Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

374K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.3K 40 10
By tonysnarky

Trigger Warning: the next few chapters include some pretty graphic content / hinted content.

Violence, Abuse, Sexual Assault, Spiking.



Drama at Silverstone: Verstappen-Hamilton Clash and a Fracturing Friendship

Best Friends Turn Bitter Rivals as Drama Unfolds on the Silverstone Circuit

The 2021 British Grand Prix will be remembered not only for the thrilling on-track action but also for the fiery rivalry between two of Formula 1's greatest talents, Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton. Their enthralling duel in the British GP left fans stunned and had the entire motorsport world talking.

The drama began on the very first lap of the race as Verstappen and Hamilton tangled at Copse, an incident that would have far-reaching consequences. Starting the race on the front row of the grid, with Verstappen on pole position, the pair made contact on lap one, forever changing the course of the race and their relationship.

Hamilton, known for his lightning starts, made a better getaway and relentlessly attempted to pass Verstappen. Their high-speed tussle reached its climax going into the ninth corner, Copse. As they approached the scene of the crash, Hamilton trailed behind Verstappen but steadily gained ground as they raced through Woodcote.

Hamilton made a daring move to the inside as they approached Copse, but Verstappen reacted defensively, altering his line. The result was an unavoidable collision between their cars, with Hamilton's front-left wheel impacting Verstappen's right-rear. The Red Bull driver was sent spinning into a barrier, while Hamilton managed to continue but with a damaged car.

The race was red-flagged to facilitate Verstappen's car recovery and the repair of the barrier he had collided with. During the interruption, Mercedes swiftly performed repairs to Hamilton's car, which proved essential for his continued participation.

Hamilton's concern for Verstappen's well-being has been criticised as he waited for nearly four minutes to inquire about his rival's condition over the radio.

Tensions boiled over during the red flag period, with an incensed Alexandra Heroux, Verstappen's teammate, seen fuming as she watched the crash replay. As the race resumed, the drama was far from over. Heroux and Hamilton found themselves in close quarters on the track, creating heart-pounding moments for fans.

Ultimately, Hamilton secured victory in the British GP, while Heroux settled for fourth place. However, the true drama unfolded after the race in the paddock.

A heated argument erupted between the two close friends, with Heroux shoving Hamilton as emotions boiled over. Heroux accused Hamilton of playing dirty to secure his championship aspirations, while Hamilton defended his actions as mere racing incidents.

The confrontation between Hamilton and Heroux took place in front of their respective teams and F1 stewards. Heroux was heard criticizing Hamilton for not immediately checking on Verstappen's well-being after the accident, adding a sarcastic "congratulations, Hamilton" to the mix.

The dramatic events at Silverstone have raised concerns within the F1 community that the close friendship between Hamilton and Heroux, often described as being like family, may be on the brink of breaking down. Heroux's move to Red Bull, which now positions her as a direct rival to Hamilton, has added a new layer of intensity to their relationship, drawing comparisons to the legendary rivalry between Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton.

As the F1 season continues, all eyes will be on how this renewed rivalry unfolds and whether it threatens to overshadow the on-track action in the races to come.



The Ferrari motorhome provided a comforting refuge for Lexi, Charles, Arthur, and James after the intense race day at Silverstone. Lexi was in high spirits, celebrating Charles' podium finish with an exuberance that left everyone in the room both amused and slightly concerned.

She clinked glasses with Charles, congratulating him once again. "You were incredible out there, Amour! That podium finish was well-deserved."

Charles chuckled, his expression a mix of contentment and adoration as he looked at Lexi. "Thank you, mon amour. But you're the one who stole the show with your fierce driving from the back of the grid. You made it from p20 to p4."

James, sitting across from them, chimed in with a grin. "He's right, Lexi. You were on fire today, despite the...uh, incident."

Arthur nodded in agreement, sipping his drink. "It was an eventful day for both of you."

Lexi couldn't help but smile, though a hint of tension still lingered in the air. "Well, that's racing, right? We all have our moments."

As they talked, it was clear that the crash between Max and Lewis and the subsequent argument between Lexi and Lewis weighed on everyone's minds, even though it remained unspoken. Lexi was running on a cocktail of adrenaline and nervous energy, and it was evident in her animated gestures and rapid speech.

