Hell Or High Water (Escape Fr...

By Memphis_2004

24.8K 750 315

As an USEC operator who caught himself in the midst of chaotic events, the attempt to escape from the city of... More

Prologue II: A different point of view
Chapter I (Old)
Chapter II (Old)
Chapter III (Old)
Chapter IV (Old)
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter 3.5?
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter 5.5
Chapter VI
Chapter VII

Chapter I (New)

1.6K 36 10
By Memphis_2004

Lungmen city, 21:54 hours

"..." The stranger muttered something that can't be heard from her distance seconds after, continues to stare at the far end of the city while holstering his sidearm, completely unaware of the danger that is to come.

"Wha-, faster damn you!" The Mafia murmured in panic as his crossbow almost aimed at his prey, the outsider that's been murdering his co-workers and superiors. His hand moves significantly slower than he usually does, as if his time have been slowed down drastically. While in his back Mostima casted a spell from behind with both her Black lock and White keys.

Knowing he got no time to lose, he readjust his aim as much as he possibly can and pulls the trigger with all his might, desperately letting a shot off. His crossbow did not fail him, the mechanism triggered and the pressure that was in the sling unleashed. Pushing the arrow forward into the air despite the interference of time flow.

His strike managed to struck a graze to the target's face. In which the commotion successful attracted the sound of explosions ripped the skies like it has been already in this bump of a night, striking him down onto the ground soon after like the rest of his comrades. Leaving nothing but sudden peace masked by the rain and the sounds of the lively city away from the slum.

Under the neon lights Mostima can finally see the man's appearance clearly as he kept the rifle shouldered. A slightly taller figure with blue eye and a face of short stubble. On his head, the baseball cap with a bent retangle with the letter 'USEC' written on it, it's cloth at the visor's end have broken, revealing the plastc material within. Below that was a pair of glasses that is diamond shaped to the bottom and angled for keeping the lens in contract with the skin. His ears were covered by the headsets which can be found on arms markets and still in use for contractors and mercenaries.

His upper chest is covered by a plate carrier that was torn apart by holes with another soft layer of body armor in beneath, something that is uncommon around the private military contractor communities she knows of. Surrounded by magazine pouches and numerous utility pouches on his sides, with what seems to be the handle of a relatively small tactical tomahawk strapped onto his back. On his left shoulder there's a shield shaped patch on the shoulder having the same USEC letters at the center and an eagle head between two lines resembling it's wings above, held on tight by his arm with the velcro holder strapped onto it.

His outfit consisted of a black and grey jacket and grey cargo pants that similar ones can be found in some of the clothes stores. A pistol holster was strapped between his belt and the right thigh with the left is occupied by a bag hanging on his belt. On his knees there are knee pads strapped onto both of his knees as well. Despite the overall equipments were too much to analyze at once, he is a professional no doubt. Perhaps he's from a contracting cooperation like Blacksteel Worldwide?

The stranger is in motion again, turning his shoulder left and right following his sights as they cautiously scans around the entire roof. The wound from the arrow struck his left cheek with blood constantly leaking out from it.

"Angering the Siracusas alone is not a very wise decision in this place mister. Especially when you broke the rule of games here." Mostima spoke in the dark with a friendly tone, with herself remains hidden inside the darkness and observes the stranger from within.

He ain't dumb either, a beam of unexpectedly strong white light immediately lid up towards Mostima following the stranger's quick turnaround with his rifle, forcing her to cover her eyes with her hand from the light. His legs back off a couple of steps from the direction she's at. Both the shattered Sankta and the darkened Sarkaz features reflected like obsidian under the spotlight level or brightness.

"...Whatever the hell you're saying. Either way would be wiser of you if you drop that thing down and put your hands up in the air, come on." The stranger backed off a couple steps. Still Mostima can notice his index finger at the trigger twitches repeatedly, itching to fire at her if she tries anything for him.

"Don't worry, I'm just a friendly messenger passing by. I don't mean you any harm." She replied setting down her staff and both her keys, then proceeds tocomply with both her hands above the halo in the attempt to gain his trust. "In the contrary I had something for you, an offer it is."

"To deliver thy will to be done?" He taunts lightly for a moment and continues. "Shoot."

"I work for someone in this city known as the Emperor, currently he is seeking for potential employees to grow his business, and from what I saw I believe you're quite a capable one." She said, but the stranger only responded with a laughter and his rifle remained pointing at her.

"Working in such an empire business may not be the most optimal to my poor enough life choices." He replied indifferently with a deep smile.

"It's a job that offers an opportunity for you to get used to this city. Maybe beyond even, depending on the boss's orders. It's an interesting one, just like you." Mostima smiles at him, with her eyes shines brightly like a crystal due to the reflection of lights.

"Since from my observation mister, you seems to be puzzled throughout the times I've been watching you. And most importantly... You don't seem to be from this very world either." She followed, trying to use the fact she observed to convince him. "So I think this offer will be able to help us both mutually."

The stranger felt silence for seconds upon hearing it. Even the eyes of his slowly turns into a blank and unfocused gaze as the light from his rifle darkened down, along his face turns slightly offset from towards and the smile started to twist more and more for a couple of seconds until he closed his eyes and had a long exhale to recover both at the same time.

"Yeah, I figured pretty much the same." The stranger replied reluctantly. He then smiled again looking at Mostima with the gaze, as if everything is a colossal joke. "Well, never got a better choice to begin with, don't I." His finger slowly moved away from the trigger slowly and slowly, until eventually giving up on the hostility completely when the rifle is lowered.

As both of their crystal blue irises now met one another once again, something of an unusal feeling began to rise inside Mostima. The tiresome but half focused gaze of the stranger is like a blackhole of emotions due to the shadows all of a sudden, along with the whole scenery of ripped apart armor. Even after the rain, a saturation filled with different mixes of rotten, gorely, metallic burnt smell like death itself can be smelt from him despite the cleanse of the rain. The already soaked wet bandage with deep red stains on his right arm and the grimy all over him and his clothes hinted the glimpse of an unspoken, undescribable experience of fighting and suffering for an uncountable amount of time like the mercenaries years ago where conflicts engulfed all over the lands of Terra, even worse perhaps. "What have him been through?" She can't help but to wonder in her mind, having the unusal flinching thoughts and theories creating in her mind in this first contact while also trying to stay collected and calm as she always were, that is to prevent herself from going haywire.

"May I have your name mister?" She asked moving her hand above the shoulder. Sliding back her long, blue hair blown forth by the wind away from her eyes.

"...Alex is what they called me." The stranger replied, his expressions a few seconds ago appears to be concealed yet again. He left his rifle hanging to treat the wound on his head with a first aid kit in one of his pouches. "Yours?"

"You can call me Mostima-." Another burst of phone rings rang out from Mostima's phone, which she takes it out and have the call immediately. "Yes?"

"Hey Mosti. Where are you? We're parked the car at the old market waiting for you and the new guy already, and Texas just discovered something strange next to the car, very strange."

"Exia, keep it short. We're not safe before they arrive." The Lupo added quietly sounded like it came from some distance.

"Gotcha. So Mosti, just come here as soon as possible ok? Cya soon." Exusiai sighed as the call soon ended after, better move on now before anything unexpected happens.

Alex, who just finished bandaiding his face remained silence as he put back his cap yet left the headset hanging on a hook and then peeked at his watch next to his palm for a couple seconds, afterwards rest it on the rectangular like pouch left to the magazines. "Time to move?"

