Oblivion (A Black Clover Stor...

By Seaflame13

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Iris has a severe case of amnesia. She doesn't remember a single thing before she woke up half-blind in the v... More

Important Author's Notes - PLEASE READ!
Final Author's Notes
Nozel's Ending - LIVE!
Another Update


84 1 0
By Seaflame13

After William and I cleaned ourselves and the bed up and showered, we sat back on the balcony. His arm was wrapped gently around me, and my head was on his shoulder. A soft white blanket covered the majority of our bodies to combat the late-night chill. I found myself staring off into the distance at the moon on the horizon- something I didn't get to do the previous night for a few obvious reasons. Contently, I sighed.

Then, he rubbed my arm vigorously for a few seconds. "Come on. It's late. Let's get to bed," he insisted, voice tired. 

"Okay," was all I could manage as we walked to his bedroom and cuddled up with each other. I sighed into his shoulder as he held me.

"I meant everything that I said," he began, placing his lips gently on my forehead in a soft kiss. "And I really do like you a lot."

All I could do was sigh a second time. "I know," I replied quietly, unable to return the feelings. I knew it hurt him, but what could I do? I didn't love him, nor Nozel. I loved nobody. As William held me in his arms, I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, William and I woke up early and started rushing around to get ourselves ready and presentable to return to our respective squads, although he was obviously more needed than I. He was a Captain. As I was scrambling to leave, I bid him a quick farewell and opened his door to leave. 

"Wait!" he called, quickly managing to shove on his mask before grabbing my wrist. I was already in the middle of the hallway at this point, so I was more than surprised when he kissed me passionately, my forehead bumping against his mask a few times. "Think about what I said, okay?"

I swallowed hard. "Okay."

"I've still got a few more things to sort out before leaving. I'll see you soon," he smiled, returning to his room and closing his door behind him. Once I knew I was fully alone, I blushed. Hard. But then I smiled because of how sweet he was. Damn... Maybe he might be worth trying something with once I sort myself out. ...Maybe.

As I walked back to my room, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. But every time I looked behind me or tried to sense who it was with my mana, the feeling went away. Huh. After finishing up in my own room briefly, I went on my way to find the Spatial mage I had arrangements with to head back to the base. 

After turning a corner, I came face to face with Nozel. His gaze was as cold and hard as the day I met him. "I need to speak with you," he said firmly.

"N-no, I'm really in a rush Nozel-" But he interrupted me.

"I won't-"

"Stop!" I yelled, finally sensing the Mage around the corner. Raising my voice caught the royal by surprise, for he clamped his mouth shut and merely looked at me. "I really have to go. Another time, okay?"

Nozel quite literally stood there and watched me leave the Capital via Spatial mage and once I found myself back at the Black Bulls' Base, I sighed. Although, I found myself curious to know what he had wanted to talk to me about. I shrugged it off and went about my day as usual.


A week had passed and Finral called a small meeting, coincidentally about Asta. Apparently no one else knew about the incurable curse on his arms. But of course, we were all concerned. As we all pitched in our ideas about how we might be able to help, I raised my hand to talk. "Actually, I already talked with the Wizard King about this recently," I chimed in.

"What?" yelled everyone.

"And you didn't think of saying anything?" asked Finral, clearly distraught over it.

I shrugged. "I thought everyone knew, and that it was just one of those unspoken things you don't talk about. That is a very sensitive subject!"

Everyone collectively sighed, and I sat quietly as I listened to the rest of the conversation unfold. Magna and Luck were going to a dungeon. Gordon and Gauche were going to do some research in the royal library in the Capital. Charmy and Grey were leaving to look for some sort of ingredients or food items that might help Asta. Everyone else was planning on doing their own separate things to try to help Asta too, so I figured I would do something in a place that I was already comfortable in.

"Gauche! Gordon!" I called just as they were about to leave.

As Gordon mumbled under his breath, Gauche looked at me with a nasty scowl. "What?" he snapped.

