By Avengergirl99

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"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance... More

0. Introduction
41. TWO Y/N

0. Introduction

999 22 14
By Avengergirl99

A/N: Welcome and thank you for having the time to take a look at my book. I hope you will enjoy reading it:)<3



From friends to lovers to strangers to friends to lovers

This first part will follow season 2 of The Umbrella Academy


"All those years by yourself. It's gotta screw with your heads. You being alone"

"Well, I wasn't alone"

"Oh? Pray tell"

"Her name was y/n, we were together for over 40 years"

"Were you married?" 

"Yeah, 36 years, being a couple for 38" 

"Is that why you are wearing that thing around your finger?"

"Yeah, it's a handmade ring she made for me, we couldn't find any real wedding rings, so we made one for each other and that ring has never left my finger 'cause just because she is gone, then it doesn't mean that we aren't still married"

"What happen to her?" 

"I don't really want to talk about that. She is gone and it's my fault, I can still hear her voice in my head"

"Do you miss her?" 

"Everyday, all the time, and everyday I wish she was here with me and I wish it was me instead of her. 'Cause she was the strong one, not me, all I have is questions, what am I suppose to do with that"

"The only thing that is keeping me going, is the promise her and I made for each other. That if one of us die, the other will do their best to live their life for the both of us and also because we promise each other that we will do whatever it take to stop this apocalypse so we can saved the people we love" 

"When you lose someone. Every candle, every prayer is not going make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole where that someone you cared about used to be. I just feel lost without her, my light and happiness is gone, half my body is empty without her" 

"You once lived a life without her, you can do it again"

"No, I can't. I only spend 13 years without her. I spend over 40 years with her. And from the day I met her, she made my life better than what it was, she made things easier, now that I lost her, life is worse than before, and this time she isn't there to help me through it. So I don't know how to go on without her."

"Don't. You carry her with you, every step of the way" 

"That's was the plan and that also what I'm doing" 

"I can try to summon her if you want" 

"Maybe later, when I fix this, 'cause then I tell her that I did it and she will be able to rest in peace"

"I lost...Y/n. She was my angel, my world and my everything. I couldn't save her. And I will never be able to forgive myself for that"

"Maybe you should let her go" 

"If I hold on to her, it hurts, but if I let her go, it hurts even more" 

"This isn't easy for me, Y/n, it's actually really really hard, and I...I want you to know that I cherish every single minute, 22 and a half million of them. 42 years. A life time. I will never forget every second I spend with you. Now look at us. We're lucky enough, we get a second one. Yeah, you are right. I do have a lot of growing up to do. I'll never forget you, Y/n, but I have to let go 'cause I know that you wanted me to go on and even so it's hard without you, I had to. I know that you will always be with me, watching out for me, like you have the last two years. I'm sorry for everything and I'm sorry for fucking up what we had, I'm sorry for not trying to fix what was broken but instead just let you go. Thank you for everything. I wouldn't have made it without you. Thank you so much. I love you and I will never stop loving you. And this ring you gave me will stay on, it will never leave my finger, not even when I die. I know that we will see each other again one day, but until then, I will try to live my life for the both of us, just like we promise each other. Goodbye my love, may we meet again"


On the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these woman had been pregnant when the day first began.

The eccentric billionaire and adventurer Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopted as many of the children as possible, when they were only days old. He ended up getting seven of them and trained them into saving the world, called them The Umbrella Academy.

The Umbrella Academy is a team of crime-fighters who is wearing domino masks when they were on missions.

The Umbrella Academy was the finest crime fighting forces in the city and they became famous. They were always on covers on magazines.

Each of the siblings have abilities. Abilities that young children dream of when they watch the superhero movies.

Some would say they're lucky, they have a gift that most people would kill for. But the kids didn't feel lucky, from the day they learned how to walk, they were trained to be crime stopping heroes. Saving the day like any other superhero.

The Umbrella Academy was a super dysfunctional family.

But Reginald was not a nice dad, he never took care of the siblings or loved them. They were taking care of by a robot woman who they called mom. He adopted them yeah, but instead of treating them as his children, he treated them like they were lab rats on his little experiment. He only had them because of their abilities.

