Team JAPO: Part One Rosy Rene...

נכתב על ידי Jenmouse45

138 11 0

In a new world of Remnant, Salem and the relics are no more. The former teams who helped defeat her are now g... עוד

🌶️ Chapter One: Sanctuary Academy 🌶️
🍪 Chapter Two: Cookie Conundrum 🍪
🎮 Chapter Three: Video game night (take two of team building) 🎮
🌸Chapter Four: Jasper being a team leader 🌸
🚿 Chapter Five: Singing in the shower 🚿
💥 Chapter Six: A conflict in class 💥
⚔️ Chapter Seven: Mission (Part one) ⚔️
🎭 Chapter Eight: Mission (Part Two) 🎭
📚 Chapter Nine: Free time after mission 📚
💔 Chapter Ten: Confession 💔
🎂 Chapter Twelve: Jasper's Birthday 🎂

🕺 Chapter Eleven: School dance 💃

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נכתב על ידי Jenmouse45

The continuation of the hot and dry summer continued, with classes filled with information about history, weapon protection and upkeep, and other subjects. Peridot worked especially hard on the classes about aura, working on how to manage his aura levels to get stronger.

Jasper would often fall asleep quickly after a busy day of classes. She would wake up shortly after midnight, the sound of her teammate coming into the room would wake her. She would do her best to lay still, but she knew that Onyx was working hard.

They all were. Especially with all that had transpired at Oakheart Village. And all that was about to happen.

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Peridot carefully traced a line of dark brown liquid eyeliner on the top of Jasper's eyelid. After a few seconds, he leaned back, surveying his art.

Jasper had already done her hair, the darkened red curls curling up at her shoulder. helps Jasper with makeup. Her hair was curled right until her shoulder, with the bangs slightly held back with some cherry blossom barrettes.

Her makeup look was much different, as she donned on a brighter palette of magenta pinks against her pale complexion, the shine coming from the light in her silver eyes.

Jasper cautiously blinked a few times, then turned to look at her reflection in the mirror.

"Wow, Peridot! I didn't know you were so good with makeup!"

Peridot shrugged, secretly pleased by Jasper's response to his handiwork, as he started to put away the makeup brushes, "Yeah. I learned how to do it by practicing with mud, but after my adoption I would watch videos about makeup application."

"I'm glad. I hardly know how to do makeup. Thanks again for helping out."

Peridot stood up, makeup bag tucked under his arm, as he gave a little bow in Jasper's direction, "You are quite welcome. See you at the dance."

Peridot left the dorm room, and Jasper stood up. She approached her closet door, opening it to reveal a pink dress on the hanger, encased in a plastic sleeve.

Jasper removed the dress from its protection, and carefully stepped into it, slipping into its sleek fabric. She carefully zipped the back and buttoned the top button.

Using the full length mirror, she gazed at the dress, admiring the details. The dress went down to her knees, and had fake cherry blossoms sewn into the bodice and at the bottom of the skirt. She wore a pale pink cherry blossom necklace with a bright pink center against a gold chain, and a small silver bracelet on her right wrist.

Jasper grabbed a bright pink clutch. She looked reluctantly at the shoes, and bent down to put on the small, white pumps with pink bows.

She straightened up and peered at her reflection again. She traced a few fingers along her neck, but then held the necklace. She wondered where Onyx was, since Onyx left earlier and took her clothes and bag to a different location to get ready.

She gave herself a confident smile and left the dorm room.

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Inside the large spacious area, colorful streamers, balloons, and banners were strewn. Tall lantern lights shone brightly over the large dance floor, and awaiting tables and chairs. A music person was there, already playing some upbeat tunes. A few other students were starting to stand in the area, some talking in groups or in pairs.

Jasper approached the area muttering to herself, "Stupid lady stilts."

"Huh, I've never heard of them referred to as that." A familiar voice said behind her.

Jasper turned to see Peridot. Peridot's face was turning a bright red as she looked over his outfit, his thoughts about how exquisitely breathtaking and stunning she looked in front of him.

Peridot wore a green suit jacket with matching pants. Underneath he wore a white turtleneck. He wore the classic black shoes of all male formals, but around his eyes, Jasper detected a hint of black eyeliner circling the eyes, being a subtle smoky shade.

"Woah, Peridot! I didn't know you wore eyeliner!"

"Yes, but only on special occasions."

"And what is the occasion again?" Another voice teased light heartedly. The two turned to see that Auburn arrived.