"I'm going to come with you to the royal library," I explained, finding myself feeling a little nervous to be going back to the Capital again, given the previous interactions I'd had with both of the men I was sleeping with.

"Eh? Why? We're perfectly capable without you," he retorted back at me, crossing his arms. Meanwhile, Finral was impatiently waiting to transport them to the Capital with his Spatial magic.

I crossed my arms. "Oh just shut up and let me help you. I think you can agree that Asta needs all the help he can get. And the more eyes we have at the library to read, the better. Agreed?"

Gauche merely grunted and grabbed his broom to bring with him just in case. Gordon smiled lightly at me, and I could tell by his mana that he was happy to have me along. As soon as we stepped through the portal, I was in the Capital... Again.

Sighing, I wasn't sure whether to be happy about that or not. Regardless, I knew we had to get to work. I took the lead, as I knew well where the library was, although I'd never actually stepped foot inside of it yet. As I lead the way through the halls, we passed a certain Silver Eagles Captain, who simply glared at me as I walked past. I hesitated in making eye contact with him, yet I graced his eyesight with one glance. Both of us knew well that we couldn't allude to the fact that we were more than barely acquaintances, so we left it at that.

Hours flew by as we searched the library from top to bottom about anything that could be remotely considered useful. From Curses to hexes to spell breaking and recovery magic, we checked out every book imaginable. The only thing was that there was so much material that we had to get through, we'd be here for days, if not weeks. 

Well... I guess it's useful that I'm here, then. If I have any down time I can check in with Julius to see if he needs me for any other strategy meetings or anything otherwise. And... I can talk with Nozel later about whatever the hell he wanted the last time I saw him. It seemed urgent, but was it really? A royal can be impatient because they are constantly catered to, so that must be it. Right?

As a few more hours passed, I found myself getting shaken awake my Gauche. Quickly, I lifted my head to look up at him. "It's late. You should go to bed," he said in a surprisingly gentle voice. I didn't know he could be so... Kind.

I blushed at the thought of having fallen asleep on a book about general curses. It was nothing too interesting, so I guess I'm not surprised. "Right. Thank you, Gauche. You should rest too," I said, noticing the bags under his eyes. Upon looking outside, I saw that it was dark and the moon was high. He looked hesitant. "Asta's arms will still be there by the time we find something useful. What's more important right now is you getting rest."

He grunted. "You may have a point. I'll head in soon. Gordon still seems engrossed in whatever he's reading. If he's onto something, I won't stop him," he explained, pointing out the pale-skinned man who was my age sitting at a table and intently reading a thick text.

"If you insist. I'll bring this one back with me and let you know if I find anything. Good luck," I called before checking out the book and leaving. With the text secured firmly in my bag, I slowly walked my tired self through the corridors, wondering if Nozel would be waiting for me in my room. It was surely almost midnight, so I pretty much expected it. However, I found myself surprised to feel him suddenly walking beside me. 

"Heading in for the night?" he asked firmly.

I nodded, yawning. "Yes. I'm on a mission with my friends. It involves researching, so we'll be spending a long time in the library. It could take weeks until we find what we're looking for. If we find what we're looking for."

The Captain hummed. "If you're looking in the Royal Library, maybe it's something I'm familiar with?"

I scoffed. "Doubtful. Unless you have any information on dispelling ancient curses, by all means, enlighten me."

Nozel paused for a moment, seeming bothered by my words. "I do not."

"As I thought. And since when are you so helpful? I thought you were upset with me. It certainly seemed so when I saw you last."

He was the one scoffing now. "I am. And I still have to speak with you."

I sighed in annoyance. "Right. Well, we're here, so you can stop getting your panties in a twist," I snickered, unlocking the door and allowing both of us in promptly. Nozel shut the door behind us and as soon as I was settled in, he stood in front of me at the foot of my bed with his arms crossed. "Well?"

