Dead Billionaire's Revenge...

By Authorgoldenrose

1.1K 76 11

Emine a girl full of love, strength, and hope falls in love with the country's top billionaire man, Fatih Ski... More

Sneak Peak
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

55 6 0
By Authorgoldenrose

Another morning made its opening in the city of Istanbul. The silent breakfast was in motion in the dining hall when Sania Sayar decided to get attention.

"Erum and Orhan, I am sure that your busy minds have not forgotten about tonight's function."

" Which of your stupid charity functions bounced up this time?" Orhan drawled out.

Erum chuckled without bothering to put her attention toward anyone. Her eyesight encompassed a Cell phone.

All of it was enough to provoke Sania Sayar. And the very next moment, Erum's phone was snatched from her custody.

"Tonight, sharp 7:30. You both better be ready. And don't forget the theme. I don't want any blunder in our social media history on behalf of you both."

And when Sania Sayar gives a calm roar, everybody would better be working on their senses.

Saleem Sayar's anxious more than worried glance made the journey from Sania to unbothered Emine. He wanted to know her decision to go to tonight's function.
Sania gave him an assuring nod of the hidden statement, I will handle it in my way.

It was noontime when she entered Emine's room, but before it knocked and permission was not gone unasked by her. She was carrying a dress bag.

"Mama, please! why do you do it always?"

She innocently protested.

Mama very rarely visited her room. This hints at something inside her.

"Mama, what happened? Do you need anything? "

Her doe eyes searched for something on her mother's face.

"My Emine, my daughter, my sunshine." Sania narrated this by holding her hand affectionately.

"Mama wants your company for tonight."

She wondered how a broken mess, responsible for their miseries could provide them company.

"kızım ( my daughter)", she said moving her hand through her hair.

" Tonight, there is an important function. You can say rather a musical one. It is also business-related to some extent. Many of our business partners and Fatih's friends.." She gulped hard on his name but continued.

"are asking for you, honey. You are Still in his name. You are his wi...

" I'm his wife." She snapped immediately. Anger rushed inside her.

Sania instantly cupped her face.
" I know, I know. I will die, but never use that word for you. Never"

That widow word.

"Mama you know I don't go to these gatherings." She pleaded.

"I know my love. Moreover the place.."
she stopped midsentence.

"  is the same hall where you and Fatih met for the first time." She is looking anywhere but her eyes.

"Kizim, I also wanted to refuse in the first place. But your father is also worried about you. Seeing you caged in loneliness also hurts him."

"Please, dear not for me. But for your father, join us tonight." She pleaded with everything she could.

The place of their first met-up

For father's sake.

She nodded yes. A faint relaxed smile came on Sania's face. She kissed her forehead.

"My beautiful daughter. Look I have also bought a dress for you. it was very difficult shopping. Not any dress is worthy of my daughter's beauty."

She said in faked anger. Emine smiled very little. But this fraction of a smile also mattered millions for them. Because their daughter had forgotten to smile and glow long ago.

"Honey, be ready at 7:30 p.m.." Sania reminded her, at the door, on her way back.

In reply, Emine just shook her head in confirmation.

Closing the door, Sania took a long breath of relaxation. A huge tension was relieved from her shoulders.

She is coming tonight, so be ready.

A text message made its way from an unknown sender to an unknown receiver.

Tonight was going to be a very long night.

The evening was progressing to be molded into the night. Emine unzipped the bag to reveal the black gown inside. It was a black satin-silk with an off-shoulder design.

A perfect black complimenting her dark life. Yet despite being black, the dress was shining. It possessed the glow, aiding its marvel.

But she lacked any glow.

She put the dress on her almost corpse-like body. The mirror was reflecting a breathing corpse wrapped in black silk. She rounded her long dense raven hair into a loose yet elegant bun.

And here she was ready. Old Emine would have made fun of her in this state. Note the scarism Old Emine.

" Emine are you ready? let's g...''

Sania hurriedly came into her. But the chirpiness with which she came was now replaced by startled expression. She was also dressed up in a black Maxi dress. Classy and elegant, beating like her personality.

Emine looked up at her, searching for any wrong.

" I'm ready, mama," she replied with the utmost innocency she could.

