Untamed (A mafia story)

By DiamondKulture

663K 17.3K 1.5K

Cora is a young girl who suddenly wakes up in the basement of the Russian mafia and one of the best Assassins... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chspter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New story alert!!!!!!
Story Alert!!!!!
New story Alert!!!!!

Chapter 30

10.4K 303 20
By DiamondKulture

The last thing he expected to see on his table this morning with an uneasy looking Viss was pictures of his cousin, beaten and battered.

There was no return address but he knew who it was from and it left a sour memory in it's wake.

It reminded him of Vera.
Enzo had Ivan in his custody.

That reckless cousin of his, he really wants to die.
What was he thinking going to Italy without telling him.
Was he really that whipped for her?

Dimitri clenched and unclenched his jaw before dropping the pictures on his table angrily

"Prepare the Jet" he muttered scratching his stubble "we're going to Italy" he added

Viss bowed his head before walking out of the dimly lit office, two things was bound to happen on this trip.

Either Ivan comes back with him or he starts war with Enzo and either way, its a win win for him

He pulled out a cigar and put it in between his lip before lighting it up, and taking a long drag.

He knew Ivan was crazy but he didn't think he was this crazy, he knew he wasn't affiliated to the mafia, yet he dared to go to Italy, that too to Enzo's territory.

What was he expecting? A warm welcome?
He's a crazy bastard
All because of her

The same girl he'd been having constant dreams and nightmares about, her face haunting him like the grim reaper.
There hasn't been a day where he closed his eyes and and didn't see her frightened face.

Ever since that day, she'd been a constant reminder of the wrong choice he made.
Her tears stricken face, her vulnerable voice and her blood.

They were all taunting him, making fun of him and making him feel worse than he'd ever felt before.

He wasn't one to be remorseful of his deeds and action but now he was.
Everything he ever did to her, he regretted.


She was vigorously chewing on her nails, any further and she'd draw blood but she wasn't even focused on that right now.

She was sitting across from her sister, a lot of thoughts spiraling on her head.
First of all the grey eyed man in the basement, she hadn't seen him since yesterday, yes she was worried about him.

Another thing was her pregnancy, yes she hadn't totally forgotten about that, how could she?
When she could feel her baby inside her, she felt another life inside her.

Now she had two problem to deal with.
How to tell Enzo and Cara that she was pregnant and how to tell Ivan that she was carrying his cousin's child.

On second thought telling Enzo and Cara isn't such a good idea.
The idea suddenly sounded dangerous, especially knowing Ivan was locked in their basement, what if they killed him after knowing what his cousin did to her?

"Can you stop doing that? You nervous is making me nervous, what's wrong with you"? Cara almost snapped at her, only then did she realize she'd been bouncing her legs and getting close to drawing blood from aggressively chewing on her nails.

"Why do you have him in your basement"? She asked looking at her sister and Cara just groaned out loud.

Not this again, will her sister just stop this pestering about him, what was her deal anyway.

"Since when do you care about things that happen in the mafia" she asked folding her hands and looking at her with amusement.

"Since I got kidnapped and held captive for six months because of this same god-damned mafia" she almost grit out
"You have a harmless man in your basement, Cara you have to let him go" she whispered out

Cara snorted with a cynical smile "Volkov and harmless in the same sentence? I doubt it, get your head out of the clouds sister, He's anything but harmless" she muttered

Cora almost rolled her eyes at her sister "why won't you just listen to me for once" she snaps with frustration

"Because you're naive and clueless, and that's gonna get you killed if you don't stop it, like it or not, that man down there is just as dangerous as Dimitri and until I say so, he's not going anywhere" Cara yells at her making her recoil.

Even after staying with a bunch of heartless people for the past six months, she still didn't have it in her to talk back at her sister.

Cara storms out of the kitchen in annoyance, she hated this stupid argument Cora was having with her.

She hated the fact that her sister was so innocent she couldn't tell good from bad.
She always had to learn the hard way.

Even after being held in captivity for Six months by Dimitri, she still defended his cousin like she knew him.
What she doesn't understand is that these men are all the same thing, no one is innocent or harmless.

Cora sighed out, she had a long way to go in convincing her sister.
If she couldn't even convince her to see that Ivan was clean then how the hell would she convince her to keep this pregnancy.

And she still needed to let Ivan know, but she was fucking scared.
This will change a lot of things for both of them.


"I don't know if they've given you anything to eat or drink, but I brought these for you" she rambled setting down the tray of food and water, he was not even paying attention to the food but more on the dark hair brunette talking non stop

She still looked as beautiful as she did when they first met, she was nervous, he could tell.
Because he knows she rambles a lot when she's nervous, he just smiled at how cute she looked

She stopped when she noticed he wasn't saying anything, she looked up to find him staring at her with amusement dancing in those grey orbs

She was fucking nervous, at least she was able to bring food to him and water, his face still looked swollen, it was healing but slowly.

She brought the food because she wanted to tell him today.
Today she'd tell him about her pregnancy.

Her rambling was to cover and hide the fact that she was fucking nervous and fidgeting.

She set the food in front of him and started spoon-feeding him, he smiled before taking the first spoon.

He was chewing slowly because half his face was still very much sore from the beating he'd received.

They didn't take off his restraints because they didn't trust him enough, Cora did though but Enzo wouldn't even let her bring up the idea, so she had to feed him herself.

"You know, this isn't how I imagined our first date to be like" he muttered cutting the tension and making her look at him quickly

She averted her eyes shyly because she didn't really want to be having this kind of discussion with him.

She knew Ivan liked her but she never thought he'd tell her, especially not now or like this.

He smiled seeing her flushed cheeks and how shy she looked, she was so cute not even knowing it.

She was so oblivious to how cute her innocence was, and that was what he liked about her, he so badly wanted to feel the warmth of her cheeks in his palms but he was tied up.

After his last comment, they both didn't say anything to each other again, she just fed him and he ate in silence.

When she was sure he'd eaten enough, she decided to speak up, at least no better time to tell him than now.

She looked up at him and found him already staring at her, she quickly looked away.
He was making this very hard for her.

She gulped before willing herself to speak.
It's now or never Cora, she said to herself.
A deep breath

Ivan had something of his own to say to her but before he could, she beat him to it

"I'm pregnant" she blurted out.

All the colour in his face drained, his mouth hung open and his ears had this ringing in them

She couldn't look up at him, for fear of his expression, and what he'd say.

Dun dun dun

What do you think will happen??
What will Ivan say?

Dimitri is on his way too, how do you think it'll turn out??

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