Our Promise Of Eternity

By angelhalad

597 8 0

Ichigo is living a normail life until the queen of all vampires appears out of nowhere telling him he made a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 3

55 1 0
By angelhalad

She looked up at me with her violet eyes and smiled showing her perfect white teeth when I notice her canines where sharper and longer different from a normal person. She took a step closer to me; slowly reaching out her hand to touch my cheek but I jerked back before she could even touch me, her smiled quickly replaced with hurt.

"Who are you I don't think we've met before?" I said putting Orhime behind me, her eyes following my ever movement before giving me a playful grin.

"Tell me what you have been doing these past eight years?" she said ignoring my question "It hurts to know you've forgotten about me and got yourself a human girl but it doesn't matter now that I'm back, there's no need for her right Ichigo?" She looked at Orhime sweetly but gave a hateful feeling.

"She's my best friend and if we were together it wouldn't concern you. Now are you going to tell me who you are or not, your kind attracting a lot of attention that I don't want" I informed her my voice coming out a little harsh than I meant it to be but seeing it didn't affect her at all as she laughed. We had gathered a crowd mostly of guys who were taking pictures at the petite girl.

"You never did like the attention Ichigo you were the lone wolf, always following your heart instead of orders. That's what I loved about you"

"Look, if you want to play cosplay that's fine with me go parade around in your costume but don't involve me in it" I shouted catching her off guard, her playfulness disappearing. I turned to grab Orhime's hand and started to march down the street before she could reply.

"Ichigo what if she's a family member of yours? She was speaking to you as if she knew you" she said as I dragged her behind me. She was right but the girl looked crazy just popping out of nowhere and her clothes screamed weirdo, I mean who goes around with almost no shirt on? She had even gathered a crowded just by crossing the street- on second thought maybe I should have taken her to the police station she might get in trouble wearing those clothes.


I can't believe he left me there standing like an idiot and then storming off with the human girl but if he thinks I'm giving up he has another thing coming. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest following them down the street they headed in, having no idea where they were going. The crowd around me had gotten bigger than before following me, taking pictures and trying to ask me questions .I regret having confronted him in public. I didn't even tell Rangiku where I was going so I won't have help if I get into trouble. I looked ahead to see Ichigo arguing with the girl though it looked like he did more of the arguing which meant he was angry. The crowd circled me more pushing and bumping into me.

"Can I get your autograph?"

"Your beautiful marry me!"

"Come over here baby!"

I heard some people from the crowd shout. I whirled around making them jump back away from me.

"Urgh ENGOUGH! I have no interested in what you people want! SO I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed making them move away from me until someone grabbed my wrist pulling me back.


I looked behind me to see a crowd mostly made by guys huddle around something as they whistle and did the dog calling. I was about to ignore it when half of them were thrown onto the street.

"Didn't I tell you humans to LEAVE ME ALONE?"

I followed the voice to see the petite girl in the middle of the huddle she looked mad as she huffed and balled her fists. I cursed under my breath.

"Ichigo we should-"

"Yeah I know. Go home you might get hurt if you stay I'll see you tomorrow"

I told her and pointed towards the subway. She nodded and left hesitantly concern in her face.

"Don't worry I'll be fine" I yelled as I walked towards the petite girl who had a guy by the throat.

"Hey let him go or you'll kill him," I told her. She looked up at me and gave him a cold stare that sent shivers down my spine but she did as I asked her by throwing him to the ground with so much force that I think I heard a bone break. She walked towards me and without warning she kicked my shin hard making me hop on one leg.

"You FOOL this is your fault if you hadn't left me back there none of this would have happen"

The crowd went wild and out of control. Some started screaming at me to get in line. I slowly put down my injured leg and applied some pressure just enough to balance myself.

"Got DAMN IT what's wrong with you I was only helping and it's your fault for parading around in those clothes nearly half naked for very guy to see you!" I screamed back towering over her as she shrink back surprise on her face. She was about to say something else when some other guy grabbed her wrist pulling her towards them but I quickly grabbed her other wrist pulling her free from the hold.