Auburn wore a white long sleeve, but over it was a medium orange vest paired with black slacks. He wore a black, expensive looking watch on his right wrist. His hair was neatly combed to one side, as though he tried a little too hard to keep the hair strands in place there.

Jasper giggled, "The school dance of course! Maybe we can request Peridot's favorite song."

Auburn laughed, and Peridot groaned, "Don't remind me of what happened." He looked around, "Hey, where is Onyx at?"

Jasper said, "I'm not quite sure. I thought she would come in with Auburn."

Auburn shook his head, "Nope. She is a mysterious person, but I bet you when she comes in, it will be quite the entrance."

Just then, the crowd started to look at the other entrance and started to murmur even louder.

Auburn snapped his fingers, "Just like that."

Onyx strode through the crowd in a short, A-line, cap sleeve black dress. The bottom of the skirt was covered in shimmery sparkles, as if almost an illusion to stars in the night sky. Her hair was down and curled, the sides pulled back in loose braids, a small thin circle of a tiara placed on her head. She wore a simple bronzer and her eye make up was a simple white sparkle, fading into a gray and blackened smoky eye with wings. She wore a high heeled shoe with a strap around the ankle. Her look was complete with elbow length black gloves and a small, silver sparkly clutch hanging under her left arm, the silver strap showing glimpse against the black dress.

When she got to where the group stood, Auburn stepped up behind her and faced the captivated audience, putting on a pout face while holding his arms up to block his sister.

The crowd around them then dispersed into their usual circles.

As Auburn turned around, Jasper spoke up, "Onyx, our hair looks so similar!"

Auburn remarked, "Yeah, I guess we are all letting our hair down!" He then mimed flipping his hair, to which Onyx groaned and Jasper let out a giggle.

A new song began to play, and Peridot held up a claw to Auburn, "Would you want to dance with me."

Auburn carefully accepted the claw and the two took to the dance floor.

Jasper looked after them, but saw Onyx's gloved hand in her vision.

Jasper looked over at Onyx, who then asked, "Jasper, may I have this dance?"

Jasper nodded, "Sure thing, Onyx. I'll accept. Just be aware I'm not a great dancer."

"It's okay, I can teach you. My dad taught me how."

Jasper and Onyx took their places on the dance floor, Onyx placing her hand behind Jasper's back and the other hand holding Jasper's hand slightly. Jasper continued holding Onyx's hand, but seemed confused on where to put her hand.

Onyx moved Jasper's hand and placed it on her upper body, letting it hover slightly. Onyx then placed her arm back around Jasper's waist.

The two began to move in slow circles around the dance floor. Jasper did not know where to look, but she caught Auburn looking at her.

At Jasper's curious look, Auburn turned away and looked up at Peridot.

"Hey I just realized, you are wearing makeup."

"Just a bit, yeah. It helps give me a bit of confidence."


"I was hoping I would look sexy for someone here." Peridot said lowering his eyes in a gesture to Auburn.

Auburn felt the heat begin to rise up in his face and looked down at his wrist, "Oh wow, would you look at that. I'm really wearing a real watch."

"Well, what time does it say?"

Auburn grinned, teasing back, "It says time to ditch this party and go somewhere else. Just the two of us."

Auburn and Peridot stopped their dancing, and walked off the dance floor together, leaving through the back entrance.

Jasper and Onyx continued twirling together on the dance floor. Jasper felt as though it was just the two of them, on a low white cloud, surrounded by sparkling lights and a tune that she was surprised to hear over the sound of her beating heart.

Hearing Onyx's voice brought her out of her spell, "Jasper, is that magenta on your face?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, you mean the makeup?"

Onyx nodded, "Why magenta?" she asked, "You normally wear lots of soft pinks."

Jasper blushed, hoping it wouldn't make her cheeks stand out more, "I kind of wanted to match your hair a bit. You know, the pink streak?"

Now it was Onyx's turn to blush, "That is really sweet, Jasper." She stiffened a bit before she added, "I mean, I do like it."

Jasper turned Onyx into a dip, almost gracefully despite the normal height difference and being in heels. Jasper and Onyx's faces were close to one another, "You really mean that?"

Onyx nodded slightly, licking her lips nervously, "Yes, I really do mean that."

Jasper brought her up, and Onyx took her hands away from Jasper. The warm spots where Onyx's hands were starting to fade on Jasper's body as Onyx asked, "Why did you want to dance with me first? After all the nice things Peridot said about you?"

Jasper shrugged and replied, "It was nothing. Let's go get some fruit punch."

