Our Heart (Rewritten)

De PperryBoNoh

44.8K 2K 184

Boss loses his girlfriend in a terrible accident and her family decides to donate her heart to a person in ne... Mai multe

Starts With Goodbye
Life After You
Hate At First Sight
Cats And Dogs
This Means War
The More You Hate...
The More You Love?
When It Rains It Pours
Existing And Living
Racing Hearts
Finish Line

Summer Romance

1.8K 83 5
De PperryBoNoh

After Noeul got discharged, he experienced many new firsts. For the first time, his mom conceded and let him continue going to school with Peat just as he wished. For the first time, he took exams in a classroom filled with students suffering from the same mind-boggling trick questions. For the first time, Peat asked him if he could go out with his friends from that class he doesn't share with Noeul to celebrate surviving their terror professor to which Noeul pretended to pout for a second but then smiled and happily gave him permission.

And today is the first day of Noeul's first real summer break and he's spending it by going on his first bicycle ride, sitting prettily at the back with his arms wrapped around Boss' waist as the latter maneuvers the bike in the winding roads of their town.

The weather is perfect, sunny with a cool breeze which is rare in a country that's mostly scorching hot. It's almost as if the gods are on Noeul's side, giving him the perfect conditions for this unofficial date.

He was pleasantly surprised when on the last day of class, Boss came over to his desk and asked if he ever rode on a bicycle. Of course...not. Noeul barely had a childhood and his mom used to forbid anything that might get him in an accident no matter how small.

But now, not only did his mom allow him to ride a bike but Boss is even the one taking him around in it. It's like a dream.

Yeah, yeah, Noeul knows this may not mean anything and Boss may not have a "crush" on him too—the word 'crush' being an understatement with the way Noeul's chest wilds each time they're together. But he's okay with this...for now.

He likes their subtle closeness; it feels intimate because they don't have to overly flaunt it to others. He likes Boss' low-key ways of asking to meet up and the skinship that they both pretend to be nonchalant about.

Just like earlier that day, it was Boss who told him to wrap his arms around his waist because simply clutching his shirt won't hold once they're going downhill but when Noeul actually did, he noted how Boss' back muscles tensed before he released the tension by clearing his throat. And Noeul had to hold back a giggle and shake himself awake so he doesn't go full on delusional, thinking Boss likes him too.

But sometimes, it's so hard not to assume especially when Boss chose to spend this day with Noeul instead of resting at home and when he hears the rare sound of Boss' laughter after Noeul squeaked when the bike's wheel hit a rock and made the bicycle jump slightly. And even more so, when Boss tells him, "I got you. Trust me."

So can anyone blame him if he's falling faster than this bike is speeding downhill? Noeul expels a soft sigh, letting go of his thoughts and taking one last liberty which Boss doesn't reject. He rests his cheek on Boss' back as the wind blows on his face and he laughs nervously because of how fast they're going but, as a matter of fact, he's never felt more safe.

They stop at a mini mart once they reach the bottom of the slope and while Noeul sits outside at a table specifically for customers, Boss buys some drinks and a small snack for Noeul. When he comes back, he joins Noeul at the table, sitting across him instead of beside which Noeul is low-key disappointed about but only fleetingly.

"Where are we?" Noeul asks, peeling the case of his mung bean bun and taking a bite of it.

"Near my house." Boss replies casually, oblivious to the way Noeul almost chokes.

What? Were they heading to his house this whole time?

"This is mainly where I spent my childhood, riding a bike around this area with Fort."

"Oh." Noeul hums. Now that Boss mentioned it, he glances around, taking in his surroundings. He didn't live too far from here and yet he's never been. It's a nice little place close to the main road leading to bigger cities but albeit complete with stores and a gas station, it's still pretty quiet here. "It's nice."

Where Noeul lives, it's also quiet but a little too much so. And whenever he would look outside his window, there wasn't really much to see except for trees and occasional squirrels dashing by. He feels a stroke of envy, imagining little Boss riding his bike around town. If he had been allowed to go out then, would they have met sooner?

Noeul catches himself and shakes it off. At least, he's here now—they're here. He picks the conversation back up after a short stretch of silence with Boss just gulping down water and Noeul chewing a little too long. "Do your parents work here or in the city?" He asks, basic small talk.

"We own a garage around here." Boss replies, leaving Noeul speechless again, mostly because he thinks he has an idea which garage they're talking about.

"That garage?" He asks curiously to which Boss just nods, not looking the least bit impressed or proud.

