Dark Woods. Land of Beonia Bo...

By Astump14

31 0 0

What would you do if you were told you had to suddenly leave your town just because of what you are even thou... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Language of Beonia
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

4 0 0
By Astump14

I woke up with a jolt when the sound of shouts started to fill the air. Rolling over in the grass I peered up, my chocolate brown eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness around me. Had I really slept out all night? I slowly got up recognizing the shouts as the vendors opening shops in preparation for another day. Feeling the grass between my toes I breathed the spring air in as I gathered my bag to go home, my auburn hair covering my mid back. Noticing some Lurani approaching I lowered my head in greeting as they returned the gesture. These Lurani were from the southern tribes. They live close with us in Herskled Praie providing us with news from their travels as well as different gems. Many assumed I was also Luran due to my hair, but the nacemerke on my hand proved otherwise. My father had required me to always show it so that way there would be no misunderstanding that I was Naur. I followed a dirt trail towards a small lake, a stream traveled down to the southwest towards Corrined Rilv. One day I would follow that river...if I were ever allowed to leave the prairie. I, Raydenia, am the only Nadartach in my family. All of our ancestors have been Normteach as well as all of my siblings. I am the middle of five children. I have an older brother and sister as well as a younger brother and sister. My father was devastated that none of my siblings were Nadartach, so he put so much pressure on me to be the perfect one. He is the only one who thinks like this. Other families do not treat their children differently whether they are Nadartach or not. As my father is super protective...me staying out all night was not a good idea. I clench my fingers around the strap of my leather bag as I approach our house. The house had been my grandfather's, but was inherited by my father upon his death. Taking a deep breath I open the door. As I walk in, all talking stops and my little brother, Oraf, shouts at the top of his lungs.

"Papa! Raydenia is home!" his voice pierces my ears...so much for a quiet entrance.

I pause and smile letting the door shut behind me as my father shoots out from the kitchen. "Where have you been?!" He bellows. I blink, preparing to answer when I am cut off by Opica.

"Out watching the stars again when she should have been repairing the fence." She reported while mixing food. Her pale green eyes shoot daggers at me while she continues cooking. Though she is not Nadartach her ability to know how food should taste and where to find them is better than most. That is why it is surprising that she is still at home at 23.

"I meant to repair the fence..." I replied before I got yanked into the kitchen and pushed down on to a chair.

"Then you will do it after you eat." My father commanded as my younger sister handed me a cup of water. We both had chocolate brown eyes but hers matched her hair. She kept it in a low ponytail. My father had had high hopes that she would be Nadartach too since we look similar. I smiled at her but pitied her as father has always pushed for her to be like me thinking it would change her. Opica puts food on my plate, a mixture of vegetables and a slice of bread on the side.

The rest of my family sits leaving one chair empty. My older brother Bridar, nods at me as I focus on a small flower to bloom on the chair. Four years ago a fever passed through our settlement causing many deaths before healing could start. Most Nadartachi had gotten sick, while those who were trying to heal had to have breaks. I had tried to heal my mother but fell sick while trying. She fought for six months, long enough to see Oraf turn three. She died two days before my birthday...a day I refuse to celebrate.

We eat in silence and I excused myself to work when I finished. Flophane and Oraf would go to the center to learn skills, history, singing, and healing while father and Bridar would work in the fields and gardens. Opica would sell some of her baking at the market and hopefully meet someone to marry. Me, I'm going to be repairing a fence, the one that separates our land from our neighbors'. I walked along the fence running my hand over it as the wooden post mended and vines wrapped around them to strengthen the hold. Yawning, I look over at the woods while I walk. Deep in the woods I can see deer, an animal considered holy to us. I smile as they run and my vision in the woods fade. Blinking I return my focus to the fence just as some merchants walk down the path.

"Miss where is the market?" one of them asks. I look up noticing the group of four men. Each man has black hair of varying length with some silver, gray or white. All of them have eyes that are shades of blue. They wear loose pastel clothing that drapes their bodies.

"Miss?" another asks when I realize I haven't answered.

"It's just ten more minutes down this road. You have to enter the stone gates on the left then." I respond pointing down the road. I can't help but envy their clothes. My shorts and top are brown with some designs on the sides. My sandals, which I am most proud of, are leather with some jewels fused to them. I had bought them from one of the Lurani a few months ago. He had been looking for a specific flower from his tribe up north. Luckily he knew enough about it that I was able to make one grow. The men nodded in thanks and continued to walk. I noticed one of them had Ventin nacemerke. I couldn't help but stare. I had never met a Ventin before...and here I just saw four of them.

"Oh excuse me sirs!" I shout as they turn around. I quickly rush to them. "If you are hungry at the market can I recommend stopping at Opica? She has the best baked goods in the whole settlement." They smile and nod in agreement...all but one. The elderly man with silver in his hair gives me a disgusted look. "It's just a suggestion not like you have to follow." I mumble under my breath as I walk back to my father's property.

Noticing that everyone was still out I decided to turn around and walk to the market. The walk gave me some time to just be in my own mind, listening to the woods around me, and reliving childhood memories.

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