The Branchalites go East

By AngelaZoesia

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The second volume in the Branchalite series: Michelle Lorax and her sister move to the east following orders... More

Chapter 1: Rough Seas
Chapter 2: The Ice Mountain Bay
Chapter 3: The White Dragons' Lair
Chapter 4: Prisoner and Presents
Chapter 5: Endings and Beginnings
Chapter 6: The brief stay in Rigitt.
Chapter 7: Meeting at the Seventh Sister
Chapter 8: The Mercenaries of Fortune Forest
Chapter 9: The Tak'mithrin Warband
Chapter 10: Cryonisis' Reminder.
Chapter 11: New Orders
Chapter 12: Tarmaks and Bralani
Chapter 13: Centaurs and a Dragon
Chapter 14: The Meeting at Duntol.
Chapter 15: The Lair of the Nighthound
chapter 16: The Merchant and the Minotaurs.
Chapter 17: The lively journey to Donatta
Chapter 18: The Duplicity at Donatta
Chapter 19: Trade, Travel, and Tales
Chapter 20: Trouble with Tarmaks
Chapter 21: Misunderstanding with Minotaurs
Chapter 22: Problems at Purstal.
Chapter 24: Purchases in Purstal: The Hurk hustle.
Chapter 25: The last Mayor of Purstal.
Chapter 26: Introducing the jarak-sinn.
Chapter 27: The Duvarde Noble Family
Chapter 28: The City of Morning Dew
Chapter 29: Meeting at the Sunken Ship.
Chapter 30: More Jarak-sinn.
Chapter 31: Traveling through the Great Swamp.
Chapter 32: Shrentak
Chapter 33: Trade Route Replenishing
Chapter 34: Many Meetings and Profitable Trading.
Chapter 35: Recruiting at Langtree.
Chapter 36: Mercenaries go to Vantal
Chapter 37: The Foul Lake.
Chapter 38: Violence in Vantal.
Chapter 39: A City Fortified.
Chapter 40: Misadventure in Missing City
Chapter 41: Retreat across the desert.
Chapter 42: Sojourn to Silvanost
Chapter 43: The Temple of Astarin.
Chapter 44: Fleeing Silvanesti, Part 1.
Chapter 45: Fleeing Silvanesti: Part 2.
Chapter 46: Fleeing Silvanesti: Part 3.
Chapter 47: An Intimate Interlude
Chapter 48: Scrying, Scouting, Scooting.
Chapter 49: Extracting the Elves
Chapter 50: Trading and Dinner.
Chapter 51: Planning, Scheming, Preparing.
Chapter 52: A Preponderance of Preparation
Chapter 53: All's fair..
Chapter 54: Covert Operations.
Chapter 55: Dinner and Scouting
Chapter 56: Wentil's Tor
Chapter 57: Strategy and Exhaustion.
Chapter 58: The Celebration of Spring Dawning
Chapter 59: Preparations at Wentil's Tor.
Chapter 60: The Battle for Wentil's Tor

Chapter 23: Aghar, Aberrations and Agents of Angst.

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By AngelaZoesia

Fandy rose early, before the dawn, as was her way, and roused Stura. They informed Sedgwick, who was on watch, that they were taking the animals to the river to get them some water, and the two of them escorted the animals through the city. The residue of the previous day's battles littered the streets, but there were no other undead monsters to impede their progress. Fandy enjoyed the time in the cooler air by the Khaldat as the sun rose and she groomed and tended the dogs and horses with care and attention. They worked on the animals for an hour, during which time they had refilled waterskins, fed the dogs and horses, and made sure there were no injuries or lameness in any limbs. They returned to the temple where the camp was still established, Sedgwick keeping an eye out. Fandy left the billeting to Stura and instead engaged in the culinary duties required for a decent breakfast. She didn't explain to anyone where she found meat in a dead city – she was an aghar, it was a natural talent.

After some bacon and eggs, (Mark fed most of his share to Layla), Gilleana offered to help with the cleanup. Stura took that duty with her and so Fandy stood watch with Sedgwick, the pair of them peering out over the rubble strewn streets. Fandy was the first to spot one of the aghar, sneaking along near to where she'd spotted animal tracks herself. She whistled to Sedgwick and he came over, standing beside her, watching the small form creeping along and peering about surreptitiously. After a minute or so, Fandy called out to the guy, using the gullytalk language.

"Got bacon left from breakfast. Interested?"

