Arranged love

By caffeine_and_writing

13.3K 476 17

With this ring, I thee wed. it's the words spoken on their wedding day, but it's all an act, an arrangement... More

youre getting married
dress shopping
the wedding
the apartment
the first day
press conferance
back to work
secret messages
suprise adventure
the gala
a scared little girl
making a plan
skating and a child in a mans body
the cabin
safe with me
go out with me
the date
frustration and confessions
photoshoot and kisses
this the season
the club
deep feelings
taking statements
time without her
actions speak louder than words
squeeze my hand three times
normalcy is good
its a love story

home is where the heart is

231 9 0
By caffeine_and_writing

will's Pov

For hours in the hospital, she cries into my chest, and I whisper soothing words in her ear. She doesn't need to stay here longer than it takes for the infusion of fluids, so we can go home soon. The doctor came in and explained her injuries to me and how to take care of them. She gets strong pain medication for her broken ribs; her wounds need to be cleaned and kept dry.

If she feels the need to, we are to contact a psychologist who specializes in trauma to help her cope with what she has been through, but for now, Juliet is refusing it. As much as I think it's a good idea to go see a professional, I need to respect her choice. It's her trauma so it's up to her. But I did tell her that if it gets out of hand and I see that she needs it I will tell her that. It's our compromise.

"Here are your discharge papers that you need to sign. The federal agents and prosecutors will be in touch when they need more information or have updates on your case. But medically unless something more comes up later you are cleared. Keep taking the pain medication for at least two weeks and your ribs should heal in about four weeks. Avoid strenuous physical activity and check in with your primary care doctor if you have any more problems" the doctor who has taken care of her while she has been here comes in and says.

Juliet signs the papers, and we are free to leave this place. "I brought you a change of clothes," I say and kiss her forehead. I don't know exactly what she has been through, so I'm being careful with her because I don't want to make things worse. When she is ready to tell me about it, she will, I don't want to push her before she is ready. When she is ready to talk to me, I will drop whatever else I'm doing and give her all the time she needs to get everything off her chest. Lilly and Juliet are my priorities in life.

I didn't tell Lilly that her mom is home, she was at the ice rink when I got the call, and I didn't want to pull her out before I knew what state Juliet was in. Of course, I would have gone home and got her if Juliet needed to stay here, but since she doesn't need to it's better for them to reunite at home where they both feel safe. Being in a hospital and seeing her mommy in bad shape would probably be distressing.

Juliet takes off her gown to put on her clothes and I see the extent of the damage to her body. There are bandages over cuts that got stitches and I see a lot of bruising. She looks thin and her hands are shaking as she tries to pull her clothes on. "Do you want my help love?" I ask her and she turns around with tears in her eyes nodding.

I get her panties and help her step into them, she chooses not to wear a bra because her chest hurts already and put on the joggers and a simple long-sleeve black tee that I brought her. I was considering bringing her favorite pair of tights, but I figure that something that didn't fit too tightly would be more comfortable.

"Let's go home, my love. You're safe now and I'm here" I say, and she shockingly walks towards me stopping right in front of me. "Kiss me, Will," she says with tears in her eyes. I gently cup her head determined to not hurt her or scare her, then I press my lips gently to her soft pillow-like lips. It's not a passionate kiss, it's a soft and sensual one that sends tingles all over my body. But she flinches and I pull away. It's too much for her right now.

She keeps her head down on our way to the car and keeps quiet the whole way home. We get to the apartment and Juliet stops outside the door "How do I look? Do you think I'm going to scare her?" She asks nervously and I shake my head. "You look beautiful. We will explain the bruising, Juliet. But I think it will fade into the background when she sees you" I say.

When we walk into the apartment there are children's feet running towards us, you can hear it's Lilly by how soft and small they are. "Willy I did-" She starts before her eyes widen "Mommy" she screams.

Juliet's Pov

Everything is so bright and there are so many smells, but seeing Lilly makes my little circle complete. I have the two most important people in my life right in front of me. She cries as she runs into my arms, I sit down on my knees to properly bring her into my arms. "My baby girl. I love you to the moon and to Saturn" I coo her as she sobs. I winch from her hard hug as my ribs hurt.

"Princess, you need to be careful with mommy. She is a little hurt" Will tells her soothingly and she nods before turning her attention back to me.

"Mommy you came back to me" she cries, and I can't stop my tears. This little girl must have gone through hell the last couple of weeks but thank God Will has been there for her through it all. If I can't be there, I am confident that she is safe with him. He might not be ready to be a father, that's what he said for the longest time, but he is like a father to her.

The crying is a bit overwhelming but I'm doing what I can to keep it together for her sake. She deserves this moment to react however she wants. God she is only seven years old, this is way too much for her.