Charles, on the other hand, exuded a calm that was almost contagious. He gently touched Lexi's arm, silently urging her to relax. It had indeed been an emotional rollercoaster of a day, but he was determined to savor the sweet moments of their shared success.

With a nod, Lexi finally began to wind down, realizing she needed to take a breather. "Sorry...I should probably slow down a bit. It's just... everything that happened today, you know?"

Charles smiled, his deep blue eyes filled with warmth. "I understand, Lexi. But let's focus on celebrating now. We'll deal with everything else when the time comes."

As they continued their conversation, the tension in the room slowly dissipated, replaced by the comforting camaraderie of friends and family. The events of the day would leave a lasting impact, but for now, they found solace in each other's company and the joy of their shared achievements on the track.

The news of Max's release from the medical center spurred the group into action. James, having received the call from Christian, quickly shared the update with the others. They decided it was only right to check on Max, who had been through a harrowing experience.

As they left the comfort of the Ferrari motorhome, the atmosphere was charged with a mixture of concern and relief. Lexi led the way, her determination to see Max evident in her every step. Charles, Arthur, and James followed closely behind, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of worry for their friend.

Upon arriving at the Red Bull garage, Lexi's heart raced as she spotted Max. Without hesitation, she rushed toward him, unable to contain her concern and relief. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight, emotional hug, but her exuberance was short-lived.

Max winced in pain, reminding them all of the physical toll the crash had taken on him. Lexi quickly released him, her eyes filled with worry and guilt. "Sorry, Max. I forgot about..."

Max managed a weak smile, interrupting her with a reassuring gesture. "It's alright, Lex. Just a bit sore, that's all."

Charles, Arthur, and James joined Lexi near Max, their expressions reflecting both sympathy and relief that their friend was, for the most part, okay.

Charles approached Max, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Max, you had us all worried there. How are you feeling?"

Max nodded, still wearing a small smile despite the discomfort. "I'll survive, mate. It's not the first time I've had a rough one, and it won't be the last."

Lexi's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she spoke softly. "I'm just glad you're okay, Max."

Max's laughter resonated in the garage, a welcome sound amid the lingering tension from the day's events. He appreciated Lexi's spirited defense during her argument with Lewis, and he couldn't help but be grateful for her unwavering support.

"Watching you go at it with Lewis was quite the entertainment," Max admitted with a chuckle. "You were like my knight in shining armor."

Lexi couldn't help but smile at Max's lighthearted comment, even though her anger toward Lewis still simmered beneath the surface. "Someone had to call him out on it."

Max sighed and ran his fingers through his disheveled hair, exhaustion etched across his face. "Lexi, you have no idea how fast everything happened out there. It's like a blur. And when it all went down, I couldn't believe what was going on."

Lexi's expression softened, understanding the chaotic nature of their profession. "I get it, Max. It's a split-second world out there."

Max nodded and continued, "And as much as Lewis and I have our differences, we both know we pushed the limits. It was our fault, both of us."

Lexi agreed but remained steadfast in her criticism of Lewis's response. "He should have owned up to it, Max. He should have asked if you were okay right away."

Max's gaze turned stern as he chided her gently. "And what about you, Lexi? I saw that move you pulled on Lewis during the race. It was dangerous. You could've caused a serious crash."

Lexi winced, realizing that Max had a point. She had been driven by anger and had allowed her emotions to get the better of her during the race. "You're right. I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me out there."

Max's expression softened as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "We all have our moments, Lex, but please, don't do something stupid like that again. You could have gotten hurt."

Lexi nodded, grateful for Max's understanding and the wisdom of his words. As they continued to talk, the camaraderie among friends in the garage served as a reminder that, in the world of Formula 1, challenges and rivalries were inevitable, but the bonds forged in the heat of competition were just as enduring.

As Max and Charles continued their conversation, discussing plans for a celebratory night, Max couldn't help but sense the tension that still lingered in the air. He knew that Lexi was seething with anger over Lewis's actions, and although he believed that time would heal their friendship, he also knew it wouldn't happen overnight.

After congratulating Charles on his podium finish, Max extended a fist bump, which quickly turned into a friendly hug. "You did great out there, Charles. Really impressive driving."

Charles smiled, appreciating Max's praise. "Thanks, Max. It was a tough race, but I'm happy with the result."