His eyes narrowed. "Captain William Vangeance."

I froze. He found out? Shit! How did he find out? Wha-

"I saw you leaving his room the other morning," he explained, tongue sharp.

I gulped, now feeling a twinge of fear. He looked pissed. "O-oh... I see. L-look, I-"

"Spare me the excuses. I don't want to know why you're sleeping with him. Are you regularly seeing him now?" he asked, expression unwavering, although there was a flash of something in his eyes that I couldn't decipher.

"I am, although not as often as I will be seeing you. I've rarely seen him here in Headquarters. You're always here."

Nozel clicked his tongue on the inside of his teeth due to being irritated. "I live in the Capital. I just so happen to choose to stay here more often than not."

I rolled my eyes. "Right. But... There you have it. I'm sleeping with another Captain. But I find it odd that you were in the right place at the right time to see me leaving his room and... Making out with him."

He seemed to shudder at my words. Maybe the thought of seeing me kissing someone else and being so giddy afterwards bothered him. Or maybe it was specifically because it was the man he was always considered second best in comparison to. "As I said, I would be severely punishing those Knights of mine that harassed you. They brought up his name, and I had my suspicions."

"So you spied on us? Or rather you waited to see if your suspicions were correct? Talk about being creepy as hell!" I yelled, lightly hitting him on the shoulder with my fist. Nozel glared at me more intensely now, but said nothing more on the matter. It seemed like he didn't want to talk about William. 

I turned away and took off my robe to fold neatly. Part of me wondered whether he would kiss me from behind or leave. But he did neither. He simply watched me undress with my back facing him. As soon as I'd slipped on my nightgown, I took out the book on curses that I'd been reading and set it gently on my desk. It was an older book so I didn't want it to get damaged from being inside my bag. When I was ready for bed, I turned around to see Nozel still standing in the same place. His expression was... Odd. He almost seemed a little... Sad?

Slowly, I walked over and met his icy gaze. "Nozel?" I called, gently taking his chin in my fingers and running my thumb across his cheek. "What's wrong?"

He closed his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but paused. "Nothing."

"Come on, I know that's a lie. What's-"

I was stopped by a kiss. It was gentler than any kiss I'd shared with him previously. But it was short-lived, for his hands snaked around me as his lips grew anxious. All at once, I was lifted off of the floor and laid on the bed. Nozel threw off his robe and cape and kissed me harder. Once I heard the sound of his grimoire hitting the floor, I knew it was over for him. He'd needed me desperately since the night he slept in here without me. I was expecting rough, angry sex from him because I'd slept with someone else, but... It wasn't. The way he loved my body was so soft and slow, it was like he was making love to me as I moaned his name between kisses.

After he cleaned himself up, he wasted no time in laying in bed next to me. The royal held me close and sighed contently once he was comfortable. Just as I was about to fall asleep, he spoke. "I missed sleeping with you," he mumbled.

I opened my eyes widely, even though my back was turned to him tonight. "I... I did too," I said in return, feeling his lips curl into a smile between my shoulder blades. Nozel held me even tighter as we fell asleep.


Surprisingly, Nozel's episode in the middle of the night was mild, so for all he knew, he slept peacefully throughout the night. I guess he was so comfortable after not sleeping next to me for so long that I truly helped give him a good night's sleep. The pale-skinned man slept soundly across the bed this morning and not suffocating me with his hair. This gave me a chance to get myself a glass of water and get ready for the day. While he slept, I finished reading the book about basic and general curses.

"Nozel," I whispered as I leaned down to kiss his forehead, "I'm going back to the library for the day. Sleep as long as you want."

He merely grumbled, and I wasn't sure if he was even awake or not. Shrugging, I returned to the library where Gauche and Gordon were already continuing their search. "Did you guys find anything yet?" Both men shook their heads. "Damn. I didn't either. Alright, let's keep at it today. Let's find a cure for Asta!