He would make them train against each other from six a.m. to noon. At noon, they got thirty minute lunch break. After that, it was training again until dinner time. He used to put these sticky things on their temples when they were sleeping. Put up small camera at their beds too, and he monitored them when they were asleep.

Reginald emotionally abused the siblings.

At the age of 13, all the kids got the Academy's log tattooed on their left waist. It was a black umbrella in a circle. It was like he branded them.

The siblings called each other by the names they were giving by their robot mother, Grace, but their dad called them by the numbers he gave them.

The numbers the children were assigned determine an unspoken rank, with One being the best and Seven the least desirable.

Number One: Luther Hargreeves, Spaceboy. His abilities is super strength. He is kinda like superman, but aim much lower. He is more dumber, plus he is a daddy's boy.

Luther was groomed by his father from an early age to be the leader of The Umbrella Academy, a responsibility that has always weighed heavily on him. He is resilient, a workaholic and possesses the ability of heightened physical strength. Upstanding to a fault, Luther always tries to do the right thing, even if that means putting others before himself.

Luther was very closed with Allison also know as Number Three when they were kids.

Luther have being on the moon for four years doing some research for their father. He always did everything their dad said, because he wanted to be a good child, cause he wanted their dad to be proud of him, but the others think that it was a waste of time, because their dad never show any respect to them.

Luther's titled as Number One made him have such an huge ego. Caring only for Number Three. His main focus was being a leader. Unfortunately, he had zero expertise in that field, hence their lack of disrespect towards him.

Luther have abandonment issues, childhood trauma and trust issues.

Number Two: Diego Hargreeves, The Kraken. He has the abilities to curve anything he throw but he most used knives which is why he always carried around knives. He is also capable of manipulating the trajectory of any weapon he throws, he can stop it dead in its tracks.

Diego is a skilled, intense vigilante who has a real problem with authority. He isn't as naturally strong or smart as his siblings, so he's worked three times as hard for everything. Believing he should have been the leader of his family instead of his brother, Luther, he carries a massive chip on his shoulder that makes him hostile to just about everyone.

He is a rebellious, impulsive and brash individual with a tendency to show off. He also have anger issues and sometimes act before he think.

He is a rebellious, impulsive and brash individual with a tendency to show off.

However beneath his confident, cocky behavior, lies a deeply insecure individual who desperately wants to prove himself. He is the most emotional of the siblings and is quick to act on these emotions without thinking.

Diego is a really mommy's boy. He love their robot mother more than anything in the world. Following in their father's characteristic footsteps, he was cold for the majority of their childhood. Seeing to have never loved another person, gotten affection or care like the rest of the siblings, he preferred to be known as the rebel.

Diego didn't care about life. Ironic how he always criticize their father's ideas to make them superheroes, yet he chose to fight like one for a living.

Just like Luther he also wanted to proof himself to their dad.

Diego has PTSD, trust issues, childhood trauma and anxiety.

Number Three: Allison Hargreeves, The Rumor. She has the ability to rumor anyone to do anything, with the mere sentence, "I heard a rumor," which she follows with an order or a suggestion which the person has to carry out.

Allison and Luther were very closed when they were kids, and they had some sort of romance going on, even so they had never kissed, the siblings could see that they were in love with each other.

Allison is beautiful, elegant, and a formerly world-famous movie star who possess the power of suggestion, anything she say aloud comes to pass. Her life seems perfect from the outside, but her ability has undermined every relationship she's ever had. With her career on the decline and her marriage in shambles, she refuses to use her powers as she seeks a more authentic life.

Allison has a daughter name Claire.

Allison is a determined woman with a kind heart and strong values. She is a thoughtful and reflective person.

She was stubborn, but everywhere she went, a power of fierce followed her. She always thought she was better than others.

Number four: Klaus Hargreeves, The Séance. He has the ability to see and communicate with the dead.

Klaus don't like his powers, so to make sure that he don't hear or see the dead, he always gets high while also drinking most of the time.

Klaus is a drug addict and lovable mess of a human being and yet, if you ask him, any day now his life is going to turn around. He's a classic 'middle child' a disarming pleaser who is seemingly everyone's friend, but will rob you being without thinking twice.

