Journey of Trust | A Narnian...

By Lolasue

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This is the tale of a journey that takes Luna not only to discover the world beyond Narnia's borders; she wil... More

Welcome & Trailer
~ ACT I ~
Chapter 1 | Healing Cordial
Chapter 2 | The Dawn Treader
Chapter 3 | Talks and Teasing
Chapter 4 | The Lone Islands
Chapter 5 | Separated
Chapter 6 | Gone
Chapter 7 | The Market
Chapter 8 | The Battle on the Main Square
Chapter 9 | Of Feasts and other Inconveniences
Chapter 10 | A Night to remember
Chapter 11 | From the Calm
Chapter 12 | Into the Storm
Chapter 13 | A turbulent Morning
Chapter 14 | Thirst
Chapter 15 | Sailor's Speech
Chapter 16 | A scaly Adventure I
Chapter 17 | A scaly Adventure II
Chapter 18 | Crossing Swords
Chapter 19 | Suspicions
Chapter 20 | The Undoing
Chapter 21 | A mild Sentence
Chapter 22 | Hairy Affairs
Chapter 23 | Heather Hill
Chapter 24 | Goldwater
Chapter 25 | Profundity
Chapter 26 | Restless
Chapter 27 | Keeping Watch
Chapter 28 | Of Beetles and Voices
Chapter 29 | Coreakin
Chapter 30 | A Target hard to miss
Chapter 31 | The Ocean's Roar
Chapter 32 | Bites
Chapter 33 | A Table of Stone
Chapter 34 | Light and Fear
Chapter 35 | Preparations
Chapter 36 | Nightmares
Chapter 37 | Together
Chapter 38 | Where Dreams come true
Chapter 39 | (Bitter)Sweet Waves
Chapter 40 | The End of a World
* ACT II *
Chapter 41 | Private Conversations
Chapter 42 | Known Shores
Chapter 43 | A surprising Visit
Chapter 44 | Of Dresses and Doves I
Chapter 45 | Of Dances and Dilemmas II
Chapter 46 | Of Dinners and Disputes III
Chapter 47 | Aftermath
Chapter 48 | The Hearing
Chapter 49 | The last Evening
Chapter 50 | Onwards
Chapter 52 | Whatever it takes I
Chapter 53 | Whatever it takes II
Chapter 54 | Whatever it takes III
Chapter 55 | Alone
Chapter 56 | Coming Home
Chapter 57 | Abyss
Chapter 58 | Call
Deleted Scene I | Caspian's Nightmare
Deleted Scene II | Sanna's Choice
Deleted Scene III | Trumpkin's Welcome
Alternate Scene I | Multitasking
Chapter X | Tying loose ends
Character overview
Extended & explained Playlist
Incorrect Quotes

Chapter 51 | Tricky Peace

98 2 5
By Lolasue

A whirlwind, that's what the last events were. Their stay on the Lone Islands with its highs and lows, then the engagement rushing in after they just agreed to take it slow. Now, peace settles over them as everyone falls back into old routines. Yet, joyous anticipation grows day by day. The crew of the Dawn Treader waved goodbye to the Lone Islands and the sailors who left them there about three days prior. Though part of their hearts are heavy, they look onward with bright faces. Home, they are finally making for the familiar shores of Narnia. Everyone talks about what to do as soon as they return. Those who are married miss their partners, many long to see their families and friends. Others wish to see the soft lands and forests. Telmarines befriended Old Narnians and promised to show each other their perspective of the country. Tingel says he looks forward to visiting his family's forges. He is among those who want to change career. They had an adventure, now they wish for a calmer life, a family. King Caspian assures everyone a spot in court as trusted friends. Whoever whishes so will receive land to farm. These discussions make them all dreamy.

Luna and Caspian are quite dreamy as well. Since setting sail, they are often hand in hand. They don't mind the crew seeing them like this anymore. After spending over a year in close confinements some knew already. They are, after all, something like family now. Drinian's features soften as he spots the king and the lassie like this from his place at the wheel. The rest of the crew is working, though not without glances spared the couple's way. Smiles and smirks are shared between many sailors, mumbles of bets to pay or receive carried away by the wind. No one expects the turn of events that, yet again, disrupts their peace and changes things quite drastically.


The sun blinds her as she frantically blinks against the bright light. Additionally, acrid smoke makes her eyes teary as the Crown Shield tries to get an overview of the decks. Sailors hurry to their stations – oars or armory – coughing and ducking to avoid the first arrows splicing the air.

