state calmly.

"Maybe tonight she was. But I've known for a while that she's been warming your bed, Damien." Hades says before he begins making a tisking noise as he shakes his head. Mocking me for my choices.

"Shut your fucking mouth, you don't know shit."

"You and Jericho always did enjoy sharing." He smirks.

"I said to shut your fucking mouth!"

"You've been sleeping with Eden while Jericho is away?" I had forgotten Melinoe had shown up until now when she chooses to be nosey.

"None of you fucking understand what's going on, fuck off!" I shout. A look of hurt crosses the bitches face, but I couldn't care less if I hurt her. Fucking snake.

"Go home, Damien. Bring Eden to me tomorrow, we have a lot of work to do." Persephone says, immediately defusing the situation before it can get more out of control.

"Use the damn portal." Hades growls over his shoulder as he makes his way back to his room, followed by Persephone.

Melinoe lingers, though I quickly make my leave, heading straight to a portal and back into my own home with Eden in my arms.

I hesitate in the hallway when I hear voices coming from Eden's room. Of course I wasn't the only one to hear her, I was just the first one to her room.

I roll my eyes, not wanting to deal with anyone right now. By the sounds of it it's Lilly and Kiana, the witches who lost their abilities, Eden's only surviving friends.

I take a deep inhale before walking past the room, not bothering to stop.

"Damien! What happened to her? She woke up half the palace but when we got to her room it was empty, we feared the worst! Explain!" Lilly shouts at me sternly. The way she addresses me you'd think she'd be much more intimidating, but she's far too small for that.

"I'll explain tomorrow. For now, she's okay, I took her to Hades. She needs rest, go away."

"That's not a good enough explanation. And where the hell are you taking her? Her room is that way," Kiana points back down the hallway before continuing. "or you can take her to my room which isn't much further than yours is."

"And if I take her to my room instead?" I challenge her.

She sighs heavily, looking exhausted and annoyed. "You two can't keep doing this."

"Tonight will be the last time." I say in a low voice. I don't know why, but I need Eden with me tonight.

"That's what they always say, but then there's always one more time, isn't there?" Kiana turns to leave to her room, followed silently by Lilly, though she turns to glare at me once more before they vanish from view.

I wait for a moment before making my way to my room, not wanting to run into them again. Eden sleeps silently in my arms, her breathing slow and even.

I let out a sigh of relief upon making it back into my room, pleased that I didn't come across anyone else.

She doesn't leave my arms even once as I lay us both down in my bed, holding her close I wrap us up in my blankets, settling in for the night.

After a few moments she begins stirring within my arms. "I don't hear him any more." She says weakly, barely above a whisper.

My heart feels constricted at her words, knowing she speaks of my brother, and I fear the worst.

"We will find him, Eden. We will find him before it's too late. I promised you, and I intend to keep that promise." I continue to whisper reassuring things to her as she drifts back to sleep within my arms.

2,438 words.
I would love some feedback on this chapter, I wasn't sure about doing a Damien POV, so would love to hear your thoughts!

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