Verona Rosario (Book 5: A Mob...

By royal888

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This story happens at the same time as Leandro and Nicandro and Arcangelo stories. Many readers were wonderin... More

1. Fresh Start
2. Her Paths
3. Intensity
4. His World
5. Crossing Lines
6. Fire & Water
7. Captains
8. Internship
9. Different Worlds
10. Shining Light & Darkness
11. Actions & Emotions
13. The Approval Question
14. Persistence
15. Relations
16. New Generation
17. Emotions & Confessions

12. Harbouring Secrets

831 48 14
By royal888

Stanley was now making his way to visit his uncle from his mother's side.  His mother, Wanda Whelan had already gone to her brother's house for a visit earlier and Stanley was going to join her. He was not keen on the visit. His father had ordered him to go as he couldn't. Stanley's father was busy at the Allistaire gathering doing business so he didn't have time to go... Stanley preferred to go back to his school that might but it was a Friday night and there was no excuse. He had no school tomorrow.

Stanley's uncle was Wyatt Whelan. Stanley did not get along with his uncle Wyatt. Stanley had not been lucky, on either side of his family. The Whelan's were not different to Alistaires. They were very similar. His uncle lived in New York now after relocating from Las Vegas where he had built a business empire. Now he was expanding his hotel casinos in New York so he stayed in New York mostly.

Stanley made his way to the address and as he got off his ride he was met at the gate by the security personnel who let him through quickly.

Stanley made his way to his uncle's new mansion that he was seeing for the first time. It was huge. Well Wyatt Whelan was a busy man and did conduct business from home too. He had alot of personnel working for him that lived in villas surrounding this mansion in New York. The private property was massive. In the middle of nowhere in outskirts of New York. It was the perfect location for  easy illegal work.

Stanley was met by a maid at the lobby who lead him to his mother's room. She had a special guest room especially for her only there of course. His uncle had a good relations with his mother. He knocked and entered.

As Stanley entered he saw his mother was trying on jewellery from her collection. He cleared his throat.

Wanda turned around "You are finally here..." She walked towards him. She narrowed her eyes "What are you wearing? Do you call this an outfit? You are here to see your uncle and this is how you turn up? I need to take you shopping..."

Stanley said "You dont need to take me shopping... My outfit is fine..."

Wanda sighed "You never care for fashion... Guess what? You need to start caring... What would your girlfriend say? Oh wait you dont even have a girlfriend... What is wrong with you?"

Stanley said "Mother can we not discuss that?"

Wanda said "Agreed.... Let's discuss new clothing for you... Lets take you shopping... This weekend... I would take you now but its abit late... Most designer shops are closed..."

Stanley was glad shops were closed. He did not want to take suitcases of clothes that he was never going to use back to his school accommodation. He was not one interested in luxury. But his mother was and she went overboard at providing him with anything he needed. His mother cared for him. Stanley wished she cared for others too in the same way. That was the issue. His family were only nice to each other and treated anyone considering below their class like dirt and scum.

Stanley said "I am busy this weekend anyway..."

Wanda rolled her eyes "Aren't you always?" She then walked to the door "Let's go have dinner... Your uncle had to leave an hour ago but will be home soon... I know you dont wish to dine with him and your father forced you to be here... Just be diplomatic. And dont get on your uncle's nerves... I will try to help..."

Stanley was glad she understood. He hated his uncle.

Stanley followed his mother to the dining room. They sat down at the already set out table and started eating.

Wanda said "Your uncle wants to talk to you..."

Stanley asked "About what?"

Wanda said "Dont be surprised if he asks you to work for him in weekends..."

Staley asked "What? Mother... No chance... I cant do that... I have school anyways..."

Wanda said "Your school is in New York.... You have no excuse... When you were in Chicago you could avoid him but now he lives in the same city as you... If you dont want to do as he says you can always move back to Chicago to go to the same school that all the Alistaire family children go to...."

Stanley said "I am not working for him..."

Wanda said "He will make you... You have to do some work experience for your school either way... Why not work for your uncle Wyatt?"

Stanley said "I dont get along with uncle Wyatt... He is an uncle from hell... Mother... I am going to leave... I cant see him tonight... I am going back to school... Cover for me and give an excuse... I know father expects me to be here... I am going to clash with uncle if I stay..."

Wanda said "You will be wasting a great opportunity here if you refuse your uncle... If you gain skills by working for him I bet your grandfather may name you as the Allisatre  heir after himself  rather than any of your other cousins... We all know you are your grandfather's favourite... Imagine becoming the head of the Alisiater family..."

