Dr. Normal and Daisy (Norman...

By 1OkayOkayOkay1

30.8K 855 104

Y/n is part of the trio of Emma, Norman, and Ray. She's quieter than the rest and spends most of her time pla... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter #12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14
Chapter #15
Chapter #16
Chapter #17
Chapter #18
Chapter #19
Chapter #20
Chapter #21
Chapter #22
Chapter #23
Chapter #24
Chapter #26
Chapter #27
Chapter #28
Chapter #29
Chapter #30
Chapter #31
Chapter #32
Chapter #33
Chapter #34
Chapter #35
Chapter #36
Forget again (cannon ending)

Chapter #25

361 10 2
By 1OkayOkayOkay1

"Gooooooood moooorning!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I sat up and rubbed my aching head. "Ughhhh." Barbar groaned. Emma laughed. "Oh come on you two, get up!" Emma whined. I stood up, then fell over.


"Y/n!" Emma yelled, kneeling to her side. Y/n sat up and rubbed her head. "Huh?" She asked confused. Emma laughed again. The girls room door opened, and the three turned their heads. Rossi had opened the door, and Norman stood behind him, them both smiling. "Mom said to hurry up and come downstairs and eat!" Rossi smiled innocently. Y/n looked up to Norman, and he blushed lightly. "We'll meet you girls down there." Norman said letting, pushing Rossi back towards the stairs.

The girls all changed and went downstairs, where everyone was already eating. "Morning girls." Mom smiled. "Morning!" Emma chearred the other two nodded their heads. "We've been in school for a while now, how are you guys still waking up late?" Ray asked. Y/n rolled her eyes and sat next to Norman. "How'd you sleep Daisy?" He asked softly. She looked at him and sighed. "I didn't get much." She said quietly. "Oh, I'm sorry." He said. She smiled. "It's fine."  She said, picking at her food. "Arne't you gonna eat?" He asked. She shurgged. "I'm not all the hungry right now." Y/n said.  

After breakfast everone headed out to the bus stop, Y/n stood staring at the ground. "You okay?" Norman asked lightly. Y/n looked up quickly. "My head just hurts, really bad." She said back. "What if..." She started slowly. "It won't happen Daisy." Norman said, grabbing Y/n's hand. 

Once they got to school Y/n and Emma made their way to their class. "Last night while you were in the shower, Norman was talking about do something after school today." Emma said happily. "Or really, what was it?" Y/n asked. "I'm not sure, he didn't necessarily say." Emma said drifting off into thought.

"Hey Norman, whats with that necklace?" Karuka asked. Norman grabbed the pick and sighed, Ray looked at him. "My friend made it for me, a long time ago." Norman smiled to Karuka, one of the frineds he had made. "Weird, what is that, a guitar pick or something?" Karuka snorted. "It was her lucky pick." Norman said harshly, walking into his first hour. 

The day passed slowly for Y/n, her body tense, and her head throbbing all day, and now it was fith hour after feeling as if it was  her one-hundredth, but today was diffrent. She had to do a persintation. She hated public speaking, her worst fear was to have her side effcet infornt of everyone. Time finally went fast as people were randmly called up to do presintations. Y/n fidgeted with hr hands, getting tense and stressed, after every presntation finished. 

"Okay Y/n your turn." The teacher called. Y/n nodded and slowly stood up, walking to the front, shaking. In the cornner of her eyes she saw Jake and Jack whispering to eachother, and that didn't help. She got to the front, and slowly started sharing her presinattion to the computer screen. When she looked up she froze, there were so many eyes locked on her, pinned and piercing her. "You can begin." The tecager said. Y/n was frozen, her bones tensing up. Jake and Jack started chuckling. "Y/n..?" The teacher called, but the the sounds were fuzzy to Y/n, and then she knew it was happening. 

She looked at th door, but it seemed like it was one-hundred feet away from her. She wanted to run out of the classroom, then her eyes shut tightly, and her hands turned into fist, her short nails cutting her skin. She fell to the ground shaking, sounds sounded like she was submerged underwater, but her body felt like she was on fire. She could feel the presents of people by her side, but she only saw black. She couldn't tell if she was screamin, or if her jaw was locked shut, then the couldn't breath anymore. She gasp hard for air, but it was like someone shoved a rock down her throat and was at the same time grabbing it.

The teacher indecated a waving motion. "Mmmm." Ray grunted standing up. "I just wanted to finish my test." He whispered to himself. "Wassup?" He asked as a teacher pulled him out into the hallway. "Your frined Y/n she-"

"Yeah uhuh, okay." The teacher glanced at Emma who was trying to explain to a group of kids what an integral is. "Hey Emma." The tecaher called her over, with a worried tone. "Coming!" Emma yelled smiling. She quickly ran over to thw teacher. "Yeah?" She aasked, looking at all the papers on her desk. "You need to go to the nurse." The tecaher said. "Huh why?" Emma asked. "Something happened with-"

"Haha you think?" Norman asked, laughing with some of his friends, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Oh hey Mr. Tenvick!" He smiled, but stoped smiling when Mr. T didn't smile back. "You need to head to the nurse, one of your frineds got sick and-" "Daisy." Norman whispered horrfied, he quickly got up and ran out of the room. 

Ray and Emam sat quiet, waiting for Norman, when the door opened they both quickly turned their heads. "Where is she?" he asked. Emma pointed at a closed curtain. "They say we shouldn't go back there." Emma said. "They want to know what happened to her, but we don't know what to say." Ray whispered. "Didn't mom put soemthing on her application papers that she had a condition." Norman asked worried. Emma and Ray shrugged. "Do you guys know what happened?" Norman asked. Ray shook his head. "I over heared the science teacher talking to the nurese, she said that she was called to do a presentation, then she stood there, started shaking, closed her eyes and colapsed, she was repeating our names quietly so..." Emma said. "That's why we got called down here." Ray finsished. "Yeah." Emma said. 

The nurse walked in and looked at the three. "I just have a few questions." She said, taking a seat infront of her computer. "Okay." Emma said. "Dose this happen often?" She asked. Norman, Emma, and Ray all stood their silent. "It used to, it hasn't for a while though." Norman said. "And you guys are close frineds with her?" The nurse asked, and they all shook her heads. "Dose whatever happened, have to do with the scar-" "We won't be awnsering that, or anything about her condition, if she wants to talk about it, she can when she wakes up." Norman said, glancing at Emma and Ray quickly, and they both nodded. The nurse sighed. "We'll have her mom come pick her up, we want one of you guys to stay here with her though." The nuse said. "I got a test to finish." Ray stood up dissmissing himself. "I'll leave it to you Norman." Emma said folowing Ray out. 

Norman walked behind the curtain and looked at Y/n, she looked scared still, and tense. "Daisy." He whispered, grabbing her hand lightly. The nurse started to dail one of their mothers many numbers Norman sat next to Y/n and hummed Dr. Normal and Daisy, while slowly rubbing her plam. "You'll be okay." he said throught the song. "Hopfully you can wake up soon, so we can go to that fair, I wanted to go to today." He sighed.

AN/ Okay, I lied sorry, but last weekend  some things came up, and I had to stay at my friends house the whole weekend, but I'm back! Hope this was okay, might be a little rough butttttttttt, anyways hope you enjoyed and come back for more and sorry for any mistakes!! (OMG I  JUST SAW THAT I'M #3 IN #THEPROMISEDNEVERLAND SOME HOW, SO THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOO MUCH I REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED BUT THANK YOUU LOVE YOU ALL!)

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