The aghar started, looking about and spied Sedgwick and Fandy, made a muffled shriek-like noise, and fled down a hatch that in the living days of Purstal doubtless served as an access to their sewer system. Fandy exhaled. She wasn't looking forward to a trek through the sewers to locate and negotiate with the Hurk clan. She nodded to Sedgwick and strolled over to where Gilleana and Stura were finishing up their cleaning duty, packing the cooking gear away.

"Spotted aghar. Dove into sewer. Need Venerable Father help find better way?" Fandy used the common trade language for this exchange, the lilt in her tone hopeful.

Gilleana scrunched up her face and nodded to Fandy. "Yes," she agreed, "let's hope for a better way. I need to see the catacombs, at least. We'll need to go visit them after we've seen to the spirit's release."

"Billet animals by river? Might be safer." Fandy was concerned for their steeds, and she didn't anticipate taking the horses through cramped sewer tunnels.

"No, I'd rather we keep them in here, save for their watering runs of course. Thank you for that, Fandy. You've been very good at keeping the animals healthy on this journey. And cooking for us. And keeping us pointed in the right direction. When we've discovered a good path to the Hurk clan, you should negotiate the trades with them, with Sedgwick to help you out, of course."

Fandy nodded, and then glanced over, noting the incorporeal form of the Venerable Father approaching. She bobbed her head in greeting and that caused Gilleana to turn and give the spirit a smile. "Good morning, Venerable Father. I'm afraid you missed my Udossi at dawn. It was lovely to do so in a temple dedicated to the purpose."

Ludano bowed to Gilleana, and then smiled. "I'm pleased your service to Paladine brings you such peace and joy, Lady Gilleana. Are you ready to see the catacombs and the way to the vermin that live below?"

Fandy checked over the billets for the animals, verifying that there were feed bags and water accessible, before she joined the group. The access to the basement and thence the catacombs was buried under sand, but it wasn't hard to shift it all and then lift the hatch, even if the hinges were non-functional – Stura yanked the hatch free and set it to one side. The stairs were still serviceable and so they made their way below, Stura and Mark in front, followed by Gilleana and Fandy with Sedgwick bringing up the rear. The basement under the temple held some residue of what had been items used for worship in the temple above, but was now rusted and pitted metal fragments. Some of the silver and gold pieces were still in good shape, but many of them had already been looted. The spirit guided them through the area to a featureless wall.

"If any of you can sense beyond the mundane, you might be able to perceive something here."

Fandy used a trick that made her eyes glow blue, and enabled her to perceive the arcane, and she also shared the effect with the whole group. The interpretation of what one was seeing was a matter of some skill and experience, of course, but it was clear to Fandy that there was a doorway in the wall, one of some magical construct. She was able to discern some subtle blend of effects, abjuration, conjuration, evocation and transmutation. Doubtless, if you were not of the appropriate religion and moral leaning, the doorway wouldn't open and you'd be blasted with something. Those spectral seals, the spirit had referred to the previous day. Gilleana's eyes were also glowing blue and she turned to look at Fandy, surprise and curiosity plain in her features.

"This is incredible, Fandy.. thank you."

Fandy bowed and grinned, and looked over toward the spirit, her refined eyesight picking out more details, more features that her mundane vision would never have gleaned. He'd been a priest in life, with significant power, possibly a match for the mayor who'd plagued the town with his necromancy. "This only last a short time," she assured him, her expression returning to something more serious in case he was offended by her use of such divination in his catacombs.

"I hadn't heard that your species were so magically inclined," Ludano murmured. "But as you can see.. these seals will hold. Some of them will erode after my passing, others will vanish. You must return here and claim what lies beyond for the faithful that remain. You'll know which artifacts to retrieve, ask your friend to give you this same insight once you are beyond."

Stura was gawping around at everything and everyone with her blue-eyed vision. Sedgwick and Mark behaved much the same as Gilleana, surprised and impressed, but enjoying the fresh perspective all the same. Fandy tried to banish her discomfort and embarrassment at the reaction from her friends and made a vague gesture about the basement room. "Which way vermin?"

The spirit guided them over to another wall, where there had been access to underground tunnels in the city – they were small enough that bringing horses through would have been impossible, and while Stura and Fandy wouldn't have a problem walking upright, Gilleana, Sedgwick and Mark were going to have to stoop. It wasn't a place where Fandy would appreciate any kind of combat.

