DNF Oneshots

By AlexWasNeverFound_

11.5K 164 218

The writing gets better as you read, this was really a huge learning experience for me. - - - This book con... More

Truth Or Dare | only part
This Friday Night | 1
This Friday Night | 2
Kidnapped | only part
I Fell In Love With My Best Friend | only part
Drunk At A Party | 1
Drunk At A Party | 2
Drunk At A Party | 3
Valentines Day | only part
The Confession, I Finally Confessed | only part
April Fools | only part
Car Crash | 1
Car Crash | 2
Jealous Lover| 1
Jealous Lover | 2
Morning Shower | only part/Part 3
The Artist | only part
My Bully | only part
Love Can Change You | only part/Part 2
Ignore My Strict A$$ Parents, Love | only part
Makeup | only part

I Feel Nothing | only part

390 10 13
By AlexWasNeverFound_

TW: cancer, fluff, angst, smut/sexual scenes, mention of prescribed pills/medication, hospital visit, slight homophobia, kind've detailed description of; needles, blood, and blood taking.

Please Read Before Starting The Story:

You can skip to where it says: "One year later;" if you want to only read the smut. I understand if the TW's make you feel uncomfortable! Otherwise don't read this at all.

This is a request from; (_Hitae_)
Thank you so much for the request, and feel free to give me more in the future if you want! :D



George's POV:

Dream sits next to me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me close to him. "I love you," he whispers, kissing my cheek gently.

"I love you too," I reply, smiling at him and connecting our lips into a passionate kiss.

He shifts, and pushes me down onto the bed. Getting on top of me, whilst still keeping our lips connected.

But it all felt different, and weird once he started kissing down my neck, and sucking down onto my skin. I couldn't feel anything.

"Dream- stop," I mumble, pushing him off of me gently.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concern taking over his face and lifting his hand to my cheek.

"I don't feel anything, like I can feel your hand right now. But when you-"

"George that's not normal," he says, getting off of the bed.

"What do I do then?"

"Maybe we should go to the hospital?" He questions, picking my phone off of the table next to the bed and entering my pin.

"Wait, can you try a few things first? Just in case?" I hurry to say, watching as his gaze lifts to mine.

He puts my phone down, sitting down on the edge of the bed, "come here," he whispers.

I crawl to the end of the bed, sitting next to him.

He unzips the zipper and unbuttons the button of my jeans, and pulls my boxers down to uncover my dick. Taking it into his hand, and swiping his thumb over the tip.

"Nothing," I murmur.

He bites his lip lightly, looking at my face with a worried expression. Before moving his hand up and down the length of my dick slowly.

"It's still... nothing?" I say, confused since a few days ago everything was completely fine.

"We're going to the hospital, get ready," he says, pulling my boxers back over my dick, zipping up my jeans, and sliding the button through the little hole.

My hands start to shake, as I stand up from the bed. Panic taking over my body slowly.

I walk into the bathroom, keeping the door open while I fix my hair. "Do you think it's something bad?" I ask Dream when he enters the bathroom.

"I don't know, my love," He answers, hugging me from behind and looking at me sadly in the mirror, "I hope not."

"No matter what, I'm sure I can get through it." I smile, watching as the corners of his own lips curve up aswell.

"You're strong, George. You can get through everything, but either way. Let's not jump to conclusions, okay?"

I nod, agreeing with him. I shouldn't get worked up over this just yet. But I feel it may be better to be prepared for the worse.

Whatever that could be...


"George Davidson?" A nurse calls from the hallway in front of us.

I stand up, Dream doing the same soon after.

"Um, who is this?" She asks, pointing her pen at Dream.

"My boyfriend, is he allowed to come with me?"

"Of course, the policy makes up ask." She smiles, "follow me you two!" She sings, walking up down the hall and into a small room. "What are you concerned about?"

"I can't feel anything when it comes to, sexual topics..." I answer awkwardly.

"Oh," she mumbles, her brows furrowing and scanning over the computer screen in front of her. "No feeling in the private areas, correct?"

"That and other areas that are usually sensitive..." I answer, looking at Dream. Noticing how his leg started to bounce up and down at the woman's worried expressions.

"What else is usually sensitive?"

"My neck, and stomach... um, thighs."

"George, I'm going to get the doctor. Can you wait here for a few minutes?" She blurts, rushing out of the room.

