Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

374K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.3K 42 3
By tonysnarky

Inside the crowded club, Lewis's concern for Alexandra grew with every passing second. He knew she had consumed too much alcohol, and the need to get her a glass of water became increasingly urgent.

As he patiently waited at the bar, the relentless bass from the DJ's booth thudded through the floor, reverberating through the soles of his shoes. Multicolored lights danced across the room, casting an otherworldly glow on the sea of dancing bodies.

Amidst the chaos of the club, George stumbled his way over to Lewis. His speech was slurred, and his gestures were more exaggerated than usual, indicating the effects of a few too many drinks.

"Hey, Lew!" George shouted above the blaring music, trying to press a shot glass into Lewis's hand. "You gotta take a shot with me!"

Lewis's patience had worn thin as his concern for Lexi intensified with every passing moment. He knew he needed to find her and help her, and George's insistence on taking a shot was the last thing on his mind. Irritation crept into Lewis's voice as he responded, "Not now, George. I need to go check on Lexi."

Just then, Charles, who had been enjoying the festivities and had indulged in a few drinks himself, approached George and Lewis. Despite his tipsy state, his eyes held a genuine concern as he asked about Alexandra's whereabouts.

"What's going on? Where's Ally?"

Worry etched into his features, Lewis quickly filled Charles in. "She's outside, not feeling well."

Finally, the bartender handed Lewis the glass of water, which he clutched tightly in his hand as he turned to head toward the exit. Charles, his sobriety returning as he grasped the gravity of the situation, fell into step beside Lewis, determination in his eyes.

Together, they made their way through the club's pulsating dance floor, carefully navigating through the chaotic throng of revelers, all lost in the rhythm of the music.

Lewis and Charles scanned the area, their search for Alexandra turning urgent. Amidst the chaos and noise of the club's dance floor, they couldn't locate her.

Just then, their attention was drawn to Max and Daniel making their way outside. James, with a look of panic etched on his face, was rushing ahead of them. The trio approached Lewis and Charles, who were growing increasingly concerned.

Charles, his voice edged with anxiety, called out over the thumping music, "What's going on?"

Max, his emotions amplified by the alcohol coursing through his veins and his mounting fear, shouted back, "James thinks he's seen Jackson!"

A surge of fear gripped Lewis and Charles as they exchanged a quick, alarmed glance before bolting toward the club's smoking area. Dread hung in the air as they hurried outside, their hearts racing with the possibility that Jackson might be lurking somewhere in the vicinity.

As they burst out into the night, the cool breeze hit them, and they scanned the area frantically. The neon lights from the club cast  shadows that seemed to dance around them. Their eyes darted among the figures outside, trying to spot Alexandra, but the chaotic scene made it difficult.

The rooftop smoking area was shrouded in an eerie ambiance, illuminated by the soft glow of distant city lights. The bustling chatter and laughter of clubgoers contrasted starkly with the sense of urgency that had gripped Lewis, Charles, Daniel, Max, and James.

As the group stood together, scanning the area for any sign of Alexandra, the weight of their concern hung heavy in the air. The frenetic energy of the club's music and dancing was replaced by a feeling of dread that seemed to permeate the night.

James, his panic intensifying by the second, approached Charles with desperation in his eyes. He grabbed Charles by the shoulders and shook him, his voice trembling as he conveyed the urgency of the situation. "He's here, Charles. He's here!"

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Charles swiftly reached for his phone, his fingers trembling as he dialed Detective Blackwood's number. He muttered a few words into the phone before ending the call, his gaze fixed on his friends. "The police are on their way," he informed them with a sense of grim determination.

Before they could formulate a plan to search for Alexandra, Max, fueled by a mixture of anxiety and frustration, climbed onto a nearby table. He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted loudly, demanding the attention of everyone in the smoking area.

"Listen up, everyone!" Max's voice cut through the lingering haze of conversation. "We need your help. Have any of you seen Alexandra Heroux?"

The partygoers fell into a momentary hush, their curiosity piqued by Max's urgent plea. A drunk man stepped forward, his words slurred as he answered, "Yeah, she left a few minutes ago. She fell over, and a friend helped her up."

James, his heart pounding in his chest, rushed forward, his voice shaking with anxiety as he questioned the man about the friend who had helped Alexandra. Desperation clung to his every word. "Which friend? Tell me! What did he look like?"

