Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

374K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.4K 37 4
By tonysnarky

James stood in the bustling Red Bull garage, his eyes glued to the massive screen that broadcasted the Baku Grand Prix in vivid detail. It was a pivotal race, one that could have a significant impact on the championship standings, and he knew that every second counted. His role as a mechanic was instrumental in ensuring that Alexandra's car performed flawlessly on the challenging Baku street circuit.

The air in the garage was thick with anticipation, and the hum of activity seemed to resonate with the throbbing of James's heart. He listened intently to the commentary from the Sky presenters, their voices infused with excitement and tension.

David Croft's voice filled the airwaves, "And there goes Hamilton into the pits! But wait, they're holding him up! It's a tactical move to allow Gasly to pass in the pitlane, handing Verstappen the net race lead."

James exchanged a quick glance with his fellow mechanics, all of them aware of the strategic chess match that was being played out on the track. The decision to delay Hamilton's pitstop was a calculated risk, one that could pay off handsomely or backfire spectacularly.

As the laps ticked by, tension mounted. The Baku circuit was notorious for its unpredictability, and anything could happen. The Sky commentators provided invaluable insights into tire strategies, DRS zones, and driver tactics, and James absorbed every word, eager to gain any advantage for his team.

Then came the twist that no one had anticipated. Lance Stroll, behind the wheel of his Aston Martin, suffered a catastrophic tire failure, sending him careening into the barriers. The safety car was deployed, its presence creating a temporary pause in the race's frenetic pace.

"The safety car is out," crooned Martin Brundle, his voice tinged with concern. "This changes everything, doesn't it, David?"

David Croft replied, "Absolutely, Martin. It's a game-changer. The drivers will need to manage their tire temperatures under the safety car conditions, and this could play a crucial role in the final laps of the race."

James knew the safety car could be both a blessing and a curse. It bunched up the field, erasing any gaps, and provided an opportunity for tire management. But it also meant that the race's outcome could hinge on a single restart.

And then, the unthinkable happened. Verstappen, who had been leading comfortably, suffered a tire failure of his own. The Red Bull car skidded wildly, slamming into the barriers on the pit straight. The race was turned upside down.

"The championship leader is out!" exclaimed David Croft. "Verstappen's tire has failed, and he's crashed on the pit straight! This is unbelievable!"

James watched in shock as the screen showed Verstappen's stricken car. The safety car emerged once more, followed by the red flag. The atmosphere in the garage grew even more intense, the uncertainty of what lay ahead weighing on everyone.

With the race restarted and only two laps remaining, James felt the adrenaline surge through his veins. Alexandra was in contention for victory, and every nerve in his body was on edge. He exchanged a few hushed words with his colleagues, acknowledging the significance of this moment.

Hamilton's car roared as he made a daring move up the inside of Alexandra at the restart, the two cars side by side as they hurtled down the straight. But the tension reached a breaking point as Hamilton overshot the corner, unable to make the maneuver stick.

"Hamilton goes wide!" shouted Martin Brundle. "He forgot to adjust his brake bias! What a costly mistake!"

The Sky commentators painted a vivid picture of the race unfolding before them, their words echoing the drama and intensity of the moment. James watched as Alexandra and Hamilton battled for supremacy, knowing that every millisecond counted.

As the cars crossed the finish line, James felt an overwhelming surge of emotion. Alexandra had done it again. She had clinched her second consecutive win for Red Bull, a remarkable achievement that would resonate throughout the paddock.

The garage erupted in cheers and celebrations, the tension of the race release in an explosion of joy. James joined his colleagues in applauding Alexandra's remarkable victory, a testament to her skill and determination. It was moments like these that made all the hard work and dedication worthwhile, reminding him of the incredible journey they were all on together.

James, along with the rest of the engineers and mechanics, poured out of the Red Bull garage like a wave of jubilation. They lined up to greet and cheer for Alexandra as she expertly guided her victorious car into the pit lane. The roar of the crowd, the exuberant energy in the air, and the pride in their hearts combined to create a moment of pure euphoria.

As Lexi leaped out of her car, she was met with open arms, a sea of smiling faces, and jubilant cheers. Her engineers and mechanics enveloped her, hoisting her off her feet as she laughed and celebrated her triumph. It was a scene of pure camaraderie and elation, a moment they had all worked tirelessly for.

Amid the cheers and laughter, James couldn't help but notice Lewis's frustration. The usually composed and confident Hamilton was kicking the side of his Mercedes in anger. The mistake he had made during the race had clearly infuriated him. James felt a pang of sympathy for his longtime friend, recognizing the intense pressure that came with Formula 1.

