Beauty And The Beast

By SarahGalaxy2

8.9K 336 1.2K

An arrogant prince is cursed to live as a terrifying demon beast until he finds true love, or else, he'll bec... More

The Curse
Provincial Life
A Wrong Turn
Meeting The Beast
Be Our Guest
Is This Love?
Beauty And The Beast
Kill The Beast
The Fight

The End

846 38 89
By SarahGalaxy2

Meliodas sat on a chair with his gaze towards the window as the rain poured down, hitting the window as the rose was next to him.

The door is heard opening as Estarossa comes inside. He sees meliodas, and he points his arrow towards him.

Meliodas looked over, seeing Estarossa, who had a smirk as he let out a whimper of sadness, looking away with pain still in his dark eyes.

Estarossa grinned and let go of the arrow as it pierced into meliodas' shoulder, causing him to yell in pain, standing up quickly.

Estarossa ran and shoved meliodas out of the window, causing him to land on his balcony as the silver haired man laughs.

The tall man goes through the broken window as the prince slowly gets up, using the rail for support jumps, and then Estarossa pushes him off, causing him to roll through the roof. "Get up." Meliodas looked at him, Estarossa kicked him, having him push to the edge of the roof."Get up!"

"What's the matter beast?" Estarossa let out a wicked laugh."Too gentle and kind to fight back?" He mocked as meliodas only groans in response, looking away.

Estarossa went over and grabbed a stone stick piece from the castle as he went over to him with an angry expression on his face as he lifted it.

"No!" Y/n yelled out as meliodas slowly opened his eyes. His eyes widened by seeing y/n there on the bridge with worry and panicked on her face.

"Y/n." Meliodas called out to her softly, "No! Estarossa, don't!" Y/n shouted out as Estarossa went to swing the stone piece at the beast."meliodas!" Y/n yelled out in worry.

Meliodas managed to grab it and stood up while growling at Estarossa like an animal, glaring at him.


"Let's go, philippe." Y/n told her horse as her father got off the horse, looking up of what's happening on the roof.

Philippe let out a neigh and slammed himself through the doors of the castle.


Meliodas used all of his strength to push him back more as Estarossa struggled against his strength.

Estarossa managed to get meliodas to let go of the stone piece, he swing it to him, but meliodas dodged it as Estarossa backed away, glaring at the beast.

Meliodas growls, going towards him as Estarossa keeps trying to hit him, but the prince grabs the stone piece, causing Estarossa to lose his footing and almost fall off the roof, but he grabbed hold of it.

The blonde man launched towards the tall man, tackling him, causing them to fall to another roof of the castle.


Y/n had gotten off the horse quickly and started to run up the stairs with a panicked look on her face.

She hopes that she will make it in time as her heart is beating with an anxious feeling in her.


Estarossa landed on the roof, and he used all of his power to shove meliodas off him, causing him to go into the darkness.

The tall man stood up quickly and went to a figure that he thought. It was meliodas, but when he smacked its head, it was a statue.

"Come on out and fight!" Estarossa growled as he walked through the darkness as he moved his wet hair off his face."Were you in love with her, beast?" Estarossa asked and walked through the shadow. "Did you honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like me?"

Estarossa passed a figure who opened his dark eyes, growling lowly as meliodas sneakily comes up behind him but Estarossa manage to spot him causing him to swing the stone piece but the beast dodge it in time and he goes in front of Estarossa, going to launch at him but the tall man used the stone piece to block his attack.

They started to push each other, holding into the stone piece, then meliodas let go, backing away, and Estarossa began swinging the stone piece at meliodas, but he kept dodging it.

"It's over, beast! Y/n is mine!" Estarossa shouted.

Meliodas narrows his eyes, his body filled with rage as he snarled, he then smacked him hard causing Estarossa to let go of the stone piece and he picked Estarossa by his neck and held him out over the edge of the roof.

"Let me go. Let me go! Please, don't hurt me!" Estarossa begged as he held into his wrist, struggling as he had fear on his face."I'll do anything! Anything!" He pleaded more, meliodas anger slowly melted away from his face and he narrows his eyes, glaring at the tall man, he pulled Estarossa back onto the roof slowly as the tall man let out a whimper of fright.

"Get out." Meliodas ordered strictly, shoving him to the ground having him grunt.

"Meliodas!" Y/n called out as she had finally arrived at the balcony of meliodas lair, looking over at the blonde man.