» Cut the hook-ropes! « Tavros' voice seems calm despite the circumstances, ringing through the confusion of the surprise attack. Luna stumbles over one of the smoke balls that were shot onto the Dawn Treader to veil the crew's view. Quickly, she draws her long dagger, impaling the palm-sized ball and flicking it over the railing. Ivelle, her sword would be of more use, but she will have to make do. Coughing, she makes for the port side where large grappling hooks claw into the Dawn Treader's railing. The wood splinters where metal meets its surface, even more so as the ropes are loaded with additional weight. Luna grips her weapon tightly, starting to hack away at the first rope she finds – joining the sailors who are already at it. After three strikes the rope finally gives in. Snap. It detaches from the hook and is flung downwards. Luna watches as the pirate who just tried to set over falls with it and disappears below the hull of the ship closing in. Only now she starts to process what is happening – simultaneously cursing herself for becoming slow, for not being on alert. Instead, she allowed herself to be lulled in by dreams and stories, by her love for Caspian, by their anticipation to reach home again. Pirates. The other ship hid in the shadows of the rocky islands they spotted a few days ago. Smoke balls were sent over before anyone could even give a warning call. Half the crew was asleep this early in the morning, only now stumbling around to defend their ship and king. Caspian! Luna whirls around, searching for her beloved. As she rose from her hammock earlier, she let him sleep. She can't spot him anywhere but finds Drinian whose figure towers by the stairs to the quarter deck. He is yelling orders while taking two steps at once. There, the Dawn Treader jerks sideways, wood meets wood as the other ship pulls her in.

The captain trips and falls, rolling down the stairs. After gaining back her own balance, Luna rushes over to him. She hears him curse under hisses of pain. Well, if he can curse like this, he can't be hurt a lot. They only glance at each other and simply know what to do – a silent agreement. With her help, Drinian is back on his feet, hastening to the wheel. Rynelf passes on the captain's orders to continue cutting the ropes. Meanwhile, Luna jumps onto the third step, overlooking the main deck before crouching behind the railing for cover. She brushes a hand over her eyes, breathing shallowly to avoid too much smoke entering her lungs. This moment is enough for her to slip on the mask of a stoic general, calm and collected in the face of danger.

» Everyone, arm yourselves! Shields up to protect those who cut the ropes. « Her voice rings clear and with the same calmness Tavros yelled – the serenity of a seasoned warrior who knows the procedure of battle. Now, the pirates lessen their rain of arrows. One by one climbs the ropes; others push planks from railing to railing but the crew of the Dawn Treader is quick to push them back.

» Archers in position! Shoot them down when they try to cross. Cover each other! « The Crown Shield now glances over at the deck of the Devil's Tide – a gruesome, yet fitting name for a pirate ship. As her eyes land on a familiar figure, she freezes. Anger and dread reach for her heart at the same time at the sight of that gold-toothed grin. She would recognize those sharkish eyes everywhere. Pug. Her muscles stiffen as the hated name rolls through her mind. His gaze meets hers, a cold stare that lets her shudder. Why did he return to them? The singing of bowstrings and the clicking of crossbows pull Luna back, leaving barley enough time to duck the arrow whizzing past her. So, the slaver's once characteristic order to not harm their prey seems not in place today. Even better, Luna surely won't let him bind her again. She will fight him teeth and claw.

Caspian bursts onto the deck in this very moment, followed by the four lords who refused to stay away from the fight – age be damned. Every sailor and able-bodied on the Dawn Treader is now ready for the pirates, more or less. The crew scattered to their stations - most of them on deck; a few man the oars to steer the ship away from the Devil's Tide as soon as they are free. The king and his Crown Shield are now on opposite sides of the main deck, only time for a single glance at each other before the first pirate sets foot on the Narnian vessel. He doesn't remain for long as Halion's club sends him into the foaming water. Then, despite the crew's efforts, more pirates reach this side of the ropes and planks – there are simply too many. Luna holds her dagger at her side, bending her knees like a cat ready to catch a mouse. Before plunging into battle, she sends a prayer to Aslan.


Dire is the fight. Full of dread the hearts of the Narnian crew. Hopeless the situation. They are outnumbered, surprised by Pug's pirates. But the Dawn Treader's warriors are better skilled and marked by war. The pirates seem to have not expected to be met with such a force, such anger, such ruthless killing. Maybe they have never fought for king and country, maybe they fought for the wrong. Luna, however, has never fought for herself alone, not for riches or spiteful reasons. One pirate after the other falls by her hand, making way for the next opponent while she awaits their chief. Even with only her dagger she fells them, paying no thought to the blood and gore left in the wake of death. Yet, she tires – everyone does – and their opponents notice with malicious grimaces. Without needing to check, she can imagine Pug's smeary grin as he observes from a safe position on his own ship. Coward.

