Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

375K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.5K 29 4
By tonysnarky

Four days had passed since that fateful visit to the prison, and back in Monaco, the specter of depression had enveloped Alexandra. She remained trapped in her own world of despair, unable to summon the strength to get out of bed, let alone eat or drink. Her spirit had been crushed, and it seemed like there was no way to reach her.

Charles had been tirelessly caring for her during this time, doing his best to provide comfort and support. The presence of a strong support system had been a lifeline for them both.

Daniel and Max had come to sit in somber silence with Alexandra, allowing Charles to attend a crucial meeting in Maranello.

Pascale and Emily had taken turns preparing meals, though Alexandra's appetite had vanished completely.

Charles had even carried her into the shower at one point, both of them standing under the flowing water. Yet, Alexandra remained empty, her will to fight seemingly drained away.

She knew deep down that she could rise from this abyss, that she could find the strength to fight her depression. But right now, she simply didn't want to. It was easier to surrender, to hide from the world and its relentless cruelty.

Amid the turmoil, concerned voices reached out to Alexandra. Sebastian had called repeatedly to check on her, even going so far as to threaten to fly over from Germany to be by her side. Christian and Toto had echoed this concern with their own calls.

Daniel had chosen to stay in Monaco with Max indefinitely, and thanks to Arthur and Lorenzo, Charles' apartment was now fortified with the latest and most advanced security systems, a precaution in case Jackson managed to secure his release and posed a threat to their safety.

Charles sat beside Alexandra, the dim room casting long shadows on the walls as she lay silently in bed, her eyes fixed on nothing, seemingly lost in a catatonic state. The toll of these trying days showed in the tired circles under Charles's eyes, but he continued to read aloud to her.

The book in his hands was "It's Kind of a Funny Story," an ironic choice given their current circumstances, but he read it aloud just as they always did.

As Charles read, Alexandra struggled to focus, to anchor herself in the present moment, hoping that the words of the book could serve as a lifeline for her spiraling mind. Among the lines he recited, several seemed to resonate with the darkness she felt:

"People are screwed up in this world. I'd rather be with someone screwed up and open about it than somebody perfect but ready to explode."

"Sometimes I think depression's one way of coping with the world. Some people get drunk, some do drugs, some people get depressed. Because there's so much stuff out there that you have to do something to deal with it."

"Life can't be cured, but it can be managed."

"The shift is coming. The shift has to be coming because if you keep living like this, you'll die."

As Charles uttered that last quote, Alexandra's seemingly motionless form on the bed shifted ever so slightly. Charles raised an eyebrow, surprised by this small response.

Had it taken until this point in the book to break through her emotional barricade? Was she actually listening to him all this time, absorbing the words that had taken on a newfound significance in her life?

Alexandra lay there, her eyes filled with a profound sadness, as Charles put the book aside and crawled into bed beside her, their faces inches apart. With tenderness, he brushed a strand of hair from her face and wiped away a stray tear that had fallen from her eye.

His voice quivered as he implored her to speak, to share her thoughts with him, to bridge the growing chasm between them.

"What is it, Amor?"

For a moment, Alexandra's lips remained sealed, but then she whispered, her voice fragile and filled with fear, "I'm scared."

The sound of her voice, so broken and fragile, pierced Charles's heart. He held her even tighter, feeling her fragility in his arms. Alexandra continued, her words pouring out like the confessions of a frightened child.

She revealed her deep-seated terror that someone she loved would be hurt. Her words hung heavily in the air, echoing the pain that had taken residence in her heart.

"I'm scared, Charles. He's going to hurt someone I love. What if he hurts Theo, or you?"

Charles, his own voice choked with emotion, reassured her, "It won't happen, Ally. You're safe, and I promise you that Jackson won't hurt anyone you love."

But Alexandra couldn't bring herself to believe it. The specter of Jackson Morgan loomed large in her mind, casting a long shadow of doubt and fear. It was then that Charles, in a gentle yet firm tone, referenced the book's quote once more.

He told her that, much like the characters in the story, something had to shift in her own life. She couldn't remain trapped in her bed, mourning a future that had not yet come to pass. She needed to gather her strength, rise from her despair, and prove Jackson wrong.

"You need to fight this Amor, please."