Mostima nods back slightly as her reply, she then took a knee down to take back her staff. With her gloved left hand she wiped off the drippings from it and holstered the staff back to her scabbard. With a turn she headed the direction which that is where she came from and turn her head back.

"Follow me."

Minutes later, returning to the dark, cold and humid streets of this god forsaken slum of this blizzard city. Alex followed the weird blue angel named Mostima walking slowly onto the streets that's been the hunting grounds between them and the Mafia. It has returned to it's peace with only the sound of silence can be heard during their advance.

He kept his hands on his AK with his eyebrows tensed up, constantly seeing around the surroundings again with his constantly blinking eyes and kept what is remained to listen, desperately trying to identify the smallest changes from the sounds of the slum coming from all-around, with the peltor damaged his ability to listen greatly reduced to what normal humans could . Each steps felt and landed heavy from both the fatigue and the stress he had been endured all this time. Normally he'd walk through urban streets even slums like this at ease, but after all these years on the fields and the news of unidentified hostiles spotted operating around in the area, he cannot move himself away from the constant alert raised inside of him.

"It's too quiet, I don't like this. Where is everyone?"

"Relax Alex, I heard this area's population had been cleared out for a reconstruction project. Stressing out like that wouldn't stop them from ambushing us, you should stop thinking too much you know?"

In quite the contrast, the angel in front of him continues to stroll like any normal people does, her hands swung freely following the her movements during the stroll.

"What are those sticks, magic staffs? Doesn't look like anything Gandalf or Harry Potter got, wait what the hell. These kinds of stuff exist here? Nah..."
He kept this confusion in his head while looking at Mostima. Whose own remains facing forward with confidence, unlike him turning his head and rifle around like a hen.

As they reached the old market where a green SUV is waiting for them under the lights from the few lamps still operational on the walls.

Two figures can be seen next to the suv with one standing with her back against the vehicle. It's a red haired angel with the bright halo, dressed in white and black poncho jacket with short skirts. Waving her hand at the two who were walking towards them.

"Hey Mosti! You two are finally here!" She waved happily, with the tone of an angel that matches with her appearance. Even someone like her recoiled backwards for seconds upon seeing Alex clearly however. "Oh, nice to meet you too. I'm Exusiai." She then reached out and offered her hand.

"Alex." He slowly took her hand and shake it with his own still beneath the soaked glove.

The other figure crouched down next to the vehicle, appears to be another female with grey hair and dog or wolf like ears on top of her head in a similar poncho jacket that the angel is wearing. Her focus was attached on another dead body lying on the ground, which is unidentifiable at the moment due to the dark lightings and the distance, but it is supposed to be no longer unfamiliar within this night.

"Hm... So this is the guy you found?" The woman turned her head around to look at the two who now stopped in front of the SUV and asked.

Mostima nods and walked over to her, leaving Exusiai and Alex at the SUV.

Exusiai looked up, noticing his head. "My, aren't you're having a hard time with the mafiosi. First time?"

"I'm fine." He replied somewhat coldly, trying to understand what's with this angel altitude towards him.

She giggles and lifted her right arm towards the two at the wall. "Ah, she's Texas by the way. Isn't she cool?" She also put her other hand onto his shoulder as if they're close friends already.

Alex shrugs with his shoulders, resting his right arm on his belt above the pistol holster and scabbard for the knife. The red angel then landed her sight onto the Kalashnikov. "Nice gun you got there, can I try it?." Her eyes brightened by excitement, eagerly wanting to get her hands on it.

"Sorry, but now is not the time for it." Alex replied pressing both buttons on the Eotech, turning the reticle off.

"Aww, still. Quite impressive for you to channel Arts this well to use guns like these."

"A what?" He asked. Glaring his eyes at Exusiai.

"Hm, you mean Arts?" She raised her eyebrow with a smile.

"Yeah... What, you need to be perfect in literature and other forms or those to fire guns around?" He questioned with a joking altitude, since that's the definition in our world's dictionary for arts.

"What? No, it's Originium Arts I'm saying." Her smile faded and felt into the abyss of confusion like him.

"Hold up... Did you just say Originium?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"...Nothing..." The PMC's head lowered, lets go of his hand and take a breather.

As the two were discussing the hell out of it trying to figure each other out. Texas is currently still in her attempt to understand the view in front of her. Mostima also has a good look at it after her arrival and noticed the dead got military equipments just like Alex does. Another set of tactical clothes, another set of armor and equipment yet still. The object that attracts the most attention of her is a different rifle with a more modern looking which the frame is split into two parts and the stock and barrel are in aline with each other, with the visibly longer rail surrounding the handguard to attach any of the attachments than Alex's rifle and a tube like object at the very end of the barrel.

"Hmm, Exusiai did mentioned that she want one of these models sometime before..." Mostima thinks with Texas reaching her arm to pick the rifle from the dead. She starts to remember the memories of her recieving her firearms qualifications in Laterano, also the time where she recieved her gun - a blunderbuss. With that memory of her experiences in the blunderbuss she misses the feelings of grabbing another gun despite nowadays she got the more powerful and destructive casting skills. Still, it wouldn't be too much of a hassle for anyone to pick one up, at least her memories make her believes to be.

"...I may have underestimated the weight of this weapon." To much of their surprise, the seemingly normal weight gun of it's kind turns out to be way heavier than the two had anticipated. Where as someone physically fit as Texas attmpts to lift the thing up singlehandedly with difficulties, it's easier to do with both of course, but none of them sees the necessity of it until the moment of truth hits them in their heads back to reality.

Before Texas could start any attempts to start figuring out the inside of the weapon closely, she was interrupted. "Whoa, keep your fingers off that trigger miss." Alex's voice came from their backs.

Texas looked down, as given the fact that her index finger was holding the trigger all the time. A misplace of her strength could cause harm as we all know, but do they?

"I see..." Her finger was then relocated to the grip.

"Can I have that AR please?" Texas turned to hand him the rifle. "Thank you." The two Sanktas who now stood next to each other are observing from behind.

"What does he mean by that? It will be fine if we don't channel any Arts into it." Exusiai whispered quietly next to Mostima like the old times.

"Shiii, shi, shi." She shushed, followed with a confident tone of respond. "That is no ordinary gun, he knows what he is doing."

"Hope you're right..." Exusiai sighed and put her hands into her pockets. "But how do you know?" Her question only replied with another smirk from her childhood friend while the focus of the two ahead of the changed to the body. "Still being like this, jeez..." She murmured to herself after moved ahead to join the other two.

"...Right, so that's how he is already when you guys found him." Alex's search turned to the backpack on the dead body, a few objects like gas mask, a scope like thing and small boxes of ammunition were scattered around nearby as it proceeds. "There you are... Jackpot." He murmurs, sighed for his further discovery within the bag. "If only it's not fucking useless now..."

"Heya." Exusiai said, gaining the attention from the two. "The time is not early already, we should go." And Texas makes her way to the driver's seat, but Alex. He got a something in mind looking at the trunk on the back and starts stuffing in the items from the body where it supposed to be.

"Mosti, it's time to- ..." She looked back to the SUV but blue angel is nowhere to be found now, disappeared already like she was never there in the first place. "When will she stop doing that...?" Exusiai sighed deeply before closing the door on her side.