"Dream, I'm scared," I breath out shakily.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here, my love." Dream reassures, wrapping his arms around me.

I hug him back, holding in the tears that threaten to fall from my eyes. As we wait for the doctor to arrive, and tell us what we needed to do next.

The door creaks open with a knock, "Hello, George. I'm going to need you to follow me. We need to take a urine and blood sample from you, then a few other little things. Once we get the results for the tests, we will call you if it's anything bad. Okay?"

I nod, "is it okay if my boyfriend comes with me for most of the stuff?" I ask.

"Of course, George. What's his name?" The doctor asks politely.

"Clay, but you can call me Dream." He answers for me, loosening his grip around me.

"Okay, Dream." The doctor smiles, "will you two follow me? We will check your heart beat and your lungs function ability in another room."

Dream and I stand up, following the doctor to a different room, in a hall farther away from the enterance of the building.

I feel my breath shaken as I exhale and inhale. Dreams arm snaking around my waist protectively as another patient walks the opposite way of us, sending us a disgusted look from the fact we had absent-mindly held hands.

Dream glares at the man harshly, looking him up and down with the same disgusted look to mess with the older man's head.

The old man's eyebrows furrow, and he hurrys to walk down the long hallway. Disappearing behind us.

"What an asshole," Dream murmurs under his breath. Just loud enough for me to hear him.

"No need to be so harsh... it's a hospital, honey." I remind him, nudging his side with my elbow carefully. Being gentle so he doesn't get hurt at all.

"Sorry, my love. He was being a homophobic dick-head. I hate people like that, did you see how he looked at us? He deserved it!" He whispers angrily, looking in the direction of the doctors in front of us to make sure they weren't listening to our conversation.

I laugh softly, tugging his arm away from my waist. Before wrapping my own arms around his, and leaning my head against his sholder, as we walked farther and farther down the hall. Into another brightly lit room, with x-rays, and several other machines I couldn't quite name.

"So, is something wrong? I've never had to do all of this," I mutter, the doctors glancing at me.

"We aren't fully sure yet. Have you been nauseous lately, or has anything but sexual sensation been different?"

"I've felt weaker lately. I guess I just thought it was depression?"

"Alright, sit right here, and she will take care of a few things." The doctor commands.

I sit down on the end of the hospital bed, watching as the woman sets something in her ears. Placing a small circle to my chest.

"Breath in for me, and breath out..." she says softly. As Dream stands a couple of feet away from me, making sure I'm okay.

I do as the younger woman says, trying to keep my breathing steady, and make it seem as if I'm not truly freaking out internally.


"Okay, now follow me over here. I need to take a sample of your blood, is that okay?" I nod, and sit in a chair next to where she is standing. Noticing a small needle and tube in her gloved hands. "You will feel a small pinch. It shouldn't hurt to much."

I extend my arm out to her, watching as she grabs it and finds the vein she wants to use. Pressing the needle to my arm, and pushing it into my vein. Blood being pulled through a tube, and into a small container.

Dream grabs my free hand, and I immediately grip onto his hand tightly. Trying to keep myself calm for the doctor to do her job easily.

She pulls the needle out of my arm, putting a small cap onto the container with my blood tightly. Setting it aside, and discarding the needle. Then, she sets a cotton ball onto my arm where she injected the needle into. Wrapping a stretchy cloth around my arm to keep any blood from oozing out of the now open vein.

"There, all done!" She exclaims, walking away to the male doctor.


"I wanna go home.." I whine to Dream, standing up from the chair shakily.

"Just a few more things, honey. We need to make sure you are okay." He answers, placing a quick kiss on my lips.


Three days later;

My phone rings loudly from the nightstand, the harsh vibrating making it slide around on the small table. I pick it up, the bright light blaring into my eyes. I groan, and swipe the green button to the left.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"This is George, correct?"

I look over at Dream who has started to stir and rub his eyes. "Yes, this is him, " I say, as Dream sits up.

"Who is that?" He asks quietly, making sure the phone won't pick it up.

I shrug, "we have your test results ready, do you want to come down to the hospital to go over them, or are you fine with me going over them now?"

"Right now is fine," I answer, glancing at Dream once again, who decided to sit up and motion for me to put my phone on speaker.

