By kiara__________

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"That I fumbled your heart Should've let go of my past for you, damn You did everything I asked of you Travel... More



4.4K 155 16
By kiara__________

2 YEARS AGO .....


With excited screams and chants going on
in the background of the 100 square foot room, all Solea could think about was how happy she was for her brother and soon to be sister in law.

Looking across the room seeing Nova chatting away with her other bridesmaids, making transition videos for their socials and talking to the videographer for the wedding movie trailer she's making, she couldn't do nothing but feel excited.

Solea and Nova met 3 years ago when her brother Rashad and her was freshly 5 months of dating . After going to see a movie and then going go kart riding one random Wednesday they've been "sisters" ever since. They don't even acknowledge each other as friends, they are sisters if you ask them. So imagine Solea's not so suprise reaction when her brother came to her and broke the news that he was finally ready to propose.

Amidst the bustling excitement of the proposal preparations, Solea couldn't contain her joy for her brother and his soon-to-be wife. The air was filled with anticipation and love, and Solea found herself blinking back tears of happiness as she added the final touches to her makeup. Across the room, Nova's voice cut through the chatter, calling Solea over. As she made her way to Nova, snippets of conversation from the bridal party caught her attention.

"Have you seen the handsome groomsmen?" Amber exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Dee chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm, "We've been swooning over them since the bachelorette trip!"

Laurie's declaration drew giggles from the group. "That caramel-roasted brother with tattoos? Definitely a sight for sore eyes"she remarked with a playful grin.

Solea couldn't help but smile to herself as she listened to the banter, secretly fixing her lip liner while stealing glances at Laurie. Across the room, Nova caught Solea's eye, and they shared a silent exchange. Nova's subtle nod signaled her readiness to address the situation with Laurie, and Solea responded with a reassuring glance, silently granting her permission to intervene.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies, let's not get too carried away" Nova interjected, her tone lighthearted yet firm. "Yes, Sante' is the best man, but he's already spoken for."

Laurie's response was swift, her curiosity piqued. "Taken by who?" she inquired, her tone tinged with disbelief.

Nova sighed inwardly, hoping to avoid any potential conflict before the ceremony. "Well, if you must know," she began, gesturing towards Solea, who had just finished touching up her makeup, "he's got his eye on her. Any objections?"

Laurie's gaze shifted towards Solea, taking in her radiant appearance. Solea met her gaze with a mix of embarrassment and amusement, her hand nervously running through her hair.

"Oh, girl, he's yours?" Laurie exclaimed, her surprise quickly turning to delight. "Well, that's wonderful news! At least he's with another gorgeous sister."

Solea exchanged a knowing glance with Nova, silently thanking her for handling the situation with grace. With a chuckle, she responded, "Well, it's not quite official... yet."

The bridal party erupted into laughter, their teasing and encouragement only adding to Solea's nerves. As the reality of the impending ceremony sank in, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation mingled with apprehension.

Laurie's playful teasing brought a chorus of laughter from the bridal party, their camaraderie filling the room with warmth.

Amidst the banter, Solea found herself chuckling, trying to ease the tension that had settled within her.

"No, no" she interjected between laughs, shaking her head, "it's not like that." She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before continuing,

"I've just had my eye on him since my brother introduced us last year. We've been getting to know each other, going on casual dates, and lately, I've noticed he's been more flirtatious. I guess I've just been working up the courage to tell him how I feel."

The response from the bridal party was a chorus of encouragement and understanding, with even Nova chiming in with a knowing smile. Solea couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and gratitude for their support.

Laurie's words resonated with her, urging her to seize the moment and express her feelings on this day of love. With a nervous nod, Solea acknowledged their encouragement, feeling a surge of determination to finally confront her feelings.

As she made her way down the hallway, her steps faltered with uncertainty, her heart pounding in her chest. She was about to turn back, overwhelmed by her nerves, when she heard her name echoing behind her.

"SOLEA!" The deep voice that called out to her was unmistakable, and she felt a rush of anticipation as she turned to face him.

There he stood, tall and reassuring, his arms open wide as he enveloped her in a warm embrace. In that moment, the weight of her worries melted away, replaced by a sense of calm and security that only he could provide.

Solea couldn't help but smile as she leaned into his embrace, grateful for the strength and comfort he offered with just a simple hug.

After a minute of just embracing eachother and Sante rubbing his hands down Solea's back to the top of her ass, they both pull away slowly and gaze at eachother.

"Where you was going ? You know the wedding is bout to start soon" he says while gazing at her in amazement. He couldn't get over how beautiful she looked.

Solea was dressed in her bridesmaid dress that was off the shoulder and hugged every curve her mom gave her. Hair laid to perfection and skin glowing.

Solea's heart raced as she struggled to find the right words, her nerves getting the best of her. With Sante's hands still gently resting on her waist, she mustered up the courage to speak. "Actually, I was coming to look for you, but you're right, let's get ready," she stammered, her words tumbling out in a nervous rush.

However, before she could turn away, Sante's firm grip stopped her, his confusion evident in his expression. "Hold on, ma... looking for me for what?" he questioned, his voice laced with curiosity.

Taking a shaky breath, Solea looked up at him, meeting his gaze with uncertainty. His encouraging eyes urged her to continue, to share the thoughts that had been weighing on her mind. "Umm... well... I came out here to actually tell you something that I've been thinking about for some time," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

With a raised eyebrow and a soft smile, Sante encouraged her to open up, his reassuring presence providing her with the strength she needed. "What is it, mamas?" he prompted gently, his hands still rubbing her sides in a soothing gesture.

