Dark Woods. Land of Beonia Bo...

By Astump14

31 0 0

What would you do if you were told you had to suddenly leave your town just because of what you are even thou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Language of Beonia
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

4 0 0
By Astump14

Entering I realize that all the commotion is coming from the center of the marketplace. This is where the elders gather. There are five elders from different parts of the settlement, each masters in their own skills like healing, husbandry, and logging. Father likes to claim we are relatives to one of the elders, but he can never remember which one. As I approach I notice the four Ventin that I had met earlier.

"My name is Abak." The Ventin elder started with a touch of his pinky to his forehead, a Ventin greeting. "The Lurani to the southwest have claimed that there is a new Nadartach living in the mountains above their village. This Nadartach is not like any we have seen before. They have asked that some Naur Nadartach from this settlement come and help them catch this new Nadartach." His voice carrying loud and strong through the crowd.

I stared in shock as other settlers mumbled at his request. Asking any Nadartach to leave their settlement is almost unheard of, even most Normteach never leave.

"Why can't the Ventini help the Lurani?" An elder with peppered gray hair asks, staring at Abak.

"You Ventin have heard about this situation so you must have been there." A white haired woman asks, resting her hands on the cane in front of her.

"Why travel here to ask for our help? We are one of the smaller settlements." A third asks. His name is Olivan, Naur Nadartach. He became blind when he was younger but thanks to being Nadartach he has been able to "see" thanks to nature around him. His foggy green eyes stare at Abak waiting for a reply.

A younger Ventin steps forward and greets the elders before speaking. "We tried to help, but this Nadartach kept disappearing before we could catch it." Again the crowd whispers among themselves. Ventini are known to be great bounty hunters. They can sense how many people there are and where thanks to the wind. Nauri can only do that if the person is touching the ground or trees, take them off the ground and it becomes harder.

"So the Ventini have traveled here for how many Nadartach?" Olivan asked.

"We would not ask for you elder." The third Ventin responded. His black hair was short with a few gray hairs showing. "Five would be enough."

The crowd gets loud and rejects the idea. They want five Nadartachi to leave? I start looking around to see if I notice any of the Nadartachi. A notice some mothers leaving with young children knowing they would not be chosen and having no desire to be. Other Nadartachi whisper amongst themselves.

"Are you doubting the Naur?" The white haired woman asks. "Just one would be able to get the job done."

"Even an old blind one could do it." The first elder responded, causing the crowd to laugh.

Abak did not like the response. The wind shifted as he began to speak again. "This is an honest request from a fellow clan that fears they are in danger. The Lurani who live here would feel betrayed if you did not help."

"Why would feel betrayed?" The fourth elder asks sitting up in his chair. He is one of two Lurani on the council, a fact that Abak seems to have overlooked.

"We had heard the rumors but did not request our friends for help as it is a Lurani matter." The other Luran elder states. Her auburn hair was in multiple braids down her back. I smile knowing that she is the Luran Nadartach representative. Her name is Candeen and she comes from a very prominent Nadartach line. Most of her family has moved to other settlements and towns. "You would be wise," Canteen continues, staring at them with her charcoal eyes. "Not to start any trouble here as this settlement is outside of your region." The air begins to feel very hot as Candeen waits for a response.

The final Ventini quickly greets the council while Abak clears his throat. "We are merely messengers. We mean no disrespect." He quickly states. I stare at him. He looks like he is the youngest of the group and yet his hair is more white than black.

"We will go with the elders' decision, just one Naur Nadartach will do." Abak finally says. The heat in the air disappears as Candeen relaxes. " I suggest...her." Abak states pointing a finger into the crowd. I watch as a gust of wind gently moves people aside until there is a path straight at...

"Me?" I ask as people whisper around me. "No thank you." I respond, shaking my arms.

Olivan stands up quickly. "She is not properly trained." He states. I flinch at his words but I know it is true.

"He is right. There are more qualified Nadartach that could find this new one for you quicker than I." I state with a pleading look in my eyes. There is no way I'm going to go looking for some unknown Nadartach.

Abak faces the council. "Even an old blind Naur could do it." He states. I feel a gust of wind move me towards the center of the crowd in front of the elders. I should have just stayed home today. I notice Opica in the crowd and she turns running in the direction of our house. She is probably going to find father, he will stop this. 

"But the old, blind Naur has had proper training." I respond smiling awkwardly. "I have not so it isn't really a good comparision."

Abak looks at me with what I take as disgust. "You are over the age of training and should do just fine." He responds. 

"She only had one day of formal traning." A familiar voice calls out from the crowd.  I turn to see Fase making her way to the center.  "She could help you with healing and some mending of tools but help you see in the forests or communicate with them would make your task harder." 

I nod knowing that even though what everyone is saying is true, it hurts like hell to hear it out loud.  But, even though I haven't been "properly" trained I have done some on my own.  The library had some really old books which helped...well mainly the picture had since I don't know how to read Old Beonia. 

"She can train on the way." Abak declares "Storshu here grew up near a Naur  village, he can teach her." Storshu was the young Ventin with mainly white hair.

"No offense but I really should learn from another Naur." I cut in only to receive a glare from Abak.

"This child..." Abak starts

"Not a child." I mutter just to receive another glare.

"This child has as you all have admitted has almost no experience being Nadartach. Two of us are." Abak motions to Storshu. "We may not be Naur but we can at least help her in understanding what it means to be one."

"But you Abak seem to take a very different approach to being Nadartach than us Naur." Olivan counters glaring.
"Don't all of the clans have different ways of training their Nadartachi?" Storshu asks. Candeen nods in agreement. I curse myself realizing I have lost a supporter.

"Doesn't my father have to give permission?" I ask looking at the elders. I can see that they are taken aback by what I have said. The settlers all agree knowing that my father would never allow it. I'm his precious Nadartach, he won't let me go.

"She can go!" I turn in shock, recognizing my father's voice. His face red from running, he approaches the elders and bows his head. "Raydenia has my permission as long as there is some compensation for it."

Of course he would ask for something in return. Abak smiles and motions to the first Ventin. He approaches my father with a bag. My father opens it to reveal precious silks and gems. My father lifts up a sapphire colored oval shaped gem.

"That is an Ipnon gem." Abak states. I stare knowing that now there will be no way that my father will let me stay home. Ipnon gems are super rare. Seeing one is something most of us in the settlement will never see again. It is rumored that wearing them can give you the gift of mind control, rumored...never proven.

My father smiles and pats my back. "She will do great." He responds.

"I need to pack." I bluntly say.

"We will go with. I have something to discuss with your father." Abak says as he motions to my father to walk with him back to the house.

I scan the crowd as many start to leave. I see Fase helping Olivan down talking with each other. They both look at me with worry and fear in their eyes. I smile but know that I am not ready for whatever is going to happen. My emotions make the grass around me wilt causing my heartbeat to race. Fase notices and rushes to me embracing me with small sobs.

"You must stay safe." she whispers into my ear. "Do not risk your life for them."

I nod and turn to leave the center, my footsteps becoming heavier with each step I take. Soon everything I ever knew would change but would I be the same? Would I even survive?

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