"Hey what's your problem! You people are acting like animals!" I said as I wrapped an arm around her small waist my arm touching her smooth stomach that was cold as ice. I slowly pushed her back with me as we retreated from the crowed and turned to walk away my leg still in pain. Noticing the crowd following not missing a beat. I cursed under my breath and prepared myself. One. Two. Three. I picked up the petite raven hair girl throwing her over my shoulder. I heard her shrieked but ignored it as I started to run down the street as fast I could ignoring the pain of my leg every time I stepped on it. I turned corners and zigg zagged trying to lose the mob that was behind us when I saw an ally way that lead to the loading dock I quickly slipped us both in before the mob could see.

"Do you mind putting me down now?"

"Sorry" I told her my voice cracking when I did. I heard her laugh out loud but I cut her off, covering her mouth with my hand. "Don't make a sound," I whispered as a mob of guys ran past the little ally we were in. I let go of her and took her wrist pulling her as we walked to the other sided to the dock.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"You're welcome," I answered back.

"Welcome? For what?" she said with confusion in her voice.

"You said 'thank you' just now so I'm saying you're welcome"

"It's your fault that this happen so why would I thank you"

"It's not my fault it's yours wearing revealing clothes like that"

I turned around to face her, letting go of her hand. When I saw she was blushing which made her more beautiful than she already was. She refused to meet my eyes casting hers to the floor.

"You think you can manage to get home by yourself?"

"You really don't remember do you" she scoffed as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"Look I've had memory lost since I was nine I haven't recover anything and I don't think I will plus I don't care about my life I had my family left me, abandon me when I needed them the most, that's to say of course if their still alive… well I got to get going" I told her seeing she was still hugging herself I remembered her skin being cold so slowly taking off my school jacket and placed it over her. I turned back to leave from where we came from.

"YOUR WRONG! Your family didn't abandon you they thought you were dead they still think your dead except your dad. He was the only one who knew you lived when we all thought you were dead but they really do still love you Ichigo"

I turned to glare at her as she stood there firmly head held high looking at me with her violet eyes that were pleading for me to understand.

"My face was all over on the TV for six months they would have known! They don't love me they saw the opportunity to leave me and that's what they did"

"Your WRONG AGAIN!" your father knew you suffered memory lost he had no choice it was either leave you there with humans or to eliminate you, that's the code! But he should have told me you were alive instead I wasted eight years looking for you nonstop refusing to believe you were dead, when I could have asked your father" she yelled. I felt my body heat up in anger, she's was trying to mess with my head making me believe she had answers to my past. I walked towards her grabbing her arm hard and pulling her up towards me making her tiptoe -since she only reached up to my shoulders.

"What code are you talking about … forget just leave me alone I want nothing to do with them or you my life is perfectly fine. And plus the way you're talking about my family seems that you're not even related to me"

"… I'm someone who cares about you Ichigo just please come with me only a few hours you'll see-"

"NO! Do you really except me to go with you, a complete stranger who popped out of nowhere wearing weird clothes claiming to know my family… WHO ARE YOU? ANYWAYS!"

She looked hard at me with determination on her face. She pulled her arm free from my grip and took my jacket off to only throw it at in my face.

"Do you really want to know who I am Ichigo?" she said her voice threatening and cold making me swallowed hard. I couldn't find my voice to speak so I just nodded. "I'm the queen of the night, ruler of all vampires, I am …Rukia Kuchiki"

At the mention of her name my head started pounding as quick flashes of an older woman with long beautiful orange hair, amber eyes like mine, cradle me in her arms kissing my forehead as she hummed an familiar tune then the image blurred as another came but this one was of two little girls who were about six years old, were running in the grass both with peachy skin along with light brown eyes but one had brown short hair, that didn't even reach her shoulders dressed in a pink dress and the other one had black hair that reached her shoulders dressed with blue shorts and a black t-shirt, the image again disappeared as an other one of a man came to view he had black spiky hair with black eyes he also had a bread all around his jaw, he was about to say something but the imaged blurred and disappeared as quickly as it had came. I fell to the ground clutching my head and screaming unable to bear the pain then everything started going black as I started to lose conscious, the last thing I saw were violets eyes full of sadness.

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