Solea took another deep breath, gathering her courage as she prepared to lay her feelings bare. "You know how we've been hanging out more and going on dates, just getting to know each other since last year?" she began, her words hesitant but determined.

She felt a wave of relief wash over her as Sante nodded in understanding, his unwavering support giving her the confidence to continue.

"Well, I've been developing feelings for you and didn't know how to tell you," Solea confessed, her voice soft and hesitant, still unable to meet Sante's gaze. "And after the encouragement from the bridal party, I was gonna come find you and tell you."

As the words left her lips, Solea felt a weight lift off her shoulders, allowing her to breathe properly again. The mere presence of Sante and his masculine energy had always stirred something deep within her, making her mind race and her heart flutter.

Observing her carefully, Sante's initial shock gave way to a mixture of care and tenderness. "Ma, why were you nervous to come tell me this, hmm?" he inquired, genuinely puzzled by her anxiety.

Solea struggled to find the right words, her emotions swirling inside her. "I don't know, Sante'. It's just not something I wanted to come out and say, especially knowing that you're my brother's best friend," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Seeing the concern reflected in his eyes, Solea realized that Sante' finally understood her hesitations. With a sigh, he ran a hand down his face before speaking reluctantly. "Solea, you know how I feel about you, and you know I don't play when it comes to you," he affirmed, his words carrying a weight of sincerity.

Nodding in agreement, Solea acknowledged the depth of his feelings, a sentiment she had come to recognize during their time together. "But I don't think we should step into that," Sante' added, his tone tinged with regret.

Confused, Solea met his gaze, her soft voice betraying her curiosity. "What do you mean?" she questioned, her eyes searching his for answers, knowing that he cherished her gaze above all else.

"Don't look at me like that, mamas. You already know what you looking at me do," Sante' replied with frustration, unable to bear the weight of her gaze.

"I just wanna know what is so wrong about how I feel. Do you not feel the same way? Because if so, just tell me. We are always truthful with each other and our feelings," Solea expressed, a hint of annoyance coloring her voice.

"No. Don't even say that. I don't even want you to think something like that with me, Solea," Sante' responded in a deep, serious tone, his irritation mounting.

"I'm saying I don't think we should step into that right now. I don't want your brother to—"

"ALRIGHT, Y'ALL! IT'S 10 MINUTES TILL IT'S TIME TO WALK, LET'S GOOO!" one of the groomsmen interrupted, startling them both.

Their uncertain gazes met, and they reluctantly pulled away from each other.

"We're gonna finish this convo, ma," Sante' assured Solea, but she couldn't shake the feeling of rejection from someone she deeply cared for.

"Sure," she reluctantly agreed, making her way back to the room to get ready for her brother's big day.

Three hours later...

The newlywed couple had been married for no more than three hours, and the whole bridal party, family, and friends were in the reception venue, celebrating and greeting each other. Laughter filled the air, accompanied by the nostalgic beats of Montell Jordan's "This Is How We Do It."

As Solea moved around the venue, chatting with family members, she felt someone's eyes on her. Looking up, she met Sante's gaze.

As Solea approached Sante', hoping to share her exciting news about the job offer and her upcoming trip to Barcelona, Spain, she found herself once again interrupted, this time by her brother Rashad stepping into Sante's line of sight.

Feeling a sense of hopelessness wash over her, Solea was tired and worn out from the day's events. She doubted she'd get the answer she'd been hoping for from Sante tonight. Amidst all these thoughts, she almost forgot about her flight in the morning, an opportunity of a lifetime from her job.

Despite wanting to share her news with Sante', travel being a topic close to their hearts, she hadn't found the right moment amidst the week's busyness. Exhausted, she decided it was time to turn in and get some rest before her flight.

Starting her rounds of goodbyes, she made her way to bid farewell to the bride and groom. With a big smile, she hugged them both, filled with excitement and emotion.

"I'm sooo happy for you guys, and I'm honored to have been your bridesmaid, Nova," Solea expressed, feeling emotional once again.

"Solea, you better not start crying again," they teased, but she assured them with a laugh that she wouldn't.

Rashad stepped up, embracing her tightly. "Thank you for the love and coming to support, little sis. We really appreciate it," he said with a smile.

As Solea bid her farewells to the happy couple, Rashad mentioned that Sante' had stepped out for a call but should be back soon, prompting nerves to creep back in. In a spur of anxiety, she lied, claiming she had already told him about her news.

However, the couple sensed something was off from her response, leading Solea to exchange a knowing look with Nova, silently promising to explain later. With a hug and well wishes, she left them, urging them to call her after their honeymoon.

Rushing to gather her things from the bridal party room, Solea's mind was consumed with thoughts of Sante'. The uncertainty of when she'd see him again weighed heavily on her, especially after the events of the evening. Despite her desire to avoid facing him tonight, she couldn't shake the longing to be near him.

Gathering everything she came with she finally grabs her keys and walks out the reception and into the warm but slightly chilly night, excited for what's to come in her future.

Whewww yalll . I'm so excited 😆 this is my first book so please be nice .But tell me why i wrote this whole chapter in a day...
•Please comment & let me know your thoughts how y'all like it & hopefully we can get some people to read and see how they like it too☺️
•any errors... chilleee just let me get situated and I'll come back to em

•Don't forget to like

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