Max's grin widened mischievously as he glanced between Charles and Lexi. "So, what's the plan for the evening? Any grand celebrations?"

Charles shrugged, looking over at Lexi, who was still nursing her frustrations. "Honestly, I was thinking of a quiet night in with Lexi."

Max scoffed, as if the idea of a quiet night was an affront to the very spirit of celebration. "Come on, you two. You just had a great race, and we all need a drink after the weekend's events."

The group exchanged hesitant glances, unsure about Max's proposal. But his enthusiasm was infectious, and it didn't take much more convincing to sway their opinions.

Max slapped Charles on the back playfully. "That's the spirit! I'll invite the rest of the grid, and we'll make it a memorable night."

Lexi, however, couldn't hide her reservations. She mumbled under her breath, "I just hope I won't have to see Lewis."

Max overheard her comment and, rolling his eyes, responded, "Come on, Lexi. It was just a heated argument. You two will be best friends again in no time."

Lexi begrudgingly agreed to Max's plan, though she couldn't help but wonder if their friendship would ever fully recover from the events of the day.

Some wounds were just too deep.


The club near Silverstone was alive with music and laughter as the Formula 1 grid came together for a night of celebration. It was a rare occasion when drivers from different teams could let their hair down and enjoy the camaraderie of the sport. Surprisingly, even Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Räikkönen had made an appearance, adding to the jovial atmosphere.

In one corner of the club, the center of attention was undoubtedly Alexandra and Charles. They were in high spirits, laughing, and sharing shots with each other like they were in their own world. Their antics had the rest of the partygoers in stitches, and it was a refreshing sight to see the usually composed racers letting loose.

Meanwhile, Lewis Hamilton sat alone in a dimly lit corner, nursing his drink. He appeared deep in thought, his expression clouded by the events of the day. Some of his fellow drivers approached him periodically, trying to offer comfort or engage in conversation, but Lewis seemed distant.

Sebastian and Kimi decided to join Lewis, sensing that he needed someone to talk to. They struck up a conversation about the day's events, focusing on the dramatic crash between Lewis and Max, as well as the heated argument that had ensued between Lexi and Lewis.

Sebastian, acting as a concerned friend, shared his thoughts with Lewis. "You know, Lewis, I can't help but think that perhaps it would be best to extend an olive branch. Maybe apologize to Max and Lexi, even if it's just to clear the air. You all need to move past this."

Lewis, ever the stubborn competitor, hesitated. "Sebastian, I hear you, but why should I be the one to apologize first? It's not like Ally was innocent either. She nearly crashed into me out there as some sort of revenge."

Kimi, sipping his drink quietly, chimed in with his typically straightforward perspective. "I agree with Lewis. Lexi's actions were dangerous, and she should be the one to apologize and have a word with him first."

Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle at the two contrasting viewpoints. "Well, I suppose there's some truth to that. But remember, sometimes it's better to be the bigger person and extend the hand of friendship."

As they continued their discussion, their attention was drawn to the bar area, where Lexi and Charles were encouraging Carlos Sainz to take on a unique challenge. Fans were cheering, and chants of "Carlos! Carlos!" filled the air as they watched him attempt to down an entire bottle of wine in one go. The sight brought smiles to their faces, temporarily diverting their thoughts from the day's conflicts.

Lewis watched Alexandra as she stumbled into Charles' arms, and he couldn't help but sigh. The events of the day had left him feeling conflicted, but he knew deep down that he probably owed Lexi an apology, regardless of her actions during the race. He finished his drink and made up his mind to go talk to her.

Approaching the bar where Lexi was ordering another drink, Lewis greeted her with a hesitant, "Hey, Lexi."

She groaned when she saw him, her sharp tongue not missing a beat. "What do you want?"

Lewis didn't falter. "I want to apologize," he said sincerely, hoping she would agree to talk.

Rolling her eyes, Lexi let out a heavy sigh. "Come on, then. Let's go outside. I need a cigarette." She motioned for Lewis to follow her as she grabbed fresh drinks from the bar. In the process, she subtly signaled to Charles, catching his attention, and he nodded in understanding.