The garage owned by Boss' father is the only notable one in the area, every other one being small questionable backyard garages that fixed bicycles and simple car issues at most. Theirs' handled all of the public vehicles such as buses and also high(er) end cars of upper-middle class families living here. It's not exactly a small-fry business which is why Noeul can't help but ask,

"Then, why were you applying for a sports scholarship?"

Boss narrows his eyes at Noeul then, silently questioning how he knew. And at this, Noeul spills, "Sorry, I heard it from other students in gym class."

It was when Boss first came back to gym class, causing a ruckus. Noeul didn't know back then what the commotion was about and only knew that Boss was there to terrorize him with his presence. But then, he heard some students whispering about how Boss was this fallen-from-grace ex-MVP of their school who was dropped from the team due to his failure to attend practices and maintain his gpa after his girlfriend died. And as a result of getting kicked out of the team, he also lost his chance to go to a university in the city as a varsity scholar.

Boss chuckles, not sure if he should feel honored or annoyed that people are still talking about that. It's a tale as old as time.

"Y-you don't have to answer that." Noeul pipes up nervously. In his head, he's hoping he didn't just fuck this up.

But then, Boss rests his elbows on the table, eyes averted as he tells Noeul what he's only ever told one other person before—Ple.

"It's not about money." He says for starters. "Not to sound obnoxious but my parents can afford to send me to college in the city. But it's not a question of can they but are they willing?"

"Hm?" Noeul tilts his head curiously like a labrador and it draws Boss' eyes back to him. They're now looking at each other as Boss continues, "My parents, my dad to be exact is pretty old school. He thinks going to college is just for the sole purpose of getting a job and since I already have a job waiting for me, a whole ass business for that matter, he thinks college is a waste of time and resources."

He sighs, dropping his gaze to the wooden table, the ants crawling in one clean line suddenly so interesting. "I mean, he's not wrong but-"

"But you don't want the business."

Boss' eyes flick up to the boy after Noeul finishes his sentence. Then he nods. "I know this'll sound selfish but...it's like the more people expect me to inherit the business, the more I don't want to. It's suffocating how my life has already been decided for me before I can even choose for myself and so, when coach recruited me and told me he'd make me good enough to join a varsity team in the city, I thought this was my chance...to get out of here."

Boss then leans back on the bench, propping his arm on the backrest. "Pretty stupid considering I didn't have a solid plan. I didn't even like basketball all that much so I don't know why..." He trails off towards the end, not continuing to say what's on his mind.

I don't know why I got so obsessed with basketball and neglected Ple.

"Must be why it didn't work out." He says, all things considered.

Before he knew it, he said too much. And now, he's wondering if that was weird. But then, Noeul tells him after just quietly listening, "I don't think it's stupid at all." He says, not looking at Boss as if he knows Boss feels self-conscious after being vulnerable.

"It's not that you don't appreciate it or know that they have your best interest at heart...but there's just something about making your own choices and creating your own future; it's like your footprint in this world, the only real proof you were here."

Now, where did Noeul get that kind of wisdom? And how come speaking those words came so naturally to him? Oh, probably because it's also very much true in his own situation. And here Boss was, thinking the boy is still naive but Noeul surprises him every time.

He cracks a smile which instantly catches Noeul's eye. "What?" He asks, trying not to gawk stupidly at Boss' handsome smile. But Boss doesn't answer that and just gets up. "Let's go."

"Huh? Go where?" Noeul asks, scurrying after Boss who's already getting on the bicycle. He waits for Noeul to get on as well then looks over his shoulder at him, their proximity making the smaller male blush. "Back to your house. Where else?"


Boss chuckles as Noeul's transparency reveals his disappointment. Somehow, this makes Boss beam and he uses that boost to pedal all the way back up to higher grounds where the fancier houses are, Noeul's included.

As they ride through the warm afternoon sky, Noeul wishes for this bicycle ride never to end. He just feels so content and as though everything has somehow fallen into place. It's almost scary how well things are going but he doesn't want to question it.

"Hey, Noeul." Boss pipes up once they reach the top and are now riding on a flat surface.


"Come to the garage next time." Boss tells him straight up and all Noeul can focus on are the words next time which only means this isn't the last and he won't have to think of dumb ways to meet Boss over the semester break because the man is making plans for them himself.

"Don't want to?" Boss asks after Noeul doesn't answer right away and at that, the boy gets snapped awake and sputters, "N-no! I mean, yes. I mean..." Noeul takes a deep breath which Boss feels against his back and finally replies, "I'd love to."