A week-and-a-half passed, and there was still no luck. We'd scoured everything there was to scour in the Royal Library, but still nothing. But if we weren't finding anything to help Asta, then we were definitely getting closer to each other. There were multiple occasions where I fell asleep on Gordon's shoulder or in Gauche's lap by accident. Surprisingly, Gauche let me stay there whenever I slept on him. He even carried me to my room once. I was thankful that Nozel hadn't been waiting for me that night.

Tonight was determined to be our last night in the Capital before heading home and reporting back to everyone with empty hands and no ways to help. However, the Wizard King saw how stressed we were and invited us, along with all the other Magic Knights in the Capital, to another banquet tonight. This one was casual though, so no one needed to dress up. It was more frequent than not to have get-togethers for the Magic Knights, and sometimes the squads would go out of their way to come. I suspected that this would not be one of those times. Part of me was glad for that because I was too mentally exhausted to deal with a huge crowd.

As Gauche, Gordon, and myself walked to where the banquet would be held, I caught a glimpse of a few of the Knights who were joining the reception. There were a number of Silver Eagles, which told me Nozel was still in the Capital, but I also saw some of the Golden Dawn members as well. Maybe that meant William was around. But if all three of us are in the same room... Oh, Gods... What will go down tonight if that's the case? I shuddered at the thought of the two men fighting over me. 

Gauche sighed and crossed his arms. "Do we have to go to this thing?" he snorted, looking at a picture of his little sister. "I'd rather stare at Marie."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I know you'd rather stare at your sister, but the Wizard King himself invited us to go. We should at least make an appearance if we're not going to stay long." He merely grunted in annoyance. Gordon was mumbling quietly about something regarding the banquet, but he was too quiet to be able to make out what it was he was saying. At least he seemed pretty happy about attending the event with me.

Sighing, the three of us stepped foot into the room, which was small and definitely a bit more intimate than the previous arrangements, but it was a nice change. When my eyes laid on both Nozel Silva and William Vangeance, I knew that I would be drinking tonight. However, I just had to get through the night, and I told myself that whoever managed to charm me the most throughout the night could have me in bed. And if both of them pissed me off, neither would.

William was not shy in speaking with me very outwardly, although it did finally seem like he got the hint that I didn't necessarily want rumors going around about him and I. Thankfully he kept our public interactions and conversations professional. Mostly. Of course, Nozel glared at us as we spoke. Is he jealous? Does he want me all to himself? Is that why he's been acting the way he has?

"It's nice to see you again," the nobleman greeted, his usual smile plastered on his face, although it always looked genuine when I saw him. "I missed you," he whispered, leaving me staring blankly ahead with a blush on my face. It seemed that he took pride in making me so flustered, especially out in public. I had every reason to believe that he suspected my other lover was here, so making as much of a display as possible could very well be his goal.

I laughed nervously, "O-of course you did..." I'd trailed off, leaving his slightly cocky expression to be replaced with something of disappointment. That was most likely due to the fact that I didn't return the statement of sentiment.

He closed his eyes and sipped lightly on the sparkling beverage in his hand. "Do I have the privilege of having you stay with me tonight?" he asked, this time a little louder, his eyes wandering the room for any prying eyes. I imagined he was on the lookout for any tense mana as well. I didn't want to answer his question directly, but I couldn't find the words to do so in that moment so I looked away, but not in any particular direction. I'd just happened to notice that Nozel was holding a glass of red wine. Just then, William let out a soft laugh. "I see how it is then," he told, nabbing my full attention once more. He leaned in close. "So he's here, and you don't know who you want to spend the night with. I guess the both of us will be vying for your affections tonight."

Judging by the way I was probably blushing to high heavens, he suddenly knew that he was correct in assuming that my other lover was here. F-fucking perceptive as all hell! H-he's too good... But I couldn't take being in that conversation any longer. "P-please excuse me, Captain," I said quickly, removing myself from his verbal grasp and began to browse the selection of refined alcohols. I chose a glass of something clear- that meant it was stronger, right?- and quickly downed it like it was a shot.

