Cold Hearted

By kitkate1331

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You are an aspiring actress working at a club until you make your big break. One night at work is super busy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20-Final

Chapter 10

194 11 5
By kitkate1331

Yoongi's POV:

Y/n had just got back up to her hospital room after surgery. We got really lucky that she wasn't shot vitally. Although they did have to reconstruct some of her shoulder and clean up some bone fragments.

I'm staring at her sleeping face as I start to nod off. I hear the door open and instantly shoot up in my chair.

"Relax, it's just me," Zio walks in.

I relax back in the chair, "Sorry. I'm just jumpy."


"The doctor had good news."

I nod my head, not taking my eyes off her.

"She's not going anywhere."

"I know it's just I was out for a while and look all the shit she got up to. I mean she fucking took out Loreli and Kyon."

"I mean would you expect anything less from a Shin?"

I laugh, "No, she defiantly is a Shin. There is no doubt about that."

"She really does love you; you know?"

I nod my head, "I know. I heard her while I was out." I lean forward and hold her hand. Giving it a light squeeze. I hope those big, beautiful eyes will open up soon.

I can feel his gaze on me, "You love her too."

"Without a doubt."

"You need to protect her. There is something coming your guys way and its big. Our dad is not who we all think he is. We have been trying to figure out what he is up too but nothing so far."

I turn my head to him, "Zio, you better not have anything to do with what your father has planned. I don't care if you are her brother. But if anything happens to her by your father because of you. I will not kill you slowly. I will take great pride in killing you slowly."

He holds his hands up, "I promise. I would never do anything to hurt her. I have done everything I can to keep her safe from my father. I made sure he could never find a trace. Whenever they got close to her, I would find a way to steer them in a different direction."


"I'm going to stay with her until she can leave the hospital. Can I ask you to take care of the shooter for me?"

"Absolutely." He has an evil glint in his eye. The same one I have seen in Y/n's eyes.

He is about to leave the room when he calls over his shoulder, "Take care of my sister."



I had just taken Y/n home. I had JK and Jimin meet me there. I want both of them to stay with her today. I need to go have a little visit with Shin. I didn't tell her because I didn't want her to worry.

I pull into his downtown office building parking garage. I then take a deep breath and then get out of my car. The parking garage is pretty empty, which is odd for this time of day. Same thing when I ride the elevator up to Shin's office.

His secretary greets me, "Is he expecting you Mr. Min?"

"No, I was just on this side of town and figured I would drop in. It has been awhile since I have stopped by."

"I will let him know you are here."

She disappears into his office and a few moments later comes back out, "You can go on in. Can I get you anything to drink Mr. Min?"

"No, I'm alright. Thank you." I walk into Shin's office.

"Ah, Yoongi to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I was just on this side of town and figured I would stop by."

"How are you doing by the way I heard through the grape vine that you had been shot?"

"As you can see, I'm doing just fine."

He nods and hums, "So when do I get to meet this wife of yours?"

I smile, "I'm keeping her to myself for a while."

He laughs, "I see. She must be a beauty if you are keeping her hidden."

I chuckle, "Something like that."

"I also heard there was a hit placed on your wife."

"You did?"

"I did. I hope you have been able to keep her safe."

"My wife's safety is none of your concern."

He holds up his hands, "I don't mean any offense but if you need any help just let me know."

"I will be sure to do just that. But I think we can manage just fine."

"I hope so. I would hate anything to happen to you or your wife."

"Thank you for your concern. I wanted to congratulate you on your new hotel overseas."

"I see you have seen the press conferences."

"I have. It made me wonder who you partner was. Since you never reached out to me."

"Oh, the partner fell through, so I had to move forward with it on my own."

"I see. You could have reached out to me."

"You had just gotten married and I didn't want to interrupt your honeymoon phase."

"Well, that was kind of you. I should get going. If you need help with the hotel let me know."

I reach my hand out, he grabs my hand and shakes it.

"I would love to meet your wife sometime."


With that I leave his office. Something doesn't sit right with me. He is up to something.

I need to talk to Zio, but I won't do it here. I don't trust him to not have bugs here or have them planted on my car.