As they continued to celebrate, Charles came rushing over. With a wide smile, he swept her off her feet and into his arms, planting a passionate kiss on her lips. His joy mirrored hers, and the happiness radiating from both of them was infectious.

Lexi looked radiant, her eyes sparkling with pride and exhilaration. Just two weeks ago, she had secured her first-ever Formula 1 victory, and now she had achieved the incredible feat of back-to-back wins. It was a remarkable journey, one that showcased her talent, determination, and resilience.

She had silenced the doubters and proven that she belonged among the elite of the racing world. With Charles by her side and a dedicated team supporting her, there seemed to be no limit to what Alexandra could achieve in her promising career. The sweet taste of victory washed away the bitter memories of the challenges she had faced, and in that moment, she was unstoppable.

The cameras flashed as Lexi and Charles shared a sweet, spontaneous kiss in the midst of their victorious moment. The bright lights and the applause from the crowd created a surreal atmosphere, but they didn't mind. Their love was real, and they wore it proudly on their faces.

As Martin Brundle approached for the interview, Lexi's laughter lingered in the air. She had been caught off guard, but the joy of her victory made her more relaxed and carefree. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke to the veteran commentator, her confidence growing with every word.

"Alexandra Heroux, two wins in a row, that's quite a statement!" Martin exclaimed, his microphone poised for her response.

Lexi glanced at Charles, who stood beside her with a proud and supportive smile. She felt his presence as a reassuring anchor in the whirlwind of emotions. "It certainly is, Martin," she replied with a grin. "But it's all thanks to this amazing team. Red Bull has given me a fantastic car, and I couldn't have done it without them."

Charles nodded in agreement, his affectionate gaze never leaving her. He was living this moment with her, their dreams and ambitions aligning perfectly. In his mind, Charles was picturing them looking back on this interview in a decades time, with a few championship titles between them.

As the interview with Martin Brundle continued, the excitement in the air was palpable. The Baku Grand Prix had proven to be another unpredictable and thrilling race, and the fans in the stands were thoroughly entertained by the dramatic twists and turns.

Lexi took a moment to reflect on the race, her eyes glancing over the Red Bull Racing team members who had worked tirelessly to secure her victory. "I can't emphasize enough how incredible this team is," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "Every single person here, from the mechanics to the engineers to the pit crew, they've all contributed to this win. It's a team effort, and I'm just grateful to be a part of it."

The cameras panned to capture the smiling faces of her colleagues, each one sharing in the joy of the moment. There was a sense of camaraderie and unity among them that extended beyond the racetrack.

Martin then turned his attention to Charles, who had been a constant presence by Lexi's side throughout the interview. "Charles, your girlfriend seems to be on a winning streak. How does it feel to witness her success?"

Charles flashed a charming smile, his affection for Lexi evident in his words. "It's an incredible feeling, Martin. Lexi has worked incredibly hard for this, and I couldn't be prouder of her. We support each other in everything we do, and it's wonderful to see her achieve such amazing results."

Martin shifted his focus to Charles, acknowledging his performance in the race. "Charles, starting from pole position is a great achievement, but you finished in fourth place. How do you assess your own race today?"

Charles's expression turned thoughtful as he considered his response. "Well, it was a mixed bag for me today. Starting from pole was fantastic, but we had some challenges during the race that dropped me down the order. Ultimately, finishing fourth is a good result, but it's not where I want to be. We'll analyze the race and work on improving for the next one."

Martin nodded, understanding the competitive nature of Formula 1 and the high standards drivers like Charles held themselves to. "Thank you for your honesty, Charles. Now, let's talk about Red Bull Racing as a team. With both you and Lexi performing well this season, how do you assess your team's chances for the rest of the year?"

A smile crept onto Charles's face as he considered the team's prospects. "Red Bull Racing is in a great position this year. We have two incredibly talented drivers in Lexi and Max, and they've both shown their strength on the track. I think it's safe to say that the rest of the grid has their work cut out for them. I think they're excellent contenders for both the World Drivers' Championship and the Constructors' Championship, and I know Ferrari will continue to push hard and give it our all."

The optimism in Charles's voice was evident, and his belief in the team's capabilities shone through. As the interview concluded, the camera captured the unity and determination of the romantic duo, leaving fans excited for the battles yet to come in the Formula 1 season.


Later in the evening, after the thrilling victory at the Baku GP, Charles and Lexi found themselves in their luxurious hotel room, still buzzing with excitement. The room was adorned with a stunning view of the city's lights, casting a romantic ambiance over the space. Soft music played in the background, setting the mood for a memorable celebration.