"Tch," sounded a familiar voice from behind, "Drinking so heavily at an event like this? I thought you said we weren't going to stay long." I turned to look into the eyes of Gauche, who had his arms crossed. 

"L-look, I think I'm going to stay a little longer than intended, but the both of you are free to go once the Wizard King makes an appearance." I felt the gaze of two pairs of eyes as I spoke, each from opposite sides of the room. Making eye contact with Gordon was the only thing I felt comfortable doing in that moment. He smiled softly and mumbled something almost inaudible save for a few words that lead me to believe he was asking me if I was okay. I made sure to give him a reassuring nod.

Gauche spoke again. "Whatever. I'll leave when I want to," he snapped coldly. Damn. Even colder than Nozel. Harsh. The two went on their way, leaving me standing alone by the bar. I grabbed another glass of whatever I had just drank and sent it back in an instant- again. As I turned to order another, my shoulder hit the torso of someone with a familiar icy mana. I looked up, instantly putting on an apologetic act. "C-captain Nozel! I'm so sorry! Wh-what can I do for you?" I prayed that he got the message.

Because of the way his brows furrowed and his lip curled back into the ever-so-slightest of snarls to show his annoyance, I could tell that he immediately understood. I didn't want William finding out that he was "the other man." The tall royal scoffed, taking a sip of his wine. "For starters, you can stop acting like that."

"L-like what?"

Nozel glared at me, sending daggers through my "clueless" gaze. "Like a fake kiss-ass. I'd hope you remember why I can't stand people who act like that."

I gulped, noticing that he'd said that a little louder than I wanted him to. The mere thought of another certain someone watching us made me blush, and that seemed to get a rise out of Nozel. He smirked and finished off the last of his drink before ordering another. That's when I realized that the wine he was drinking was notably strong. This damned prick is trying to get wasted in front of me!

Turning my body completely away from William, who I knew for a fact was watching, I whispered, "Nozel, what the hell are you doing? You're going to get us caught!" Very quickly, I ordered another drink myself.

"And that's a problem?"

I didn't even have words for him as I was handed my third drink of the night, so I simply stormed off and found a place at the edge of the room. Tucking my left hand underneath my right elbow, I held my hand up and sipped, much more slowly now, on my drink. Trying my best to make sure my red face would go away, I began to mingle with my fellow Magic Knights, suddenly enjoying myself amidst the tension of the 'competition.'

Out of the corner of my eye I watched as William eyed me in the same manner. On the other side of the room Nozel did the same, but much more nonchalantly as he spoke with a few of his own Knights. A short while passed and I'd thrown back the rest of my drink just as the Wizard King arrived, late to his own party as I found he usually was. His assistant Marx was just behind him, looking notably stressed. From what I'd heard and inferred, his Majesty liked to shirk his duties. After making his rounds and greeting all the Captains and their Knights, his eyes locked on me. "Iris!" he exclaimed, as happy as an excited puppy, "It's nice to see you here representing the Black Bulls. I believe I saw two more of you, yes?"

I glanced around, finding myself to be utterly disappointed and frustrated when I didn't see or sense Gauche or Gordon. Bastards saw the Wizard King and left! I'll kill them!! Even though I was seething from the inside, I smiled wide to keep up my appearance. However it didn't help that I was well on my way to being drunk. "Yes, but we've been hard at work trying to find a cure for Asta's arms in the royal library. I'm sure they're just really tired! My apologies, sir," I lied, furious that I had to make up such an excuse on the spot. 

He laughed. "It's quite alright. Do you plan on staying here long?"

"Tonight?" I asked, receiving a nod in return. I shrugged. "That depends," I said honestly, looking down at my half-empty glass and swirling the liquid around aggressively. "I'm already quite intoxicated. I may have a few more drinks and enjoy some conversation with whomever remains before heading in for the night. Why do you ask?" I inquired, tilting my head to the side. It seemed that the Wizard King was always interested in my business and what I was doing in regards to my personal affairs. I never forgot about when he asked if I was seeing anyone.