"There're aberrations in there," the spirit said with gravity to his features. "They've discouraged the vermin from venturing into my temple, but you'll have to dispatch them to reach the Hurk clan. Or persuade them to leave you alone."

"Aberrations?" Fandy was frowning.

Ludano turned his regard from Fandy to Gilleana and spoke in a different language – it wasn't Solamnic or Elven, but something that sounded like Elven and Gilleana recognized. She was also frowning.

"It's a term I've seen used only once or twice. The closest I can translate it to is 'Otyugh'. Some kind of monster that eats refuse and any fresh meat it encounters, and it has a body that is mostly mouth and tentacles."

Fandy hadn't heard the term before, but she knew there were many strange creatures that shared the underground with the aghar. She took a deep breath and made a suggestion. "See in dark trick?"

"For those who need it," Gilleana said with a nod. Fandy looked about and placed the darkvision trick on herself, Stura and Sedgwick. Mark claimed it wasn't necessary for him, which surprised Fandy, but she guessed it was some part of his arcane training. They adjusted the order, Fandy and Stura going first, so that the taller folk wouldn't run into something they couldn't deal with. Gilleana and Sedgwick came next, and Mark crouch-crawled at the back.

Fandy's arcane sight was still active and with the 'see in the dark' trick, she swept her gaze about as they traveled along in the tight quarters. Fandy and Stura walked about thirty feet before they noticed there was an opening up ahead, a maintenance area for when the tunnels served as a sewer system for the city of Purstal, but now the tunnels were dry. In spite of the dryness of the tunnels, something ahead still stank like excrement. They paused and Fandy spoke in a whisper to those behind them.

"Opening ahead. Not sure how big. Need scout?"

Gilleana didn't use words but tapped both Stura and Fandy on their shoulder. When they looked back, she was nodding, but she gestured to Stura and pointed ahead, then gestured to Fandy and pointed at the spot she was stood upon. Stura blended with the shadows and crept forward soundlessly. After a minute, Stura returned, frowning.

"Smell bad," she whispered, "but not see anything. Small platform above work area, Gilleana-height below. Lots of debris. Could be something hiding?"

Fandy considered, peering into the gloom ahead. "How big work area?"

"Church basement. Little less." The church basement had been about sixty feet across and square. Plenty of room for an 'aberration' to hide in millennia old debris. Fandy took a deep breath.

"Use sunrod?" Fandy's suggestion was whispered like the rest of the conversation.

"Beastie eat it." Stura was grinning as she replied.

"If that's where the deterrent lives, then it'd be best if we left it there. Could it follow into the passage beyond?" Gilleana's expression was thoughtful now.

Stura shrugged. She couldn't ascertain such a thing, as she hadn't spotted the critter. "Too big area for Fandy glitterdust," Fandy said, her expression thoughtful.

"We could blast our way through," Mark murmured, though he was frowning as well.

"It'd be good to have those creature there to prevent the Hurk clan from accessing the catacombs underground." Gilleana was still thoughtful. "Though.. they could attempt it above the ground now we've removed the hatch." She exhaled. "Anyone have something we can use from here, plaster the area and destroy whatever lurks within?"

Mark nodded and whispered: "I can drop an ice storm in there. Should hit anything hiding, unless it were tiny."

"Pretty noisy?" Sedgwick was frowning, though it might not have been about the noise.

"No less than melee combat," Gilleana whispered. She looked about and then gestured to Fandy and Stura. "Stand ready in case it provokes monsters trampling in this direction. Go ahead and blast when ready, Mark."

Fandy and Stura drew their swords and stood ready to slash at any beasties that might come their way. Mark used his trick, which required a pinch of dust and a few drops of water and then there was a loud 'floomph' noise from the room ahead. A set of screeches announced some creature's displeasure, and they heard sounds of frantic motion.

"Hit it again," Gilleana said, her expression grim, and Mark complied. Then silence reigned. Fandy glanced at the others and then Gilleana tapped Stura on the shoulder. "Go peek again." Stura slipped away, a soundless shadow and re-appeared a minute or so later.

"More than one dead critter," she said with a grin. "Ugly beasties. All mouth and tentacle. Look like animated hangover expulsion." Her last phrase sounded like something Stura had heard from someone else and decided it was appropriate in this circumstance. Gilleana laughed and Fandy giggled. Sedgwick was smiling and the comment elicited a chuckle from Mark.