It doesn't take long for their ride to leave safety out of the slums. They were watched, it is same pair of Cristal blue eyes that watches them headed out closer towards downtown from above.

Mostima takes a look at her pocket watch, it is now two hours before midnight. She then continues watching at the neon lights from a distance.

"Damn you for going away like that, was that you who caused all those commotions?" Another familiar female voice came from behind.

"Seems I can't get rid of you again." Mostima smirks.

"Don't you dare saying that to me now! Do you know how much mop-ups I have to do everytime you're involved with something you *Laterano slang*!"

Mostima closes her pocket watch and turn her head back. It was her overseer as always since her fall. "You're still being this persistent Fiammetta, I thought the orders from the high council is over?"

"Of course not! No way are they letting someone as dangerous like you to roam freely. So obviously I will keep overseeing you." She replied loudly again.

Mostima smirks and look back to the road where the SUV drove on a minute ago. "Dangerous..." She chuckled. "If only you saw what happened here..."

"What was that?! Who is it behind this? I'm going to report this back to Laterano." Fiammetta takes her notebook for writing.

"It is not necessary, he's not from around this place anyway."

"He?! You know him? Who is he! Tell me now!"

"Oh, you'll probably meet him soon enough." Mostima smiles again, but this time it's not the usual one. Instead it is like the one back at the wall underneath.

"What are you smiling for?"

"Nothing." Standing aline, the two continues to watch the nightview of Lungmen.

"Not many people are more boring than you." Fiammetta complaints crossing both of her arms.

"You think this highly of me?" Mostima turned her head to look at her.

"It's not a praise!" Fiammetta shouted with her voice raised again. Where Mostima pulls out her smug face and time marches on.


Somewhere in the middle of Lungmen city, 23:07 hours

After a long drive from Highway passes through the sign with '4.8km 南口 South Export' the SUV finally enters the CBD district of the nomadic city with the traffic isn't too crowded at this time, only a handful of vehicles are moving along the same or lanes near to them. Along the streets below the highway bridges there are neon light looking billboards written in both Chinese and English as the names of the companies and other supporting industries on buildings with similarities to the Western design. "Is this the real life, or is it fantasy...?" Alex thinks to himself, keeping his head towards the windows outside.

"Enjoying the view? This is Centred, the business district of Lungmen, one of the most hectic areas around this city. We are lucky that it had passed the rush hour for a while so there wouldn't be too much of a traffic jam." Exusiai lifts her head to the rear-view mirror.

"You're nervous? Don't worry, we love to treat our fellow colleagues well. The boss does too, right Texas?" She lowered her voice lightly. "As long as there's no severe property damage that is..."

Texas didn't respond and switches on the tape player of her own during the stop at one of the red lights, where pop songs sung by a female plays from the thing.

"But you will be fine with us, we'll cross that bridge together when it comes, okay?" Despite her cheerful comfort she only received the reply of a cold nod. His eyes, the eyes of a killer. The last person she ran into with such eyes that gave her this level of despirital was Texas in their early days, but there are also a blend mix of different emotions hidden inside it separates it from the cases she encountered, yet Exusiai just couldn't tell what it is.

She blinks again and looks back directly this time, all she sees was Alex's eyes were closed already. With a smirk she climbs swiftly up and through the space between seats at the front with the help of her slim body and got to the back.

The sights of the city and the bump along the ride caused Alex's eyelids to lower. The sceneries brought his memories back to the city of Tarkov, many months ago.

The time it was in almost the end of summer in Russia. The bright sunlight of summer shines across the skies enlightened the streets that is of the rising city at day reflecting it's glorious growth. That is prior to the conflict later on dubbed and publicly known as the Contract Wars. The businesses of constantly increasing existence that is Western cooperations creating jobs and opportunities for the locals. Everything in this special economic region seems perfectly fine in order and will stay that way, at least almost everyone believed to be.

Everything was fine back then. Especially at night, where the neon lightshow is almost just as gorgeous as the ones at St. Petersburg and Moscow with the cool wind keeping the mood just right. Alex sightsees the streets from the roof on the Terragroup headquarters in downtown during his night shift with the others that got assigned. Since there's nothing much happening around the facility most people just kept their primaries slung and waiting for the shift to end, so that they can get some sleep.

"I miss my family back home..." One of the fellow USEC named Jack muttered with his British accent, he pulled out a pack of Red and white covered Marlboro and puts a cigarette out to his mouth. "Ey Alex, got a light?"

"Yeah, where is it?" Alex helps him with his Zippo, which is an Iraq war edition that got the 'Al Asad - Iraq' engraved on the brass lid along with an Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem at the main brass of the lighter.

"It's in Grays, east of London right next to Thames. Living with my wife and a little baby girl." Jack blows out a smokecloud after a long inhale. "What about you mate?"

"Just anywhere I go." Alex flips the cover of the Zippo shut.

"That's absolute bollocks, how could you got nowhere to live?"

"Ugh fine, was in Old Brooklyn in Cleveland since '97. Until the rich bastards at Wall Streets stole it while I was still in Iraq. Only weeks before they crashed the whole damn economy."

"Gosh, sorry to ask." Jack then kept his drag on the cig at his mouth.

"It's over anyways. If possible I wouldn't even want to join any military companies and get tossed into the sandbox again, luckily they got one to station around here." Alex sighed.

"Speaking of that." He pulls it out for another blow. "With you mentioning it, where were you before 1997? They said that information in the company's files were redacted and everyone seems to be consistently making theories about you."

Alex replied with a headshake and a sigh.

"Come on chap, why hide it?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

"It's better off this way." Alex only replied it cold, colder than the wind that blew to their faces.

"It's alright then, everyone got their secrets." After hearing it Jack then nods in understanding and takes another drag.

"Joker 2-5, Echo 3-1. You guys can have some shut-eyes now, the cavalry's here and we'll take it from here." The night shift was soon ended with another squad went up to the roof in order to replace them.

"Eat shit Turner, you're from the Navy."


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk..." Lifting his chin up, the angel sighs and her head shakes. "You poor sinned abomination. You should never have get onboard a stranger's car. For thy original sin, I have booked one of the most luxurious room in hell just for you, " She slowly took the knife on Alex's belt and like a silver flash, the blade penetrated his trachea before any form of realisation could ever begin.

Caught completely by surprise like a bullet in the back, the contractor never got a chance to open his eyes ever again and brought to the forever sleep.

The body was soon kicked off at the the alley on the street where bodies like that one filled the street of Tarkov, left to rot and looted. It's not over yet. This time, as it is just being a nightmare. Who knows whether will it still be in the next time.

Slowly open his eyes again, Alex sighs speechlessly to the unconscioused paranoia. Without a word he put his hand on his back near the spine and checks the clock at the dashboard for readjsting his watch, the time now is 2 minutes to midnight.

"I'll go park the car once you two are out." Texas loosen her pressure on the brakes.

"Okay." Exusiai releases her seat belt and prepares to open the door.

"...Don't start it yet, I got something to unload." Alex exited the car with his sleeves unrolled and flipping open the trunk, it's the body with his backpack and a black long slinged backpack longer than the rifle he had.

"Ain't this the one from the market? Why would you bring him along?" Exusiai exited the SUV and asked, she couldn't understand the motives behind.

"Well, no way I'm going to leave what's on him unchecked." Alex replied dragging the body off the trunk after shouldering the sling on the backpack.