» Elrik, behind you! « Someone calls out. Luna can't turn away from her opponent but her heart skips frightfully at the sound of Elrik's groan. Clenching her jaw, she ducks under the pirate's arm with the scimitar, and cuts his side while spinning out of reach. He hisses in pain, needing a moment. Luna takes that moment to kick his feet from under him, knocking him out in the process – not everyone needs to die, even though they are enemies. Only then she turns her attention to her friend. Elrik holds his left arm close to his body while he continues to fight, teeth bared. Rynelf fights close by, an axe in every hand. A curse accompanies every slash and hit. Caspian stands back to back with Vigilhoof. He bravely holds his own, but Luna notices his strikes are not as accurate as usual. Looking around, the warrior understands triumph or defeat is on a knife's edge. Luna feels her limbs growing heavy, feels the splatters of blood on clothes and skin, feels her own injuries burn and sting. They are few, merely scratches and bruises. Her thoughts race, battle strategies swirling before her eyes. What would the Kings and Queens of Old do? What would Reepicheep do? The mouse would have loved this – after all, he wanted to pursue the pirates as they first encountered them in these waters. Luna sighs, sidestepping another attack. Aslan, what do we do?! What can they even do? But the Crown Shield refuses to accept this to be the end – not after everything they have been through, not after the long journey, not so close to home, and certainly not by Pug's hand.

Now, the pirates change their tactic. They draw together, pushing forward in groups. Their target is clear – Caspian. At this realization, Luna mobilizes every ounce of energy, fighting the leaden fatigue setting in. She takes a ragged breath; heavy, as if someone is sitting on her chest. Shaking her head, she adjusts her grip on the dagger before finishing off the new attacker through a hole in their defence. Another spray of warm blood coats her, joining the old splatters and sweat; the dark-green blouse sticks to her skin. Ignoring it all, she clears the path to her king. Slowly. Too slow for the warrior's liking. At Caspian's order, the Narnians flock together as well which will result in two opposing lines like on a battlefield. About three feet separate the Crown Shield from her king now. Vigilhoof roars as a blade strikes his flank, his brown fur is already darkened from blood. Luna stumbles over something, maybe a rope or weapon on the planks, but manages to catch herself. Her eyelids are hard to keep open, and her thoughts wade through viscous honey. An arm wraps around her, holding her up as her knees grow weak and threaten to give in. Rynelf's face is a grimace of rage and worry, eyes never leaving the pirates who now pull back. Probably to regroup for a last attack.

» What's wrong, lassie? « The older sailor pulls her into his side as her head drops to the side before she tries to straighten. Everything blurs before her still slightly teary eyes.

» Luna? « Caspian's voice comes from somewhere next to her, but she is too tired to turn her head. She hears calls for Jon, the medic. She is about to wave it off – others need his attention more urgently than she does – as her knees entirely give in. Rynelf holds her for a moment before lowering her to the ground. Hands on her arms and back help her to stay upright. Dazedly, she looks around but can't find focus. Everything happens so slow, too slow. Even Luna's thoughts become sluggish. A sniffing sound close to her draws her attention from wandering far away,

» Poison! « Jonathan kneels by the warrior's side, inspecting the visible wounds as well as her eyes.

Someone claps. Luna flinches at the piercing sound, blinking against the light of the rising sun. Poison. The word curses through her like it's literal counterpart. Of course, Pug would never fight with honour – she should have expected something like this. The slaver and pirates' chief now emerges from between his men. She needs to get up but every attempt to move is idle.

» Henbane, to be exact, doctor, « the slaver's chief smiles, sunlight reflects from his golden tooth,

» It's common among men of my profession. « Despite the exhaustion luring her to sleep, Luna lifts her eyes, putting every bit of hatred and rage in her stare,

» You have no honour... « Her tongue fails the service, most words no more than a slur. Whatever he retorts, no more noise reaches the Crown Shield. With the image of a smirking Pug her eyes drop, and her body goes limb in the arms of her crew as her mind is called into a deep slumber.


