🎭 Chapter Eight: Mission (Part Two) 🎭

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Outside the domes range, Auburn half carried Peridot, an arm draped under him. Auburn managed to stop the blood flow by covering up Peridot's arm and wrist areas with his jacket.

Auburn peered at the wound. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. A rainbow of colors appeared where the jagged lines against the flesh appeared, more prominent where Peridot claws started (ended)? Where the blood should have showed up, those rainbow colors flickered.

Peridot gave out a startled cry, and Auburn slowed his pace. He felt Peridot's body warm up.

"Here, let's stop for a minute. I might have some water with me."

Auburn propped Peridot against a tree. Peridot's heavy breathing continued as Auburn attempted to feed him sips of water.

Auburn put the cap back on the bottle, "This is all my fault."

"No, no it's not. We tried to go after them together. If anything I was too weak to do anything."

"But I should have held off activating my semblance until I knew you were safe! Now you have a weird colored wound and are burning up to the touch."

Peridot gave a slight smile, "Well, it is summer time and we were fighting a moment ago."

Auburn tried to hide a smile by pretending to say sternly, "Stop talking. I need to get you some help."

"You boys said you need some help?" A new voice asked.

Auburn stood up quickly, placing the hammer in front of him. He stood in front of Peridot, who gazed up at Auburn's back.

A tall female, with long, wavy dark red hair with gold streaks throughout it. She wore quite a bit of armor, on her chest, arms, wrists, and legs. They were all gold plated, with dark orange lining the outside. She wore a long sleeve white jumpsuit under the armor. Gold plate boots crunched the leaves as she approached the two students.

"Who are you?" Auburn asked.

She held her hands up, showing that her weapon was out of her hands. Instead, a large light gray sword, with a red outer rim and red handle, sat on her back.

She spoke with clear confidence and assurance, "I mean you no harm. My name is Aurelia Falls. I was told to come here to help bring a criminal to justice."


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(Aurelia Falls. Piccrew)

"Oh yeah? How do I know to trust you?"

Aurelia red-orange eyes flicked, and Auburn realized she had gold flecks in her eyes.

"You don't." she told him, "But when you do, I can help save the people in the village."

"Then you need to know the direction they are all in. My sister and her team mate. They are fighting your presumed criminal."

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