Julius smiled, although he seemed stiff and awkward in his movements now. "Well, I was going to ask if you'd like to take a stroll through the capital with me tonight, but seeing as you're drunk, maybe another time?"

I suddenly understood. He was probably hitting on me. All the times we'd spoken alone, the time he asked me to dance, when he asked me to be his second Marx... My face instantly turned bright red- I could feel it. "O-oh! Ah... W-well, I'm sure that can be arranged one night... B-but sir..." I paused, looking away, "I'm not so sure something like this would be the greatest idea."

He cleared his throat, prompting me to look up at him. His own face was a bit flushed, and he'd closed his eyes for a brief moment. "Th-that's not- That's not why I'd asked you," he said quickly, although I couldn't tell if that was a lie or not. "There's actually something I wanted to speak with you about, b-but again, that can be arranged for another time."

I only felt my flush deepen. Shit! He wasn't hitting on me? Then what the hell- "What is it that you want to discuss?"

It was then that I realized the Wizard King had backed away a few paces and wore a mysterious smirk. "You'll have to wait and see. I must get back to mingling. Have a good night, Iris," he finished, leaving me both in awe and in great confusion.

"What was that all about?" asked a familiar voice from behind. I whipped around to see William, who I'm sure noticed how flustered I was from the interaction. Then, he leaned in quite close. "Please don't tell me you're sleeping with the Wizard King."

"No!" I exclaimed, probably much too loudly because a few heads turned. All I wanted in that moment was to sink into the crowd and slip away to be alone... Or to lose myself in sex. I lowered my voice as I continued, "No. I will be completely honest and say that yes, the other person is here but it is most definitely not the Wizard King. He's just odd! I'm sure you've noticed!"

William chuckled a bit. "I certainly have. Very well. As long as it's not him..." He trailed off, looking away. He may not have wanted it to be his Majesty but I had a feeling he would be unhappy with, quite literally, anyone if I told him I was sleeping with them. "Is it a Captain?" he asked quietly, nearly forcing me to spit out the small sip of drink in my mouth. 

"I really don't think you have any business asking me that," I snapped, suddenly feeling irritated by how persistent he was about it. Yet at the same time, Nozel had been persistent too. He was just tired of asking me and took the matter of finding out into his own hands... And succeeded. "For all you know, it could be a woman," I spat angrily, watching as this usually calm and composed Magic Knights Captain blushed. Hard. And in public, no less. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need another damn drink."

In a bit of a huff, I walked away and slammed my glass onto the small open bar, ordering yet another drink. By this point I'd already lost track of how many I had so far. This time, I ordered a triple of what I was drinking instead of a standard single. I sure as hell wanted to forget all interactions I'd had thus far.

As I fulfilled my wish of avoiding any more hostile, frustrating, or flustering conversation and practically sunk into the wall, I felt a familiar mana brush against mine and reach out to gently lap at the skin of my arms. The room was still crowded and stuffy given how late it was now, so his cool mana was just what I needed in that moment. I sighed contently as Nozel settled into place on my right side, a glass of red wine still in hand. I wondered how many he's had already. "You look stressed."

I rolled my eyes. "Gee, thanks. And you're certainly not helping," I lied.

He let out a soft, breathy laugh. "Then why does it feel like your mana craves mine?

Hearing that question made me take a large gulp of my drink. I found myself thankful to have ordered such a large amount this time. "You're quiet and actually listen to keeping things on the "down low" in public. ...It's hot in here and your mana feels cool."

"So you'd be upset if I walked away right now?" he taunted. Yeah. He's drunk. That's something only drunk Nozel would say. But it seems like he's good at hiding it. 

Furrowing my brows, I decided to indulge him. "Quite."

