Fate: the New King of Camelot...

By FWZ2404

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Mordred was summoned to the fourth Holy Grail War by her interesting Master. She would meet someone whom she... More

A Look Into The Future
Ch. 1: The Summoning
Ch. 2: The Gathering
Ch. 3: Alliance
Ch.4: Assassin
Ch. 5: Caster
Ch. 6: What Is A King
Ch. 7.5: Red Saber
Ch. 8: Amusement Park
Ch. 9: Monster

Ch. 7: What A King Is

446 23 10
By FWZ2404

Mordred POV

So far, I barely understand Archer's reason for wanting the Holy Grail. Iskandar, on the contrary, wants to be reincarnated as a mortal man. Even with how similar I feel about his kingship ideology, it still is pretty absurd. He wants to reincarnate in this modern world. Silly! I can't even imagine Iskandar wearing a Hawaiian shirt while surfing here in Fuyuki Beach. Though, It kind of looks cool.

But for my father, it seems that Iskandar and Archer's reason can't be approved by her way of kingship.

Father has her head held high proudly.

"That is in a manner ill-befitting for a king." Father rebukes Iskandar.

"Ho... is that so? Say, Saber, why don't you tell us about your wish too." Finally, Iskandar speaks his attention to Father. It's about time they ask about that.

Her response—

"I simply want to save my homeland. With the omnipotent wish-granting Holy Grail, I will avert Camelot's fate of destruction."

Father... she still wanted to save her kingdom?


Everyone suddenly lapsed into silence. It was an awkward silence.

I look at Iskandar and Archer's reaction. Iskandar looks dumbfounded and is surprised. Archer has his eyebrow raised and seems to be amused.

'What the hell is happening?' I don't understand what they're thinking.

None voiced dissent or agreement when it was obvious that those words should have been immediately said.

"Hey King of Knights, I might have heard you wrong, but...?" Rider said with a confused tone.

"What do you mean, Rider?" Father said back at him with a confused tone.

"Did you say, You want to change fate? Which means you want to reverse history?" Rider asked.

"Correct. Even if the wish is something that can not be granted through a miracle, if the Holy Grail is truly omnipotent, then surely..."

Archer chuckle. Father turns her gaze towards Archer, confused and furious.

"Err... Saber, I would like to confirm this. The destruction of that Britain was in your time, right? During your reign?" Iskandar asks Father.

"That is so. That is why I won't let it fall. That is why I regret it. I want to alter the outcome!" Father confirmed Rider's question, her voice firm. "For it was I and no other to blame!"

What...? 'Father blames herself?!' I look at father in disbelief.

Did Father not think that I was to blame, too? I was the one who initiated the rebellion. It wasn't Father's fault! I should be blamed here!

Suddenly, someone laughed out loud. It was Archer. Father turns her furious gaze at him.

"Archer, what's so funny?!" Father rebukes, Archer.

"Hahaha! Calling yourself a king and praised by all. a person like you could have 'regrets?' Ha! How can I not laugh? You're the world's biggest clown!" Archer mocks father.

That bastard, how dare he ridicule father like this?! I grit my teeth, trying not to stand and beat the shit out of this golden-wearing bastard!

Iskandar sighed and said,

"Saber, you surely don't mean that you would erase the mark you yourself had left in history?" Rider said, his expression really confused.

"What else?! Rider, don't tell me that you find this notion wrong. Why should that bother you? The country to which I sacrificed my life as a king had perished. Is there something wrong with me feeling sad?" Father tried to say.

Father doesn't understand Iskandar confusion here, and Archer's mocking look.

Archer laughs even louder now.

"Rider! Did you hear what she said? This young girl who calls herself the King of Knights is saying something about sacrificing for her country!" Archer said in between his laughs.

In response to Archer laughing was Rider's deepening silence and increasing gloomy expression. To father, it would look like a person who agrees with the mockery.