"Let's move on," Gilleana suggested in a quiet tone, gesturing on toward the opening. They traipsed on through and as they traversed the high ceiling, open chamber in single file, due to the narrow platform about the edge, Fandy got a good look at the monsters they had eliminated. Bloated ovoids covered with a rock-like skin, a two foot long vine-like stalk gave issue to the creature's eyes. The mouth was half the body with razor sharp teeth and it had three thick legs and two long tentacles covered in rough, thorny protrusions ending in leaf-like appendages also covered in the thorns. Fandy guessed the tentacles grabbed you and drew you over to the beast's mouth where it chomped away to enjoy its snack. She gave a shudder and acknowledged that four such beasts would suffice to deter any visits from her, were she part of the Hurk clan. She also acknowledged that such deterrent was no longer a problem and planned on using the creatures' demise in her negotiations later. That was a lot of meat for a hungry clan, after all.

After ten minutes, the group came to another large opening, a little bigger than the previous, but they could hear the chattering of the aghar in the area beyond. A ramshackle barricade had been placed across the tunnel, presumably to keep the otyughs from wandering by for the occasional aghar appetizer. Stura called over in gullytalk, "Hey. We got trading to do. You want to move this or should we?"

Most of the aghar on the other side drew away, but one or two of their warriors remained and after verifying that the visitors were not aberrations and did not resemble dead people, they shifted the barricades and greeted the visitors. Their speech in gullytalk was acutely different from the variants Stura and Fandy knew, but they were able to make it work. Once it was clear they were there to trade and talk, and they'd disposed of the beasts down the passage, they were welcomed and the negotiations began in earnest. Gilleana, Stura, and Mark departed shortly after, to retrieve the goods that were being traded and then to stay in the temple and look after the animals.

Sedgwick went back later on and then Gilleana returned asking to be taken to the victim they discovered near to the lair of the mayor. Fandy had achieved a rapport with the aghar, having demonstrated good faith in her trades and also being with the group that had seen to the end of the otyughs, so the Hurk clan were happy to bring Gilleana to the room where the dead were stowed to prevent transmission of diseases to the living. They had been scared to remove any of his possessions because he looked so life-like and indeed, even a day after his supposed death, he still appeared alive and warm to the touch.

The victim was tall for an elf, though only as tall as Gilleana. He had short, straight maple colored hair, blue eyes (which were still open), and skin the color of white pine, which may be why the aghar thought him deceased. He wore the most spectacular studded leather armor, had a bow and staff crossed on his back, with a kukri in a sheath at his waist. His backpack was full and appeared to be untouched. His frame indicated significant strength, but also some excess fat, which was very unusual in an elf. While his complexion might be heritage, Fandy suspected the elf didn't get outside very much. He wore some jewelry, as befitted a silvanesti elf, but nothing too excessive.

Gilleana knelt beside him and checked him over, as any healer would. She gave Fandy a wry smile and then said, "Let's wake him up and see what he has to say for himself." She focused on the silvanesti and whispered her blessing of healing. Fandy wasn't an expert in such things, but she was certain that Gilleana was doing something other than closing physical cuts and easing bruises. The pallor remained in his complexion, but his breathing resumed and then he blinked and looked about, taking in first Fandy and then Gilleana.

"Hello?" His word was in the common trade language, but his accent was thick and he didn't try and move anything other than his mouth. He winced and then asked, "Did I die? What's a dwarf doing here?" He appeared to be confused, as if his version of the afterlife didn't include any other species than elves.

"You're not dead," Gilleana assured him with a smile, "and this is Fandy Zang. I'm Gilleana Solarinas of house Greffayin. We're in Purstal. You attacked the mayor and were paralyzed for your efforts, left for dead. I've revived you. I'd imagine you're hungry and thirsty. If you'll return to our camp with us, we can take care of you further. All we ask is that you share some information about the mayor with us."

The silvanesti agreed and Fandy and Gilleana helped him back to the temple of Paladine. Fandy assured the Hurk clan she'd be back for more trading soon, but they had to take care of the elf first. They settled in back at camp and Fandy discovered it was midday. Lunchtime. She left Gilleana to deal with the silvanesti and dug out some trail rations. Gilleana and Lothas (that was his name which Fandy had discovered on their trek back to the temple – the otyughs were already removed, doubtless being prepared by expert aghar chefs for a hungry clan), spoke in the elven language, so their conversation was lost to Fandy. She settled in next to Stura and nudged her with her elbow, starting her own conversation with her friend in gullytalk.