The royal chuckled to himself, his low voice rumbling in his chest as he did so. "Very well. You've pulled my heartstrings. I'll stay with you," he smirked, taking another sip of his wine. All I could do in the moment was stare up at his profile as he tipped the edge of his glass into his mouth, finishing its dark red contents. Once he finished, he licked the insides of his lips and looked down at me, suddenly taking notice of how I was watching him. The smirk on his face had disappeared long ago, and now he looked at me in confusion. "What?" A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth, and I had to instinctively cover it with the tips of my fingers as I began to laugh. It was the first time in a while that I'd laughed so lightheartedly, not to mention that it was the first time I thought Nozel to be funny. "W-why are you laughing?" he stuttered.

His question made me laugh a little harder, but only for a brief moment. "L-listen, listen," I began, leaning in close to quietly say, "Think about what you just said to me. You're drunk as fuck, because I know for a fact you'd never say something like that so casually!"

I went back to laughing again, hearing him make a sudden noise as his own cheeks flushed a bit. But, his eyes were still locked on me. When we made eye contact again, he failed in keeping in a chuckle of his own, and soon enough the two of us were trying so hard to contain our laughter. I didn't care that my laugh was high-pitched enough to permeate the steady noise of people talking- enough to draw the attention of Captain Vangeance. This was the moment that Nozel had gotten me hooked. It was the first time I'd ever seen him so carefree and... Happy. He was actually happy for once. At least to my knowledge.

When he managed to calm his laughter, suddenly stumbling a bit over himself, he looked at me in a way that made me want to look into those pretty lavender eyes forever. I didn't ever want to look away. "I guess you're right. I wouldn't ever say or act like that, realistically."

Again, I smiled. "Nozel," I said quietly, the sound of his name without any formalities catching his full attention. "I'm going to head out," I explained, smirking. "I'll see you soon."

I watched for a few seconds, waiting for the moment that it clicked in his head that I was inviting him to my room. When it did, it was obvious that he couldn't control how red his face was now. To mask it, he smirked back. "I look forward to it."

After returning my empty glass to the bar and bid farewell to the Wizard King, I slipped out of a door that was opposite of where William was so he was less likely to notice me leaving. I practically stumbled over myself as I made a break for it, trying to get there as soon as I could without being seen. 

A few twists and turns later, I'd arrived at the door to my personal suite, which was blurry in every which way. I'd barely even managed to find my key and pull it out of my pocket. Trying to stick it into the keyhole was even more of a challenge. No matter how I positioned it, it just wouldn't go in. Or maybe I was just missing the mark entirely.

I must've been so concentrated on getting into my room that I didn't hear or sense Nozel approach until his arms were wrapped around my waist and his warm, flushed lips pressed into my neck. He startled me so badly that I dropped the key and watched as it bounced underneath the door. "Nozel!" I exclaimed, realizing that he was already being so intimate out in the hallway. 

His teeth grazed my neck roughly, and one hand gripped my breast. "You're right. I'm so fucking drunk," he mumbled, using the hand that wasn't fondling me to pull be closer to him and close the gap between my behind and his crotch- which was already insanely bulging. "I want you so badly," he groaned. "Can I have you right here?"

All at once I felt my body grow hot. I glanced around quickly, but let's face it- I wouldn't have been able to sense anyone in this state anyway. I was speechless for a moment as he suckled on my neck in the same spot over and over again. I had no doubt he was trying to mark me. The royal's hand slowly crept up my shirt and snaked its way beneath my bra to knead the soft flesh of my breast now, causing a noise to erupt from my throat. Upon hearing that, I felt his lips curl into a smile against me. "N-no! Nozel!" I exclaimed again, wriggling my way out of his grasp and turning around to look at him. His face was redder than I'd ever seen it and in order to keep himself upright, his hands now propped him up against my door. "Not here!" I scolded, "And you made me drop my key!"