"Archer! You have no right to ridicule me! Do not make light of the sacrifice a king makes for his country! For the people, a king must give everything—"

"That's enough!" In a firm, rock-like voice, Rider objected.

"King of Knights, It's not the king sacrificing for the nation. It's the nation and the people sacrificing their lives for the king. You got it all backward."

"What?!" Father stood up in anger, her eyes glaring at Iskandar. "Those are the words of a tyrant!

"Just so."

Saber was startled by the sudden agreement from Rider.

"We are heroes because we're tyrants," Rider answered. "We take full responsibility for our nations. However, Saber. If a king regrets his rule or its end, he is a weak ruler. A weak ruler is a worse king to have than a tyrant!"

Unlike that shitty gold guy who would just ridicule Father, Rider had rejected her based on her ideals. Father then retorted Rider's words.

"Iskandar, your reign ended with your heir slain and your empire splitting into four. Do you mean that you don't have any regrets regarding that?" Father rebuked him.

"None whatsoever. It was a grand and beautiful life, a fitting end." Iskandar replied immediately. "If the actions of me and my generals lead to the eventual demise of my own nation, then I will accept it for what it is. I will grieve, mourn, and shed tears. But, I would never regret anything."

Father was speechless at his declaration.

"What? You..."

"Let alone even reverse it! Such an idiotic action is an insult to all the people who have served me and followed my steps until the very end! Even when they were facing the end, they never questioned their deaths or my decision. They are the best subjects anyone could ever ask for, the most loyal followers, and I will forever respect them for that." Rider continues his speech, not giving a chance for father to respond.

"What a bunch of nonsense! Only a warrior would find glory in destruction! Of what worth is a king who couldn't even protect the powerless? A just rule... with fair law. Those are the duties of a king!" Father yelled at Iskandar.

"Then what, Saber? Are you saying that you, a king, are the slave of this 'correctness'?" Rider asked.

"You could say that. The only one fit to rule is someone who would willingly give themselves up for an ideal." Saber said, her voice firm and her gaze filled with pride. "Through the king, the people could understand law and order. The king should not express something that would disappear upon the king's death, but rather something more precious."

Rider let out a deep sigh. He looks like he's pitying father. He took a cup and poured a wine into it.

"That's not how someone should live." He drinks it in a gulp.

"If I rule as a king, then I can not expect to live a normal life." Father's answer was short and simple. "That is not something that you can understand. Rider. King of Conqueror, you seek the grail, merely for your own selfish desire. You, who became a ruler just to satisfy your endless greed. You're nothing but just a man who was blinded by his own desire!"

"A king without greed is worse than a figurehead!" Rider roared at Father. His gigantic body made him more fearsome.

"What do you know about being a king?!"

"More than you! A king doesn't live only to rule. You said you would sacrifice yourself for your ideal. Indeed. You're some saint, a proud and noble figure, definitely. But who would be willing to die for their empty beliefs? Who would admire a martyr's thorny path?"

Rider placed down his cup.

"It's no good. No one can understand you. You're no different from that Pope that is hiding in the Vatican, a man who believes that he has the salvation for mankind." Rider continues his speech. "You're a fool. The people need a leader, someone to guide them, a king who can rule with his will and strength.

"As king, you must have stronger desires than anyone else. You must be more magnificent, more easily angered than everyone else! He should be both pure and chaotic, a man who was more real than any other man. Only through this, could your subjects be impressed by the king, and only this, would the message of 'if only I was king, that would be wondrous' would be imprinted upon the people's hearts."

Father was speechless at his declaration.

"The righteousness and ideal you embraced... May indeed save your nation and her people once. But surely, you know what became of those. You did know what happened at the end, right?"

"What... Did you say?"

Father was trembling. Her eyes were wide open. She looks like she can't believe what Iskandar said.

"You've saved them, yet you never guide them. You never showed them what a king should be. You ignored your subjects when they lost their way. Then, alone and untroubled, you yourself pretended to be saintly, drunk into your own petty ideal.