Meliodas quickly turns to see his beloved, his eyes lit up. "Y/n!" He exclaimed happily, a loving smile on his face, y/n reached her hand towards him as he climbed up the roof towards the (h/c) haired woman."Y/n?" Meliodas smile warmly, reaching his hand to her as y/n inches her hand to him.

The prince claw hand took hold of her soft ones as their fingers intertwine, he finally made it up to the balcony, "You came back."

Meliodas placed his other hand on her cheek, stroking it as she smiled happily towards him, leaning against his touch with a blush on her cheek as meliodas went to lean his face towards her.

But meliodas let out a painful roar as y/n eyes widened, she gasped in horror as Estarossa had stabbed his side with a large knife as he has crept up behind him when he had his gaurd down, he smirked evilly.

Meliodas roars out in agony as he move his arm to try and hit Estarossa but he move away in time but it caused him to loose his grip and fall off the roof, screaming out as he falls to his death.

The prince was also gonna fall but y/n grabbed a hold of him in time and helped him climb into the balcony and she gently place him on the floor as she had extreme worry in her eyes.

Merlin, ban and king came running, but to their shock and horror, they saw their master wounded having their eyes widened in fear and concern.

Y/n stroke his cheek, causing him to grunt, opening his eyes as he gazed up at her. "You..." He breathes heavily."You came back." He smiled softly.

"Of course I came back. I couldn't let them..." she trailed off as she breath shakily, holding back tears as she ran her fingers through his blonde hair "Oh this is all my fault. If only I'd gotten here sooner." She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close as she looked at him with guilt and concern.

"Maybe it's better... it's better this way." Meliodas weakly told her as y/n shook her head.

"Don't talk like that." Y/n sniffed as she stroked his face on the side gently."You'll be alright." Meliodas let out a cough as he could feel himself getting weak."We're together now. Everything's going to be fine, you'll see." She told him, her voice slowly breaking as she tried to convince him and herself.

Meliodas smiled faintly, he place his hand on her cheek, caressing her cheek as he stared at her with love and adoration, "At least I got to see you..." He breathed weakly as he had his fingers through her (h/c) hair "one last time."

Y/n lean against his touch as tears starts to form in her (e/c) eyes as she nuzzle against his soft touch but then she feels his hand slowly going limp causing her to turn to meliodas.

"I love you, y/n..." he confessed to her as he let out a final breath, his eyes closed as his body went lifeless.

Y/n eyes widened in horror. She covered her mouth as she placed her hand on his chest. "No, no!" She shook her head."Please! Please!" She begged, tears falling from her eyes."Please don't leave me!" She started to sobbed as she buried her face into his chest, holding him close as tears continued rolling down her face. "I love you too, meliodas..."

Merlin, king and ban, watched as the last petal fell from the rose. They all looked down at the floor in sadness, and King put his hand on merlin, who had tears falling from her eyes.

Y/n continued to cry, hugging the prince close to her as her body tremble.

The rain continues to fall, but one beam of light falls, like a shooting star. Then another comes. That's when more started to come down, causing Y/n to notices. Her eyes widened as she stopped her crying for a second, and meliodas body started to levitate, having her back away.

Merlin, ban and king eyes widened with their jaws dropped of what they are seeing as a fog swarm around meliodas levitate body, bright cloud of light surround him then his cloak goes around him.

Meliodas body started to shift. A light coming out from his fingers as his clawed fingers dissappears even the darkness on his body started to fade, his horns disappearing along with the sun mark on his forehead as well, his body levitate back gently on the ground as the cloak is wrapped around him, the fog disappearing.

Y/n eyes widened in shocked of what had happen as she went to reach towards him but meliodas started to move causing her to flinch, backing away as meliodas slowly stands up, looking at himself of seeing him back to normal, he turn to y/n who had the most beautiful emerald eyes, she's ever seen.

"Y/n, It's me!" Meliodas told her with a smile, taking her hand.

Y/n raised eyebrow as she slowly placed her hand on his cheek, her fingers stroking his soft blonde hair, and she looked into his green orbs that were filled with joy and love towards her.

"It is you!" Y/n exclaimed, happily as she smiled warmly, meliodas place his hand on the side of her head, stroking her hair gently as they stare at each other with warmth and joy, they get lost in each other's eyes.

Meliodas slowly started to lean towards her face and she did as well, their eyes closing as meliodas pressed his lips against hers causing her to return it as they share a deep passionate kiss, a magical blue swirl surrounding them before launching up to the sky, exploding like a firework, sparklings falling down causing the gloom surrounding the castle disappears, revealing a blue sky. The castle transforms, with the gargoyles changing into cherubs, the castle looking beautiful.