Y/n's POV:

It's been a couple days since I was shot in the chest near my shoulder. I was pretty lucky that the bullet didn't hit anything vital. My whole body is still pretty stiff from falling too.

I try to sit up on the couch but it's a hard feet to do with only one arm since my other one is in a sling. JK chuckles as he watches me struggle.

"Do you need some help?"

"No, I can do it on my own."

"Fine. Let me know when you give up."

I glare at him.

"Don't glare at me. You're the stubborn one that won't admit you need some help."

I try one more time before, reaching my arm out towards him and opening and closing my hand. Motion for him to help me up.

He laughs, "What do you want Y/n? Use your words."

"Will you help me sit up please?" I grumble.

He gets up and walks over to my side and then gently lifts me up. He resists me down on the couch in a sitting position.

"That better?"

I nod my head, "Thanks."

"That's what I'm here for."

"Aren't you bored hanging out with me when you could be out there helping everyone?"

"Would I love to be out there and help them find the other guy trying to kill you? Yes. But someone has to be here with you. I'm not bored. You may not see us as friends, but I sure do."

I nod my head, "Hey speaking of friends have you talked to Jun lately?"

I watch as his cheeks turn pink, "We talked the other day."

"How are things with the two of you?"

"Going good. I'm going to take her out tomorrow night."

"Oh, that will be fun. You need a night out after being stuck with me all week."

"Like I said I enjoy spending time with you. You are like my best friend."

I smile at him. It's been a while since someone has said that too me.

The door opens and in walks Yoongi. My face lights up when I see him, and I feel relief when I see he's not hurt.

"Geez, boss walks in and I'm now chop liver."

I throw a pillow at him; he catches it and goes to throw it back.

"Jungkook don't even think about it!" Yoongi bellows.

I laugh at the pouty face JK is wearing.

"I will get you back when there aren't any witnesses."

"I'll be waiting." I wink.

Once Yoongi has his jacket and shoes off he makes a beeline for me.

Kissing the top of my head he asks, "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Still sore. Ready for this damn thing to be off."

He laughs, "That will be awhile. It's not coming off until the doctor gives you the all clear."

I roll my eyes and grumble under my breath.

"You can grumble all you want but I'm not risking a hair on your head until you are healed. I know I won't have a choice once you are healed."

JK laughs, "You definitely have your hands full with this one Boss...ahh Yoongi."

"Did you eat yet?"

"No, she was waiting for you."

"I can answer for myself." I pout.

Causing JK to laugh. Yoongi stares at him.

"Well, since I'm not needed here anymore, I'm going to head out. See you tomorrow Y/n."

I wave, "Bye JK."

Once the door is shut, Yoongi sits next to me.

"You know if he's annoying you, you can just tell him you'll shoot him."

"I don't find him annoying...most of the time."

"He likes you. It's good to see. He doesn't normally take a liking like this to people."

I give him skeptical look, "Mr. Flirt doesn't take a liking like to people?"

"Sleeping with someone for a night is different than dealing with someone all the time."

"I guess that's true."

"So, I have noticed you haven't hung out with your friends. Much since you moved here. Do you want to invite them over?"

I shake my head, "No, I love Mina and Jun, but I don't want to get them involved with my life."

"They are your friends though."

"Friends I made as YL/n Y/n not Shin Y/n. I refuse to put anyone at risk that isn't in this life Yoongi."

"I understand. I just how you aren't alienate yourself."

"I won't. It just means I will see more of my old friends and my brother."

"And me. I think you also need to include JK and Jimin as well."

I laugh, "I love those two troublemakers."

"I thought Tae, JK and Jimin were bad troublemakers, but I think you, JK and Jimin are way worse. I'm just waiting for the three of you to influence Tae too."

"There's time."

"Are you hungry?"


"You didn't have to wait for me."

"I know I didn't, but I figured you would be home soon. So, I wanted to wait for you. These pain killers knock me out. I didn't want to miss out on spending some time with you."

"Careful Y/n it sounds like you're catching feelings."

I roll my eyes, "Careful if you ever want hear me say those three words again."

"Now you're just being dramatic."