Sania shook her head. She came forward. Despite the Pleas and Protest, she applied light makeup on her pale white skin.
Rummaging through her jewelry, when a dusty box contacted her hand. Her heart wrenched in an unknown emotion. Fatih brought all these with too much love and care. How here these are all turning into antiques.

Plays of fate.

She abruptly brushed off all these saddened thoughts. And add diamond studs on Emine's ears.

" Now my daughter is ready. My Emine Sayar. My proud."

She said with utter pride and satisfaction.

" But I am also worried about the evil eyes of all those jealous females. Allah protects my baby from any harm."

Then she kissed her temple. Both were looking in the mirror.

"Don't worry Mama, I possess nothing to make someone jealous. And about the harm I already passed that level". Her inner thoughts made commotion but she never voiced out them for the sake of her mother's smile.

The time was reached to 8 o'clock. But Both Sayar's daughters-in-law have not come downstairs.

" Dad! Where is the punctual mother now? She has been chewing our brain for being ready at 7:30." Erum protested in anger. She was wearing a strapless mid-thigh black dress.

"Where would be else she, dear sister? Must be pleading with her dear daughter-in-law for coming tonight. just a waste of time. " Orhan stated in his arrogant language.

"You both are forgetting how to respect your parents day by day. Don't raise my temper." Their father snorted.

Their commotion in the gigantic living hall was disturbed by the striking sounds of heels against the marble Staircase.

Both ladies were coming down holding each other hands.

"Here my beautiful daughter is". Proudly Mr. Saleem approached her daughter-in-law. He engulfed her in his warm embrace. A father's embrace. Where a daughter is most protected and can forget her all hoariness.

"Darling! " he addressed his wife without looking at her and focusing his graze on Emine.

"Don't you think, In the case of my daughter-in-law, I am luckier than my father?"
He asked with a teasing smirk.

"Papa! ". Emine got uneasy.

"If this is the matter, then I am the luckiest mother-in-law in the world." She said cupping her cheeks in adorance.

Mr. Saleem took both ladies in his hug.

Their trio, but, was not digested by the other two people in the room.

Orhan was giving an annoying expression over this reunion.

and Erum, a burned and swelled-up popcorn.

" If this melodrama takes a break, can we go now! ". Anger was radiating out from Erum.

Emine looked down in shame.

And Mr. and Mrs. Saleem both could only give them scolding looks.
The whole family was seated in the limo, making the beginning of the journey.

A man was already spying outside. As soon as the car traversed the boundary of the giant gates of Sayar mansion, he called to the mysterious man, confirming that Emine was also in the car.

A smirk appeared on his lips.
" Our prey is on the way." He announced this to Nihal and Cesur. Nihal's eyes almost got out of the socket due to shock. While Cesur was amused. How perfect was his assumption? Their whole plan was on risking gamble until Emine decided to show on.

Their whole team then moved on next steps of their plan.  Because the night was going to begin in a few moments. Their night.

A night to begin one's end.

Limo halted, signaling their arrival. One by one each Sayar made his appearance on the welcoming carpet. All media just rushed toward them like honey bees. Flashes and flashes of the camera highlight this family.
But in these glowing flashes, evil and nasty reporters were also present to flash their careers.

Mr. and Mrs. Saleem both were calmly answering business-related projects. Emine was standing in between them. Soon the evil interrogation started.

"Mrs. Sania, are you still keeping your son's widow out of courtesy?"

Widow... widow.. this one word was enough to shatter Emine's sanity.

"Mrs. Emine, are you still mentally sick? or on rehab? "
The same man darted another question.

"Mrs. Emine despite being a widow at such a young age, you are still in Sayar's mansion. Is it because of money and greed? " Another female reporter asked.
All these questions spinning her head.

But Mr. and Mrs. Sayar were seething. Their temper crossed the limit for the best.

"The girl standing here is my daughter, my life, and my pride. princess of Sayar Mansion." Saleem sayar snarled out to reporters. Tears were threatening to leash out from her brown orbs.

"And If you people don't stop with your ugly questioning, you may not become a widower but a divorcee for sure." Mrs. sania made reporters shut up. Because who wants to live with a bankrupt suppose, as Sania Sayar possesses the power to do so.