The man, his memory clouded by alcohol, shrugged nonchalantly. "I dunno, mate. But I remember he called her 'flower,' and she seemed to know him."

A cold realization settled over the group as they exchanged worried glances. The man's description matched Jackson's demeanor, and it was becoming increasingly clear that he had managed to get close to Alexandra once again.

"Mon dieu," Charles gasped out, his body freezing in terror.

Max, still standing on the table, raised his voice once more, his words laced with anger and frustration. "If any of you see Alexandra or that guy, Jackson, don't hesitate to call the police. We need to find her as soon as possible. He's not her friend, do you understand? If you see her, keep her safe, and away from him!"

The crowd, now aware of the gravity of the situation, nodded in understanding. Several people reached for their phones, ready to help in any way they could. Max stepped down from the table, his thoughts consumed by concern for Alexandra's safety.

Charles, James, and Lewis shared a tense moment as they considered their next steps. The police were on their way, but they couldn't simply wait. Time was of the essence.

"We need to split up and search for her," Charles said, his voice resolute. "Stay in groups, and if you find her or any sign of her, call the others immediately, Daniel, Lew - can you guys go inside and tell the others? Shut the club down if you have too. Max, James, let's start here."

Max nodded, his determination mirrored by the worried expressions on James and Lewis's faces. The group scattered, each member heading in a different direction to comb through the club and its surroundings.

Inside the club, Daniel and Lewis sprung into action. They reached the DJ booth and swiftly took control of the microphone from Lando. The pulsating music came to an abrupt stop, leaving the crowd confused and disoriented.

Daniel, with a mischievous glint in his eye, made a false announcement, his voice echoing through the club's sound system. "Hey, everyone! We've got something special to celebrate tonight," he declared, his tone filled with feigned excitement. "Can we ask that all drivers gather in our booth to raise a toast to our friends Lexi and Jackson!"

The clubgoers, initially bewildered, began to cheer and clap, thinking it was a spontaneous celebration for their fellow drivers. The drivers scattered throughout the club glanced at one another, puzzled by the sudden turn of events. Following the crowd's lead, they started to make their way to the DJ booth, still unsure of what was transpiring.

As the F1 grid converged in the booth, away from prying eyes, Lewis stepped forward, his voice serious and filled with concern. He explained the grim reality of the situation to their friends, sharing the fear that Jackson had returned and Alexandra may have been drugged.

Their friends understood the gravity of the situation immediately. Without hesitation, they decided to split up and search for Alexandra, each driver determined to play a part in finding her and ensuring her safety.

Kelly Piquet's disoriented presence only added to the mounting urgency of the situation. She stood among the concerned group of drivers, swaying slightly as Lando assisted her to stay upright. Her words were slurred, and her confusion was evident as she repeated, "I can't believe Lexi left."

Sebastian, his concern growing with each passing second, immediately pressed for more details. "What do you mean, Kelly? Where did Lexi go?"

Kelly stumbled over her words, her speech barely coherent as she tried to relay what she had witnessed. "I saw Alexandra just a few minutes ago," she managed to say. "She was... passed out." Kelly's words hung in the air, casting a pall of dread over the group.

To make matters even more distressing, she continued, "Charles's chauffeur was helping her. Said he'd take her home." Kelly let out an inexplicable giggle before adding, "And he gave me Lexi's drink. Told me to finish it off." She made a face of disgust and added, "Tastes funny."

A wave of shock rippled through the group of drivers. The implications were clear: Alexandra had likely been drugged, leading to her unconscious state, and now, Kelly revealed she too had been given the spiked drink.

Urgency surged within the group, and Daniel, piecing together the information, realized the gravity of the situation. He turned to Kelly, his voice taut with anxiety. "Wait, did you say Lexi was passed out?"

Kelly nodded, her intoxicated state making her nods exaggerated. "Yup, she was sleeping over the driver's shoulder," she confirmed.

The drivers exchanged horrified glances. The situation had taken a sinister turn, and their concern for Alexandra's well-being deepened. It was evident that both Alexandra and Kelly had fallen victim to a malicious plot, and they had no time to waste in locating their friend and ensuring her safety.

"Kel, where did they go?"