"I mean if you want to press your luck go for it."

He smirks at me, "You and that smart mouth sure love to push my buttons." He then cups my cheeks and gently pulls me in for a kiss.

When I first met Yoongi I never thought I would ever use the word sweet to describe anything to do with him. But this kiss is such a sweet and tantalizing kiss. I try to move closer to him, but I end up moving my shoulder and hiss in pain. Yoongi pulls back.

"Y/n you have to be careful."

I blush, "I know. I just wanted to get closer to you."

He smiles and lifts me up and places me on his lap so I'm straddling his hips, "There now your closer."

I smile as I lean and capture his lips with mine. His hands cup the back of my neck and head. Fingers tangling in my hair. I keep my one hand on his shoulder to keep my balance since I'm down to one arm.

Yoongi and I both move closer together, trying to take the kiss deeper. My shoulder gets bumped into the couch, and I let out a whimper.

Yoongi sits back and peers at my face, "Shit, Y/n are you okay?"

I close my eyes and breath in through my nose and out my mouth.

"Y/n when was the last time you took pain meds?"

"I'm not sure. JK has it written down on the counter."

He stands up while holding me, and then gently sets me down on the couch, "Let's lay you down and I'll check when to give you, your pain meds."

I nod my head as he helps me lay back against the couch. I hear his footsteps walk away. I keep my eyes closed and breath through the pain. The bullet my not have hit anything vital but that didn't mean that it didn't hit a bone. I had to have surgery to clean up my shoulder joint.

I hear him let out a curse, "Damn it JK. Y/n the last time you had meds was like eight hours ago. Your supposed to take this every four hours."

"It was eight hours ago?"

"Yes, were you really not in pain until now."

"I was sleeping a lot today."

"Then you have been doing too much lately. The doctor told you to take it easy."

"I have been."

"So, if I ask JK or Jimin they will tell me that you have been."

"They will."

"What if I ask Tae?"

I go quiet. Tae's a little snitch. I know JK and Jimin will have my back, mostly.

"That's what I thought. That's it I'm working from home until the doctor clears you."


"Obviously I can't trust you, JK and Jimin to take what the doctor said seriously."

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Y/n you got shot a couple days ago. You just came home from the hospital yesterday after your surgery."

"What about..."

He comes into my line of view, "All of that can be taken care of at home."

"So, I won't be spending time with either of them anymore."

He smiles at me, "If you want them to stop by they can. For a little while since I will be home I will need them to take care of things at the office."

I nod my head.

"Here take these."

"I need food."

"Take these and I will get you something to eat while we wait for our takeout."

"You ordered take out?"

"I texted JK that he has to make up for not keeping up on your meds. So, he's picking us up some food."

I chuckle, "Don't be too hard on him. I forgot too."

"I know but that is his job. Your job is to heal."

I take the pills from him and drink from the cup he brought over. He goes to the kitchen and comes back with some granola.

"I know it's not much but at least it's something on your stomach."

I nibble on the granola, and he lifts up my feet and drapes my legs over his lap. He starts massaging my feet. I hum.

"Are you humming because the granola tastes that good or because I'm rubbing your feet."

"Feet." I mumble.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Anything but..."

"The news. Got it." He chuckles.

I honestly don't see what he picks to watch as my eyes are closed, and I am drifting off to sleep.

I do however hear him whisper just before I fall into a deep sleep, "I love you."

I get woken up when the door opens up. I open my eyes and see JK walk in with some food. He doesn't come in alone because he's followed by my brother, Jimin, Tae and Hyunjin. I squint to make sure I'm not seeing things.

"Why are you here?"

Hyunjin smirks knowing I'm talking to him, "Can't I check on one of my best friends?"

I scowl at him, "It means you either want something or have something."

"No, seriously I wanted to check on you. The others wanted to check on you two, but we figured it would be less conspicuous if just one of us comes up here."

"And you decided to come up here?"

"I mean I can take this back." He holds up my favorite dumplings from the restaurant near their shop.