"So, what Stura think of Hurk clan?"

Stura shrugged. "Not like Migan. Very insular. Seem less interested in world than Stura want."

Fandy nodded, watching her friend for a moment and then giving her a smile. "Perspective changes when leave clan. See larger world. Larger problems. Become part of different clan. Stura on that path. Fandy help. Others in clan help. Good with scouting. Fandy proud of friend."

Stura blushed and nudged Fandy back. "Glad to help. What new guy like?" Her eyes flickered over to where Gilleana and Lothas were speaking in elven.

Fandy shrugged this time. "Not learn much about him. He think Fandy dwarf. Look like scholar. Fancy armor. Weapons. Help with archery?"

Stura nodded, her eyes going over to the elf and then back to Fandy. "Fight more undead this afternoon?"

Fandy nodded. That was the plan. Then she'd probably be trading into the evening after Gilleana retrieved the artifacts from the catacombs, assuming they got that far. Fandy doubted they'd be visiting the mayor that day, but anything was possible. Including the dispatch of further minions, if he was angry enough. Fandy stretched then, looking back to Stura. "Eat lunch. Check on dogs. Go soon enough. Anticipation whets appetite. Try relax when possible."

Stura nodded and stood up, paced over to her riding dog and checked her over. Then she lay down on her bedroll and closed her eyes, catching some sleep while she could. Fandy's regard turned back to the elves and she wondered what could've put such a frown on Gilleana's brow.

Gilleana wandered over to Stura and rocked her awake. They walked together over to Lothas. Stura pulled out her healing stick and applied it several times, until Gilleana was happy. She left Lothas to his bedroll, where he planned to snooze for a while, the spirit of the Venerable Father close by to watch and shout in case he needed to wake for any reason. Gilleana gathered up the others with a gesture and as they all congregated together she spoke in a low tone.

"Lothas Calostin was driven out of Silvanesti by the minotaurs. He stayed for a while to fight as part of the resistance force from the forests, but the minotaurs were joined by ogres and others. Eventually, Lothas had no safe places for him or his animals and so he came out into the plains. The minotaurs pursued him here. We know they've been trying to round up all the elves on the plains. He came to Purstal because some of the plains animals told him the minotaurs were avoiding the city. He left his horse and owl by the river where the Torath forks into the Shin and the Khaldat. He's an archer, but appears to have a lot of book knowledge." Gilleana paused and glanced at the silvanesti, her expression turning melancholy.

"He's not well," she said in a quieter tone, one she was certain he wouldn't overhear, "but he's willing to assist us in finding the secret path to the lich. He needs a day of rest, and I've agreed to that. We have things to conclude in the city, after all, and there's some extra trading we may need to do before an assault on the mayor. One thing that sticks in my mind though.. these militia.. they are stationary. Positioned at the ordinal points on the approach to the town hall. That must've been their orders. The mayor is known to wander about in city hall, but according to Lothas, he's filled the place with fog and webs, locked every door with magic, setup spells at every intersection and hidden walls and put in those glowing lights all over the place. I doubt we could reach him through the hall."

Fandy nodded, surprise and recognition in her features. "It arcane spell," she said in the same hushed tone Gilleana was using. "Mayor more powerful than Fandy. Than any of us. This dangerous."

Gilleana nodded to Fandy, her expression reassuring, perhaps unconcerned that the mayor was more powerful, because for all of that, it was still an effect that Fandy recognised, which meant he wasn't so far beyond them all, they couldn't at least perceive of that which he was capable. "I want to eliminate the militia this afternoon. Obtain the relics this evening. Trade some more with the aghar in the morning. Take the passage to the mayor tomorrow afternoon. Be done with Purstal by tomorrow evening, and head on to the City of Morning Dew the day after. Any questions?"

Fandy glanced at the archer and then back to Gilleana. "Safe leave archer here alone?"

"The spirit has agreed to keep watch while he rests. We need everyone for these next skirmishes. I don't like the necessity, but we can't risk leaving someone to stay with him." Gilleana's expression was grim, her tone somber.

"What if the Mayor dispatches minions to attack us when the spirit is gone due to our action?" Sedgwick was thoughtful as he whispered his question.

"We'll need double watches tonight," Gilleana said, her expression turning more apologetic. "I can't consecrate the temple. There's not enough of it left to make the attempt, even if I could. We can use some long-lasting protections before we rest and try to minimize our resource use in the fighting this afternoon." Gilleana looked around at the faces of her companions and gave them an encouraging smile. "We've had worse. Recall Donatta. We'll be fine."