"Thus, you are not a good king. You're just a little girl, enraptured by a false idol of a king who serves others... but not themselves."

"I..." Father was speechless, her voice quivered.

Rider slowly stands, his majestic aura that surrounds him envelops father. She stares back at it with difficulty. Iskandar put his enormous strength and heavy presence against the Father. He pointed at her like a teacher, pointing at his pupil.

"A good king shouldn't be indifferent and do what others tell him to do! A tyrant is selfish, even against the world's request. In the end, no one would ever accept your ideology of a king as correct." Rider bellowed to Saber. "King of Knights. The ideal king you believe in only exists in a children's book!" Rider roared.

Father is speechless, her eyes trembling with all Rider's speech. She had never experienced this before. Her way of kingship she always believed and looked up to... is it not correct? Iskandar speech hurt Father deeply. I can even see her tears at the corner of her eyes. Her fist is trembling, too. Rider's speech gave Father the harshest slap on the face.


The atmosphere turned into silence. Archer is just watching this farce with bored eyes. Rider didn't even speak again, drinking wine with an uninterested look. Even Waver was at a loss with this conversation with King. It seems even he has his limits on how his servant acts as a king.

I don't understand how he thinks. He did bring down Father's idealistic ideology without any tact. Is he saying that Father's way of kingship is wrong? Iskandar ideology can also be said to be wrong. Both think that their ideals are correct and that the other is wrong. Iskandar speech, while painful and hurtful, can actually bring the fact of reality.

Is there even any correct way of kingship?

Father's ideals that sacrifice herself are no different than Iskandar's conquering ideology. 

I didn't even say anything here.

Suddenly, Rider spoke up.

"Hey, Mordred." He looks in turn toward me, "What do you think of your father?" Rider asked. Father's expression when she hears Rider calling me changes, her expression is now filled with even more hurt.

That sudden question caught me off guard. Me? What do I think of Father? The ideology of the king that Father brings to this country, to my comrades, and the one who follows Father's dream?

"Mordred..." Father calls me with a trembling voice, her gaze filled with fear, worry, and betrayal. Betrayal of her idealistic ideology? No... it isn't, this kind of gaze, this kind of face father shows, she has always shown it to me since our battle ended. She feels betrayed by me and always feels scared of me. She fears me. It must be so. Even though all her expressions I could see with Mordred name always had those mixed feelings. She always has her guard up on me. Her knight, who betrays her kingdom, her dream.

Iskandar speech brought reason here. Does that mean Iskandar ideology makes sense here? Or is Father's ideology wrong?

It is just that one is too selfless while the other is too selfish. 

But... What do I think of Father? I always consider Father as the most perfect king who sacrificed herself to serve others. That ideology isn't wrong, but Iskandar's speech showed an important missing one. A king, being selfish...

Father isn't wrong. Her ideals just never work. But what is more important for kingship? To be correct or wrong?

Do I agree with Rider's speech about my father's ideology here?

Do I think of father ideology as the correct and perfect king ideology here?

Father... is a king...

Should King's ideology be perfect or imperfect? Selfless or selfish? Idealistic kingship or tyrant kingship? What would be the more correct king ideology here?

"I... Don't know."

My answer, my voice. My gaze was filled with mixed feelings.


My voice quivered.

"I'm sorry."

I can't even barely look at her in the eyes.

"I... I can't agree with you, Father."

Father's expression, it's like she was stabbed with a knife.

"Father, I must say the truth here. Your way of kingship isn't wrong. I always admired you. But..."

"But?" Father asks. Her eyes are filled with betrayal, hurt, and pain.

"I can't fully agree with you. Because of your ideal, a king who doesn't care about themselves, it isn't a good thing, father. A king shouldn't think of themselves like that. A king should have desires. A king should have their own desire."

She looks really surprised at my answer.

"With a king that has no desire or emotion, ruling over a kingdom. It leads to the people becoming scared. The people will lose their faith in the king. They'll become distrustful."