In early daylight they attacked, in its broad they conquered. Caspian can't pull his gaze away from his beloved laying by his feet. Not that he could really do anything. After Luna, other fighters started to slump over – including a pirate who seems to have been struck by their own medicine. To the king's great relief, his Crown Shield and men continue breathing. Taking Pug's word as that of a slave trader, that won't change – they will be out for a few hours, enough time to be bound and imprisoned for the next market. Unless, as Jon had to add, the dose is too much for the body. The Narnian ranks are now entirely outnumbered to the pirates. Caspian's mind does somersaults to think up a plan, anything. He refuses to give up. Yet, in a continued fight they can't protect the unconscious. Aslan, he sighs, trying to calm himself. Pug watches the young king clench and unclench his fists,

» Now, I s'ppose I get to sell ya after all. « Caspian stares at the man he thought could not do much harm anymore after the defeat at the Battle on the Main Square of Narrowhaven. He, Caspian, put off the search for him. Oh, he dearly regrets it now. This is all on him.

» How much coin do you think I gain for a king, huh? «

» You won't lay a finger on either of this crew! « To Caspian's surprise, Elrik steps forward, towering in front of Luna now. Well, he tries to look intimidating. Yet, he, too, was injured with a poisoned blade. Pug raises an eyebrow, trying to remain serious,

» Oh, and who should stop me now? You heap of mis'ry? « His men howl with laughter as their chief nudges the unconscious pirate on the planks – a quiet demonstration of their powerlessness. Elrik barley manages to stand upright, shoulders slumped, and still refusing to give in. Caspian rests a hand on the sailor's shoulder as he comes forward as well.

» Is coin really all you want with us? « The king already knows the answer from the dangerous glimmer of Pug's eyes. No, the slave traders' chief is primarily out for revenge. The real question is, what has he planned? As if he read Caspian's thoughts he says nonchalantly,

» Blood for blood. «

Cas must avert his eyes as Elrik collapses. He guides the sailor down as gently as possible, glancing behind him. A bit more than half the crew is still standing, some seem drowsy. Maybe they – as the king himself – were only grazed by a blade, too little poison entering their system to knock them out. Cas keeps his head down for a moment, assuring Elrik and Luna can breathe in their position. His heart clenches at the sight of his Crown Shield. A situation like this is a nightmare, of course, but for her it embodies the worst case – unable to protect her king, her friend, her beloved. Cas knows that as surely as his own breath. Strangely, this sends new strength into his heart, determination pushes back fear and anger. For his people, for her, he will do everything. Whatever it takes. He forces his hand to stay still, not reaching out to stroke her cheek or weave through her fanned-out hair. His entire being longs to embrace his Crown Shield once more, carry her to safety. But today, now, it's upon him to end this.

As the King of Narnia rises back to his feet, his shoulders are straight. The crew lift their weapons, ready to charge. Caspian, however, sheathes his sword.

» Then here I am, « he lifts his hands, palms up as a sign of surrender,

» Do whatever you must, Pug, but let my crew go. « Murmurs and calls of disbelief and shock arise. A bargain? A sacrifice? Many offer to take the king's place if he so must choose this way. Nothing seems to get through to him, he only lifts his hand to quiet them – whilst his heart breaks. He tried to be a good king, and yet nearly left it all behind at the End of the World. He bled and let others bleed for Narnia, and yet never really could protect the one who holds his heart. He was too naïve to search for Pug and end his reign of terror once and for all. Now, the entire crew of the Dawn Treader – and Aslan knows who else – pays for this mistake. Caspian shrugs in an attempt to push away the old doubts of himself, his decisions. He is no boy, no prince anymore. He is a king, and as such he will stand.

» What say you? « He forces his kingly voice out, demands the pirate's attention. Pug's eyes are set on him, studying him from head to toe,

» A bargain, Your Majesty? « Caspian simply lifts his chin. He said what he had to say – as much as this man and all he stands for disgust him.

» Deal, « Pug's judgement brings relief to the king's heart. He remains as he is, praying that Aslan might show the Dawn Treader home safely. With a wink of Pug's hand his men scatter, weapons drawn to keep the Narnians in check. Two of them inch towards Caspian – accompanied by angry growls from the Narnian sailors. The king eyes the pirates but makes no move to defend himself. He allows them to twist and bind his hands behind his back. The rest of the crew gather in a lose circle, weapons still drawn but lowered. They must watch the scene unfold, powerless.

Pug walks over the deck as if he owned it. He halts by Luna's still unconscious form. Rolling Elrik aside with his foot, a wicked grin spreads on his lips. At their chief's nod, two men step closer.

» Ey, hands off! « Tingel shakes his fist. Other join his call and threatening manner. Caspian doesn't let Pug out of his sight. As the pirate circles the Crown Shield, the king wiggles in his bonds. Strong hands hold him in place, so he speaks up,

» Keep your word and leave my crew. « Pug only glances at him, that grin still on his features. Cas freezes as he notices the dangerous glimmer remaining in the slaver's eyes.