Looking over her shoulder I look at Will who is silently crying too. I reach out an arm for him and he comes over and sits on the floor with us as all three of us cry. Most of the time I try to stay strong in front of Lilly, and put her feelings and her needs first. But it's okay to show emotions in front of your children, they know that we are only human too. Showing feelings doesn't need to be a bad thing, and what has happened over the last few weeks needs to be cried over.

After sitting on the floor for a while we migrate to the kitchen where the chef has left dinner ready for us. We can also hear the nanny leaving the apartment. I would go say hi to her too, but right now I need time with just Lilly and Will. I'm not in the mood to see a lot of people right now. I don't even know if my family has been alerted I'm home, but I'm honestly too exhausted and overwhelmed to make that call right now. I'm just going to assume Will has called them.

I haven't eaten a proper meal since I was taken. What I have eaten was just random things he got me here and there, but nothing proper like this. Daniel has made breakfast for dinner which he knows I love. will probably texted him and told him to make something I love for dinner when we are in the hospital.

will told me on the way over here that he talked to my parents while he was waiting for the agent to finish talking with me. He didn't know much other than that I was safe, was getting the best medical care, and was talking to a federal agent. will decided on my behalf that no one would come over today so I could get some time to settle myself. It's late anyway so we are only going to eat and relax before bed. It's good because I don't think I could handle seeing everyone right now, I need time with my two favorite people.

"Mommy Willy and I have watched lots of movies. And I didn't go to school, but I did school in his office like a grownup going to work. I got to do cartwheels around the office floor, and everyone was nice to me. Miss Cecilia even got me chocolate but that was supposed to be a secret so don't tell anyone" Lilly goes over what she has done over the last few weeks. I want to cry over all I've missed while I've been away. And I'm terrified about what kind of long-term damage this will have done to her. As far as I know, it can take a while before the reactions show, for some it can take years.

will told me earlier that he has worked hard to keep her spirits up, but it's been hard. They have done things together that she loves, and he has given her all the attention she needs. The nights have been the hardest where she has cried a lot and fallen asleep in his arms. Thank God she had him to rely on.

"That sounds like an adventure. Getting to do school where we work. I'm sure you had lots of fun" I say.

。゚•┈--୨♡୧--┈• 。゚

Lilly is tucked into bed when Will and I head to our room. It's strange seeing it again after over three weeks, it feels like it's been an eternity since I got to sleep somewhere safe. For the past few weeks, I've hardly slept because I was on high alert for him coming in. Also, the few times he disgustingly slept in the room I could sure as hell not sleep. There wasn't a second when we were in the same room where I felt calm. My fingers were tingly and I was on constant high alert for someone to hurt me.

I get into some pajamas before we slip under the covers. "Just tell me if you're not comfortable. If it's too much for you to share a bed, I can go to the other room. You don't need to feel obligated to tell me what you've been through. Just know that you can. And if you need me to do something or not do something, just tell me" he says, and I nod.

I'm so tired, and I want to close my eyes, but I just can't. I'm scared that I will be trapped in nightmares and not be able to wake up. "I'm scared to close my eyes" I sniffle. "Hold me please" I whisper, and he pulls me into his arms. "Close your eyes, my love. I'm here and no one can hurt you. I will hold you all night if you need me to" he whispers, and I try to settle in his arms, but I'm really tense.

Still, I can't close my eyes and I end up lying awake for what seems like an eternity before I finally fall asleep.

。゚•┈--୨♡୧--┈• 。゚

Neither of us got much sleep last night. I would sleep for 20 minutes and then wake up screaming, hitting, and kicking imagining that it was Travis holding me and not Will. Every time I would break down in tears afterwards and apologize. I feel horrible for acting like this, but I can't help it. The panic wrecks my brain and I just react.

We have eaten breakfast, and our parents, Patrick, Selena, Nate, and Asher are on their way over to see me. I'm not up for visitors all day so I figure that doing everyone at the same time would be best. I just need rest and I need to be with Will and Lilly, the most important people in my life. I love my family and my closest friends, but Will and Lilly are my priority, the two people closest to me.

This morning I'm still overwhelmed by the sounds from the city, the clean smells from the apartment, and the bright lights and colors. I wonder how long before it will go back to normal. "They are here," Lilly says when the front door opens and people start arriving, taking off their shoes and coats.

My hands are trembling so I back myself into Will's chest making him wrap his arms around me from behind. I need my anchor to ground me, I need my person to hold me.

This was a horrible idea, I'm not ready for this. Let's just get it over with so I can have peace.

"Honey," my mom says with a cracked voice as she comes closer. Her eyes are bloodshot and I'm gathering up the courage to hug people. With shaky hands, I go over and hug her "Hi Mom"

She breaks down in tears and I feel my dad's arms wrap around the both of us. "My sweet, sweet girl. I know we aren't the best people to show our love, but we love you so much, honey. We are so glad you are home" my dad says kissing the side of my head just like he did when I was little. "I love you guys too."