But the whole fiasco was entertaining to Erum because of earlier melodrama in the mansion. She was satisfied to the full extent.

As Sayar's family went inside, the male reporter gave an appreciative smirk toward someone.

The female reporter receives a well-done job call from an unknown person.
" Told you, you invested in the perfect place."

Then the next moment she got a bit nervous about the next question.

"No,  I do not know that male reporter. I did not even hire him for this job. Maybe he is sincerely doing his job for the channel, unlike me getting a private bonus. " She laughed in a menacing tone and then ended the call.
Inside the hall, Emine was forced to drink a glass of water to calm her nerves and harshly beating heart.

" I'm sorry honey. These reporters are always the same. Don't worry, your papa and I will show them the result of their evil dare. "

"No, Mama, No. I am fine. Look. "
Emine said with an attempted smile.

But being parents their heart warmth was already doused by saddened looks on their daughter.

"Your papa is sorry, dear." He said apologetically and kissed her hands.
" I always fail when it comes to protecting you and your happiness."

"No, papa. They were just some losers of reporters. You are my perfect hero."

She said placing her head on his father's chest, her only source of protection.
Guests approached them, and formalities began.

Hardly after 20 minutes, Emine's feet started to protest in silence, obviously, in sixteen months, she had come out for the second time and for the first time in such a fancy function. For the first time, she was out for a charity function after so much insist from her mother-in-law.

She was resting when a manly voice interrupted her. It was Jameel. Management member of Sayar's Company.

" And here I thought, I have to crack down mansion walls to see this face. "

"Jim", She acknowledged him.

"And why do you want to crack down our mansion's wall to see this garbage?", She asked in a bitter tone.
A sorry expression came on his face.

"Emine, Please don't say this. You... ", their chit-chat was disturbed when Mrs. Sania approached them, on her trail a man of early forties was coming.

"Hey, dear. Here you are. Meet Mr. William, our new business partner." She introduced him to Emine.
"A very important one", she whispered in her ear.

" Indeed Mrs.Sania you have a jewel of Daughter-in-law.", he said kissing Emine's hands. An unpleasant feeling rushed through her. She abruptly snatched her hand out of his grip.

"A very big loss at such a young age. I am sorry to hear about it. it's helplessness against fate. But life must go on." He condoled with her but without any remorse or guilt.

All the couples gathered on the dance floor. William almost pulled Emine with him to dance. And cheery on the top, Mrs. Sania also encouraged her to stay with him. Despite her wish, she was on the dance floor. The way William's hands explored her creamy skin, made her displeased. She felt Like a traitor, a Traitor to his Fatih.

Suddenly hall's light switched off, just illustrating the stage. White fog scattered around the stage.
And here the musical event begins. The night's big gamble. A blue-eyed hero made his appearance on stage. Cesur Tarhun, launched his new song,  with a live theater performance.
On stage, the story revolves around a boy and a girl, mad in love with each other. But then the girl's demeanor suddenly changed. Her love was fake, only to gain the Boy's wealth. The performance showed how the girl backstabbed the boy. Then the scene changed, and a car was shown going down the cliff.

On the other side, Nihal was monitoring Emine, hoping for any alarming action. But Emine was unfazed by the whole play. She was not even looking at the scene. Unbothered. And total dismay on Nihal's face. Now it was time for the mysterious man to make an entry on the dance floor.

William was intimating a conversation with Emine, Suddenly Emine felt a presence, a very familiar presence. Her senses got alarmed. She looked frantically here and there. He is here. Her Heart gave the witness.  A very strong witness. Another nudged on the Shoulder. yet no one. But He was here. suddenly she started searching the dance floor like a lunatic. Then in the mirror,  a tall-broadback man appeared exiting the hall. She turned in his direction, ignoring William's call. The hall was already filled with loud music.

The man was taking long strides and she was running toward him, not wanting to miss a single fraction of his.

A car was horning. but her ears were becoming numb.
"Fatihhhhhhhhhh", she screamed. But before any further step could be taken. A car made her fly on the concrete pathway. Knocking the life out of her almost. A silhouette came over her top, calling her attention.
But she was losing it by every second. Finally, her Fatih has come to take her along with him. May her end has come. she thought. She smilingly welcomed the darkness.

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