"NOPE! Gimme!" He chuckles and walks over to me with the dumplings. He helps me sit up and hands me the bag. I wrap my arm around his waist and look up at him, "Have I told you how much I love you lately?" I feel Yoongi tense next to me. I turn my face a little and wink at him.

"No, I can't say I have."

"Well, I love you and you are now my favorite again."

"Careful, Jisung and Minho would be upset to hear you say that."

"Well, they weren' t the ones to bring me dumplings."

"You weren't kidding about her love for those dumplings." JK laughs.

We all eat together laugh and have a good time.

"So, Y/n if Yoongi and those dumplings were hanging off a cliff who would you save?" Jimin asks.

"Obviously she would choose the dumplings." JK laughs.

"Nope I would save Yoongi."

"That's sweet." Jimin adds.

"Wait for it..." Hyunjin snickers.

"Because he can just buy me more dumplings."

"It's hilarious to think about how just last week you were this badass mafia boss and now to see you talking about dumplings you would never know." Tae laughs.

"Just don't mess with her dumplings. Then you will see all nine circles of hell come at you." Hyunjin warns him.

I watch as the three musketeers cringe.

"Nope. I'm good." Tae says.

Yoongi laughs, "So, are you back in then?"

I swallow hard, "Yeah. It's about time I stop running from my past."

"Well, you're damn good at it." JK adds.

"It's in her blood." Hyunjin pipes in.

I cringe at that and with that I stand up, "Don't. I'm in but I don't want to be associated with that....that monster." I shake my head and then walk away.

"Shit, Y/n I'm sorry! That's not what I meant!"

I continue walking up the stairs, past Yoongi's room where I have been sleeping and to mine. I put on my music and pick up a book. Hoping to loose myself in another world. To drown out all the bad memories that I am still running from, that I am still trying to keep bury and forget.

Yoongi's POV:

"I'll go after her," Zio hops up and chases after his sister.

I look to Hyunjin, "What did her father do?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I just know that one night she showed up to the showed up to the shop covered in blood, scared out of her mind. We tried to get her to talk to us about it, but she refused. Saying that it wasn't safe. That she needed to disappear and never be found. So, we got to work and that was the night that YL/n Y/n was born."

"She never said what happened?" Tae asks.

"No, she avoids talking about her father a lot."

"What ever happened to her mother? I heard she was really sick." I add.

Hyunjin scoffs and shakes his head, "That's what he paid the papers to say. No, one really knows what happened."

"That's suspicious." JK mutters.

"It is. But I know that she knows more about what happened than anyone. The night she showed up covered in blood was the night, her mother died of a mysterious illness in a hospital."

I clench my fists, "He wants to meet my wife."

They all snap their heads to me, "What?"

"I went to visit him the day Y/n came home from the hospital. He was very curious about my wife and wanting to meet her."

"Do you think he knows who your wife is?" Tae questions.

"No, I think he would have been even more pushy to meet her if he knew. Especially with how Zio said he's been acting."

"Zio needs to be careful." Hyunjin warns.

"I know. I'm not letting him go back to his dads. He has gotten enough information. I won't risk his life. It sounds like Y/n has lost enough family members at the hands of her father."

Jimin nods his head, "We talked once about my mother, and I could see how sad she was. I think she still hasn't been able to grieve her mother properly."

"I would assume not if she has been running since the night she died." JK deduces.

Tae sighs, "If she's never talked about it, she won't ever grieve properly. She needs to talk about it. She could fly off the handle and it could blow up when it's not appropriate."

I sigh, "I will try to get her to talk to me about it."

"Maybe Zio should talk to her about it?" JK suggests.

Hyunjin shakes his head, "I tried that originally when she showed up that night. Whatever she saw she doesn't want Zio to know."

"Well, he deserves to know." Tae grumbles.

"He does but you have to remember that Y/n was eighteen when she showed up making Zio fifteen almost sixteen. I still think Y/n sees him as a little kid instead of being an adult. She was always raised to look out for Zio, to protect Zio." Hyunjin says sadly.

I look at the time and see how late it is, "Why don't you all stay here? JK show Hyunjin the guest room and Zio too. When I send him down."