With a tender kiss to her forehead, Charles rested his head against hers, listening to her labored breathing as she contemplated her choices. In one last attempt to coax her back to the land of the living, he said softly, "Teddy needs his Aunt Ally." It was a reminder of the love and responsibilities she held, a glimmer of hope that he hoped would pull her back from the precipice of despair.

As Alexandra sighed and gradually sat upright in Charles's comforting embrace, a flicker of determination began to shine through her tear-filled eyes. She closed her eyes briefly and envisioned her nephew, Theo, with his brown hair and bright green eyes.

She pictured his life, his future. He could grow up safe, with loving grandparents and a mother and father who adore him dearly.

He could grow up visiting races, watching Uncle Charlie race Aunt Ally in their red and blue cars. He could watch his family succeed. He could grow up having christmas and birthday's with everyone, feeling loved and wanted.

Something she never had.

She thought about her own tumultuous childhood, filled with pain and suffering, and how she desperately wanted something different for Theo—a life marked by safety, security, and love from his family.

The weight of a generational curse hung heavy over Alexandra, but in that moment, she made a silent promise to herself. It was a promise forged from the depths of her pain, a vow that she would not let the darkness that had plagued her family's past seep into Theo's future.

The cycle of suffering and despair would end with her.

She would be the one to break it.

She looked into Charles's eyes, her expression now filled with a solemn determination. "For Theo," she whispered, her voice a resolute affirmation of her commitment to protect her nephew and ensure he had a brighter, happier life.

It was a promise made not just to Charles but to herself—a vow to fight back against the looming threat of Jackson Morgan and to rebuild the shattered pieces of her life.

Charles nodded.

"For Theo."


Baku, Azerbaijan, buzzed with the excitement of Formula 1 as the teams prepared for the upcoming race. For Alexandra, Charles, and James, this race weekend offered a much-needed respite from the dark cloud that had loomed over them.

James was eager to dive into his new role as a permanent member of the Red Bull mechanics team, a fresh start that he welcomed with enthusiasm.

Alexandra had emerged from the depths of her depression, and while she was not yet her usual vibrant self, she was determined to face each day with renewed strength. Charles remained her steadfast pillar of support, standing by her side every step of the way.

The press had done an about-face in their coverage of Alexandra, now hailing her as a "pillar of strength." They celebrated her for her resilience in the face of the blog's relentless attacks on her and her family. It seemed ironic to her, as the very same media outlets that had doubted her just a month ago were now singing her praises for her remarkable race in Monaco. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but Alexandra knew that the racing world was fickle, and public sentiment could shift with the wind.

Fortunately, the focus had shifted away from her personal life and towards the fierce competition between Mercedes and Red Bull, Lewis and Max, for this year's Formula 1 championship title. It was a welcome change, allowing Alexandra to step out of the spotlight and refocus on her racing career.

Inside her trailer in the bustling paddock of the Baku circuit, Alexandra found herself sharing a joyful and surprising moment with Paddy, her race engineer. He had asked to speak with her privately, and as they entered the cozy space, he revealed an ultrasound image.

Alexandra's eyes widened in astonishment as she gazed at the image. Paddy confirmed what the ultrasound meant: his girlfriend, Adelaide, was pregnant. Alexandra couldn't contain her excitement and immediately engulfed her friend in a warm hug.

"That's incredible, Paddy! Congratulations!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Paddy beamed at the congratulations but then shared a bit of concern. "I have to let you know, Lexi, that Adelaide is dealing with preeclampsia. It's a bit of a scare, and after this race, I'll be stepping down for the rest of the season to be by her side."

Alexandra nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, Paddy. Family comes first, and we'll miss you in the team. But your role will be waiting for you whenever you decide to come back."

As they continued to discuss the pregnancy and parenthood, Paddy's grin grew even wider. "It's a little girl," he revealed.

Alexandra's eyes sparkled with delight. "A girl? That's wonderful, Paddy!"

She asked about Christian, the team principal. "Have you told him?"

Paddy hesitated and confessed, "I wanted to tell you first before letting Christian know."

Alexandra felt touched by Paddy's trust in her. "Thank you for sharing this with me. You know I'm always here for you, Paddy. I promise to visit once your baby girl is born. Congratulations again!"