Meliodas and y/n pulled away and had a smile as the objects hopped towards meliodas and Y/n. One by one, they began transforming back to human.

"Ban." Meliodas smiled as ban had a tuxedo on him, and he smiled."King." King smiled as he was also wearing a tuxedo as well."Oh, merlin! Look at us!" Merlin smiles, wearing a maid outfit as Meliodas laughed happily, pulling them all in a hug as they had overjoyed expressions on their face. They separate from each other's when Arthur comes riding in on hawk.

"Merlin! Merlin!" Arthur and hawk transform back to normal as arthur had turned back into a little boy while hawk had turned back into a fluffy dog that had pink fur.

"Oh my goodness." Merlin chuckled, picking up Arthur, hugging him close with a smile.

"It is a miracle." Ban smiled, chuckling as meliodas picked Y/n up by her waist and swung her around, causing her to laugh as the prince looked up at her with happiness and love.

The ruffles of her (f/c) dress swipe the scene into the ballroom, where everyone is gathered to celebrate the curse finally being broken.

Y/n is wearing her (f/c) ball gown dress, her hair styled into (h/s), meliodas wearing his green suit.

Meliodas and y/n held each other close as they gave each other a deep, loving kiss before pulling away, smiling each other as they started to dance together.

"Ah, l'amour." Ban sighed happily as elaine walked by with a swing in her hips, she smiled at him, teasily ruffling the featherdust to his face and ban smirked, chuckling mischievously, going to follow her but King blocked his path, pushing him back.

"Well, ban, old friend. Shall we let bygones be bygones?" King asked as they shook hands.

"Of course, mon ami." Ban wrapped his arm over his shoulder."I told you she would break the spell." He teasily hit his shoulder, grinning.

"I beg your pardon, old friend, but I believe I told you." King laughed, smirking.

"No, you didn't. I told you." The tall man argued back, pinching his cheek.

"You most certainly did not, you pompous paraffin-headed pea-brain!" He shove ban, glaring at the tall man.

"En garde, you overgrown pocket watch!" Ban took out a glove and used it to smack king across, causing him to punch him."Take that!" Ban tackled him down."Stop shoving!"

The two males started to fight, bickering as Y/n and meliodas danced around the floor, still gazing at each other with happiness, they passed merlin, Arthur and (f/n) who had a joyful and proud look on his face, he sniffed into the tissue.

"Are they gonna live happily ever after, merlin?" Arthur asked his sister, looking at her.

"Of course, my dear. Of course." The maid nodded with a smile.

"Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?" Arthur asked him, causing merlin and (f/n) to gaze at the young boy and let out a laugh as Merlin nuzzled her cheek against his, chuckling with a smile.

"Certain as the sun." The couple continued to dance around the ballroom.

"Rising in the east Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the beast!"

There in the glass window shows a picture of y/n and meliodas in their ballroom outfits still, smiling at each other with crowns on their heads, a rose above them with the servants in the glass picture.

"Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the beast!"

Meliodas looked at his beloved lover with a loving smile, his gazed deeply into her (e/c) eyes. "I love you, y/n."

Y/n stares into his green eyes with a gentle smile on her lips. "I love you too, meli."

Meliodas and y/n lean towards each other and pressed their lips together, their kiss filled with love and softness. Their hearts warmed up of how happy they found each other, meliodas finding the woman that he will love forever and happily be with.

The End.

[This is the end of this book, everyone. I cannot believe that we are already finished with this, it's my first completed book but don't worry, I will make more Disney movies with meliodas or zeldris in it, I'll have you guys comment of which movie, I should do next also thank you all so much for 2k views, I'm happy that this is book is getting attention and I want to thank the kind words of your comments, it makes me very happy, you all love this book and the stories I do. But hopefully, you love this chapter and the ending anyway. Have a great day/night!]

[Here are the movies, you can comment on which I should do and who should be the male lead for our dear reader!]

The Little Mermaid [meliodas or zeldris]

Hercules [zeldris or meliodas]

The princess and the frog [zeldris or meliodas]

The hunchback of notre dame [meliodas & zeldris x reader]

Cinderella [meliodas or zeldris]

Tangled [meliodas or zeldris]

Tarzan [meliodas or zeldris]

Sleeping beauty [meliodas or zeldris]

Aladdin [meliodas or zeldris]

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