Klaus had the most problems with using his powers. The cause of that wasn't only their dad traumatizing him by forcing his son to face his fear, but also lack of care. Drugs became Klaus' safe place, but the thing with safe place is once you find it, you won't go back to reality.

He is always the most fun of all the siblings who say stupid things in a serious conversation. He is really good to have with you if you need to be cheer up 'cause he can bring a smile or a laugh.

He is always the most fun of all the siblings who say stupid things in a serious conversation. He is really good to have with you if you need to be cheer up 'cause he can bring a smile or a laugh.

He is always the most fun of all the siblings who say stupid things in a serious conversation.

Klaus is damaged, fragile person who covers his pain with self deprecating humor and cynical hedonism and has rebelled against his father by refusing to be the hero he wanted him to be. He is an unreliable, unrepentant leech and drug addict, and as a result his opinion is often dismissed by his siblings.

Klaus is a calm chill guy that is always making jokes. He can also suddenly say something stupid or funny in a serious situation.

Klaus have PTSD, childhood trauma and is addiction to drug.

All the siblings has PTSD it at some point but Klaus is the one that shows it more.

Number Five: Five Hargreeves, The boy. He has the ability to manipulate space and time, meaning that he can use time travel, teleportation, and time manipulation to his advantage. He can teleport both short and long distances.

Five is actually the smartest one of the siblings.

Five is shown to have a genius intellect, often dismissing other, including his family as stupid or inferior, and expressing disinterest in their personal affairs. He is also to shown sarcastic, pragmatic, and incredibly prideful.

Five also has PTSD from his childhood trauma.

He doesn't suffer fools and is the smartest person in the room and knows it. He's haunted by the things he's seen and done, and is on the verge of losing his grip on reality.

Five was the only one of the kids that didn't had a real name. The rank system had a negative effect on all the kids except for Five. The sarcastic boy didn't care that he wasn't perfect in his father's eyes. He knew he had great power. Five's number didn't have a huge impact on him, so he just never changed his name.

He is shown to have a genius intellect, often dismissing other, including his family as stupid or inferior, and expressing disinterest in their personal affairs. He is also to shown sarcastic, pragmatic, and incredibly prideful.

He doesn't suffer fools and is the smartest person in the room.

Number Six: Ben Hargreeves, The Horror. He has the ability to summon Eldritch Tentacles from a portal in his abdomen. They are extremely strong, meaning he's able to grab, stab, squeeze, and destroy his enemies.

All the siblings had a soft spot for Ben. The fear of using his powers always followed him. He had the kindest and purest soul out of all of the siblings. Ben was the best of them, pure and kind hearted, too good for this world.

He was a bookworm. Love reading books. The only time he didn't had a book with him was at training or on missions. He would always hang out with Klaus, trying to get him out of trouble. He was also scared of his powers. He didn't like using them. He was shy guy, but you could always count on him.

Unfortunately, his fear overcame him and he lost his life on a mission while they were kids. Only 16 years old. And now he is a ghost that is following Klaus around causing them to grow a closed friendship.

Number Seven: Vanya Hargreeves. She is the ordinary sister. She didn't have any powers, and she never went on mission with the other siblings.

Vanya is the black sheep of the family. She's the only one of Reginald Hargreeves' adopted children with no supernatural abilities. A meek and insecure wallflower, Vanya struggles to find her place in the world.

Vanya is a kind and bright person who suffer from deeply rooted trauma.

As the rest of the world cheered the other siblings, Vanya had to stay back at the Academy. Having no powers, she had the displeasure of being excluded from the siblings' daily lives, which is why the siblings were never close to her. None of them ever questioned why she was short of powers, they had made their peace with her being just a side family member.

Vanya wrote a book called 'EXTRA ORDINARY' where she told have told the whole world about the others and the other siblings didn't like that.

Especially, Diego, he was very angry at Vanya cause of the book she have wrote.

Diego felt like his childhood was just broadcast to the rest of the world.


At the age of 13, Five got angry at his dad because he didn't wanted him to time travel and Five ran away and he used his powers to travel through time, but it didn't go that well and after the third jump, he landed in an apocalypse.