Stanley said "I dont want to be anyone's favourite... I dont want to be the chosen heir... I have other cousins who are keen to take charge... I am not keen..."

Wanda sighed and carried on eating.

As they were eating Stanley heard engine sounds. He looked up "Is uncle home?"

Wanda said "Yes.. I bet its him... It sounds like his car and the cars of his entourage have arrived by the sound of it... It's noisy out there.... You could try to stay Stanley. Dont leave..."

Stanley sighed and stood up. He walked to the window. "He is here... I cant stay...Not tonight... I dont want to talk to him about working for him because I have no intention of saying yes..."

Wanda said "Stop being so dramatic... Just stay.... You can work for him a few hours a week. He will show you the ropes to how to become a good businessman... "

Stanley sighed "Where is the exit. Back exit?"

Wanda said "I am not telling you... if you want to escape, do it yourself... I think you must make truce with your uncle... He just wants what's best for you..."

Stanley walked away "Mother... Try to understand... I dont like him... I dont want to work with him or for him..." He then walked away aimlessly going through corridors. He did not ask the personnel where to go. They were not allowed to interact with him. They could only serve him. All maids and servants were treated that way in the Alistaire and Whelan household. They just served silently and did not speak unless it was part of their duty. If they helped him leave they were going to die. His uncle was extreme in his punishments.

Stanley came across a window that seemed to be a window opening to the back of the building. As he stepped outside through the window he could hear orders from his uncle not very far "Find him... Bring my nephew to me to my office..."

Stanley was about to run to the woods but before he knew it he found himself surrounded by men who appeared in front of him.

One said "Sir... Your uncle requests your presence..."

Stanley nodded "Lead the way gentlemen..." He then followed the men who he knew well from his previous interactions. He did not know this place well so he had been caught. He just had to take a tour and learn shortcuts and escape routes.

Stanley found himself in front of a door. He knocked and entered. As he closed the door he saw his uncle changing his shirt. His discarded shirt had blood staines on it. The blood obviously didnt belong to his uncle. He wondered which poor soul he had slaughtered that night. It seemed like he was getting changed before going to dinner.

Stanley leaned to the door and looked at his uncle silently. His uncle had dead emotionless eyes and was staring at Stanley silently with reprimanding eyes. He shook his head as he walked to him while buttoning his clean new shirt. He stood in front of him "Hello nephew..."

Stanley didnt respond and just stared at him.

His uncle said "You are disrespectful Stanley... Next time, don't try to leave without greeting me... It's disrespectful. Don't you think?..."

Stanley looked away and didnt say anything. His uncle was not worth arguing with.

His uncle demanded "Answer my question... And look at me when I am speaking to you..." His voice was calm but an evident warning was behind his every word.

Stanley looked at his uncle with defiant eyes and whispered  "I am sorry..."

His uncle said "Finish the sentence...."

Stanley hated his uncle but had to play along so he let him leave sooner. His uncle could keep him at his mansion for as long as he wanted. He was allowed to. Then he couldn't go back to school and see Dani who was meant to join the school that weekend. He had to co-operate for now.

Stanley whispered as he looked at his uncle with contempt  "I am sorry uncle Wyatt...."

His uncle said "Great... So I dont have to teach you the hard way not to take me on... Wise choice Stanley.... Take a walk with me..."

Stanley reluctantly followed his uncle out the door. At least he didn't make him continue apologising. He seemed to be in a generous mood.

His uncle entered the dining room followed by Stanley.

Stanley's mother smiled "You are back brother..."

Wyatt smiled and sat opposite his sister at the table "Yes... I am back and in time to see my nephew..."

Wyatt turned to Stanley who was walking to the corner of the room "You can come sit..."

Stanley said "I have already eaten..."

Wyatt turned "Your choice..." He then ignored him as he got on with eating.

Stanley reached the corner of the room and stood there looking outside the window. The outside looked more interesting than inside.

Wyatt said "Stanley... I want to see you tomorrow in town..."

Stanley had joined his school in New York to avoid spending time with the Allisatre family as they mostly operated in Chicago. Instead he was no stuck with his uncle Wyatt. He whispered as he was looking outside the window "I have school work... I cant..."

Wyatt said "Make time Stanley... I will take you somewhere educational... Believe me... You wont want to miss the trip... I will send men to pick you up from school..."

Wanda said "Wyatt... My son has school work... I dont want his grades to go down..."

Wyatt sighed " I will only need him two hours maximum... I think my nephew can manage two hours...."

Stanley said  as he was looking outside the window. "Fine...." What choice did he have. His uncle's price went up when he refused his demands. His uncle didnt bluff and didnt lie... He did exactly what he said he would do. If he said two hours, he meant two hours. He was very precise.