And Boss knows he means it. And he isn't alone in that; Boss will love it too. And maybe, it'll make working at the garage during the summer a bit less miserable.


"Wow." Peat mouths then says the following aloud, "His family owns this? Honestly, he never struck me as an he-"

"Shh! Peat." Noeul hisses, slapping Peat's arm. The latter mouths an 'ow' but it's all playful banter. Peat's just teasing him so he'd loosen up; Noeul's been jittery all morning, fussing about what to wear and if his hair is okay.

"I already brought you here. I'm going." Peat remarks then but Noeul's eyes widen dramatically and he holds onto his friend's arm as he pleads, "Wait, Peat! Don't leave me here. Wait until Chaikamon shows up."

Peat groans, knowing he'll be subjected to Noeul's fawning over his "crush". And just as expected, as soon as Boss appears, walking towards them in his blue overalls with the top unzipped and hanging around his waist, a black tanktop that could barely hold in his muscular chest and his hair in its usual bun but with pieces clinging to his face due to sweat, Noeul practically short circuits.

His whole body freezes except for his lips that part slowly and Peat has to whisper to him then, "Noeul, close your mouth." Which the boy does rather animatedly, pursing his lips.

"You came." Boss remarks, an unusually soft expression on his face but there's an obvious albeit mild disappointment when he adds, "...with Peat."

At this, the boy in question rolls his eyes without any real heat and says, "Don't worry, I just dropped him off. I don't plan to intrude on your date."

"Peat!" Noeul whisper-shouts, enlarging his eyes at his friend who just shoots him a sassy smile before announcing, "Okay, he's here now. I'm going."

But before he can spin on his heel, someone familiar pops out from one of the cargo bed turned DIY offices and waves at them enthusiastically. "Noeul! Peat! Nice to see you outside of school." Fort beams.

"What are you doing here?" Peat asks but it comes off quite cold.

"Uh, haha, I'm working at the office here part-time. You know, it'll look good on my resume when I graduate." Fort replies, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Mm." Peat hums a bored tune and Noeul wonders what this vibe is.

Knowing his friend, Peat is quite sassy but only if you've wronged him or...

Noeul narrows his eyes at Peat as he mutters, "Anyway, gotta go." And at this, Fort says in a hurry, "Oh, you're leaving? Actually, my shift just ended too." What he really means is Boss told him to get lost but since Peat is unexpectedly here, Fort doesn't mind getting kicked out anymore.

"So?" Peat eyes him questioningly.

But Fort just casually replies, "So let's go back to the dorms together. That's where you're staying too, right?"

Peat bites his lower lip, swallowing thickly. And Noeul doesn't miss any of it. Peat is generally a friendly person and is only ever mean to someone for either one of two reasons, he hates that person...or he has feelings for them. And Noeul thinks it's the latter.

In his mind, he's thinking, "Uh, when did this happen?" And now, he kind of gets it, why Peat was so perplexed upon finding out Noeul liked Boss. It feels like it came out of nowhere but at the same time, he kind of saw it coming.

"Fine." Peat concedes, pretending he isn't thrilled about this 'going together just because they're headed the same way' nonsense. Meanwhile, Fort can't hide how happy he is about that and bounds over to Peat, waving to Noeul and nodding at Boss before rushing after Peat who's already leaving.

Boss shakes his head while Noeul is still staring towards their direction even long after they were gone. Unbelievable!

He's so caught up in his recent discovery that he doesn't notice Boss come closer until his chest is almost touching Noeul's shoulder and the hairs on the boy's neck practically stand on end when Boss talks close to his ear, "So are you just gonna stand there?"

Noeul whips his head to look at Boss but his breath hitches when he finds himself looking directly up at the other, their faces quite close and this position rather suggestive. If someone sees them from the wrong angle, it'll look like they're making out. And the thought makes Noeul jump back a little.

"Um, o-of course, not. What did you want to show me?" He says, lowering his face and rubbing the back of his head to hide his blush.

Pretty hard to miss it though and Boss has to level himself so as not to feel too proud that he has that effect on the boy. "C'mon. It's over at the back." He says with a steady voice contrary to his stuttering pulse.

He leads Noeul to the back where all the work happens. It's noon so most workers are on their break; it's only him and Noeul. There are multiple garage-type sheds with all kinds of cars parked in them, some elevated from the ground.

Boss glances back at the boy who looks awestruck by something so simple and common and he smiles to himself, thinking, "How cute."