"When Sir Tristan left the Knight of the Round Table, his last words were that the King didn't understand the heart of man. When it was revealed that Lancelot had an affair with Her Majesty, Queen Guinevere, the king, instead just sent a letter to him.

"Sir Agravain was killed in the process of capturing the Queen. Sir Gareth and Sir Gaheris were killed by Lancelot, who was trying to rescue the Queen. That effectively disbanded the Knight of the Round Table. The king didn't do anything to stop that."


"It wasn't the Queen who did all that. It wasn't Lancelot who did all that. It wasn't the Round Table's members. It wasn't the people who did all that. All the blame should fall on the king who couldn't control his kingdom.

"The King... You didn't do anything to prevent it. You did nothing. You just stayed still. You were a king who couldn't even understand the feelings of others. You were a king who couldn't even understand your people."

"You're wrong. I can't. I'm..."

"Father... I don't know what you thought during that moment, but when you rejected your so—me, what were you feeling? What were you thinking at that moment?"


"At that time, I was really furious. I was mad. I was really sad. Why did you reject me? Why? What was the reason why you did that?" I said, feeling my heart wrenched.

"Did you even love me? Did you ever care about me? Was it really me you hated, or was it just your duty as the king that rejected me? At that moment, I couldn't think clearly. The only thing I want is to defeat you, to bring revenge, to prove to you, that I can be a better king than you. That's all I thought at that moment. I didn't even care about the other.

"I... didn't even consider your feelings, father. I didn't even think about your reasons, I didn't even try to understand your feelings. I was too selfish, I didn't even think about the other. I was blinded by hatred and my revenge. I can't even be a king. A king shouldn't have those."

"Mordred, you're not..."

"Father... What should I do now? How could I change? What should I do to change?"

"Mordred... That..."

"I... I just want a place to belong. I just want to be loved. I just want someone to care about me. That's all I just want. I just wanted a family, but I ended up destroying it."

"Mordred, that's... You can't..."

"Father, I want to know. What should I do? I can't understand you. I want to understand you. I want to help you. I wish to help you. Please tell me."


"I don't want you to suffer. I don't want you to feel guilty. I don't want you to blame yourself. I want to help. I don't want you to regret it. I don't want you to suffer alone. I don't want you to think that you are not loved. I want you to be happy. I want to be by your side."


"The people, the knights were always by your side, but you still feel lonely, right? That's because you never open yourself to the other. You never share your problems with them. You always tried to carry it all alone. Even when the burden is too much, you'll try to shoulder it all by yourself. That's why the other didn't know. You never share, you never tell. The others were afraid to approach you. That's why they won't understand. That's why they won't help.

"I don't want that. I don't want the same thing happening again to you. I want to help. I want you to trust me. I want you to share it with me. I want you to let me know. Please, tell me. I will listen. I will be by your side."

"You don't have to..." Father's voice is cracking.

"I will help you. You won't have to carry everything alone. I will help you. So please, tell me. What should I do for the sake of you? What should I do so you can smile?"



Why are you crying, Father?


Is it my fault that you're crying?

It's my fault, isn't it?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't want you to cry.

Please stop crying.

I want to make you smile.

Why won't you stop crying?

I just want you to be happy.

Stop crying, please.

I'm sorry.

Stop crying, I'm begging you.

Father, I'm begging you, don't cry.

I didn't want to make you cry.

What should I do here, so you won't be sad?

I don't want you to think like this.

Father, it's hurt. It hurts seeing you like this.

Stop crying, father.

I hate seeing you crying like that.

Please smile.

Please, father, just smile.

Stop crying.

I want you to smile.

Please, stop crying...

Please, father, I beg you, stop crying...


"Mordred...." Father choked, "I..." Her tears flowed endlessly. Her expression was really sorrowful. I caused all this. It hurts really to see like this. Father's expression, father's sadness, they're really painful to see. I cause this. My idiotic speech brought her a heavy blow. I really should consider it. How will Father react to all those words I said?