" What's with that backpack?" Exusiai sighed and signalled Texas that she's free to leave.

"Noticed it nearby while moving the guy, so might as well bring it along. Chances are there'll be something good inside." He continues. "I'll deal with his body when this is over."

"Gosh..." Exusiai sighs again. Then she heard something in a light volume.

"...Я жду ответа."

"Hmm?" She doesn't know what that easy sounding noise was.

"больше надежд нету."

She turned back to Alex who started to drag the body up up to the stairs with some effort, where he continues what he was murmuring and looked back with a smile upon notice.

"Скоро кончится лето."

"Это..." He then continues humming in a short but rapid paces of a melody before reaching to the door.

"Wait, why does it sounded so familiar, isn't that what the people in Ursus spoke? Hmm, it does sounded like a song too." Not understanding any words of it. Exusiai wonders about the questions at the door, but she doesn't have the slightest idea on how or why he knows the languages.

She turns the knob and opens the door, where ahead of them greets is your typical drop bar with pop music. A counter with shelf load of bottles inside, at the opposite of the counter are the sets of tables and sofas enough for more than a dozen people to start a party inside. Two figures were located at the counter with one reacted by standing up when the door was opened.

Before stepping in Alex noticed the glowing neon light in front of the bar. "The Ends of the Earth huh... Ironic..." Which he is keeping it to himself of course.

"Yaho~ We're back!" Exusiai shouted in her typical hyped tone.

"Looks like we can finally greet our new guy with your music Sora." The one with the visor cap and orange ponytail smiled when Exusiai entered the room.

"Yay! Let's give him a warm welcome Crois-" The yellow haired Idol in her usual dress stuttered. "...sant."

Them both simultaneously dropped their jaws as they see their new guy's appearance and action, while he waved his hand in response.

"... Uh, ahem. Croissant, Sora. This is Alex." Exusiai lifted her hand. "And Alex, can you give us a moment?"

He nods and set the body on the couch as the three logistics girls grouped next to each other with Exusiai tries to explain what happened at one side of the counter.

The looting on the body begins when Alex's broken gear and gloves are off to the other couch with the unloaded AR and the AK with the safety on, leaving only his pistol holster and his uniform.

The skin of the body was pale and cold, despite without much evidence that he was shot or stabbed to death but with the bruises visible chances are the head trauma and many other things that could have finish him off . Otherwise he would have been waken up by Exusiai and Texas when they discovered him. Still whether if he would return to life from death or not by whatever means, the disposal of the body is still sooner the better.

The black helmet he got was a Ulach III A from Highcom Striker with the same peltor ComTac 2 headset on his ears that Alex is using acompanied by a 6B34 goggles. Something high-end, after taking all of them off the loot continues with the chest.

The armor component of it's consistent of both the 5.11 Tactical Hexgrid plate carrier and the GC-BSS-MK I Chest rig from Gear Craft, both seems to be in fine condition. On the back there's also a tactical sling bag .

"This is rare, Raiders typically don't have this kind of decent protection." He mutters, taking them off one by one.

On the holster and scabbard at the belt, there's a Glock 17 and a survival machete, the usual SCAV Raider gear.

The clothes and shoes doesn't even match as they are oversized, not worth the time to strip and loot. All that's left to search are the two backpacks and the pockets in the pouches.

In the meantime Exusiai explained the whole situation to them according to her knowledge of the situation from reaching the market up to this point.

"I... See... So that's how he got here." Sora nodded nervously.

"But, why would Mostima bring someone she never knows before here, not to mention he looks so weird? That doesn't act like her." Croissant added.

Exusiai sighed, she doesn't know how to answer properly. " I don't know as well... Maybe the boss would've just toss him to Rhodes Island to examine but she sounded like she trust him."

"We just never be able to read her mind." Croissant patted Exusiai's shoulder.

"By the way, where's boss?" Exusiai rests her arm on the counter.

"Still inside his office, making a call eith probably Rhodes for the upcoming delivery orders to dem." Croissant shrugs.

"Hey... Why are there so many guns on the couch?" Sora pointed at Alex's direction, they all saw him striping the magazine out of a handgun and pulls the slide again in an easy manner.

"I have no idea, but it'll be quite interesting if he managed to weld two, if not all those." Exusiai smirks.

"More dan tweo?! Even most Santas like youself only got one for elf defense. How can he use dat many there?" Croissant asked, with Sora went literally speechless.

"Shi, shi. You're too loud." Exusiai shushed. "Though honestly, seeing him got himself all wet, we should get him some fresh clothes before letting him see the boss. You two remember where the stash of clothes for guys was?"

"Sworry." Croissant lowered her voice and pointed the door next to the counter. "It should still bein der blue locker of der restroom."

Exusiai then stood up and heads for the restroom, with Croissant and Sora continuing their discussion.

"Wat race do ya think he is." Croissant holds her head. "Hese got no ears and horns on his 'ead, no flurry tails, no halo and wings. Hard to guess."

" Not even tentacles... Could it be either some Aegir or a rare breed of Pythia but without the tail." Sora pointed out her view.

" Ueah, but dat doesn't explain them guns and dat pile of things 'here." Croissant scratched her head. "I 'eard some of dem security companies have it but dem some models were new to me."

"Hmm." The door to the restroom was opened before Sora could reply with anything.

"Hey Alex, I brought you some clothes. Come to the restroom and change it." Exusiai waved her free hand with the other holding a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

"Yeah, wait a sec." Alex gets up and turned around for reply, not aware that the supposingly dead body opened his eyes.

"Can he defend hisself tho, we got into fights with dem Mafisois all der time. He might not be eyble to-" Croissant's question was interrupted by a shout and a grunt at the sofa.

Alex was ambushed by the 'Dead' body that Exusiai and Texas claims to be. The raider takes his 1911 from behind and kicked him onto the ground before aiming the gun against his head. None of the girls see that coming and thought that this might be the end of the new employee.

"Умереть сука!" (Die bitch!)

A hard force was squeezed onto the trigger.

Nothing happened to the 1911.

"Xа? Yмри!" (Huh? Die!) The second click was attempted but ended in another futile, the trigger didn't even budge.

"Huh?!" Everyone got that reaction except for Alex who knew exactly what caused this outcome. Leans up and dragged down the raider by his arm holding the gun. A fist found it's target onto the raider's face before he could react.

"Ax, Блядь!" (Ah, fuck!). With a push from the back the raider found himself suddenly knocked onto the ground and tries to recover, but Alex doesn't give him any chances. A kick aimed towards the stomach was already coming his way by the time he gets a hold of himself.

With another grunt his chin bites the dust, the 1911 dropped onto the ground now with both his hands came loose. His head was then lifted from behind and slammed onto the ground back and forth a couple times before a pause.

That pause wasn't because of mercy, but for the all too familiar scene from Tarkov to occur in the somewhat still orderly society.

The girls' ears went ringing for a second that keeps them from an eye on the fight. As they looked back on the aftermath the floor above the individual that was fighting with Alex was painted by expanding blood from the head like the flip of a paint can. Alex, on the other hand, wipes his face from the blood spilled onto him calmly and stand back up with the handgun held firmly.

"... I take dat bak." Croissant looked at Sora after her ear ringing have ceased.

Alex looked down to the now confirmed dead raider, then back to his trusty sidearm and flip the manual safety like a muscle memory, before interrupted by commotion elsewhere.

