Too Late

Per LunnaNin1604

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In a stunning turn of events, "Too Late" unfolds the harrowing tale of Midoriya Izuku, the aspiring hero, as... Més

Chapter 1: The Kidnapping
Chapter 2: Captivity and Cruelty
Chapter 3: The Sinister Doctor
Chapter 4: A Gathering Storm
Chapter 5: Shadows of Torment
Chapter 6: A Glimpse of Desperation
Chapter 7: The Vessel of Experimentation
Chapter 8: The Erosion of Memories
Chapter 9: A Vessel Transformed
Chapter 10: The League's Whispered Plans
Chapter 11: Unveiling the Truth
Chapter 12: The Puppet's Dance
Chapter 13: A Mind Ensnared
hapter 14: The Puppet's Potential
Chapter 15: Pursuit of the Lost Hero
Chapter 16: Confrontation in the Abandoned Hospital
Chapter 17: The Puppet's Dance
Chapter 18: Desperate Measures
Chapter 19: A Sinister Game
Chapter 20: The Silent Void
Chapter 21: Unveiling the Shadows
Chapter 22: A Mother's Heartache
Chapter 23: Ties of Friendship
Chapter 24: A Glimmer of Recognition
Chapter 25: Sharing Hope
Chapter 26: Unseen Alliances
NOT A CHAPTER (How I came up with this story and my love for BNHA)
Chapter 27: A Glimmer of Hope
Chapter 28: A Cry for Help
Chapter 29: Desperate Message
Chapter 30: Unveiling the Truth
Chapter 32: Unleashing the Truth
Chapter 33: The Horrors Unveiled
Chapter 34: Malice's Return and Flickers of Recognition
Chapter 35: A Glimpse of Recognition
Chapter 36: Strategic Measures

Chapter 31: The Urgency Of The Words

132 4 10
Per LunnaNin1604

In the following three weeks, Class 1A, along with Aizawa, dedicated themselves to unraveling the mystery surrounding Doctor and locating his whereabouts. They scoured databases, hacked into secret files, and sought out any leads that could bring them closer to the truth.

Every spare moment was spent investigating, analyzing, and strategizing. The urgency in their hearts grew with each passing day, knowing that Shigaraki's return was imminent. They had a limited window to rescue Midoriya's mind and save him from the clutches of his tormentors.

Together, they delved deeper into the dark underbelly of the villain world, unearthing fragments of information that gradually formed a clearer picture. Doctor was a mastermind in the field of illegal scientific experimentation, specializing in altering Quirks and manipulating human bodies. His presence sent shivers down their spines, knowing the extent of the horrors he had inflicted upon Midoriya.

Yet, despite their tireless efforts, Doctor remained elusive. His identity was shrouded in shadows, and his operations hidden from the public eye. Each dead end they encountered fueled their determination further, igniting a fire within their hearts to bring justice to Midoriya and put an end to Doctor's twisted experiments.

As the days dwindled and Shigaraki's deadline loomed, desperation threatened to seep into their minds. Doubts crept in, whispering the possibility of failure. But they refused to succumb to despair. They rallied their strength and resolved to fight until the very end.

Inko, too, became an integral part of their mission, supporting them with unwavering love and encouragement. She knew that the fate of her son hung in the balance, and she placed her trust in Class 1A and Aizawa, knowing they would stop at nothing to save Midoriya.

Time became their enemy, relentlessly ticking away as they raced against the clock. Every day was a precious opportunity to gather more information, uncover more leads, and inch closer to the truth. Their determination fueled their relentless pursuit, their hearts beating as one in their mission to bring Midoriya back from the abyss.

In the face of adversity, they remained united, drawing strength from each other's unwavering support. Their bond as friends, as classmates, and as heroes grew stronger with each passing day. They refused to let Midoriya be consumed by darkness, vowing to protect his spirit and restore his stolen identity.

With resolute determination burning in their eyes, they prepared to face the final stretch of their journey. The month and two weeks left seemed both daunting and fleeting, but they were ready to give everything they had. The battle to save Midoriya's mind and rescue him from the clutches of Doctor was about to reach its climax, and they would not falter.


Two days later during one night, Iida and Todoroki sat with Midoriya, keeping him company as the rest of Class 1A continued their search for information regarding Doctor. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, and both Iida and Todoroki were deeply concerned for their friend.

Iida glanced at Midoriya, his voice soft with worry. "Todoroki, it's hard to see him like this. He's so distant, like he's trapped in his own mind."

Todoroki nodded, his gaze fixed on Midoriya. "Yes, it's like he's fighting an internal battle. We need to find a way to help him break free from Shigaraki's control and regain control of his own mind."