Kelly giggled and fell forwards, getting caught by Daniel. "To his car, duh." She whispered, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she too, fell unconscious. Daniel quickly held her upright, before passing her to Lando.

"Lando, take care of Kelly. Everyone else, split up. We need to find them." Daniel urged.

The trio, Charles, James, and Max, were now outside the club, confronting a grim reality. The bustling street, filled with taxis, cars, and other buildings, presented a daunting challenge in their search for Alexandra. Panic had taken hold of Charles, his anxiety intensifying with each passing moment. A potent rage smoldered within him, threatening to erupt if he were to confront Lexi's abductor.

Just a few feet away, a van sat parked by the roadside. Unbeknownst to Charles, Max, and James, it held the key to Alexandra's whereabouts. Inside the van, Jackson grinned maliciously while Alexandra remained unconscious. He was well aware of the approaching sirens, and he bided his time, watching their every move from a hidden vantage point.

Charles, overcome with dread, knew that time was of the essence. The possibility of Alexandra being in Jackson's clutches weighed heavily on his heart. His emotions were a tumultuous mix of fear, anger, and a fierce determination to find her.

The trio had one mission—to locate Alexandra and ensure her safety. They split up, each taking a different direction in the frantic hope of finding their friend. The surrounding area offered no clues, and the night seemed to stretch endlessly.

Charles felt the pressure mounting. He knew that Jackson was a dangerous adversary, and the thought of Alexandra being under his control fueled his resolve. The rage that smoldered within him was a potent reminder of what he was willing to do to protect her.

As they combed through the dimly lit streets and questioned passersby, their frustration grew. The sirens in the distance grew louder, a glimmer of hope that the authorities were drawing nearer to their location.

Inside the van, Jackson remained patient, waiting for the opportune moment to make his escape. He watched the trio's search efforts with a cold detachment, reveling in the chaos he had wrought.

The minutes ticked by, and with each passing second, Charles, James, and Max grew more frantic. They knew that Alexandra's life hung in the balance, and their determination to bring her back safely only intensified.

Back inside the club, Lewis, Daniel, and Lando had rallied the F1 grid, resorting to a clever ruse to gather their fellow drivers. The urgency of the situation had forced them to set aside their rivalries and unite in their quest to find Alexandra. Quickly, the group emerged at the front of the club, calling for Alexandra as they searched for her, unaware that around the back, Charles, James and Max were doing the exact same thing.

Inside the dimly lit van, Jackson whispered sinister words to the groggy and semi-conscious Alexandra. His voice dripped with malevolence as he caressed her hair, savoring the moment of triumph. "I've got you now," he hissed, believing that victory was finally within his grasp.

However, Jackson's satisfaction was short-lived. Alexandra, despite the effects of the drugs that had rendered her unconscious, began to stir in his arms. Panic flickered across Jackson's face as he realized that her awakening had come far sooner than he had expected. He fumbled around the cluttered back of the van, desperately searching for something to subdue her.

In a frantic bid to maintain control, Jackson found a cloth and swiftly used it to gag Alexandra, muffling her attempts to scream. She weakly fought against his grasp, her eyes filled with terror as she comprehended the dire situation she was in. The drugs coursing through her veins left her weakened and disoriented, making her struggles futile.

Undeterred by her feeble resistance, Jackson reveled in her fear. He taunted her sadistically, relishing the fear that gripped her. With cruel satisfaction, he assured her that her cries were in vain, a chilling reminder that no one could hear her pleas.

"Don't cry flower, nobody can hear you anyway."

For Jackson, this moment was the culmination of a twisted plan years in the making. He believed he had emerged victorious, that his long-sought vengeance against those he perceived as enemies had finally been achieved.

Outside the van, Charles, Max, and James continued their frantic search for Alexandra. The urgency of their mission was palpable, fueled by the knowledge that she was in grave danger. The minutes stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity as they combed the darkened streets.

Max had begun searching the other buildings, with James helping him. Charles meanwhile, was looking in each car, and talking to each driver and passerby that he could find.

Jackson didn't realise it, but Charles was close.

Inside the confined space of the van, Jackson reveled in the dark satisfaction of his twisted victory. He leaned closer to Alexandra, his voice dripping with malice as he taunted her mercilessly. "I'm out of prison, and guess what, Ally? I've got you now," he sneered, savoring the fear in her eyes.