Charles couldn't help but wear a proud smile as he looked at Lexi, his champion. Her victory earlier in the day had showcased her talent and determination, and he couldn't have been prouder. "You were incredible out there today," he said, pulling her close for a loving embrace.

Lexi beamed at his compliment, her eyes filled with the same adoration she had for him. "It was a tough race, but I did it, Amor. I couldn't have done it without you by my side - that undercut you did on Lewis, were amazing. I'm sorry you couldn't get on the podium with me."

He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his fingers tracing the contours of her cheek. "Well as much as that undercut was an accident, I couldn't be prouder of you, Lexi. You've proven yourself as one of the best out there."

As they stood together, basking in the afterglow of the race, Lexi's heart swelled with love for Charles. She realized how lucky she was to have him as a partner, both on and off the track. Her eyes met his, and without a word, they leaned in, sharing a tender kiss that conveyed their deep affection for each other.

Breaking the kiss, Charles whispered, "I have something for us, my Amor." He moved to a nearby table and retrieved a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Popping the cork with a playful flourish, he poured them each a glass, the bubbles sparkling like the city lights outside.

They clinked their glasses together, the sound resonating with promise and love. "To us," Charles said, his eyes locked on Lexi's.

"To us," she replied, savoring the taste of the champagne on her lips. They drank in silence, their love and shared triumph speaking volumes.

With the glass set aside, Charles took Lexi's hand and led her to the small dance floor by the window. They swayed to the soft music, their movements graceful and intimate. Each step was a testament to the bond they shared, one that was strengthened by their victories and challenges.

As the night deepened, they continued to celebrate, sharing laughter, kisses, and whispered promises of a future filled with more victories and cherished moments. Their love was like a flame, burning brighter with each passing day, and in that hotel room overlooking the city, they felt invincible.

Hours later, the room was dimly lit, casting a soft, romantic ambiance that wrapped around Charles and Lexi like a warm embrace. As Lexi slipped under the covers of the bed, Charles approached her with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Close your eyes, mon couer," he whispered, his voice filled with excitement.

She arched an eyebrow but complied, closing her eyes with a bemused smile. Her heart raced with anticipation, wondering what surprise he had in store for her. She could hear the subtle rustle of fabric, and then he gently placed something cool and delicate into her waiting hands.

"You can open your eyes now," Charles said, his voice laced with a mix of nervousness and hope.

Lexi's eyes fluttered open, and her breath caught in her throat as she beheld the velvet box he had given her. Her fingers trembled with anticipation as she lifted the lid, revealing the exquisite contents within.

Inside the box nestled a ring, its design elegant and understated. It was adorned with a single, shimmering gemstone that sparkled like a star in the night sky. The beauty of the ring was breathtaking in its simplicity.

Lexi's eyes widened with surprise, her gaze shifting from the ring to Charles's adoring face. "Amor, it's beautiful," she murmured, her voice filled with genuine awe.

He chuckled softly, a warm and tender smile on his lips. "It's not a wedding ring, Lexi," he assured her with a playful glint in his eye.

She giggled in response, her heart dancing with joy at his thoughtfulness. With gentle fingers, she retrieved the ring from its box and held it up to the soft glow of the room. The gemstone caught the light, casting a warm, radiant aura that seemed to mirror their love.

Charles's eyes locked onto hers, his expression earnest. "It's a promise ring," he explained, his voice gentle but resolute. "I saw it in Hungary, and it reminded me of us. I want you to have it so that you'll always remember, no matter where life takes us, that I love you and that I'll always be here for you. Through the calm and the storms, Lexi."

Tears welled up in her eyes as the profound meaning of the gift sank in. It was a symbol of their unwavering commitment, a promise to stand by each other's side through all of life's challenges. Lexi threw her arms around Charles, pulling him close in a loving embrace.

"Thank you, Charles," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I'll treasure it always."

Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss, sealing the promise of their love with a bond stronger than any ring could represent. As they held each other in the gentle embrace of the night, their hearts beat in perfect harmony, knowing that their love was a promise that would last a lifetime.

With their lips still barely an inch apart, Charles whispered softly to Alexandra, his voice filled with sincerity and love, "I love you, Alexandra Heroux, and I'm by your side through it all. One day, I'm going to marry you."

Her heart swelled with emotion as she looked into his eyes, her own filled with a profound affection. She leaned in, sealing his words with a tender, lingering kiss. "I love you too, Charles Leclerc."

The rest of their evening was filled with the kind of intimate moments that only two people deeply in love could share, as they celebrated their victories, their love, and the promise of a future together.

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