"Ayo! Who's the noisy a** motherf**ker lookin' for some a** kickin'!" A penguin in hat, sunglasses and a figure printed t-shirt storms out of the right of the counter door with a Desert Eagle. Both pistols was then aimed towards the opponets respectively at the same time, prepared for a mutually assured destruction.

"Baws, Don't! Dat is the new employee Mostima found!" Croissant shouted with Sora rushed over to him immediately.

"Alex, put down the gun. That one you're aiming is our boss!" Exusiai puts down the clothes and hurries over as well.

With the girls' convincing the two duelists involved in the standoff eventually lowered their weapons.

"Consider yourself lucky newbie, for not tastin' my lil' Homie's wrath!" The penguin yelled lowering his Desert Eagle.

Alex only put his 1911 back into the Safariland holster quietly after flipping the thumb safety back on.

"He's the Emperor, our boss as said before." Exusiai puts her hand on Alex's shoulder again.

"Baws, need a drink to calm down?" Croissant asked ready to get up from her seat.

"No." He then turned to Alex. "Newbie, clean up your mess and get in my office after." The penguin then slowly stumbles back in his office with the suitcase.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. Exusiai pats with her hand. "We'll cross the bridges together, remember? Now let's think of how to get rid of this body first."

"Got any spare gasoline?" Alex asked looking at her.

"Excuse me? What is that?" Even Sora and Croissant turned to gaze in a confused manner.

"What, gasoline. The liquid fuel that runs the car you guys drove." Alex tries to explain with the simplest way.

"All of our vehicles runs in battery..." Sora is the first one to speak from the frozen atmosphere.

"What the fuck." Alex can't believe what he was hearing.

"How do I say this... There is no such thing as 'Gasoline' here, everything runs in electric powered by Originium..." Sora returns with an answer that puts Alex into silence.

"Tere' is a sewer hatch not too far at der alley, let's just..." Croissant stutters. "put him enside."

The others who can't think of a better choice agreed and start working on it. Sora and Exusiai do the mopping while Alex and Croissant moves the body to the ditch.

Meanwhile at the nightstands somewhere in Lungmen. A fishballs was served at one of the stalls.

"Here you go, enjoy." The stall owner hands over the fishballs in a paper cup with long toothpicks.

"Thank you." The red haired Liberi hands over the LMDs before she takes her cup.

"... What you're looking at." She turned over to the blue angel behind her.

"Oh, just 'overseeing' my persistent overseer." The angel chuckles and the two started to walk along the street afterwards.

"You're up for something, I'm sure of it." The Liberi holds the cup to her right opposed to the angel.

"Oh, how can you protect someone you couldn't trust?" The angel asked in return.

"Ugh, you're so annoying." The Liberi lifts the toothpick and take her bite.

"Pffft! It's spicy?!" She then coughs uncontrollably. Using the cough as distraction the angel makes her escape.

"I knew it, you *Laterano slang* ! Get back here, Mostima!" She dropped her cup in rage and starts chasing down the prankster with fury, who slipped spicy hot sauce into the fishballs with her unique ability.


At The Ends of the Earth, 0021 Hours

Exusiai came out from the office with a smile on her face before coordinating with Sora on both filling the bucket with water and bringing out the brooms in preparation for mopping the floor as Alex and Croissant headed out of the bar with the dead body a minute ago.

She holds the bucket at her hands, hoping that the two would come back safely. She took a quick peek at the cloak as it's pointers now at 21 minutes after midnight she then looked towards Sora.

When she looked at the idol she could noticed that Sora kept her eyes locked onto the pond of blood and that the brooms that She holds were shivering due to the shaking hands.

"Hey, are you alright?" Exusiai asked, however there is no response. "Sora?" She walks over to pat the idol's shoulder in order to get her back in condition.

"Eh? Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine..." She replied handing one of the brooms for Exusiai, leaving the other one for herself. "Just never thought we would have to meet our new coworker like this, and almost lose him already this soon..." The idol sighs, her eyes remained at the mess created minutes ago.

"Oh, but he got out of it alive is he not? Don't worry, I think he'll be just fine, even Mostima trusted him. Now let's wash this mess and wait for them to come back." The angel cheered brightly with the broom on her hands reaches the bucket.

"Mmm... Eh? Shouldn't there be two more bottles around over there, where did it go?" Sora pointed at the far end of the counter, wondering where they would be.

"Hm?" Only now does Exusiai noticed the missing bottles."Those two were the 'bad' ones boss referred as, one of our customers gave it to him about two week ago, and he didn't like it because of the taste, the thing is tastedd like medical alcohol he said. And wants to get rid of it in the first place, so it shouldn't be much of a problem honestly. Like the phonograph disk the other day, he just threw it out of the window like it is nothing."

"Oh that, you're right." Sora replied dripping the broom into the bucket multiple times, ensuring the broom is prepared for the bloodshed that is in front of it.

"Mhm~ So just don't worry too much, chances are boss is going to be grateful to whoever gets rid of it." Exusiai started her part of the work already and the wet broom is getting dyed by the blooming red. Melt by the bucket, the almost solid up blood has become liquid once again. Expanding to it's surroundings following the movement of the broom, just like what is to come at the alley.

"..." "Hmm..." Exusiai stopped for a moment, she grips on the broom standing with it's soft bristles met the wine like red of liquid inside the bucket, dripping.

"What's wrong?" Sora immediately noticed something.

"What is this backpack, and all these guns about?" Sora asked looking at the sofa area. That now is stacked with a mass pile of firearms which she have never seen such an amount before.

"I think they're just as same as ours, though even Texas took some efforts to lift one of them up, saying it is heavier than she thought it would." Exusiai crossed her arms, analysing the weapons around that sofa and especially the long backpack. It is obvious that something's inside, the only question is what is inside of it.

"How's that possible? Isn't guns in general are somewhere as light as her swords?" Sora scratches her head before continues mopping.

"I have no idea either, he doesn't let me try out his rifle. Although it looks realllly cool, I've never seen a firearm like that." Exusiai raised her voice in excitement. "Maybe he'll let me try it later, and I'm excited for it."

The door was pushed opened from the outside, it's Texas who pushed it wide open. Hearing notice Exusiai raised her voice in excitement. In contrast, noticed the mess she calmly sweep her eyes around the bar from close to far, from the nearby booths to the counter. Her eyes sharpens as her assassin senses are tingling during her approach to Exusiai. "Blood pool..." She muttered with a look to the two. "Exia, are you two alright? Where is Alex?" Her voice slightly raised up.

"We're fine. Ermm... Well, as for Alex... He got caught into a fight." Her mouth twitches, trying to get the correct terms out of her mouth in order to form a sensible sentence for Texas to understand.

"The Mafisoi stormed here?" Texas's left ear twitches as she address her question, which happens occasionally. Her hands formed into a tight fist but the stance remained casual.

"It's supposed to be a dead man he dragged here." Sora replied. "But he suddenly comes back to life and start fighting."

"We only heard he yelled something in Ursus before Alex shot him dead." Exusiai followed. "Aside from that there's not much clue to indicate where he comes from."

"..." Texas felt silent since then for a while, inorder for herself to process the whole situation. "Where is he now?"

"He's dealing the body with croissant at the alleys, they should be back soon." The Sankta added. "However, I'm not sure how they're going to dispose it."

"Could it be that Alex got arts to do so? He did use the firearm afterall, perhaps there's could be some skills inside that we don't know of." Sora proposed the possibility she thought of when she looked at the sofa.