His fingers curled around her arm, a vice-like grip that left her helpless. Jackson's grin widened as he outlined his nefarious plan, relishing the terror that swept across her face. "I'm going to drive off with you, and no one will ever see you again," he hissed, his voice laced with sadistic glee. "I've won."


As Charles's desperate cries echoed from the street just outside, Alexandra's eyes widened in terror. She understood the perilous closeness of her brother, the agonizing hope that dangled within reach. Panic surged within her, and she fought desperately to suppress any sound that might alert Charles to her location.

In a malicious whisper, Jackson confessed to Alexandra a sinister truth that sent shivers down her spine. "I let James see me, Ally," he murmured, his tone chillingly casual. "I wanted him to panic, to realize that he could have stopped me, but he was just too late." He reveled in her anguish, his victory over James a dark testament to his cunning.

Despite the drugs still coursing through her veins, Alexandra summoned every ounce of strength to resist. She fought back with all the determination she could muster, her efforts fueled by an unquenchable will to escape Jackson's clutches. In a desperate surge of defiance, she struggled to free herself from his grip.

But Jackson's rage flared, and he ruthlessly pinned her down onto the van's floor. His hold tightened, his fingers digging into her flesh as he sought to subdue her. He would not allow her to slip away, not after coming so close to exacting his revenge. With a sinister smile, he held her down by the throat with his forearm, his free hand trailing up her thigh as she cried out, tears streaming down her face.

"You're all mine," he whispered, lifting her dress as he leant over to kiss her forehead.

She fought against him once, more, trying to throw his weight off of her to no avail. He laughed, and resorted to anger, throwing his fist into her face. "Come on Ally, don't you want to hear the truth?" He teased. "Don't you want me to tell you about the blog?"

Alexandra froze.

Jackson grinned.

"I'm shocked, to be honest with you. I thought my boys would have given me up, but somehow they didn't. I guess I'm lucky enough to have a loyal crew, huh?" Alexandra looked at him in confusion. Jackson grinned. "Oh come on Jenkins, I know you aren't that stupid. You put me in prison. You took away my little empire. I had a good thing going before I met you and your bastard of a brother. I lost everything because of you. Did you really think I'd let that go?"

Jackson grinned as he left go of Alexandra, watching in contempt as he watched realisation sweep her face. With one hand, Jackson grasped a knife from the floor of the van and quickly pinned Alexandra back down, using it to quickly cut her dress from her, leaving her lying in her underwear.

She let out a muffled cry, and once more tried to fight him. Jackson used the blade to cut along her collarbone, his other hand covering her muffled cried as she screeched in pain.

"Alexandra!" Charles screamed, his throat hoarse. He was closer now.

Please, Charles. Alexandra thought. Please, please, please.

"Shut up, bitch," Jackson smacked her once more. "Listen to me. You put me in prison. But like I said, my boys are loyal. So sure, I was in prison, but thanks to them, business didn't stop. Which means I was still earning money...enough money to look into your past. You know, i thought I'd find an address, just so I knew where to find you once I was released, but God, I found so much more. You really are fucked up, aren't you?" He teased her.

She turned away from him, desperate not to meet his eyes. He grasped her hair tightly and pulled at it, forcing her to look at him. Quickly, he grasped her head and slammed it into the floor of the van. She yelped in pain. The sirens were getting closer.

"I was going to blackmail you once I got released, but of course, you started filming Champion, and all of a sudden, you were everywhere. Living a perfect life, living a lie." Jackson trailed the knife down the side of her face gently, smiling as she whimpered. "And I thought to myself...maybe I don't need to be next to you to cause you pain...maybe I can hurt you in other ways...maybe I could break you, without having to touch you." 

His hand slipped under her underwear.

Like a repetition: she screamed, he hit her.

Her face was bleeding, her lip split open.

"Did I break you, Alexandra?" He whispered. She didn't reply. "Because if i haven't broken you yet, I will be soon enough."

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, Alexandra summoned every ounce of strength she could muster. She thrashed wildly, fighting desperately to break free from Jackson's suffocating grip. Her struggle proved fruitful as Jackson lost his balance and tumbled to the floor of the van, the knife clattering from his hand.