Father's expression: She looks like she is broken now. But still, her cry... I never expected her to show this much emotion. Was it because my speech here made her finally break?

I suddenly feel a heavy gaze at me, father's gaze... her gaze at me is like she's trying to look into my heart. The tears still flow endlessly, but her eyes. Her eyes show another emotion here, I wonder what father is trying to see at me, after all my words here.

I felt Iskandar and Archer's astonished expressions here, too. What they see at me, at father cry here. Is it something to be astonished at here? 

It suddenly starts to rain here. Archer took out an umbrella from the golden ripples to cover himself from the rain.

I can see my own reflection in the water here. Rider's words are still deeply implanted in Father's mind, as she is still crying. What I said also helps burden her thoughts, like another huge rock has been placed. She feels really overwhelmed.

Iskandar's word is still something her mind couldn't accept. My speech is helping to deepen her mind trauma and scar here. He really hammers down Father's mind.

I just wanted to help, to comfort her, but I failed at that. Father's expression now is something really hurt to see. Archer's gaze is at me too, with those scrutinized gazes he gave to me, now turned at father here, at her crying.


"Then... Mordred. What would be your wish?" Rider broke the silence, now at me.

My wish?

To Challenge the Sword of Selection?

Or... Is it...

Suddenly, I detected another Servant, no, several servants surrounding our place. And the other does, too.

"These presences... Assassins." Rider said.

Multiple Assassins materialize themselves, surrounding us in our area. The Master realized this and got close to their servant. This amount of Assassin was more than the time they infiltrated Master's home.

Father is trying to regain her composure. She wiped all her tears with a very pitiful expression. Father draws her invisible Sword, giving us all a serious face, no more trace of tears left.

"Archer, is this your doing?" Rider asked Archer.

He shrugged rather innocently.

"...Tokiomi should be ashamed," Archer said.

"Um... Rider." Waver called Iskandar's attention.

"Calm yourself, Boy. It's just a few guests."

"How in the world do they look like guests?!"

Is he seriously accepting them as guests?

"King of Conqueror. Are you trying to invite them as well?" Goldie guy asks.

"Heh, of course. The king's word should be for all to hear. If someone comes to listen, it doesn't matter if they're a friend or a foe." Rider said calmly as he scooped a spoonful of the red sake in the barrel and handed it to the Assassins.

"Here, don't be shy! If you want to drink with me, there are cups over there. This wine is as your blood!"


The sound of something flying through the space answered Rider's invitation.

Only the handle of the ladle was left on Rider's hand. The spoon part was on the ground.

The Assassins laughed like madmen. Rider isn't amused here.

"Ha... Should have expected something like this. I said, 'This wine is as your blood,' right? Since you dare to spill it onto the ground, then..."

At that moment, a whirlwind roared to life.

"Anna, hold on to me," I said as I stood up and materialized my whole armor and sword.


Rider materialized his garb. Preparing for battle.

"Saber! Archer! Mordred! Here is our banquet final question!" Rider roared. "Does a king stand alone?"

Archer responded with silence.

"The king must indeed..." Father stops midway through her sentence, looking to be hesitant.

"The King isn't alone. They have their subject who'll follow them to the end."

"Heh, bravo, future king, seems you have understood. Then, Saber, I suppose I'll have to show you exactly what a real king is."

A bright light shone on the surroundings as the wind inverted.

I close on my Master, defending her from any danger.


The surrounding... Has changed into a plain. The previous courtyard suddenly changes into a field full of sand.

"This... is a Reality Marble..." Anna murmured.

"This is the land that my army once crossed. It is imprinted in every single one of my warriors who shared in my joys and sorrows." Rider declared.

Huh? Where is this sound of stomping coming from? Wait a minute...

I look into the plain, seeing one, two, five... numerous troops arrive.

They are the spirits of the men who died while following Rider's command. Their number is countless.

"The reason why this world can exist again... is because it is printed upon all of our hearts." Rider roared.