The two left the dance floor to the refreshments table. Jasper knew the true answer in her heart but did not have the courage to say that the hug she once gave Onyx was more than enough to be a confession.

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Auburn and Peridot ran from the party scene. The two started laughing, their breath coming out in small clouds, as they chased after one another into a garden area.

Underneath the sky of stars and moon pieces becoming fuller, the two stopped at a gazebo. They both were trying to catch their breath.

Auburn told Peridot, "I know we did not get far, but for some reason my breath will not catch up with me."

Peridot let out a breathy chuckle, "I feel the same way."

They both sat at opposite ends of the gazebo. Peridot gazed up at the stars. Auburn looked at something, or rather someone with a gaze of wanting to know more about them.

"I wanted to ask you something," Auburn started, but then Peridot looked over and Auburn added hastily, "How come you are so tall? I mean, when I think of a mole, I think they are tiny creatures. Or maybe because I am the tallest one in the team and the class."

Peridot let out a laugh and Auburn joined in.

"Honestly, I am surprised at how tall I am. When I was born, I was quite small and sickly. I wasn't able to keep up with any of the other children, either in the village or at the orphanage. Now, I'm quite taller, even with my mole Fanus traits."

"So, how do you manage to fit into the earth's crevices?"

Peridot shrugged, "I'm not sure, must be my flexibility training and using my semblance to detect how big the crawl spaces will be."

"I think you can crawl into people's hearts, even without your semblance." Auburn said with a light tease.

Peridot blushed, "It isn't easy. I find it easier to watch and listen. When I do speak up, it can be difficult for me to speak my mind. I just hope one day people will listen to me."

Auburn stood up and Peridot looked up at him, seeing that the pieces of slicked hair were starting to stick up. He looked into those light sea blue eyes, the gentle voice asking, "I'll be here to listen and so much more." Auburn held out a hand, "Dance with me?"

Peridot nodded, and stood up, this time putting his green claw onto Auburn's smooth and muscular hands. He noticed the callous on the fingers, and how he longed to trace each and every one with a claw tip.

The two held each other by the sides, swaying in the gazebo to the sounds of the night.

Auburn moved in a little closer, whispering so that only Peridot could hear his tender words, "Peridot, that day we fought Indigo, you were selfless and courageous. Again, I know you will get annoyed with me saying this again, but I am sorry for what happened to you. I should have been the one to get hurt because my body can take it. I want to be with you always, if you'll have me."

Peridot could feel Auburn trembling as he said those words. Peridot pulled him in a bit closer, lowering his head to nearly touch Auburn's. "Of course. You are my teammate. We work together to protect one another and the others, like Jasper and your sister."

Auburn felt his heart fall a little, but he added cheerfully, gazing into Peridot's eyes, "Right. Teammates."

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Jasper and Onyx noticed Peridot and Auburn sneaking back in through the back entrance.

"Where have you two been?" Onyx asked, a disapproving look on her face.

Auburn smiled, "That, my dear sister, is a secret."

Peridot accepted a cup of fruit punch from Jasper, "Auburn showed me where they are working on a new section for students to relax during classes. Maybe I can take you there sometime?" He asked Jasper, shyly.

Jasper gave a small nod, but before she could respond, Headmaster Pines took the stage and walked to the awaiting microphone.

"Good evening students. I am sure you are all having fun at tonight's dance party?" He was greeted to the sounds of cheers. He smiled over at the audience. "That is good to hear. Tonight marks the occasion of a new academy that has been built, and a semester that has gone by. While tonight is about celebration and raising morale, do remember that tomorrow and the weeks after are for preparations to finish the semester well." A few students groaned, but he raised his selected cup, "Let us remember those who have gone by to rebuild a new city and era of peace. Let us all finish the remaining school year with diligence and assurance to assist the people and each other for years to come."

A cheer was heard and the students and professors drank from their cups.

An upbeat song was heard. Students began to take up the dance floor, swaying and clapping to the beat of the music.

"And that is our cue! Come on everybody!" Auburn shouted, pulling the other three onto the dance floor.

As they formed a circle and spun around, Jasper took a look at each of their faces. Auburn's jubilant smile as he laughed at their antics. Peridot had a cautious smile, like he was holding back even though it seemed he was having a good time. Onyx had a corner of a smile, a first for Jasper, and her eyes caught Jasper's. The smile grew a bit bigger, but then Onyx looked away, mostly towards her brother.

Jasper kept her smile plastered on her face, but her heart was fearful on the decision she would have to make soon.

(Jasper in her dance outfit. Cosplayer: Jen.cosplays45).

To be continued.

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