» She ain't part of ye crew. She is- Oh. « The pirate bends down, inspecting Luna's hand. Then, he slips the ring from her finger, holding it against the sun. He nods in appreciation, mumbling something of fine craftmanship. Cas narrows his eyes, heart pounding while icy dread takes hold of it.

» Leave her alone! « He seethes. With a quick move of his hand, Pug hides the ring in his fist, turning to the young king. An amused twitch of his lips makes Caspian go still. The regret of not searching and finishing the slaver off when they won the Battle on the Main Square boils in his throat like bile.

» Well, well, I see how 't is, « Pug opens his hand in front of Caspian's face. The ring is now on display for everyone to see.

» Maybe ya should turn away, boy. « The lowered voice chases a shudder down Cas' spine. He lifts his eyes from the ring to Pug's face. The dark determination he finds there lets his breath stagger,

» No... « His anger freezes, if only for a moment,

» This was not the deal! Where's your honour?! « Pug raises his eyebrows, pursing his lips,

» Honour is for those who like to play knight in shining armor. « He reaches forward, slipping the ring in the breast pocket of Caspian's more or less white blouse,

» And as ya'r wild lassie said... I have none. « With that, the pirate turns away.

The king takes a shuddering breath. It feels like the air refuses to fill his frozen lungs. His eyes cling to the slavers' chief, as he makes his way to the next plank over to the Devil's Tide. Passing the still unconscious Luna, he stops to gaze down at her again. Thoughtful. Caspian's heart pounds in his ears, frightful leaps between the ragged breaths. Then, Pug looks at his new second in command, giving a quick nod to the side. The man gestures at two slavers at his side,

» Sen' 'er swimmin'. «

» No! « Caspian roars as they grab Luna's shoulders and feet, dragging her towards the railing. The Narnians watch their king twist in his bounds, the rope rubbing his skin raw. Drinian and Rynelf and Tingel are the first to try and break through the pirates' ranks. Vigilhoof follows, ignoring his injury. The minotaur lowers his horned head in a threatening manner.

» You bastards! « The captain rams his shoulder in a slaver's face, stumbling forward. Curses follow his actions, from both the Narnian and the slavers' sides. Cas tries to run forward, but his guards push him down to his knees. He throws himself forward, trying to crawl, but again they pull him back to a kneeling position.

» Please, « he croaks,

» Leave her alone. «

» Give her a chance! « Their pleas falls on deaf ears. The slavers who didn't already, draw their scimitars, forcing the Dawn Treader's crew to watch as their lassie is heaved over the railing. After a second's hesitation, the two men release her unconscious form. Cries and curses halt, some even hold their breaths as their lassie disappears from their view. They hear a hollow splash as her body penetrates the water's surface. Then, silence. No trashing, no calling. The slavers, who threw her overboard, turn away from the railing – at least slight human compassion showing on their features. Pug sighs as if a burden is lifted from him, balancing over the plank to the Devil's Tide.

Cas hasn't dared to blink, entirely frozen in shock. Now the king shuts his eyes, hot tears rolling over his cheeks. He lets his head fall forward until his chin rests on his heaving chest,

» You'll regret this. By Aslan, I swear it! « The Narnian crew lower their heads along with the king. At his words, they nod with grave faces. Curses and threats are hurled over the deck, as they, again, struggle against their bonds and captors, angry grief flaring. One guard strikes Caspian across the face at that,

» Keep your mouth shut, king! « He looks up, the deathly stare makes the guard swallow. The other, however, shoves the king forward. With hands bound behind his back, he falls face-first onto the planks. His groan is overcome with mournful whimpers. The second in command, his name still unknown, steps towards him.

» If ya'r men don't stay down, ya'll feel it. « Cas' humourless laugh takes him aback,

» You've already done your worst. « After a moment's hesitation the slaver's foot connects with Caspian's side. The king winces but refuses to move. His heart is freezing to its core, feeling almost numb. Gladly would he accept the same fate as Luna, following her wherever the sea would carry their bodies. He doesn't care about the stings of pain, nor the blood on his face and from his split lip reaching his tongue. The metallic taste greets him like an old friend or foe, Cas doesn't care to distinguish right now. He simply lays there on the planks of the majestic ship of Narnia's navy, the fight leaves him as he allows his thoughts to carry him somewhere else. 

Thoughts, dear reader?

PS: This Narnian story now goes by the title "Journey of Trust" instead of "The Lion's Journey". The cover is also edited.

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