Frantically, Alexandra crawled towards the van's door, her trembling hands fumbling to remove the gag that had silenced her cries. She couldn't afford to remain trapped in this nightmarish prison.

With newfound freedom, she unleashed a piercing scream that pierced the air, a desperate plea for help.

Outside the van, Charles, James, and Max were closing in, their determined strides echoing her own desperation. She knew she had to hold on just a little longer, until they could reach her. Immediately, they heard her scream, and rushed to her aid, with some of their other friends and passers by moving to help.

But Jackson, consumed by a malevolent fury, was not about to let her slip away so easily. He lunged at her with an animalistic ferocity, slamming her against the side of the van. Pain seared through her ribs as she cried out, her voice echoing in the confined space.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Alexandra kicked out with all her might, managing to reach the van's door. With trembling hands, she flung it open and tumbled out onto the ground, the hard asphalt meeting her body with a jarring impact. Gasping for breath, she fought to her feet, her eyes locking onto Charles, who was rushing towards her with desperate determination.

But Jackson, unwilling to relinquish his hold on his prey, seized her by the hair and yanked her backwards with a brutal force that sent shockwaves of pain through her. Her anguished cry tore through the night air as she was dragged back towards the van, her hopes of escape slipping away like a mirage in the desert.

"Charles!" She screeched.

With a ferocious headbutt that reverberated through the night, Alexandra unleashed her fury upon Jackson. The sickening crack of his broken nose filled the air as he let out a blood-curdling howl of pain. The sudden rush of adrenaline allowed her to break free from his grasp, and she staggered away, her trembling legs threatening to give way beneath her.

In the dimly lit street, Charles was there, his strong arms wrapping around Alexandra, offering support and protection. He held her close, taking in the extent of her injuries and the fear that still lingered in her eyes.

But anger, raw and unbridled, surged through Charles as he saw the condition Alexandra was in, wearing nothing but her underwear, covered in blood. His protective instincts kicked into high gear, and his love for her turned into an all-consuming rage directed at the man who had caused her so much pain.

In the chaotic whirlwind of the fight, Charles, although smaller than Jackson, found himself fueled by a potent mix of anger and adrenaline. His determination to protect Alexandra coursed through him like a wildfire, lending him a strength and ferocity that belied his usual demeanor.

Charles's movements were swift and calculated, his eyes locked onto Jackson's with an intensity that made it clear he meant business. He dodged Jackson's wild swings with remarkable agility, weaving through the onslaught of punches with an uncanny grace. Each movement was a testament to his athleticism and the sheer force of his will.

Their fists collided with audible cracks, and the thuds of their kicks reverberated through the night air. The ground beneath them bore witness to their struggle, littered with discarded bottles and debris from the brawl. Charles's heart pounded in his chest, the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he unleashed a barrage of punches that landed squarely on Jackson's torso and face.

James and Max, recognizing the urgency of the situation, rushed to Charles's side. Their combined efforts allowed them to gain some control over Jackson, but the man continued to resist with astonishing strength. It was a brutal contest of wills and physicality, with no quarter given.

Between them. James and Max held Jackson down, on his knees, pulling his arms behind him so he could no longer fight back. For a moment, Charles paused.

Amidst the chaos, Alexandra watched in horror, her earlier burst of strength fading as fear and exhaustion took hold. She wanted desperately to help Charles but was immobilized by her own injuries and disorientation. Her vision blurred with tears as she saw her brother fighting valiantly against the man who had brought them so much pain.

In a final surge of adrenaline-fueled strength, Charles landed a powerful punch squarely on Jackson's jaw. The impact sent Jackson sprawling to the ground, dazed and disoriented.

Breathing heavily, their faces streaked with blood and sweat, the trio held Jackson in check as the police vehicles screeched to a halt at the scene. The officers quickly leaped into action, their training kicking in as they handcuffed the subdued assailant.

Around them, their friends had rushed over, catching the last moments of the fight. Partygoers from inside the club had emerged, and it took a few seconds for Alexandra to realise they were taking photos of the scene before them. A police officer had grabbed Charles, and was trying unsuccessfully to calm him down.