Everyone geared up, except for the sleeping Lothas, and then assumed a formation that didn't require the horses and dogs. Stura and Mark took point followed by Gilleana and Fandy and then Sedgwick at the back. They kept in close and marched on through the city on foot this time. They were close enough to the center to make the extra speed offered by the mounts unnecessary, and Fandy was concerned they might not survive the encounters they had this close to the center. They planned to sweep a circuit about the center before approaching the city hall, which according to Lothas, appeared to be standing and solid, undiminished by the passing of time.

They were halfway round their sweep when the trouble started. Even in the haze of the afternoon, some of the group were good with their eyes and spotted some small figures approaching rapidly, from all around them, simultaneously. It was a coordinated assault. Gilleana called out for minimal preparations. Stura drew her sword and held it ready for the first critter to come into range. Gilleana used her favorite protective blessing, that required powdered silver and defended everyone close to her from creatures of evil intent. Sedgwick drew his sword and readied himself to attack anything that closed. Fandy went straight for the 'go faster' trick, helping everyone in the process. Mark used a personal protection trick and drew his sword.

The creatures that rushed toward the group were shorter than a human, but were definitely humanoid. They had mottled, decaying flesh drawn tight across visible bones. They were hairless and a few opened their mouths in anticipation of a feast, demonstrating their sharp teeth. Their eyes glowed red. They were ghasts, the most dangerous types of enemy they had faced the previous day. Stura stepped up to the one closest to her and demonstrated her mastery of sword work – three slices left the creature in pieces on the ground, her fourth stroke going wide, but unneeded. Gilleana cast her golden ray spell, directing it at the ghast close by and searing it into a puddle. Retaining hold of his sword, Sedgwick pulled out a stick and fired three green glowing darts at one of the creatures nearby, damaging it. Fandy used a trick to fire off two blue flame jets into the one nearest to her, and it collapsed burning as it fell. Mark lifted his left hand and pointed at one of the critters, using the arcane incantation for his trick to fire lightning at a target. The lightning bolt destroyed it, leaving it sizzling.

The monsters charged into melee with the team, two of them going after Sedgwick, one of them attacked Fandy, and the last attacking Mark. The accumulation of the undead and their terrible stench proved too much for Fandy and she was sickened by their presence. None of the creatures were able to land a blow on their targets, but Fandy was about ready to regurgitate all over the one next to her. Stura rushed over to the ghast assaulting Mark, carving through its chest with a single blow, dropping it in a spray of blood. Seeing Fandy getting sick, Gilleana stepped to her side and slashed at the ghast in front of Fandy, bringing it down with two strikes. Sedgwick went for precision strikes on the ghasts fighting him, two slices dropping the one injured by his missiles and his third slash injuring the remaining beast. Fandy moved into position and finished the last, injured ghast, with her blue flame jets. Then she sank to her knees and retched. She recalled this experience from their encounter the previous day also – these undead were definitely the worst of the types they had faced so far. She also recalled that the sensation would pass after a few minutes, so she tried to calm herself and relax in spite of the terrible stench. She was close enough to scrutinize the ghasts more closely. It was clear close up, when you weren't in the midst of battle: They had been created from aghar.

Fandy pointed this out to Gilleana, whose expression turned even more somber. "The mayor permits the Hurk clan to stay, because he was worried someone might come to the city who was capable of defeating his lesser servants. We see the consequences of the actions we've already taken. He's harvesting new servants from the available people in the city." They were silent for a few seconds, before Gilleana signaled for them to fall in, and resume their march.

They reformed into their patrol marching positions and then moved on, circling the city until they reached their starting position. All that remained were the militia, the skeletal warriors with their halberds and armor. Gilleana had them take an approach that brought them toward the City Hall from the south. Fandy had long since recovered from her bout of sickness induced by the ghasts and like her companions, her expression was grim and somber. As they approached the city hall from what was originally the main thoroughfare, they spotted the five skeletal warriors. They each wore a chain shirt emblazoned with a patch depicting the desert eagle and held a halberd like they were masters with it. Five of them were clustered on the steps before town hall. With them was something else. Something that shimmered into existence as they came into sight. Fandy suspected they'd triggered some kind of spell, that summoned the beast to fight with the skeletal warriors.