He tried to use his powers to get back but it didn't work and he was stuck here, all alone.

Everything was destroyed, not any human or animals, not a single life, nothing.

But as he thought that he was all alone, he meet a young girl name Y/n Blake.


You were a normal and happy young girl, with friends and two loving parents, very smart and kind, having a whole wonderful future in front of you.

But one day when you were 12, you suddenly wakes up in an apocalypse, no idea how you ended here. 

Just as you thought you were all alone, you meet a young boy around your age whose name is a number.

The first meeting didn't go so well, but the two of you still decided to stay together, helping each other surviving, took care of each other.

You and Five were totally alone in a broken world and you only had each other.

You both found things alone the way that could help you survive. You survived on scraps. Canned food, cockroaches, anything you could find.

You kept each other alive. You both lived isolated as the last people on earth. The two of you stayed together, helping each other surviving, took care of each other. Relying on each other. Helping each other if one of you had nightmares.

You told Five about yourself and your family and he told you about this past and family.

He told you about that he is a member of the famous crime fighter superhero team name The Umbrella Academy. He told you about him and his six siblings, and about his abilities to teleport through time and space and he told you that he ended here because he disobey his dad about time-travel, but he did it anyway and after the third jump, he landed in the apocalypse.  

Every day, you and Five would sit down together and watch the sun go down and then every night you would watch the stars together.

Sometimes you would even watch the sunrise.

The both of you found things along the way that could help you survive.

You and Five survived on scraps. Canned food, cockroaches, anything you could find.

The only thing about being stuck in an apocalypse that you actually enjoyed and that was the silence. The pace and quite no matter where you went.

Since Five was not used to the pace and quite, you found him a record player and you and Five would play anything you two could find before Five slept, because he was not use to sleep in silence.

You and Five even found some jar of peanut butter which you would share with each other and he told you about his special peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches he used to make and he then promise you that when you both have found a way home, he is gonna to make you some of his peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.

After living different places, you and Five finally settle down in a library, that was still standing.

There was a lot of books to keep you both occupied.

Five found a book that was writing by his sister and he found out that his sister had told the family secret to the whole world.

He found out everything had have happen while he was gone.

He found out that his brother Ben died on a mission at 16. Luther had being on the moon for four years, doing some research for their dad Reginald Hargreeves. Allison was a moivestar and had a daughter name Clarie.

Both you and Five became multilingual. You educated yourself in the apocalypse. Since you lived in a library in the apocalypse.

In the first years of the apocalypse both you and Five wound always covered your faces up most of the time, to protect yourself and your lungs from the air that was practically lethal. It wasn't until you were 17 that you pulled off your masks as the air finally turned back to breathable. But that time, Five have grown facial hair and your face have also changed into a more adult look.

Five taught himself mathematical and experimental scientific things in regards to time and understanding how his powers work.

He never stop working to find a way back.

You both didn't gave up in finding a way of out the apocalypse. Five kept working for hours every day on some equations so he could find the right one to use so he could use his powers to travel back.

He started working the first day he got stuck here and he never stopped.

Five was actually already interested in you, the second he met you and he eventually fell in love with you and he actually kept flirting with you, which he was not good at, but you found him annoying and was not at all interested in him.  

But as the years went by, you actually started falling in love with Five eventually 'cause you saw the soft, caring and kind side of him.

You had your first kiss at 18, became husband and wife at 20, where Five gave you a handmade ring, asking you to be his wife which you of course said yes to. You also gave him a handmade ring after that.

You and Five kept working to find a way of out the apocalypse.

He kept working for hours every day on some equations so he could find the right one to use so we could use his powers to travel back.

You and Five took care of each other in the apocalypse, cut each other's hair when needed.

Your lives was hard, had many closed death experiences, almost froze to death many times, so when you got the chance to break out of it, you took it.

Both you and Five grew old in the apocalypse and after spending 40 years there, a woman name The Handler found you and offer you a job.

You already didn't like The Handler when you first saw her, there was just something about her, your guts and instincts told you not to trust her and you were taught by your parents to always listen to your instincts since they could save your life one day.