Exhausted but triumphant, Charles turned his attention back to Alexandra, who was still trembling with fear. He rushed to her side, offering her comfort and reassurance. He gently cradled her in his arms, whispering words of solace and love, assuring her that she was safe now and that they had prevailed together.

The arrival of the police had brought an end to the violence, and as Jackson was led away in custody, the weight of the ordeal began to lift from their shoulders. Together, they had faced down their fears, protected their friend, and emerged from the darkness stronger than ever before.

As Detective Blackwood approached, Carlos ran over, with the other drivers not far behind. Quickly, Carlos handed Alexandra his jacket. With a rush of fear, she realised how exposed she was, and as she turned back to the crowd that swarmed them, she felt a rush of warmth as she noticed her friends trying their best to cover her.

Detective Blackwood approached Alexandra and Charles, his seasoned eyes scanning her for any signs of immediate danger or distress. Although she was visibly shaken and battered, her spirit remained unbroken, a testament to her resilience.

He crouched down beside her, his demeanor a blend of professionalism and empathy. "Are you okay?" he inquired, his voice laced with genuine concern. Alexandra, her voice trembling, managed a faint nod. The presence of Detective Blackwood and the support of her friends had already begun to ease her anxieties.

Turning his attention to her injuries, Blackwood carefully examined her, his experienced hands deftly checking for any severe wounds or fractures. His assessment revealed a few scrapes and bruises, the remnants of a harrowing encounter, but nothing life-threatening.

"I think you should go to the hospital, just to be safe," he gently advised, his words underlining the importance of ensuring her well-being. Alexandra, weakened but resolute, nodded once more, placing her trust in his judgment.

"An ambulance is on the way," he informed her, providing a reassuring assurance that help was imminent. It was a testament to the efficiency of the local emergency services, their response swift and unwavering in the face of adversity.

Charles, who had been holding onto Alexandra throughout this ordeal, remained a steadfast pillar of support. His protective embrace offered her a sense of security, a reminder that she was not alone in her battle against the darkness that had briefly engulfed her.

As the police officers hauled Jackson to his feet and began to escort him toward the waiting police car, Alexandra's voice, though still faint, held a trace of newfound determination. She had information that needed to be shared, a revelation that could potentially bring a semblance of closure to this nightmarish chapter in her life.

"Detective," she called out to Blackwood, her words tinged with a sense of urgency. As he turned to her, his eyes locked onto hers, awaiting her revelation.

"Jackson... he told me he was the tip behind the blog," Alexandra admitted, her voice trembling but resolute. The weight of this confession hung in the air, a crucial piece of the puzzle that had long eluded them.

Blackwood's brows furrowed, absorbing this critical information. It was a significant breakthrough in their investigation, one that finally exposed the person responsible for tormenting Alexandra and, ultimately, orchestrating the events that had unfolded tonight.

Their attention then shifted to the chaotic scene as Jackson, still seething with rage and malevolence, made one last desperate attempt to harm Alexandra. In his blind fury, he broke free of the two police officers holding him and lunged at her once more, a dark shadow descending upon her.

She saw something silver glint in his hand.

James, quick to react, sprang into action. He tackled Jackson with a force that sent them both sprawling to the ground, a knife clattering out of Jackson's hand, a collision of wills and determination. Blackwood, with the swiftness born of years of experience, intervened promptly. He approached the fallen combatants and efficiently placed handcuffs on Jackson, ensuring he could no longer pose a threat.

With Jackson now securely restrained, he was led away, his resistance futile in the face of the determined officers. As he was placed in the back of the police car, the door slammed shut, sealing him away from the world that he had terrorized.

With a small frown, Alexandra leant over and picked up the knife, holding it loosely in her hand as she inspected it, her own blood covering the blade from where he'd cut her shoulder earlier. Her brother had just saved her life.

"He just tried to kill me," she whispered.

Detective Blackwood gently approached her, and took the knife from her slowly, handing it to another officer to be placed in evidence. He sighed as she flinched away from him, the shock wearing off as the events of the night began to settle in.

Detective Blackwood, the embodiment of calm authority, addressed Alexandra once more. "You've been incredibly brave," he commended her, acknowledging the courage she had shown throughout this ordeal. His words were a reminder of her resilience and strength, qualities that had carried her through the darkest of moments.

"I promise you, after tonight, Jackson Morgan will never be able to hurt you again."

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