"Okay, do you want the bad news, or the good news first?" The lady asks.

"Bad news, I guess?" I breath out.

"The bad news is that you have cancer, however, we caught it super early. You just need to pick up some pills from your pharmacist, and take those as prescribed. Then, in around a year you should be okay... You will have to come in for regular checkups, to make sure the medication is working. Maybe once a month, or every two weeks, but you should be okay, and everything will go back to normal slowly. I can't promise you'll be cured in a year, it depends on how well your body fights, and let's the medication work..."

My eyes widen, I felt relieved but also scared. Cancer was the last thing I expected. Dream wraps his arms around me. Trying to comfort me as much as he could.

"When do I have to pick up the medication?"

"They should be ready around noon, but anytime after that should be okay! I wish you the best of luck. You will get another call to set up a couple of appointments in a few hours."

"Okay, thank you." I whisper, hanging up the phone. Throwing it onto the floor, and throwing myself onto my boyfriend
I sob into his chest, my hands gripping his T-shirt tightly.

"Hey, baby? It'll all be okay. I will be here for you, and our friends will be there for you aswell. They caught it early, you are really lucky, George." Dream assures, rubbing light circles on my back to calm me down.

"I just- didn't expect, this." I huff out.
I could hear small sniffles coming from the blond, which made me panic. "My love, don't cry, please," I whisper out, lifting my tear stained face from his chest to look at him.

"We should get ready, it's almost ten. We need to pick up your pills in a few hours." He smiles weakly, bringing his hand to his cheeks to wipe the warm tears gently.

"Dream?" I mutter out.

"Yes, honey?" He answers.

"I don't think I want to tell anyone about it. The doctor said it would be about a year until I'm supposedly okay, I think I can hide it. I just don't want people to feel sorry for me, and worry. I want to be treated normal." I explain, "do you understand what I mean? It's just, not that serious of a case, I guess."

"I understand, do whatever you want, George. I just want you to be comfortable, and if hiding it will make you feel better. You can do that." Dream assures me, rubbing his hand along my arm. His brows furrowing, and eyes looking down at my arm.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You have a little bump right here, I know it wasn't there before..."

"It's probably just the cancer, I can talk to the doctor about it once I schedule a few appointments. I'm sure it'll go away after a while," I get off of him, looking down at my arm. "Cancer tends to do this, I'm sure it's not going to affect much." As much as I tried to stay calm, it was difficult, because I am extremely worried about myself, and about how Dream will get used to a whole new lifestyle.

But if I want Dream to stay calm about this, I need to show that I am strong, and that I can easily beat this. Not that I think I can't or won't, I just need to be prepared for the worse of problems that could occur during this.


One year later;

Dream wraps his arm around my waist, tugging me closer. While slipping his hand under my shirt, loving the warmth of my stomach heating his large, cold, hands.

I shiver at the touch, soon opening my eyes in realization.

I felt that.

It's not that I couldn't feel at all, but that wasn't some normal feeling. It reminded me of a different feeling, something I felt over a year ago. It gave me butterflies, and made me long for more of his touch.

"Clay." I whisper out, sitting up when he releases me from his grip.

"What's wrong?" He questions, reaching his hand to my face. Cuffing my cheek carefully.

"I think I can feel again... I- do something. I need to find out if I've gone back to normal." I hurry to say, grabbing his hand, and pushing it to my lower half.

He shifts to sit in front of me, keeping his eyes locked with mine. "If you can feel this like you did before, will you think you can do anything? I just don't know if it will affect how you're medication is working, or anything..."

"I'm sure it won't change anything, but it's up to you. I know it's been a while since we did something, and I'm sure it'll be awkward for a little bit-"

"George, it's your body... I can't make the decision for you.," Dream chuckles softly, a tired tone behind his words.

"Maybe tomorrow, if we can do anything, you sound tired."

"I'm actually full of energy," he jokes, "I'm sure I can power through it, I'll be fully awake in a minute." He laughs.

I roll my eyes, bringing my hand over his, and rubbing his hand against my clothed dick. Gasping at the sudden burst of pleasure, "Holy shit-" I breath out.

He smiles at me, "that right there is proof that you're strong, and can get through anything." His smile turns into a small smirk, "you know, it's really hard to consider this wholesome, when this is what we are doing." He chuckles.

