Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

211K 5.1K 2.5K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

Jade-s Christ-al

1.3K 45 24
By AnimeEagleScout

Question I had about my Ben and Magic rule. Ok the reason this Ben is so different is the majority of his Mana Pool has essentially been replaced with Omni-Energy allowing him to do more shit then the original matrix can do in exchange for ANY innate abilities he have as a 1/4th Anodite.

Now I remember somewhere saying Ben-Mummy/Snare-Oh Could use Egyptian style curses if Ben tried or could stay in form long enough.

So Ben is studying magic the hard way that's a given but if he looked into Egyptian Curses as Snar-Oh or maybe Ben-Wolf or Franken-strike learning basically "Christian" [holy blessings like protection staves or Exorcist magic] magic since werewolves have a history of being Men of God hunting things as beasts and Frankenstein reanimated a corpse so I'd base their spells base off Cleric Magic.

I'm hesitant on making Ben basically a lesser Gwen but I wanted option on if my Innate Magic Restriction is limited to exclusively his own body. [Yes I know I'm the writer so I could do whatever the fuck I want but I WANT to write a good story and if I set a rule I wanna stick to it. Like Ben is basically under the Superman Rule of Writing where I need to write actual challenges that aren't "Ben being a dipshit. Use [insert current gimmick]."

Like Ben's first spell wouldn't be a massive fireball, just a lightshow or something small. I imagine Ben ecstatic rushing to his Gwen excited to show her a little ball of light the size of a marble floating a few inches from his hand.

Also for an Anodite form, Trixie is limited by the hardware. The True Omnitrix had hardware that just doesn't exist in the previous models and enough junk in the trunk to turn Ben into a being made of anti-matter without risking civilians. It literally had the hardware to pull it off transformations like that. I know the Nanomachines can basically reconfigure to build but the True Omnitrix was the entirety of Primus Loaded into it using a little tech Azmuth received from Paradox.

For my reasoning of why the guy Anodites are so dangerous:
Male Anodites have a habit of giving mana to things instead of draining it from others like Gwen and Verdona would do. I see the guy Anodites as hippies mixed with nuclear bombs they wanna reach out and hug everything.

So to get my comments up:

A: Aliens CAN learn magics exclusive to their species.

B: Aliens CAN'T learn species exclusive magics.

Further caviot the DNA Data Dump would not allow Ben to blitz past learning them. Think of it like True Polymorph where you get the stock of the species but shit like Zs'Skayr magic would be learned.


Tetrax waited near a massive 'volcano' like formation. Looking down was the final deposit of Primordial, the lifeblood of Petropia and her people. Once a church built on this spot destroyed by his actions and the birth place of Sugalite.

Tetrax folded his red fingers and spoke to it "May my actions this day please make up for my sins, I have the blood of everyone on my hands and beg this works."

The sloshing of the liquid crystal at the bottom of the mouth of the volcano being his only answer.

"Yeah...I get it." Tetrax said closing his eyes.

A goo arm touched his shoulder and chirped.

"Thanks Gluto, your a true friend." Tetrax said.

The blob nudged up against him.

The giant space ray left Slipspace then turned into ghostfreak and phased into the ship.

"The time has come." Tetrax said.

Ben landed the ship and out walked 2 Petrosapiens, 2 Crystalsapian and a blue 'human'(?) from what Tetrax could guess, in a stone armor.

"Alright let's build a goddess!" The blue girl said.

Tetrax looked at Ben questioningly.

"She's kinda required." Ben said "Run the plan through us one more time Sugalite."

"Using Tetrax I will send the new beings 'Code' through this dimensions Heart Crystal into Carbonite etching the new being into her. We need to use a woman I have never touched to avoid accidentally loading her into my Heart Crystal." Sugalite said with a orb of energy around him.

"This is gonna hurt like hell isn't it?" Gwen asked.

"Yep." Ben said showing a recording of Tetrax destroying Diamondhead in his timeline.

"What are the rest for?" Tetrax asked looking to the others.

"This is Albeta and Caroline, they're here to supply the energy required." Ben said.

"The tri-solstice can be recreated using 2 To'kustar's cosmic beams and the power of Legerdomain." Sugalite says "Ben I need Chromastone Red to move the fragments of the planet into place."

"Uh your gonna tow pieces of the planet?" Gwen asked looking at the fragments floating off in the distance.

"Nooo." Ben said as the transformation was pulled up.

Sugalite turned into his Ultimate form as well. Ben flew off towards the large chuncks of crystal in the surrounding area of the solar system.

"While he's doing that we need to set up the crystal array that was used in my creation." Sugalite said "Tetrax, Gwen, Albeta, I require your aid in shaping the ground. I must converse with the Primordial."

A piece of Sugalite broke off and a hologram showed the array. Giant crystals would be placed at the base of the volcano and then refract to another group at the top of the mountain before being focused through the Heart Crystal.

"Brother Shard, you will be tasked with holding the crystal. Your gonna be hit with the full force of Legerdomain and 2 To'kustars." Sugalite said "The liquid crystal flows through your chest you will survive whatever damage is done but this will be more pain then you've ever felt in your life."

"I will takes it." Tetrax stood tall "I'll face anything to bring back my people."

Chromastone put a hand on him "Your about to prove that." Before walking over to the mouth of the volcano.

Sugalite started talking in the same beeping language as Max was after the time beam.

"Can you understand what he's saying?" Gwen asked Tetrax.

He shook his head "The language of the Primordial is...I'm only getting parts of it."

"If I hadn't seen Ben create a entirely new Omnitrix using faith alone I'd call this absurd but we've faced a tyrant in Legerdomain and looked directly at the Polymorphic Crystals there is definitely something more to it." Albeta said.