As they chatted about the impending arrival and the joys and challenges of parenthood, a sense of warmth and camaraderie filled the trailer. Paddy had followed Alexandra from Mercedes when she'd worked with them on the set of champion, had followed her to Alpha Tauri, and again to Red Bull. She was indebted to him.

The playful mood in Alexandra's trailer was interrupted by a knock at the door, and in walked Charles, her loving boyfriend. Paddy, with a knowing grin, excused himself, leaving the couple alone.

With a teasing kiss, Charles pulled Lexi close and asked her what she and Paddy had been up to, playfully insinuating that they were hatching some secretive plan. Lexi played along, her eyes dancing with mischief.

"We were definitely plotting to sabotage Mercedes for the next race," she said with a mischievous grin. "I think I'll borrow a page from George and go for a daring divebomb move."

The two shared a laugh, their playful banter filling the trailer with warmth. As Charles kissed her, Lexi's heart swelled with love and gratitude for the amazing man in front of her. Charles and Lexi shared a few more loving moments in the trailer, the world outside fading away as they reveled in each other's company. The playful teasing and affection between them created a sense of warmth and comfort, reminding them of the strength of their bond.

Their passionate kiss was abruptly interrupted by another knock at the door. Charles reluctantly pulled away, and Lexi couldn't help but pout in playful disappointment as they heard Arthur's voice calling to them from outside.

"Hey, idiots! F2 is starting soon, and you promised you'd come watch me!" Arthur's voice echoed through the door.

Charles groaned once more, voicing his frustration at the timing of the interruption. Lexi chuckled and gently patted his cheek as he eagerly pulled her in for another kiss. He trailed his hands up her thigh teasingly, just as the door burst open, revealing Arthur, who had dramatically covered his eyes with a hand.

"IS IT SAFE TO LOOK?" He yelled.

Charles pulled away from a laughing Alexandra and groaned, throwing a pillow from the sofa at his brother.

"Cockblock." Alexandra teased.

Arthur dropped his hand and shot her a grin. "You're at work, you should be behaving appropriately." He joked, shooting her a wink. "Now come on, are you coming to watch me?"

Charles sighed. "No, not after what-,"

Lexi chuckled and gently patted his cheek.

"We did promise, love," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Let's go cheer on your brother. We'll continue this later," she teased.

Charles sighed, resigned to the fact that they couldn't enjoy more alone time just yet. He planted another quick kiss on her lips before they both got up from the cozy trailer and headed out to support Arthur in his Formula 2 race.

Charles and Alexandra stood side by side in the bustling Formula 1 paddock, their attention focused on the track where Arthur was competing in his Formula 2 race. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the circuit.

The roar of engines filled the air as the race entered its final laps. Charles and Lexi watched with bated breath as Arthur skillfully navigated the twists and turns of the track, his car adorned with the distinctive livery of his team.

As the race approached its climax, Arthur found himself in a thrilling battle for position. The competition was fierce, but Arthur's determination shone through. He expertly overtook his rivals, gaining ground with each maneuver.

Then, with a burst of speed and precision, Arthur crossed the finish line in second place. The checkered flag waved, signaling the end of the race. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and Charles and Lexi joined in enthusiastically.

"He did it!" Lexi shouted as Charles cheered for his brother, lifting Lexi into the air and spinning her, planting a heated kiss on her lips.

"That's my brother!" Charles exclaimed, his voice full of pride.

Lexi's eyes sparkled with joy as she clapped her hands.

The two of them continued to cheer for Arthur as he completed his cool-down lap and returned to the pits. His teammates and mechanics greeted him with congratulatory pats on the back, and the young driver wore a triumphant smile.

As they watched Arthur bask in the well-deserved celebration, Charles and Lexi felt a deep sense of pride and happiness. It was moments like these, witnessing Arthur's success and passion for racing, that brought an added layer of fulfillment to their lives in the world of Formula 1.

Amidst the celebration in the pit lane, Arthur spotted Charles and Lexi, his face lighting up with excitement. Without hesitation, he dashed toward them, leaping into a warm hug that enveloped them both. Lexi laughed joyfully as she ruffled Arthur's hair, feeling a deep sense of pride and affection for him.

"Arthur, you were amazing out there!" Lexi exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Congratulations, little brother."

