meet again (stan x kyle)

By melsluves

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college au stan and kyle meet at a subway to art college. they're 18 on this fic NO SMUT I'M 14 GODDAMMIT t... More

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By melsluves

"Do you like Kyle?" She asked me.

Stan's pov

"Hey babe." Wendy's words echoed in my ears. I can't just tell her that I'm in love with someone else like that. But I can't just act like I still love her. That would break her. It would break her if she heard that I was acting like I loved her. While I like someone else.

"Hey Wen!" I smiled at her. I think Wendy noticed I had an uncomfortable look on my face. "What's up? Why do you look so uncomfortable?" She asked me. I can't just tell her now we're in the middle of a hall. I'll just tell her later. That I'm not in love with her anymore.

"Can we meet at lunch? I want to tell you something." I told her. She gave me a confused look. I just smiled at her innocently. "Sure." She told me and kissed my cheek. I just smiled at her.


*time skip at lunch*


I'm waiting for Wendy. I'm so scared. What if she doesn't want to be friends? What if she's homophobic? She's not. Is she? No, she isn't. It's pathetic of me te think that she's homophobic she isn't. She loves gay people.

"Stan, you wanted to talk!" Wendy told me. I turned to look at her. My chest tightened. I couldn't speak anymore. I couldn't breathe anymore. This is really too much. But I need to tell her.

"Stan. Are you okay?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Uhm Wendy, I have to tell you something, really important." I told her. She nodded.

"Wendy... we have to break up. I'm uhh - not in love with you anymore. And I uhh- like someone else. Also, I'm Bisexual. And please don't hate me now. And I still really want to be friends with you." I told her. It felt like a weight had just lifted off my chest. I felt so good.

Wendy gave me a smile while her eyes started watering. "It's okay if you want to break up Stan. And I think that it's great that you found out that you're Bisexual. And of course I still want to be friends with you... but can I ask you a question?" She told me. I felt so good that she supported me and that she still wanted to be friends with me.

"Sure!" I told her.

"Do you like Kyle?" She asked me. My eyes widedend. How did she know.

"No - no, I don't." I told her.

"Mhm. Are you sure?" She asked me.

"Okay- okay. Yes, I do." I told her. She smirked at me. "I knew it! I saw how you two look at each other. I think Kyle likes you too." She told me smiling.

"No, he doesn't. Not after what I've done to him." I told her. She looked confused at me. "What'd you do, Stanley?" She asked me.

I signed deeply.

"When I was younger, I used to live in South Park. And me and Kyle used to go to school together there. I always wanted to be popular. And well, when I was younger, I wasn't really the popular kid. But I wanted it so bad. I had a best friend, Kenny. He's the blonde guy with the orange parka. We were best friends. Anyway, that doesn't really matter. But someone always caught my eye. It was Kyle. I always thought his hair was beautiful. And I was really jealous of his hair. I saw that the popular kids were bullying him. I wanted to join their group. So, I also bullied Kyle. But it got a little out of hand. I got friends with the popular kids. And they told me the whole time that I needed to do things to Kyle. Most of the times I just told them to fuck off and that I don't want to do that. But they always told me that they'll kick me out of the group. And 10 year old me didn't know better. So I got into fights with Kyle all the time. And bullied him really bad. He didn't go to school for weeks randomly. I was worried. I heard that he tried to kill himself. He was 13. He got beat up after school every day. Just because he has red curly hair. After that I also didn't go to school anymore. Kenny hated me. And the rest hated me to because I was part of their group. I got scared. I told my parents what happened. And they didn't speak at me for days. Then they moved away to New york. And I started a new life there. After 1 week passed being in New york Kenny texted me saying that he hated me with all his heart. And that I needed to be happy that Kyle survived. When I read that Kyle survived I felt really relieved. But I could never forgive myself for doing that to him just because I wanted to be popular. So I worked at myself alot in New york and changed alot. And I still can't forgive myself for what I did to him. I could never." I told Wendy.

That really felt good. Telling someone what happened with something I've been hiding since I was 13 to people.

Wendy singed and wiped her eyes. "Stan I'll always love you. Romanticly or not. I hope that everyone who you hurt forgives you. What you've done to Kyle was really bad. And yiu were a dick back than. But I can see that you don't forgive yourself for that. And that you've really changed a lot too." She told me. I nodded.



Sorry for not updating for 6 days. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this.

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