It's so rare for my parents to show affection, they're not that type of people. But here they are truly showing that they care. Will told me yesterday that they have been present a lot since I was kidnapped, trying to help where they can and hiring all the best private investigators to find me to help the FBI.

After spending some time hugging my parents, I hug Will's parents and brother too. They have been nothing but wonderful to me since I married their son. will have a closer relationship with his parents than I do, so they are considerably warmer and more affectionate than my parents. Patrick gets a hug too before I run into Selena's open arms.

Sobs take over my best friend's body "I love you Juliet" she whimpers, and I can't stop my tears "I love you too" I say, and I groan when she hugs me tighter "Broken ribs girl. Be careful" I say, and she loosens her grip. "Sorry"

Nate gets a quick hug too before Asher gets a long hug. I've known him since I was a kid, just like I've known Selena. "I'm happy you're home Juliet," he says and I grin "Me too Asher."

After some hugs, I'm trembling from the physical contact, so I walk back to Will and let myself sink into his arms, his safe embrace, while everyone throws questions at me. I want to answer their questions, but at the same time, I don't want to talk about what happened. People are curious, but I lived through it and don't want to replay it more than I must. It was hard enough to tell the FBI agent everything yesterday.

"Did the feds say anything about the case?" My mom asks and I nod "Yes but I can't tell you much. I'm not supposed to talk to people about the case other than my lawyer and will. He has spousal privilege" That was something my lawyer Mr. Passman called us about this morning, telling me that I can't discuss the case with my family because it can be used against me if they were called to testify. I can talk about what happened but not how it relates to the case. They would prefer I don't talk too much about what happened at all because it's better for the case. Thankfully will falls under spousal privilege so I'm free to talk to him.

"That's understandable. Winning the case is the most important thing. But can I ask if he is staying in custody?" My dad asks and I nod "I can tell you that much. He was denied bail and will be held in custody until trial."

Because of the nature of the case, and the fact that he has the economic means to flee, he will be held in a federal jail until trial. That's a comfort to me because it means that he can't get out and haunt me until the trial is being held. Even though he haunts me in my dreams and in my mind at least I have peace of mind knowing that he is behind bars.

。゚•┈--୨♡୧--┈• 。゚

After everyone leaves, I head up to our bedroom while Will plays a game with Lilly on the Xbox. Daniel is going out and getting us Taco Bell for dinner right now too per Lilly's request. Honestly, I'm not feeling like eating anything, I'm not feeling good, but I know I need to eat something at least.

I settle on the chaise lounge in our bedroom and look out at the city below. I've always loved the city, but now I don't feel safe anymore. I wonder if I will ever feel safe again. Because right now that seems impossible. My skin is supposed to be clean, but I feel dirty. Will I ever feel clean again? Will I ever get the feeling of his hands off my skin?

For an hour I just sit here before I go downstairs to have an important conversation with Lilly. Because I think she should go back to school sooner rather than later. It's not good for her to go home all the time now that I am safe. But I want to get her opinion on it.

"Lilly, I need to talk to you about something," I say, and we pause the game as she waits for me to go on to tell her what I discussed with Will earlier. "We think it's good for you to go back to school and see your friends. So you can pick if you want to go tomorrow or the day after or the day after that. No pressure but I think it would be good to go back before the weekend" I say, and she nods.

"Can I go tomorrow Mommy? I want to play tag with Anna" she says. Will talked with the psychologist Will has been talking with regarding Lilly on the phone earlier and talked about going back to school on my request. Normalcy and routine are important when kids have gone through traumatic things. Even though she wasn't the one kidnapped she still suffered knowing that her mom was taken by someone bad. But keeping her regular routine and getting back into that as soon as possible is the best thing for her. If it turns out bad, we will give her more time, but the psychologist said it was a good idea to try sooner rather than later. I would have called her myself, but I'm not up to talking on the phone.

"Then we need to talk about how people might say things about Mommy and what happened to her. It was on the news so the kids might have heard things from their mommy and daddy. Just know that you don't need to answer their questions if it makes you uncomfortable. And if they keep asking, tell a grownup or ask to call me or Will" Will is going to call the school in the morning, he did call them earlier today too to get things for her to come back. But we want to confirm it tomorrow morning and then we need to ask them to keep an extra eye on her considering everything. The last thing we would want is kids being mean to her because of what happened to me. "And if you have any questions, you can always ask. I'm going to try to answer what I can sweetie. But know that you can ask me anything" I say kissing her head.

"I'm glad you are home Mommy. Now we can be a family again" Lilly dramatically sighs and I grin at Will.

"You know Lilly. Home isn't a place, it's the people you hold closest to your heart. No matter where we are in the world, if I have you and will, I have a home with me. Home is where the heart is"

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