JK nods his head and I go upstairs to find my wife. Once I'm at the top of the stairs I don't have to wonder where she's at. I hear the music playing in her room.

I open the door and both Y/n and Zio sleeping in her bed. Snuggled together. Seeing them like this really drives home that they are siblings. They look so much alike. I walk up to the bed and gently wake up Zio.

I motion to let me pick up Y/n. He obliges and helps me, so we don't bump her shoulder.

"Zio, JK will show you to a guest room. It's late and with all the shit surrounding your father I would feel better with all of you staying here this late."

He nods his head, yawns, and stretches, "I don't know what made her so upset but I have never seen my sister like that. She has never shown so much raw emotions with anyone, including me."

"I will figure it out. Oh, I also don't want you to go back to work with your father. Y/n has lost enough family. I don't want her to lose anymore."

"I think me not going back is wise. He may not be suspicious of me, but I think Cho is."

"I will take care of Cho."

He nods his head, "Don't let it be known it was you."

"I think Y/n's friends can help with that."

Zio laughs, "I know Minho would love to help."

"I'll leave it to you to ask him tomorrow."

"Of course."

"I'm going to get your sister to bed."

I walk us to our bedroom. I gently lay her down and then go get changed into sleep wear. When I crawl into bed I get a good look at her face and see how tear streaked it is.

Shin is going to pay for the all the pain he has caused you.

Two weeks later.

Y/n's POV:

The doctor finally cleared me to not have to wear a sling anymore. I have to be careful, and I have to do physical therapy to get my range of motion back.

Yoongi and the others weren't able to get any useful information from the shooter. I'm sitting in the back room of Stays. Listening to my men argue. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I think my father had something to do with it." I speak up silencing the room.

"I agree," Zio's voice rings out as he walks into the room.

"So, what do we do now?" Jisung asks.

"We aren't going to do anything." I say as I stand up and walk to my brother. I whisper in his ear, "How do you think me going and seeing him will go?"

"It's risky but if you go to him as Yoongi's wife it would be better." He whispers back.

"Okay destructo twins. What are you whispering about?" Minho says.

We both look at everyone, "Discussing our next move."

"Care to share with the class?" Hyunjin asks.

"It's not something anyone is going to like."

The door opens and Changbin, Felix, Jeongin, and Segunmin walk in.

"What aren't we going to like?" Changbin plops down on the couch.

"Our leader her was just about to explain it to us." Minho stares at me angrily. I think he knows what I'm going to say.

I heave a sigh, "I think it's time I meet my father."

"Now fucking way!" They all yell.

"Listen to my sister!"

"I get it's a big risk, but we are stuck with little information. I need to figure out what he's up too."

"So, you are just going to walk into his office. You really think he's going to welcome you with open arms after all these years. Come on Y/n. I know your smarter than that." Hyunjin says.

"I will be meeting him as Yoongi's wife. And on our side of the city."

The boys are about to yell and voice their opinions when Minho speaks up, "It is risky, but it may actually work in our favor. With him out of his office and his best men will be with him. It leaves..."

"His office open to for me and Hobi to sneak in and hack him," Hyunjin finishes Minho's thought.

"Exactly." I wink.

"See this is why you should take over your father's business."

I shake my head, "No if I do anything it's starting over. A complete overhaul."


I have Zio drive me to Yoongi's office building. We both walk up to his office and his secretary nods as we walk past and into his office.

"I wasn't expecting you to come by today." Yoongi walks up to me and wraps me in a hug.

"Still feels weird." I mumble.

"What feels weird?"

"You, this, us."

He chuckles, "You are the only one that gets me like this."

"Big ole softy." I pull back and look up at him.

He smiles back down at me, "Only for you." He kisses my nose.

"I swear you two give me whiplash." Zio grumbles.

This causes both of us to laugh. We pull away from each other.

"So, what is this lovely visit for?" Yoongi asks.

"What a wife can't come and visit her husband?" I say sweetly.

He gives me a deadpan expression, "You either want or need something Y/n."

I roll my eyes, "It's a little bit of both."

"What is it?"

"I need to meet with my father."

His face clouds over, "Absolutely not!"

I watch as his fist clench. I grab his hands, "Please just listen."