"Don't Galvan's worship a machine that landed on their planet centuries ago?" Gwen asked.

"I called it absurd not nonsense," Albeta says "Absurdity happens all the time."


Vilgax had a hunch something was going on near Petropia and years of combat and conquest told him follow thoughts like that.

A smaller ship then the one he was priming for his attack on Gwen was used due to him not willing to lose the year of planning and prep.

"My liege far be it from me to question your actions-" Siphon was stopped when Vilgax held up a hand.

"This is of no concern to you. Back to work on the robots." Vilgax said.

Entering his other ship Vilgax headed off towards Petropia's remains.


Ben looked over the massive fragments of the crystal planet that were placed exactly where Sugalite specified. The massive fragments shaped as lenses to focus the stars. All they'd need is to be turned and they'd be aimed at the remnant of the planet.

Floating back to the 'planet' the girls and Tetrax had completed the array. The beams would be sent into Sugalite through Tetrax who would be kneeling to hold the Heart Crystal.

"You better hold that steady." Omni warned Tetrax.

"My hands will remain steady." Tetrax said nodding.

Carbonite stood on a platform over the crator and looked down to see the waves of liquid crystal.

"So after the laser I'm getting thrown into there?" Gwen asked.

"If you wanna back out," Ben said "this is pretty heavy shit."

"Hey your one up on restoring civilizations," Gwen smirked "My turn."

"It is time." Sugalite said pulling out a crystal and Phasing it into himself.

Tetrax kneeled and shamed his body to a stalagmite with the Heart Crystal on the top of it.

Massive pillars of crystal were constructed to catch the beams from the stars.

" going back." Sugalite said before turning towards the other 3 "You 3 ready?"

Charmcaster placed a hand over the Alpha Rune and help up a glowing ball of magic. "Ready!"

2 flashes of red and green happened.

"ready!" Albeta said.

"On your orders." Ben shouted.

Sugalite took a deep breath and started beeping which to anyone who was a member of the Church would hear a long prayer.

With a wave of his hand the giant crystals in space tilted aiming directly on Carbonite.

"You ok, Gwen!" Ben shouted.

"Little heat but no issue!" Gwen shouted as the light from the sun headed up the crystals that made up her body.

"YOU THREE! HIT ME!" Sugalite said.

As the barrage of magic and cosmic energy had flowed through the constructed God a thin beam was aimed right through the Heart Crystal and hit Carbonite between the eyes.

Omni started beeping "Gwen? Gwen!" Omni shouted.

Carbonite's body seem to turn particularly liquid.

"Brother Shard!" Sugalite shouted as Gwen's started screaming but not in her own voice.

H̶̻̓̽́ę̵̢͎̟̍͂͘l̷̨̥̹̳̫͖̏͌́͐̀̉͐̋̉̇̄͂p̴͙͎̤̙͕̤̱͓̽͋͋̓ ̴̛̱̖̼̭͈͖̟̞̺̪̫̜̋̆̓̿̀͒ṳ̶̙̼̦̠̪͚͈͌̽̅̋͆̅̒̆̀̋͋͗͒͜s̷̡̯̝͕͍̭̞͒̃̄͋͐̔͆̐͗͜͝!̷͙͎̃

"Gwen where are you?!" Omni shouted.

Tetrax warped the Heart Crystal into Carbonite before the platform Gwen was standing on collapsed and she fell into the liquid crystal.

Just as it went quiet a ship just got out of Slipspace.

"That's a Chimera Sui Generis ship." Albeta said.

Ben crossed his arms and fired a cluster beam of cosmic rays at the ship.

"Vilgax." Ben, Sugalite and Tetrax glared.

"Bad guy?" Charmcaster asked.

"Yes." Sugalite said "Brother Shard and I need to complete the ritual!"

"I got Vilgax!" Ben shouted.

"WE got Vilgax." Trixie and Caroline said.

"Albeta stand guard and help these two!" Waybig shouted before scooping up Charmcaster.


Floating in the liquid crystal wasn't like the Mana in Legerdomain.

Sure she felt something powerful but it wasn't an Isolation. She could hear 1,000s of voices all starting to speak at once.

As the liquid had begun causing a solid form in the pool she seem to gain a greater awareness of everyone.

The space seem to change into a grand temple made of the crystal with many Petrosapiens all looking like Carbonite walking in and taking a seat at the benches.

"Hello young one. It is an honor to meet a new sister to the geode." A woman greeted her.

"Geode..." Gwen held her head "Wait your...Mother Garnet right?"

"Yes sister, and you are the next carrier of the Heart Crystal." Mother Garnet said.

" name is-" Gwen stopped as she felt something compell her to say a different name.

"Alexandrite." A voice not her own but simulator to Sugalite's spoke. Calming but powerful.

The church was packed with women all starting to shift into a copy of Carbonite started speaking as one.

"The sisters of the Primordial gather to bring Petropia's return." Mother Garnet spoke as the room was flooded with blue light.

"Crystalsapian transformation generated." Omni's voice range out and suddenly Gwen was floating in the crystal again.

Carbonite reformed then purple spikes shot out her body as Gwen felt like she was crawling out of her own skin.

"Am I dying?" Gwen asked.

"No..." The voice of Alexandrite said "We are being reborn."

A pillar of blue light shot out from the volcano and out floated Gwen in her new Crystalsapian form.

"REFLECTION!" Reflection shouted as she was testing her new limbs.

Tetrax had bowed and Sugalite held out a hand "Welcome to the world my daughter."

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