He walks all the way to the back with Noeul following close behind. Boss then opens one of the closed sheds, lifting the door manually and inadvertently flexing those vein-adorned biceps much to Noeul's viewing pleasure to reveal a heavily-built motorbike.

"Wow." Noeul utters, his voice laced with genuine amazement. "May I touch it?" He asks to which Boss smirks and nods his head.

The bike has a smooth steel frame in jet black, a large leather seat wide enough for two people to fit in comfortably and stickers on the front just below the headlights and the sides of the gas tank. It doesn't look like a regular motorcycle which Boss confirms shortly.

"It's a racing bike." He says, arms folded under his chest while admiring the 2-wheel vehicle. "A new client brought it recently. He said they're preparing for a big race but are short on mechanics."

"Wow." Noeul repeats before those doe eyes of his flick up to Boss. "A race? That sounds interesting...but isn't that dangerous?"

Boss shrugs. "It is especially if you lack experience or your machine isn't well maintained. But if you ask me, I think it's thrilling; the speed, the discipline and all the work the goes into these bikes behind the scenes. I only ever saw these on tv when I was young. I can't believe I'm fixing one now." He says with a glint in his eyes that Noeul hasn't seen before.

The almost child-like glee on Boss' face makes Noeul stop and stare at him with a smile in his eyes. When Boss notices this, he chuckles a 'what' to which Noeul grins and tells him, "You sound excited. It's...refreshing."

Boss gets taken aback by the boy's honest remark and he bites his lip shyly, averting his eyes. "A little, I guess." He plays it cool despite feeling heat rising to his neck and, unbeknownst to him, creeping up behind his ears.

Noeul giggles to himself but doesn't point out Boss' reddening ears; it'll just be a fond memory for himself. Instead, he goes over to the other side of the grand bike and muses, "I didn't know this garage worked on sports vehicles too."

"We don't." Boss clarifies, his brows furrowing ever so slightly. "My dad actually wanted to turn the job down but I told him I'll take it. A senior here, P'Aon, has worked on sports bikes before; he's helping me get familiar with it. We're going to make sure it's in top form before the race."

But Boss' scowl returns and he mutters, "Pops is not too happy about it though."

Noeul frowns at this. "He wants you to work here but now that you are, he's not happy?"

"He doesn't like it when I get...distracted. He thinks I have my head in the clouds."

Noeul notes the genuine disappointment in Boss' demeanor and he just gets the urge to make him smile again. "Well, I think..." Noeul leans on the leather seat of the bike. "You'd look handsome in a racing suit."

Boss narrows his eyes at Noeul who, on top of being cute and bubbly, apparently has sex appeal to boot. Boss tongues the inside of his cheek, feeling somewhat challenged. Noeul's been flustering him a lot lately; he needs to even out the playing field.

Boss leans on the leather as well, holding eye contact with Noeul who looks nervous all of a sudden. Boss smirks as if teasing and Noeul is the first to avert his eyes, pursing his lips. Boss knew Noeul would bend; he's the impulsive type who does things first and then thinks later.

Boss predicted he'd back down first which he's doing now as Noeul's slowly backing away from the bike. But what Boss did not anticipate is the wild pounding in his chest now that he's looking at Noeul's pouty lips up-close and the strong hold Noeul has on him that with every inch they grow closer, he doesn't want to take another step back.

He grabs Noeul's arm albeit still gently, pulling him back so that their faces are so close, their noses almost touching. The boy's eyes widen but almost instantly gets lost in Boss' wistful gaze which flicks from his eyes to his lips and back.

Neither of them move for a while until Boss touches Noeul's jaw lightly and tilts his head back, inching closer with each passing second. Noeul doesn't move still aside from closing his eyes and waiting for their lips to touch.

But then,

"Ehem." Someone deliberately clears their throat and the two boys pause midway to look in the voice's direction.

In a short distance, a middle aged man with graying hair and a toothy grin waves awkwardly and says, "Uh, Boss, lunch break's over. Also, your father called. He wants to speak to you."

At this, Boss drops his head with a roll of his eyes. Then he stands up straight and tells a still dazed and confused Noeul, "Eul, do you mind waiting in the house for me? I'll make this quick."

The boy just nods and watches Boss jog over to the office but not before instructing the man called P'Aon to take him to the house.

But it's only after Boss has completely disappeared into one of the container beds that it occurs to Noeul. Just now, they almost kissed! And... did Boss just call him by a pet name?



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