The new arrival appeared to be a tall, muscular human, but was wrapped up in chains, which clanked and rattled whenever it moved. Every chain that dangled from it, ended in a hook or a blade or a heavy ball. Those chains appeared to slither and slide over the creature's form, almost of their own volition. Gilleana hissed and then spoke in a quiet tone. "That isn't undead. Focus on it. Take it out from range. It looks infernal to me."

Stura considered her options and decided to hold her position, drawing her sword and preparing to receive a charge until the orders changed. Gilleana drew her sword, but cast her golden ray spell at the creature wrapped up in chains, and something about the energy involved made it effective against the creature which was burned and unhappy with Gilleana. Fandy decided that nothing in her arsenal of offensive tricks would be appropriate, so she used her go faster trick on everyone instead, hoping that helping everyone else would suffice. Fandy heard Sedgwick spell casting behind her, and felt the rush of adrenaline as his effect flooded her with courage. Mark drew his sword, but also created four green glowing darts in front of him, directing them toward the beast with all the chains. They appeared to have an effect, like Gilleana's ray, but the enemy wasn't down.

The creature with all the chains ran at the group full tilt. Undeterred, Stura counter-charged and reached the monster, but as she approached it, it lashed out with one of the chains, slashing her arm. Her responding swipe with the two handed sword carved into the monster's chest, and it was close to death. Gilleana unloaded one of her rays into the beast and again, the divine nature of her attack seemed to be critical, causing the monster sufficient damage to fall. It didn't die there, however, but disappeared, as if being recalled somewhere else. The skeletal warriors, seeing the monster dispatched, switched to their bows, though they were being careful to keep their halberd ready so their response wasn't instantaneous. Sedgwick cast something else, but it must have been a protective spell because Fandy didn't see anything offensive blasting over toward the skeletal warriors. Deciding to err on the side of caution, Fandy used a defensive trick on herself, putting up an arcane, invisible shield. Mark used his trick to create an ice storm and dropped it on three of the skeletal warriors. They were damaged by the assault, but they appeared to be immune to some aspect of it. Mark filled that in for everyone. "They're immune to cold attacks."

Stura ran, moving across the line of fire for the militia undead, trying to draw their fire, without making herself too easy of a target, and yet still moving closer to them. Gilleana called out, "Advance," and moved up a little, but casting another of her golden rays of light at the right most skeleton. It wilted as if it'd been injured severely, but it remained standing. They had yet to drop one of the bad guys, and the undead were about to return fire. Sedgwick took the opportunity to advance, after the order from Gilleana, and passed her because he didn't pause to cast a spell. He almost caught up to Stura. Emboldened by her compatriots, but also to try and get into range for her favorite trick, Fandy moved up closer to the skeletal warriors. The enemy launched their arrows, but failed to connect and afterward they switched back to their halberds, setting them in a way that signified they planned to receive a charge. Fandy didn't hear Mark casting it, but an ice storm deluged three of the skeletal warriors. One of Mark's targets dropped, bones disintegrating, leaving behind a pile of gear.

Stura charged up to the one in her direct line of run and slashed at it with a diagonal stroke that was all about strength and very little about precision. That one also dissolved into dust and collapsed in a clanging pile of metal. From somewhere behind her and to her left, Fandy saw another one of Gilleana's golden rays emerge and strike at the left most skeletal warrior. It was destroyed, clanging as what remained was reduced to equipment falling on the ground. Sedgwick rushed up with his blue two handed sword and sliced through his opponent, again leaving behind the armor and weapons with which the creature was equipped. Since she was within range, Fandy used her blue flame jets and took down the last of the militia. Stura used her wand to restore herself to full health and Fandy moved over to sort through the militia's gear.

"Good stuff – not like the other undead." She looked over to Gilleana, eyebrows raised questioningly. Gilleana nodded and Fandy and Mark gathered up the gear, stuffing it into their nearly empty backpacks.

"I wasn't expecting the infernal," Gilleana said, a line on her brow. "We used up a lot of resources here. We need to close and battle the skeletal warriors in melee more quickly, except for the infernals, if there are more. Those we should try to take out at range but they may have immunities. It's not my area of expertise." She glanced at the others, querulously, but everyone shook their head.

"Sarah knows most," Fandy said with an apologetic shrug.

Gilleana nodded and gestured for the group to resume their marching positions. Three more groups of militia. Fandy hoped she had enough arcane energy for it all.


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