"Oh, whatever-" I spit out, gasping when he palms my dick once again. "Idiot..." I send him a playful glare, letting my arms wrap around his neck. My hands running through his dark blonde locks. "Why do you have to be so...ugh," I groan, "Fucking kiss me already."

His smirk grows bigger, and he smashes our lips together immediately. One of his hands gripping my hip tightly, and the other running through my wavy hair.

He pushes me down into the sheets, using his elbows to hold himself up over me. His lips traveling down my jaw, and to my neck. Kissing the skin ever so gently, but surprising me when he bites down onto the skin. I suppress a moan by biting my lip harshly.

"Baby, I wanna hear you. I haven't heard those sweet sounds in over a year." His voice is muffled by my neck, the vibrations of his deep; loving voice ticking my skin lightly.

Dreams hands travel up-under my T-Shirt. Lifting it slowly over my body, and quickly licking a long stripe on the front of my neck. Before pulling my shirt off of me with ease.

I let my hands rest on his sides, running them up and down his clothed body. Hooking my fingers under his own shirt, and pulling it off his body. Letting my hands roam over his warm skin, as if it was the first time I ever saw it.

"I missed this so fucking much," I mumble, fumbling with his belt, and unbuckling it. Throwing it to the ground besides the bed, and looking up at him. "Do you want to continue?" I ask, wanting to make sure that he's fine with continuing this.

"Do you?"

"Obviously." I answer, the tips of my fingers dipping into the hem of his sweatpants. Sliding them off of his body in a hurry, and motioning for him to get off of me, so I could take my own pants off.

He walks over to our shared closet, digging through a drawer. Soon, walking back over to me with a bottle of lube, and a condom. Things we bought just a few weeks ago, in hopes that I would be able to feel like this again.

He throws them onto the bed next to me, stripping his boxers and socks off. I stare at him in awe, my mouth filling with saliva quicker than usual. As I pull my boxers off aswell. Waiting for him to crawl back onto the bed, and as soon as he does. I place myself in his lap, connecting our lips once again.

I grind myself down onto him, letting out a loud mewl at the intense feeling. Dream puts his hands on my hips, throwing his head back against the headboard in response.

"Holy fuck, George-" he groans. Bucking his hips up in hope of getting more friction, moving my hips back and forth once he realizes he has the power of doing so.

I place my head in the crook of his neck, kissing the skin my lips touched, softly. Letting my breathless pants graze against his neck, leaving him with goosebumps on his arms.

"Off, now." Dream demands, lifting me off of him and laying me down onto my back. Grabbing the discarded lube, and rubbing it onto three of his fingers. "Do you remember our safe word?" He asks.

"It's blue, right?" I answer. He nods, pressing a finger to my hole carefully. Looking at me as if asking for permission. "You can continue..." I mutter. Feeling his pointer finger slide into me slowly.

I shiver at the feeling, finding it quite different from what I remembered. Of course that being over a year ago.

He let's me adjust to the stretch every time he moves his finger in little by little. Trying his hardest not to hurt me, and make this experience okay for me.

Three fingers later, and being stretched until I physically couldn't be anymore. Dream lubed up his dick, and pushed it into me. Of course, being careful, and taking it slow.

But once I adjusted to him, I signaled to him that I was ready for him so start moving. Which, he did, immediately. Bottoming out, and increasing the pace, of which his hips moved, every few minutes.

Groans, and moans filled the room as the pleasure weaved its way through our bodies. Leaving our brains fogged, and making time seem to have paused, or slown down dramatically.

"Dream, I'm cumming!" I gasp out, my body shaking harshly.

"Me too, baby. Whenever you're ready," he whispers, sweat dripping down his forehead, and on the tips of his pretty hair.

"Dream-" I whimper, white liquid spilling onto Dream and I. Aswell as the bed. Whoops?

Dream thrusts himself into me a few more times, before releasing. "Holy shit, George." He groans, pulling put of me, and plopping down onto the bed next to me. Trying to catch his breath. "First off, I'm so glad you're getting better. Second, I love you so fucking much."

I laugh, smiling at him lovingly, "I love you more, Clay. So much."


3574 words!

This has nothing to do with real life, and I do not have enough knowledge about cancer, and etc... actually had to Google a few things to make it a little more realistic.

Make sure you eat and stay hydrated, I love you guys!


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