Charles, equally proud, clapped Arthur on the back. "That was some impressive racing, Arthur. Well done!"

Their cheers and embraces continued for a few more moments until James joined the group, wearing a wide grin of his own. He added his voice to the chorus of congratulations, applauding Arthur's achievement.

"Congrats, man."

But as the excitement lingered, James couldn't help but remind them of their responsibilities. "As much as I'd love to celebrate all day, we've got free practice to prepare for, team." He winked playfully at Lexi. "Let's bring that Red Bull to the top!"

With renewed determination and a sense of unity, they broke away from their impromptu celebration, ready to focus on the upcoming free practice session. The bond between them, forged in the crucible of racing and shared dreams, grew stronger with each passing day.


Lexi revved her engine, the roar of power beneath her merging with the pounding of her heart. The track stretched out before her, an arena of speed and precision. Paddy's voice filled her earpiece, guiding her through each twist and turn, helping her shave precious milliseconds off her lap time. She could feel the exhilaration building, her determination to be the best pushing her to the limit.

As the laps flew by, she found herself inching closer to the top spot on the leaderboard. Max and Lewis remained ahead of her, setting an impressive pace, but Lexi was relentless. With every turn of the wheel, she pushed herself harder, striving for perfection.

Paddy's voice crackled through the radio once more, this time with a playful challenge. "If you win this weekend, I'll name my future children after you," he taunted.

Lexi couldn't help but laugh, her spirit lifted by his words. "Deal," she replied confidently. "But remember, you should be naming them Alexandra anyway, because she'll be the name of a future world champion."

Paddy chuckled, playfully scolding her for her confidence. But deep down, he knew that confidence was a crucial ingredient in the mix of skills and determination that made Lexi such a formidable driver.

With renewed determination, Lexi powered into her next practice lap, her eyes fixed firmly on the top spot of FP1, ready to leave her mark on the track.

After an impressive performance in the first practice session, Alexandra couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Her competitive spirit was alive, and the prospect of a strong result in the upcoming race on Sunday thrilled her. She leaped out of her car, a wide grin on her face, as Christian and Paddy congratulated her over the radio.

"Great job, Lexi! Second fastest, you're on fire!" Paddy's voice buzzed with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, that was awesome, Ally! Keep it up!" Christian chimed in.

Lexi acknowledged their praise with a grateful nod, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Thanks, guys! Let's carry this momentum into the race."

With that, she removed her helmet and exchanged some brief words with her mechanics before informing Christian of her plans to grab a quick bite with the other drivers before the second practice session. "Want me to grab you anything?" She offered. Christian shook his head and thanked her.

As she headed out, Christian's voice stopped her in her tracks. "Hey, before you go, check your trailer. Someone sent you a gift. The PR team put it in your trailer for you."

Confused but intrigued, Alexandra glanced back at Christian, who simply shrugged and gave her a reassuring smile. Her curiosity piqued, she made her way to the trailer, entered, and closed the door behind her.

Inside, the trailer was dimly lit, with the bouquet of flowers as the centerpiece. Sunflowers, roses, and an array of other colorful blooms adorned the space. Lexi hesitated for a moment, taking in the beauty of the unexpected gift. But then her gaze fell on the small envelope attached to the bouquet.

Her excitement turned to caution as she approached the flowers, sensing that this surprise might not be as pleasant as it first appeared. She carefully retrieved the envelope and opened it, revealing the unsettling message inside.

To my darling flower,
I'll be seeing you soon.
Love, Jackson.

The blood drained from Lexi's face as a shiver ran down her spine. Her racing heart threatened to burst through her chest as fear and anger surged within her. Jackson Morgan, the source of her nightmares, had somehow managed to infiltrate her world once more, sending a chilling reminder of the horrors she had endured.

With trembling hands, she folded the note and clutched it tightly. Panic welled up inside her, and she struggled to catch her breath. Her racing thoughts made her lightheaded, and the room seemed to spin.

The fear and shock had overwhelmed Alexandra, and before she could react, her legs gave way beneath her.

She staggered backward and collapsed onto the desk, the impact sending a sharp jolt of pain through her head. The trailer became a swirling blur, and her consciousness slipped away, thinking of only one thing.


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