"This is... Rider's Noble Phantasm...?" Waver said in astonishment.

"This is the Noble Phantasm, Ionian Hetairoi! An army that follows a king." Rider boasted.

A horse came galloping and stood beside Rider.

"Bucephalus... My old friend, we are going to ride out again!" Rider shouted and mounted his horse.

"I am the one who became the foundation of the earth! In the name of the King of Conquerors, I stand ready!" Rider boasted.

The wind blows again. The army is moving forward. The soldiers look human, but their clothes are magnificent like they come out of paintings or sculptures. Every one of Rider's warriors roared in unison. They roar words of devotion and loyalty to Rider. Their faith in Rider is unlimited.

'Alexander' their faces looked towards us and roared.

"The King lives to the fullest!! He needs to live more fully than anyone else! He is a figure of admiration to his people!!" Rider roared. "Therefore, the king is not alone! He gathered the will of every courageous being! A king has nothing to fear!!"

The army shouts in unison. Their voice is loud and firm.

"The will to defy God!"

"The determination that tears heaven asunder!!"

The spirits shouted proudly towards father. Their spirit burns brightly. Father seems overwhelmed by the sheer majesty and respect of his warriors. 

"Alright, Assassin. Shall we begin?" Rider called. "My preferred battlefield is the plains. With our superior number, we hold the advantage." Rider boasted towards Assassins.



Rider's order charges upon the Assassin.

A gust of wind from the cavalry clash comes towards us. It almost made my Master fall down because of her frail body, but I still can support her well. The wind carried something into here... is it an Assassin?!


I instantly block his daggers in between my armguards and blade. Anna stumbled because of the wind pressure, and Assassin used it as his chance to steal the girl behind me and jump back. He tries to stab her when suddenly something shoots right at Assassin's hand and makes the Assassin drop his dagger to the ground, saving Master, too.

I look at where it comes from, and it's Goldie Guy...

He raised one finger on top of his lips. Signifying to be silent. Anna gives me an unreadable expression... probably thanks, Archer.

The other Assassins engage Rider's army in melee combat. This isn't a battle anymore, it's a freaking massacre.


They completely wipe the floor with the Assassins.

They all cheered for their victory, shouting their victory, declaring their victory, singing their victory.


It all returned to normal. We all came back to the courtyard.

"Well, that was disappointing."

"Rider..." I turn my gaze towards him.

"Mordred, do you understand now?" He asks me.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Your question, your doubt, your hesitancy. Do you understand it now? What should a king do? What should a king be? What should a king desire? Do you understand it now here? It was engraved in everyone here. Not just myself, but they are also their belief here.

 "All of them believed in me, their faith towards me was the power of my Phantasm, Ionian Hetairoi," Rider said, giving me a really big smile.

"Kings aren't alone, Mordred. King can only be a king when they had everyone in them here." Rider said.

I didn't even know how to answer him here, the way Rider talks about a king...

"We have said all there is to say. That will do for today." Rider said as he stood up.

"Hold on, Rider, I'm not finished—" Father tried to retort, but Rider's glare stopped Father immediately.

"You shut up." Rider silenced Father. "Tonight was a banquet among kings. However, I no longer recognize you as a king, Saber."

Rider pulled out his sword and waved it in the air. He summoned his chariot.

"Hah... Little girl, It would be better for you to wake quickly from that painful dream of yours. If you don't, you'll someday lose that self-respect of a Heroic Spirit." Rider said in contempt towards Father.

"What?" Father is clearly offended by Rider's speech.

"Hey, hurry up and climb on." Rider invited Waver and he hastily entered Rider Chariot.

Me and Master climb on Rider Chariot too.

It lifts off into the air in a strong gust, leaving the courtyard... leaving Father.


A king... is this What A King Is?


I have to cut some corners to make sure it doesn't exceed 5,000 words long. 

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment! It's a boost to my mentality to continue the fanfic.

Thank you for reading.

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