A quick, creeking noise of metal comes at the door for a sudden. The footsteps are thumped one or two. "Weeere' bak!"

"Welcome back, are you guys alright?" Exusiai asked taken a few steps away from the sofa of weapons cache.

"Not ta worry, not a scratch for der tweo of us." Croissant gives out her thumbs up. "It's rather simple tis time, they won't fine a thing."

"That's a relief, but how come is that?" Sora tilted her head and wonders. Her mind couldn't clue it just yet.

"...Because Vya Molotov sends his regards." Alex puts an emptied bottle at the counter, the heavy smell of alcohol, the clear clinging noise when the glass hits the counter and the green outlook of the bottle instantly rings a familiarity for the two girls who did not anticipated the move.

"Who's Molotov? Wait you..."

"Oh my..."

"I doubt theyere gonna to find anything useful from tat pile of mess, if they were eyble to see it." Croissant continues as Alex stretches his shoulders.

"I... Hope you're right." Sora mumbled softly. "At least everyone is safe..."

"Exusiai, right?" Alex finally spoke after a long, deep exhale. His half-raised eyes blinked constantly for a second.

"Mm, yeah? You're still looking pale, are you fine?" Exusiai noticed something from his face. "I'm good. About the clothes, it's still in that backroom over there right?"

"Mhm. It's right onto the booths to your left once you open the door, you won't miss it." She pointed at the door he now looked at.


"No problem." She then start searching around started with the proximate are of the counter with it's closets and baskets.

Within the backroom, the clean clothes Exusiai had already settled down was still there in the room but it's moved and now lies above the wooden boxes possibly storing batches and brews of liquor.

Alex takes off his jacket, his eyes met with all kind of stains and damage scared the war-torn jacket, the mud, the gunpowder, the black and white stitches, and the blood. From house to house fighting in the brutal downtown under command to struggle for survival in a post apocalyptic wasteland with every man for himself. He then glared at the left arm pocket, the USEC Eagle patch that's been with him all these times, it's velcros almost gave up on hanging the patch together with the counterpart sewed on the arm. How many days has that life been since the incident happened, he doesn't know.

Alex comes back to the main as he finished but with Texas, Sora and Croissant are nowhere in sight. "Hey, it fits on you just fine." Exusiai waits at the counter with her back against the black wall.

"Thanks, and where are the others? Alex asked, looking at the now emptied bar with nobody but them two.

"Well, since it's late the boss called for everyone go back to the Safehouse. The boss haven't leave yet so I stayed."

"Okay, anything I can help?"

"Not much. By the time you're finished with the boss I think I'll finished the things here. I got something to tell you before you go in though. I told the Boss what happened here and the slums. He seems quite interested in you. When you're inside, tell him what he asked. He prefer things to be straight when it is about business."

"Hmm." He stopped and think for a couple seconds. "I'll give it a shot."

"Good luck, looking forward to work with you." She smiles bright, watches Alex approach his way towards the office.

Tobaco scent starts to take over the smell of the surroundings when he's in from of the door.

He exhales slowly with his eyes cloed, and knock twice at the wooden door. "Come in' ." The same voice from a penguin comes from the other side of the door, but this time it processes a way more serious impression than the loud, rude and black persona previously.

"Okay. What." He thinks to himself as the penguin that is previously swearing about like a rapper is now sitting at a wooden desk with a cigar at his hand similar to any crime lords. The smell of robust, earthy tobacco smell drowned out almost every smell in the room. "Take a seat."

He sits down face to face with a penguin that talks and smokes, overall behaving like a black rapper in LA or Seattle. It is absurd, to say the least.

"So." The penguin taps his cigar at the ashtray. "it is quite rare that my transporter Mostima be trustin' anyone enough to bring them here for a chance to join my company. Ain't nobody I've known are this mysterious like you. Explain yourself."

Alex rests his arms on the table. "Well, I'm just a simple man worked for a Private Military before getting here. Got a fair share of knowledge on how to handle commissions, quests and deliveries from all the tours there."

"Alright Holmes, your words do match with how they brief me about you. They also talkin' big about the guns you got, a master of arts huh?"

"Excuse me?"

"Ha?" The penguin raised his head slightly. "The arts are part of the roots for this capitalist society homie. No originium, no electricity, no life and no bang for any firearms. Means you gotta either stab or beat some poor sucka to death out there."

"So it's basically fossil fuel on steroids." Alex mumbled.

"Homie have you been livin' under a rock or somethin' ?" The Emperor knocked the table with his cigar holding hand, almost hitting the ashtray. "The arts channels the originium for it to work. It's always like this."

"Origi.... Hmm..." He stops halfway and use his hand to rubs his jaw.

"That's right, but I'm driftin' off. Anyway." The emperor takes a deep drag and blows a round, dispersed smoke cloud. "From the language Exusiai talked about. You're from ursus, correct?"

"Negative, never heard of that place." The reply was straight and instant.

A visible recoil is noticed on the Emperor as he takes another drag. "Let me get this straight, you look human, but you don't have any identical features. You use well-made guns, but you ain't no Santka. And you didn't have any arts knowledge. What are you really."

Alex sighs and nods his head with the eyes are offset from looking at the emperor. "Frankly speaking sir. Uh, I'm just a mortal like you. Nothing more, nothing less. In addition, you can't track the history what's not supposed to exist." He then clears his throat."A man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself, and here I am."

The emperor retains his composure and lowers the cigar. "That's quite deep comin' from a supposin'-ly simple man."

"Just like life, if all honestly."

The penguin chuckles for some long seconds before his composured regain a hold of him. "I'm likin' your style. Welcome to this company servin' for the captialist machine of Lungmen. You can start workin' tomorrow before we think of somethin' for your identity on the id card. You'll still need it when I sent you out for delieveries in other countries."

"I may or may not have some concerns on the subject."

"I know ways to get a legal pass for you don't you worry. Although I gotta admit, your case is gonna be the most unique one my homies will ever get their hands on. About the city, Imma tell others to help once there's time for it. Ahem, congratulations mister Alex. You're hired as a part of my great Penguin empire. As for now, you may have some rest for the night at the safehouse like the rest, there should be some room left. As you understand we can't risk you goin' anywhere alone just yet. Go in my office for signin' the contract when you're ready in the mornin'." The Emperor then shoves the cigar at the ashtray.

"Copy." Alex nods in respect and stands up slowly, he looked at the clock hanges on the wall behind the emperor with his right hand at the watch to readjust. Once it's completed he turned to the door.

"Ayo Alex." The Emperor yawns slowly, the smoke cloud comes out like an electric fan interrupts a fire.

"Sir?" He stopped leaving halfway and rotates back.

"Shut the lights down before we leave, and callin' me 'Boss' will do." The flames engulfing the cigar got put out by a strike and mush at the ashtray, and was rested on the receptacle when the penguin gets his feets on the ground.

"If you say so boss." Alex kept the door for the Emperor to leave. His? It? Although it got human to human interactions capability, it's feet movements and overall still somewhat resembles a penguin as it's appearance suggested.

They headed outside of the office which most of the lights outside were turned off already. Leaving a dim counter light open with Exusiai waiting for them. Under Exusiai's help Alex packed up the firearms and leftovers from Tarkov. And the three closed down the bar, standing outside of the streets. Everything returns to silence at last.