To get away from the apocalypse, get the chance to see your parents and friends again and the chance of you and Five living a life that isn't in the apocalypse, a life you always wanted to live together, you both accepted the offer. Five accepted so he can return to 2019, save the world and his siblings from the apocalypse and in order to live a normal life with you.

The Handler brought you to a place called Temps Commission which is an organization overseeing and managing all times and space. Their main job is to make sure that all events that are supposed to happen, happen. They are protecting the timeline and to do this, they have agents that are all trained assassins who is ready to travel through time and to eliminate anyone that is messing with the timeline. So the timeline don't changed.

Agents are assigned their tasks by the management of the Commission. Tasks are given to the agents with the help of pneumatic tubes. Their residence is the year 1955.

During your time at the Commission, you and Five were taught every skill that would be necessary to fulfill the missions assigned to you.

You and Five becomes the best assassins.

But being an assassin wasn't the right choice for you. Killing people and specially getting ordered around wasn't your thing even though traveling through time and space was absolutely amazing.

You never like the killing and you always cried yourself to sleep every night and you always mumbled a sorry when you killed a person.

Five didn't enjoy the killing neither but you always held guilt more than him.

After spend two years there, you couldn't handle it anymore and you wanted to leave, wanted to go back home, to your parents, to your friends.

But that day you have decided to steal a briefcase and leave, something went wrong on a mission. 

It was actually a solo mission for you, but Five insisted in coming with you. 

You and Five was near a company building on a mission. But suddenly an explosion happen leaving both you and Five badly injured and in a coma. 

You more injured that than Five.

The Commission put your two beds next to each other, so you and Five could feel each other presence, believing that it might help you both wake up.

Both you and Five condition are really critical and many fear that you both would never wake up.

When Five wakes up a few weeks later, he is told that you didn't make it.

Heartbroken and in pain of losing you, the love of his life while feeling guilty over not being able to save you, blaming himself, sad and angry over losing you, Five gets rageful and bitter, and he starts throwing himself into any mission he was giving, no matter what they were, hoping that he will not return from one of them.

But unfortunately he always returned alive, it was like he was lucky all the time with not getting killed. It was almost like you were watching over him like a guardian angel, keeping him alive until he has fulfilled his purpose.

After two years without you, Five can't take it anymore and he just want to give up, but he knew that you wanted him to carry on, which he does and he find his goal and that is to stop the apocalypse and save his family, therefore he decided to break his contract and travel back in time to save his family, stop the apocalypse, so you can finally rest in pace.


You opened your eyes, finding yourself in an alleyway, with no idea how or why you are here. Your body and head hurts, you are confused and dizzy and your ears are ringing. 

You don't remember anything other than your name, you get some flash in your mind of a broken world but other than that, nothing. 

Lucky a sweet and kind but also a little weird guy finds you and he take care of you, and after getting better, you decided to stay with him and he becomes a kind of father figure to you.

After spending three years with that guy, a strange but familiar boy in a uniform and school boy shorts shows up and he in shock when he sees you.


You have been living in Dallas for three years, not knowing who you were before that. You are slowly starting rebuilding a new life when strange blue lights started appearing above an alleyway and you come in contact with someone connected to your past, someone who knows you all to well. You get filled with superpowers, weird hallucination and vision. That and you are oddly attracted to the snarky boy in school boy shorts who claims to have know you in future...and married you.


Failing to save the world in 2019, Five teleport himself and his siblings out before getting hit by the apocalypse to fix the timeline, but it didn't go so well, his time-traveling fails causing him and his siblings to get all spread out and are now stuck in Dallas in the 60's.

Now with only 10 days before the apocalypse, Five have to find his family and stop the apocalypse they brought with them, fix the timeline once again and to get back to 2019.

But he gets a huge surprise when he is reunited with someone who he thought was dead, but the person don't remember who he is. 

-Who is this boy?

-Can he help you remember again?

-What really happen to you?

Read to find out...

I thought about making a book like this 'cause I saw a movie that was about a woman losing her memories and then her husband have to make her remember or make her fall in love with him all over again. And I have not seeing any Five Fic about this. So I decided to write one and also because I love those kind of stories.

Hope you like the introduction. 

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