The two of them navigated through the bustling crowd, with a few curious drivers like Daniel and Lando stopping to watch as Lexi and Lewis walked away together. It was clear that their conversation would be an interesting one, and the partygoers couldn't help but be intrigued by the drama unfolding among the drivers.

Outside on the rooftop of the bar, Lewis and Alexandra leaned against the wall, a cool breeze rustling through the night air. Lexi sighed and lit a cigarette, the embers casting an orange glow on her face. The awkwardness of the situation hung in the air, neither of them quite sure where to start.

Eventually, Lewis took the initiative and cleared his throat. "I'm going to apologize to Max for the crash," he began, keeping his tone as conciliatory as possible.

Lexi, who had been taking a long drag from her cigarette, choked on the smoke at his unexpected statement. She coughed and laughed through the discomfort. "Eighteen years I've known you, and not once have you ever apologized for anything," she said, her voice a mix of amusement and surprise. She took a big sip of her drink and pulled a face, the taste of it too strong for her liking.

Lewis rolled his eyes, choosing not to engage in the banter. "Well, it's about time I start," he replied, then directed his attention to her, his tone softening. "And I want to apologize to you as well, Lexi, for how I acted."

She nodded, but there was a visible tension in her body. Lewis expected her to apologize for their argument after the race, but she didn't. Instead, Lexi continued, her voice laced with accusation. "You've been treating me differently since I joined Red Bull."

Lewis sighed, realizing that this was a conversation he had been dreading but needed to have. "I admit it's been tough for me," he admitted. "I couldn't help but feel hurt when you chose Red Bull over Mercedes."

Lexi scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "Lewis, I'd never push Valtteri out of his seat. So, of course, I wouldn't choose Mercedes."

Lewis nodded in understanding. "I know it doesn't make sense, Ally, but it still felt like you stabbed me in the back. Like you chose them over me."

As Lexi finished her drink, her expression changed, her eyes glossing over for a moment. Concern crept into Lewis's voice as he asked, "You okay?"

Lewis watched with growing concern as Alexandra assured him she was fine, her words slightly slurred. He knew she was in no condition to continue drinking, and when she finished her drink and extinguished her cigarette, he was relieved.

She sighed and looked at him with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability. "I never wanted to make you feel like that," she confessed, her words heavy with sincerity. "But lately, the way you've treated me... it's made me feel like I don't belong in Red Bull. Like I'm not good enough."

Lewis was taken aback by her candidness, realizing that he had failed to see the impact of his behavior on her. He asked her to clarify, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. "What do you mean, Lexi?"

She tilted her head, her movements becoming a bit unsteady as she continued to speak. "I think you're pushing yourself too hard this year," she explained, her words slurring. "You feel threatened by Red Bull, by Max."

Lewis let out a heavy sigh, his gaze dropping to the ground as he admitted, "It's true."

Before Lexi could say more, her speech was interrupted by an unpleasant grimace, and she suddenly doubled over, retching. Lewis immediately stepped closer, concern etched across his face. "Are you okay?" he asked, his worry evident.

She slurred her response, "I don't feel so good."

Lewis didn't waste any time. He gently placed a hand on her back and offered, "I'll go get you some water from inside the club, okay?"

As Lewis went back inside the club to fetch water for Alexandra, she found herself standing outside amidst a group of intoxicated partygoers, each in their own world. Her vision blurred, and she felt a wave of darkness creeping in. Panic surged through her as she stumbled, desperately searching for one of her friends.

In her disoriented state, she tripped over something on the ground, and the commotion drew the attention of a few people nearby. Concerned voices asked if she was okay, and a helpful hand pulled her back to her feet. Squinting at the blurry face before her, Alexandra struggled to make sense of it all, but she heard a familiar voice soothing the crowd. "It's okay, I've got her. Come on, Ally, let's get you inside."

Leaning on the person for support, Alexandra frowned, her mind struggling to focus. She recognized the voice, but the pieces didn't quite fit together. She couldn't understand what was happening, and something felt terribly wrong. Too weak to walk on her own, she relied on the mysterious figure to keep her upright. She mumbled through the haze, "Lew?"

The voice let out a soft laugh, and in that moment, Alexandra's fragmented thoughts fell into place. It wasn't Lewis who had come to her aid. She realized it just as her consciousness slipped away, and she fell into darkness, going limp in the strangers arms.

"Not quite, flower..."

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