"Ey Exusiai, help 'em to the closest safehouse will ya'?" The Emperor said.

"Alrighty, does that mean..." She raises her voice with a higher pitch. She shakens, with her body barely controling herself from movements.

The penguin only lets out a sound of chuckle.

"Don't stay up for too long. We still got work to do tomorrow."

"Ehehe, You got it boss!" She jumped with her fists in the air, finally let loose of herself. After calming down they head towards their seperated paths.

Alex checks the watch when Exusiai brings out the key from her waist pouch to the closest safehouse. The readjusted time now is 1:23AM.

"Okay, come on in." Exusiai whispers in the darkness before the lights from the outside overtaken it.

Alex stepped pass between the sofa and television lightly in spite of the weight he carried. Dodging a pair of sneakers in the process, there are also other things around as well but not much attention was paid.

They stopped in front of a white wooden door down to the corridor, second last on the left. Inside is as ordinary as possible. An oak table, a white nightstand with a table lamp and a bed. The room itself is approximately 8 ft width and 6ft long, large enough for some personal spaces.

"Here's your room, sorry if it looks so blank because nobody's been using it for a while now." Exusiai leads Alex in the entry, settling the backpack and the armor to the ground right side of the room.

"It's no big deal, I'm fine with it." He settles the firearms and the remaining items concealed by duffle bag down and begins the unpack.

"Hehe." Exusiai then yawns. "I gotta sleep now, wish you a good night."

"You too." The door was then closed. The silent night takes over the atmosphere again.

Although with a smile face to finish the night with the angel, the suffering remains to hold its grasp onto the PMC.

Alex sighed, he tried laying onto the soft, comfy bed but something rejects him from ending the night for himself. He then picks up his AK from the ground, along with some LSA and other tools and placed them onto the table all together with the lamp.

"Might as well... Screw it." He thinks to himself as he pressed the button at the rear of the dust cover and pulls it out completely. The removal of the carrier spring revealing the gloomy and filthy piston that only can be compared by the barrel, bolt, and the Graffiti Alley in Baltimore.

Without a doubt, it is going to take a long night to get the Kalashnikov checked out and maintenanced into a better condition.


LGD headquaters, 23:35 hours

Paperwork after paperwork, signature after signature, another hard day of work is finally over for Ch'en as she rest her hands onto the once tidy desk and her back leaned against the rests on her office chair.

Usually dispite the heavy workload of the Special Inspection Unit Chief for L.G.D., Ch'en still can manage a schedule for both the daily work and a tend to her own hobbies in an elegantly balanced manner. Unfortunately in recent days it is not the case. As she glared at the signed papers again, the reports printed on it involved with numerous situations occurring around Lungmen. Increasing tensions in the underworld, possible exterior threats etc and worst of all. The continuing unrest from the infected. All the issues are acting like ticking time bombs tied up in a bundle, ready to blow Lungmen up to kingdom come when it detonates.

She lets out a sigh and stretches her arms as the office chair spins around, allowing herself to gaze the seemingly peaceful night of the very city she and her subordinates laboured so hard to protect.

The neon lights from the various buildings on this part of the city shone bright in the dark sky above them, creating patterns of light that reflected off the dark ground below where cars were parked. The trees lining the streets also swayed in the wind, their leaves rustling together like the sea waves rolling along the shore. It was beautiful scenery.

Ch'en smiled to herself, happy with her current state of mind, despite all the problems she had to deal with earlier today. She let out another long exhale before reaching for her computer that rested on top of her desk and pressed the button to switch it on.

A notification appeared on the screen - an email from one of the leaders of the pharmaceutical company, asking if they could meet up again tomorrow morning at 10am. It seems there was something more that needed to be discussed between them, which prompted him to send such an urgent request tonight.

Ch'en nodded and typed back her acceptance before sending it across. She then turned off the phone after hitting the 'enter' button and allow it's screen to turn off. She sighed, and suddenly someone knocks the door to her office, turning her attention towards the door.

"Come in." She said reluctantly, but as the Head Inspector Chief of the L.G.D. the duty demands her she had to conceal that emotion from her voice. It was a young Aslan officer who knocked. "Madam Ch'en, we got a report from the slums." The newbie stuttered afterwards. "What is it officer?" She asked.

He takes a deep breath in an attempt to muster his courage, his eyes looking towards the floor and Ch'en's repeatedly. "A ... A homcide happened in the slum's reconstruction site."

"A homicide? Relax officer, situations like these are not abnormal in the slums..." She spoke with a comforting but serious voice.

"No ma'am... I got words from the others who are there, it's no ordinary." The Aslan replied.

"Calm down officer, take some rest and I'll dispatch investigators." Ch'en looked him in the eyes while trying to get a clue on the situation in the head.

"Negative Ma'am..." He mumbled. "Multiple Mafisoi members were shot by an unknown party. Intel from our patrol officers on site indicated that there are more than a dozen were killed.

"Excuse me?" Ch'en reflectively responded. It's only been some time after what happened during the Sauin Festival and now the gang war has returned to slaughtering already?

"Sorry madam Ch'en... It's confirmed. There are even mutilated bodies on some places." At last the Aslan managed to speak out sentences with some eye contact.

"It's fine officer, this could be a serious threat to Lungmen city if it is true. Perhaps I have to confirm it myself." She said firmly as she gets up and prepare herself. Yet deep inside she has so many questions to ask.

"Who could've done this..."


"Ch'en? You alright?" A voice suddenly interrupted her thought process. As her senses comes back she found herself already dressed up properly and was standing at ground zero of the slaughter.

"Ch'en?" She immediately turn her head around, fearing that her disconnection to her surroundings affected the whole reputation of the division.

"Hey, you alright? You were spacing out." Hoshiguma asked. Her muscular frame towers over and shadows the flashlight that was swinging around as the other officers maneuver around the crime scene in the dark.

"I'm only thinking about the case, there is nothing to worry about." Ch'en replied.

She looked around and find herself already standing in the middle of the investigation site. Some paramedics are standing by next to the officers as they surround the bodies while others are placing and stacking up body bags as they knew the necessity for it.

"You're pushing yourself hard like always Ch'en, go back and get some rest. I can handle it." Hoshiguma said.

"I can't," Ch'en sighed. "this is a very important matter especially when something like this happened. It'll effect the order inside Lungmen drastically, and we must find a way put a stop to this if we are to prevent any violent outcomes that'll effect Lungmen as a whole." She then starts moving towards the depths of the site. Hoshiguma on the other hand, can do nothing to stop her friend plus superior but to follow and try to seek opportunities to convince her.

Hoshiguma then followed Ch'en to one of the Lung officer with his uniform on, who's observing the investigators seeking for evidents around. "I need a report on the situation lieutenant."

"Madam Ch'en and Hoshiguma? Sure, so far not much solid information coming out from the nearby-ers except they heard two explosions somewhere between 2046 and 2055 hours. But we've counted a pile of at least eighteen dead Mafiosis concentrated and having their body parts mutilated, with it appears to be ripped forcefully by one of the explosions." The Lieutenant said lighting a cigarette with his electric powered lighter. "Some, are shot by unknown firearms however."

"Do we have any indications that who are involved in this?" Hoshiguma asked before Ch'en reacted.

"It's too clean and tidy to be a improvised firearm but the rest remains to be uncertain at this time. We still need time for the coroners to collect as much bodies as possible to determine anything." He responded.