He searches my eyes. After a moment he closes his eyes and lets out a breath, "Let's hear it."

"I need to meet my father. I need him to see me, and I need to meet him as your wife."

He ponders for a moment, "You obviously have a plan."

"I.." my brother clears his throat, "We sort of have a plan."

"While you and Y/n are meeting my dad on this side of town. He will have his best men with him as precaution. He's been pretty paranoid. I'm sure with me being gone, its only gotten worse. So, while he's preoccupied with meeting the two of you, it will leave his office open..."

"Leaving time for Hobi and Hyunjin to sneak in." Yoongi smirks.

"With my help." Zio adds.

"You two are something else. So, I have one question."

"What do the two of you plan on doing with your dads business?"

Zio and I look at each other and then at the same time say, "Burning it down."

"Neither of you want it?"

We shake our heads and I say, "There is too much bad associated with it. I-we want to start over."

Yoongi nods his head, "As long as this is what you both want, then I'm in."

"Well, that was easy." Zio chuckles.

"I have been thinking that we need to deal with your father. I just didn't know how you two wanted to do it."

He looks at the clock and smirks.

"What?" I ask.

"Looks like it's time for you PT appointment. Do you want me to take you or Zio?"

The hell I want him taking me.

"ZIO!" I jump and drag my brother out of the room. Hearing Yoongi laugh in our wake.


It's after dinner and I'm still waiting for Yoongi to come home. He said he had a business dinner and to not wait up, but I took a nap after physical therapy, so I'm not tired. JK and Jimin are both passed out on the chairs in the living room. How can they sleep like that on them is beyond me?

The door opens and my head snaps away from the sleeping me. I see Yoongi walk through the door and I get off the couch. Walking up to greet him.

"What are you doing up still? I told you not to wait up."

I give him a kiss on his lips, "I wasn't tired."

He sighs, "Y/n it's not good to have bad sleeping habits isn't good."

"I know but I had taken a nap after physical therapy, and I wasn't tired. So, I wanted to wait for you to come back."

He wraps his arms around me, "Where are Jimin and JK?"

"Sleeping on the couch."

I look back down at his lips again, wanting to kiss him passionately instead of this soft light kisses. He won't go further than kissing me gently since I have been shot. It is getting rather frustrating. I decide to put my plan of make Yoongi sleep with me into action.

I comb my fingers through his long hair and pull him closer to me. It catches him off balance and I make me back up against the wall. I press my body against his. I stand up on my tip toes to trail kisses down his jaw to his neck. Lightly grazing my teeth against his skin.

He rasps out a breath, "Y/n. We can't your still recovering."

I roll my eyes and lean up to whisper in his ear, "I have been cleared. Are you telling me you don't want your wife Yoongi?"

He shudders as my breath ghosts over his ear. He growls, "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't. I have been dying to have you in bed all damn day. Can you tell me that you haven't thought about it today?" I say while searching his eyes.

He smirks, "All damn day. Every day."

I trail a finger down his jaw and neck, "Then let's do something about it."

He scoops me up with his hands under my thighs. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I lean in and capture his lips with mine. Licking his bottom lip. He opens his mouth and I slip my tongue inside. Our tongues fight for dominance.

He manages to walk us all the way from the entryway to his bedroom. Gently laying me down on the bed. He watches me for a moment.

"Are you sure you are ready?" He asks as he takes off his jacket.

I smirk and bite my lower, "I have been wanting to do this for a while now."

"Is that so?" He growls. He grabs my ankle and pulls me towards him and then with the other hand loosens his tie.

I bite my lip as I watch him. He tosses the tie on the ground and then slow unbuttons his shirt. I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach as I watch his chest and abbs slowly getting exposed.

He is dragging this out on purpose. Torturing me. The only kind of torture I will let happen to myself.

He keeps his eyes on me as he tosses his shirt on the ground. He spreads my legs with his knee and lays on top of me. I let my fingers ghost over his exposed skin. I feel him shiver under my feather light touch. I feel his lips on my neck, he starts just behind my hear and nibbles down as he works his way down my neck, making me drop my head back and arch my back up, ignoring the twinge of pain in my shoulder. Giving a light bite once he reaches my collar bone. A moan falls from my mouth.