As they spoke, Midoriya's breathing suddenly became fast and erratic, startling both Iida and Todoroki. They exchanged worried glances, unsure of what to do.

Then, without warning, Midoriya's eyes regained their glow, and he began looking around the room as if searching for something. Iida and Todoroki watched in astonishment as Midoriya spoke to himself, seemingly unaware of their presence.

"I don't have much time... This could be my last chance to take control," Midoriya said, his voice strained with urgency.

Before they could react, Midoriya bit his hand, causing it to bleed. Iida and Todoroki were stunned, not knowing what to make of this sudden action. But to their surprise, Midoriya seemed to be on a mission of his own, one that was beyond their understanding.

As the blood trickled down Midoriya's hand, his eyes glowed red once again, and he entered a state of despair. He began writing a name on his pillow, using his blood to form the letters. Iida and Todoroki strained to read the name he wrote—Garaki Kyudai.

They exchanged bewildered glances, trying to make sense of what they had just witnessed. It seemed as if Midoriya was trying to convey a message, but the purpose and meaning behind it remained unclear.

After finishing writing the name, Midoriya's eyes returned to their usual forest green, and he seemed to slip back into his emotionless state.

"What was that?" Iida asked, his voice filled with concern. "He was talking, but it was like he didn't even know we were here."

Todoroki frowned, his mind racing to find an explanation. "It's like he had a moment of control, a brief respite from Shigaraki's influence. He must be trying to leave us a message, but we need to figure out what it means."

They both looked at the name written in blood on the pillow—Garaki Kyudai. The name sounded familiar, and they realized that it must be related to Doctor, the one responsible for Midoriya's torment.

"We need to find out who this Garaki Kyudai is and how he's connected to Doctor," Todoroki said, his determination reignited. "This might be a clue that leads us to Doctor's location and a way to save Midoriya."

Iida nodded, his resolve firm. "Agreed. Let's go back to the others and share what we've discovered. Together, we'll decipher this message and find a way to bring Midoriya back."

With that Iida and Todoroki called the others and hurriedly explained the strange occurrence with Midoriya to the rest of Class 1A and Aizawa. The room buzzed with concern and determination as they discussed the significance of the name "Garaki Kyudai."

"Could this be Doctor's real name?" Momo pondered, her analytical mind working overtime. "Perhaps he goes by different aliases to remain hidden."

Kaminari added, "Or maybe Garaki Kyudai is a separate individual, someone else connected to Doctor and Shigaraki. But what would be his role in all of this?"

Uraraka chimed in, "We can't jump to conclusions. We need more information before we make any assumptions about who Garaki Kyudai really is."

As the class brainstormed, Jiro took out her phone and started searching for any information related to the name. "Let's see if we can find any records or articles about this person."

The search led them to discover that a Garaki Kyudai worked at a hospital in Jaku. The more they dug into his information, the more they found subtle connections that hinted at a potential link to Doctor.

"He was a renowned researcher in the field of Quirk manipulation," Kirishima remarked, "and his specialties align with the experiments performed on Midoriya."

Aizawa's eyes narrowed. "It's highly likely that Garaki Kyudai is Doctor. He must have been the one conducting these horrific experiments on Midoriya, under the guise of a respected researcher."

"Then we have a lead," Todoroki said firmly. "We know where he works. If we can find him and get him to talk, maybe we can learn more about his involvement in all of this."

"But we need to be cautious," Iida added, his voice filled with determination. "Doctor is dangerous, and he won't go down without a fight. We have to be prepared for whatever we might face."

The class nodded in agreement, their resolve unwavering. They knew that time was running out, and they couldn't afford to waste any more moments.

Aizawa addressed the class, "Tomorrow, we'll head to Jaku and confront Garaki Kyudai. But remember, we must stay united and focused. Midoriya's fate is in our hands, and we won't let him down."

As the night wore on, the class prepared for their upcoming mission. The weight of the task ahead filled them with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, but they knew that they had to persevere for Midoriya's sake.

Together, they forged a plan to confront Doctor and uncover the truth behind the torment he inflicted upon Midoriya. They would fight for their friend, not just as heroes, but as a family bound by unbreakable bonds.

As the first light of dawn peeked through the horizon, Class 1A stood ready to face their greatest challenge yet. With hope in their hearts and Midoriya's spirit guiding them, they embarked on their journey to Jaku, determined to save their friend and bring an end to the darkness that had engulfed him.


Hey, long time no see right? Sorry about that, my stepfather accidentally broke my computer and I lost a little of motivation but I'm back now with this big chapter 🙃, going try to come back posting more regularly so expect more chapters like that one. (Btw, I want someone to talk about Boku no Hero Academia with so if you're interested in someone that watched the Anime 8 times and read the whole Manga, I'm here 🫠)

Continua llegint

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