"Very well." Ch'en nods. "I need a update when there's something important went up."

"You got it madam." The Lieutenant then took a deep drag and exhales a smoke cloud into the air. Though his eyes stares at the cloud for a minute.

"Got something came to mind Lieutenant?" Hoshiguma asked noticed the his rather, unusual behaviour. The Lieutenant is known for his no bullshit demeanor and would rather put his focus to the surroundings for concealed clues rather than the smoke cloud he just exhaled.

"Nothing much to be aware of. I'll continue to look around with my team if you'll excuse me." He waved as he stroll back inside and soon disappeared inside the crowded investigation scene.

Ch'en and Hoshiguma also rambled around the scene, as much as they're aware of the lockdown involved at least couple of street blocs. "A fight that involved much of these spaces... Most of the time it should either be a hit and run or a pursuit." Ch'en addressed to her friend.

"One that involves with twenty siracuras deaths though. The Mafiosi got their hands in the consttrucions and demolitions and they could be hiding some things around. But still it doesn't add up well.

"The Lieutenant did mention of the use of firearms, a bit too identical of a weapon to use in most cases..." This lead pushed Ch'en into a deep thought, one that her already overworked brain cannot withstand. The next thing she knows she felt to Hoshiguma's embrace.


"... See? Even your body is protesting, have some rest tonight. I can handle this." Hoshiguma sighed.

"Fine..." She was the escorted to a nearby patrol vehicle by her friend and droved out.

Hours passed like seconds in the city of Lungmen as most of its populations felt into the quiet slumber. Not all of them stayed long after sunrise however, as the first glace of sunlight broke its way through the gaps of shadings on a window into an office with the penguin logo on the dove whiteness at the wall.

A melody of strong but short, sharp note punctuate the beat ring from a red cased phone with its screen facing upwards, displaying the usual blank grey screen of an alarm and the number 06:30.

The sound of the delightful hop roust the energetic halo and floating wings to shine bright in contrast to its dim self seconds ago like an LED lamp received a recharge.
Exusiai rolls her body towards the with haze in an attempt not to hit her halo against the wooden edge of her bed.

A yawn came out from the Sankta's mouth after scrolling up if her phone, stow away her sleep mask at her forehead and get herself sit up on her comfy one man's.

"Heavenly father, thank you for bringing us a new day, a new opportunity to love, give and be all that you want me to be. Amen." As she prayed she put her feet onto the ground and begin the day's motion.

Getting herself prepared for the day, Exusiai brushes her teeth while still in her pink pyjamas at the toilet. Despite the roaring of the electric motor of the toothbrush she still managed to hear some footsteps approaching the washroom she's in.

"Morning Texas." She turned around to watch the lupo face to face without stopping any of her brushing.

"Morning..." Texas leans her head to her palm which is holding the edge of the door frame.

Finished washing her face, the roles swtiched. Exusiai swiftly pass Sora by and re-enters her room to get changed just like any other ordinary day. Having that done, she vaguely remembers something and opened the white wooden door to another room.

Inside was still the same oak table, white nightstand with a table lamp and bed. On the oak table now lies the mysterious rifle with the magazine missing, but nowhere was Alex in sight.

"Alex?" Exusiai asked, trying to get a reply.

Too quiet even for someone sleeping ordinarily, and she decides to find out before anything too wrong could happen. She stepped inside, her immediate sights still don't have him in. She quickly looked over to the only possible position left in the room she haven't checked yet, behind the opened door.

There she sees Alex with yesterday night's clothes sitting at the corner with his eyes closed, his legs were just bent well enough not to get hit by the door as Exusiai opens it. She sighed towards the the situation and lightens her steps further inside.

"Alex?" Exusiai asked softly. He opened his eyes slowly and looked up, she can notice motions coming from his hand as well. Which ceased immediately upon recognition.

"Exusiai.?" He murmured lowering the firearm onto the ground. The safety lever was always on for it.

"Good morning. Is everything's alright?" She asked with a sweet smile, her halo glow a bit brighter than before.

"Christ what time is it..." He lifted his left arm, the eyelids barely pushed up in defiance against gravity.

"Well, it's time to shine! We're getting ready to go to the office for the day's work. Get dressed up too, the boss is probably preparing the papers."

It's 06:34.

Alex replied with a nod and gets up with a grunt, pushing his palm against the floor. After he got up he retrieve his pistol on the ground, and inserts it into the holster strapped again on his right thigh.

The things went in order as they proceed to clean up, have their breakfast of eggs, sausage and bacon. For business reasons Sora had to catch her ride on the street, leaving only the three to go with the new guy on his first day of work, then ride back to office with Texas on the driver's seat again. As they drove up to another vehicle bridge that is in a circle in the accenting, the day view of Centrid Lungmen that they drove from last night came into view.

"... Earlier this evening at 5:38 AM, a fire broke out in a restaurant next to Garling road. Firefighters received reports an head over to extinguish it with no injuries. Firefighter captain claims that there are no suspicious causes of the fire detected and will continue the investigation. Now let's move on to the weather, today's temperature is 21°c..."

"Nothings remote was even reported on the radio." Crossant who's located to the left of the vehicle turned her head towards the radio from the window. The rest felt silent, as they all knew too well what that means.

The van was soon parked inside the logistics building, inside the garage was identical with the white paint job and black logo of penguin logistics .

With Alex paying attention in navigating within the building under the lead of three girls they headed over to the office. Along the way they often ran into some other seemingly employees greating with the girls, yet their all their sights would at least glared at him for a mere second. Whether it is his head, torso, or lower body.

He remained silent and walked passed them without a word, knowing that will only cause further unnecessary hassles while keeping an eye on the turns and locations to familiarise with this future workplace.

Exusiai opens the door where an office went into their sights "And this is the office, where we'll be before there's a delivery order for us."

They looked around, as ordinary as offices goes. It's stacked with unique accessories none the less, with Exusiai got a white paper box and a set of wired headphone there, Texas's being clean and tidy with stationaries placed to the right by an open top soda can next to some pack of pockies that's the two desks on from the girls they saw along the way as croissant's is near the corner, with the other's having their uniqueness as there's only one exception of an emptied desk being kept.

"Here's his room here, good luck." Exusiai waved headed back to her desk with Texas, beginning their day of work.

He then knocked the door and entered after approval.

"Good, you're here. Let's get this over with."

A/N: After reading some other fanfic and realised that perhaps Alex faking an Aegir would work too. However I did not dig as deep as into the lore rabbit hole before writing any and everytime I dropped out the story for a couple months because whatever reasons I tend to forget some of the details and missing out on some lore established seems to be a running theme. Still wondering which would work better. There's so much more in my mind but I still thinking not t stretch it too much so it'll end with these two.

Is this version too long for a read or should I go back to fragment it into a couple chapters, and last mentioning to see if deleting the last four chapters that is combined here a good option at all for the story to be optimised for the better to read.

Second, as there is sort of a greyzone (or even a wacky loophole maybe) in the worldbuilding I am considering to experiment on the route of basing Lungmen on a certain asian city instead of just making it some cyberpunk city that some other authors chose to go with. Which a few terms in the story had already implemented if you noticed.

I suppose that is all so far I can come up with except the request of please correct me again if any errors or missing out on things were spotted and I will try and fix it. That is all so far, thank you for reading this retry of a chapter and the next one with the experiments is on the way.

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