He leans back with a smirk on his face. I buck my hips up at him and he lets out a chuckle.

"Are you impatient?"

"I just know what I want."

"And what is it that you want, Y/n?"

"You." I lean up and capture his lips again. When I let myself fall back on the bed I pull on his bottom lip. In sighting another growl from him.

He pulls us up, so we are both sitting and pulls my t-shirt off. He sucks in a breath when he notices I'm not wearing a bra.

He scowls, "You weren't wearing a bra around.."

I put a finger to his lips, "I was wearing a sweatshirt. I only took it off when I knew they were sleeping and had hoped you would be home soon."

He nods his head and then bends down capturing one of my nipples in his mouth. I let out a moan, and then I feel him pinching my other nipple. Letting another moan out I feel him smirk against my skin. I comb my fingers through his hair and pull on it. Making him pull back and look at me.

"I'm done with the games. Fuck me already."

He chuckles and then stands from the bed pulling me with him. He slips my pants off me and then steps out of his. Instead of taking me with him on top. He sits on the other side of the bed with his back resting against the headrest. Motions for me to come to him. I crawl to where he is now sitting on the bed.

He cups the back of my neck and gently pulls me closer for a kiss.

"This position won't put a lot of pressure on your shoulder." He drops a light kiss on my injured shoulder, and I blush.


"I saw that look of pain on your face."

I smile as I crawl on top of him, straddling his hips. I position myself over his length and slowly lower myself onto him. Both of us let out groans of pleasure. I let myself adjust to him and once I have. I start rocking my hips back and forth. Yoongi's hands find my hips, but he doesn't force my movements. Letting his head drift back as he moans out.

I smirk to myself. I lean forward and give him a love bite where the base of his neck meets his shoulder. He groans and his fingers dig into my hips. I can feel he is holding back and that frustrates me.

I growl, "You're holding back." I kiss up his neck and jaw and then nibble on his ear.

"Because you are still recovering." He rasps.

"I'm fine."

"How about this when you are fully healed I will fuck you like not tomorrow. No holding back."

I pull back to look at him. Drawing out my hip movements.


"Just take charge tonight because this will be your only time being in charge in this bedroom."

My eyes sparkle at the challenge he just delivered me, "Well see about that."

He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him but not enough that hinders my movements. I rock my hips faster and faster wanting to finish him off before myself.

I can feel him getting closer as I listen to his breath hitch with the last movement of my hips. Encourage to keep going. I sit up on him to take him even deeper and then reach back to massage his balls. His head tilts back as he moans. I keep moving my hips and then I feel him release. I smile with satisfaction.

I let out a yelp as Yoongi starts massaging my clit while we ride out his release. His magic fingers have me cumming moments later. Now we are both panting messes.

I gently climb off him with his help since despite what I said my shoulder is rather sore. I walk to the bathroom and come back with washcloths. I hand him one. After cleaning ourselves and tossing the washcloths in the hamper we climb into bed. Forgoing putting on clothes.

I am cuddled under his arm and my head rest on his chest. My fingers drawing shapes on his chest, his thumb rubbing back and forth on my forearm.

"That was amazing."

"I'm sure you could have guessed and it's not like I need to disclose this, but you aren't my first."

"With how you just fucked me I figured I wasn't. Is he going to be a problem?"

I shake my head, "No. It was a long time ago. I don't he even remembers me."

"How long ago?"

"I was eighteen." I feel him tense.

I sit up and look at him, "I haven't seen him since then either."

"I'm sorry."

I shake my head, "It's not your fault. I was just young and dumb and thought it was love."

"What's his name?"

"I'm not telling you because you will just go after him."

"I promise I won't."

I stare at him for a moment, "I don't trust you."

He chuckles, "I promise on my parents grave that I won't go after him."

I sigh, "His name was Cody."

Yoongi tenses again. I find that odd.

We both let out yawns, "We should get to bed."

I nod my head and curl back up next to him. Letting the steady beat of his heart pull me to sleep.

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