Nozel took my chin in his hands and kissed me again before briefly pulling away to say, "That's not such a bad thing, though. I'll still take you right here..." he trailed off before smashing his lips against mine again. This time, he'd forced his tongue into my mouth to make me moan. Instinctively, I gripped the back of his head of long, silver hair tightly. He groaned out of pleasure at the sensation, as I knew his head was one of his most sensitive spots. He loved it when I pulled his hair.

Then, I was lifted from the floor and pinned against my door, his body putting so much weight on me to keep us both up that it was hard to breathe. But I didn't mind. I enjoyed his friction. The royal's soft lips left my own cold and trailed my cheek down to my jawline, landing on a his favorite sensitive spot on my neck to tease. When I felt his teeth nibble on me, I threw my head back and gasped. It was when I felt him weave his hand into my panties that I came to my senses and gripped his wrist to stop him. "N-Nozel!" I stuttered again, "I said not here!"

But he only removed my hand so he could reach the spot he wanted to. Upon feeling his hot fingers against my throbbing clit, I gasped yet again. "But you're wet," he said in a low tone that made him all the more sexy. Quickly, he pushed two fingers into me, indulging in the feeling of my insides against his skin and my clit against his palm. The angle, the situation, the way he moved... It was perfect. I was so turned on that I couldn't help but orgasm, out here in the open... In the arms of Captain Nozel Silva.

But I didn't want to satisfy him so easily, so I gripped his Silver Eagles robe and moaned into its fur and feathers to muffle myself so no one would hear from afar. I silently prayed that no one had seen us... Or was watching. I was, of course, a sweaty, blushing disaster as I leaned back against the door once more and looked the bastard in his eyes. "Fuck you," I spat.

"Please," he replied, sealing our words with a kiss. "However," he pulled away, "I think I agree with you. I'd like to fuck you in the privacy of your room."

I sighed in relief. "Thank heavens... But I lost my key under the door. You'll have to use yours."

"Alright," he replied, gently setting me down and searching his pockets for the metal trinket. Once he found it, I watched as he struggled to find the correct placement into the lock, and once he did, we both realized it was upside-down. The sight made me laugh loudly, getting me a glare in return. "Screw off, you peasant bitch," he sneered condescendingly, our gaze meeting.

I paused for a moment, taking in how pretty he looked. I imagined he stared similarly. But then I snapped back to reality. "Tch. As if, royal bastard! You're so drunk you can't even get the key in the door!"

"You say that as if you were any better!" he argued, face getting redder and redder. But all I could do was laugh. My laugh must have been contagious, or maybe we were just that drunk, for he started to laugh along with me. It was such an odd feeling, laughing with Nozel Silva, the cold-hearted Captain and Royal. I almost felt bad for him. Does he need to be drunk to laugh? To have fun? ...To actually enjoy himself?

Finally, the key went into the lock and as soon as it did, I was dragged inside and lifted up again, just like we were before. The door had been very aggressively slammed behind us, and the only difference now was that we were in the dark and ran no risk of getting caught. Anything went. My loose bottoms were already off somehow, and Nozel wasted no time in plunging himself into me, fucking furiously. He was so drunk that he actually moaned at the feeling of himself inside of me- something he never did unless I had him tied up and he was begging. The situation resulted in him cumming quickly as I had, but he felt so good so I begged him to keep going.

I lost track of the amount of times the both of us climaxed during the time we were up against the wall. But when his arms gave out and he practically dropped me, I dragged him over to the bed and pushed him down to keep fucking him again... And again... And again. 

It was dark out but the night had just begun.


Song: Conflicted - Halestorm

And I hate that I'm conflicted
This addiction's got me twisted on you
I'm conflicted, contradictive
Got my body confused
I'm yes or no, I will, I won't
I'm conflicted and addicted
So come over and make up my mind

A/N: Here's another long one for ya! I do love Nozel but I promise the focus will turn to William's relationship with Iris within the next chapter or so! 

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