Wyatt looked at his sister "Wanda. Why didn't your husband come to visit me? Is he coming tomorrow?"

Wanda said "He is extremely busy."

Wyatt said "How busy?"

Wanda said "A lot is happening for the Alistaires tonight and this entire weekend if full business engagements. He can't come visit but you may bump into him in the city. I won't be surprised if you do..."

Wyatt carried on eating.

Stanley turned and slowly walked to the door.

Wyatt asked "Where are you going nephew?"

Stanley sighed "For a walk... I will be back... I just want to take a look at your new house..."

Wyatt said "Don't even think about making a run for it... I am not done with you yet... We have so much to discuss after dinner..."

Stanley muttered "I know..." He then walked out of the room and took a deep breath as he took the chance to explore the mansion. He preferred to be anywhere but there. But he wasn't going to run. He wanted to avoid meeting his uncle and it was too late to leave... Now it was good chance to familiarise himself with these new surroundings just in case he needed to make a run for it at some point while staying there.


It was night time. Viggo and Angelia had gone out after dinner leaving Verona and Venetziano at their hotel. Verona Rosario was sitting in the cinema room of the hotel alone watching a film when a guard informed her she had a visitor in the lobby. She made her way to the lounge of the hotel lobby and came face to face with a girl who was standing there with luggage.

As the girl saw Verona she said "Hi. I am Dani..."

Verona was taken back. She was Dani? The girl Stanley loved. Her godmother acted fast. She was one fairy godmother in every way. Whatever wish she had, it was granted by her. But why was she there and not the school?

Dani looked at her watch "I know this is a late hour but you requested my presence and I wanted to meet with you on arrival. So I asked your godmother if I can be dropped off here rather than the school accommodation tonight... The school admins are closed at this time either way. I need to go there for induction tomorrow... So ... I am staying here tonight..."

Verona smiled and approached Dani. She offered her hand to hers to take. "Hi Dani. It's great to finally meet you... I am Verona..."

Dani shook Verona's hand "I am delighted to meet you Verona..." She then pulled her hand away "Please don't take this the wrong way. But why am I here? They said you want an ice skating mentor and partner to help you prepare for state championships... I don't know anything about you or which family you belong to but I know you are are Arlinda Mcleod's god-daughter. ... You can get any coach you want. She would do anything for you with a phone call. Why did you request to see me really? I maybe good at ice skating. But I don't think that's the reason I am here..."

Verona put her hands behind her back and said "You are right... That is not the reason... The initial invite is not from me... Its from someone else... I just didn't want to tell my godmother that detail. I invited you to the school on someone else's behalf."

Dani asked "Who would do that? Or more precisely I should ask, who would you lie to your godmother for? Don't you know who she is?"

Verona shook her head "I didn't lie to my godmother... I just didn't share the details... The fact is you will be joining my school..."

Dani asked "But who is it? Who wants me here..."

Verona stated cautiously not knowing how Dani would react "Stanley Alistaire..."

Dani narrowed her eyes "What? What does he want from me? A date? Not happening... He never gives up..."

Verona asked "He really likes you. I guess he wants a chance to be close to you..."

Dani asked "What did he offer you for this?"

Verona frowned "Nothing. I felt bad for him. I know he doesn't get along with his family but he cares about a girl very strongly that happens to be you... He is friends with my Irish cousins and I just wanted to help him..."

Dani shook her head "Verona... You seem like a nice person... You sound genuine. I know you want to help... But things are not how they seem... He is an Alistaire. You do know his family's reputation. Right?"

Verona said "But he is not like his family from what I can gather. He is good enough for my cousins to hang around with. I think he is different..."

Dani said "That's what you think. I don't share your optimism..."

Verona said "We can't help who we are related to. He is trying to distance himself from his family and their dark reputation..."

Dani said "He is... Is he? But he is an Alistair. And not just any Alistair. He could be leading that cruel family... He could be the next head of the Alistair family... Do you know what comes with the role and what happens to those who associate themselves with a crime boss who is leading a brutal monster our family?"

Verona raised an eyebrow "But he is the son of the third son of his grandfather. He said he is not the heir and his cousins are ahead of him..."

Dani said "It doesn't work like that Verona. He might be the son of the youngest son of his grandfather. But he is the favourite grandson... He hasn't told you that. Has he? I think he is in denial. He ignores his grandfather's affection. He tries to pretend that he is not important. Maybe he is hoping they forget him and his importance when he moved here to New York leaving his family in Chicago. Guess what? His grandfather is so fond of him, he is moving all his new businesses and business deals to New York. His favourite grandson must be close to his grandfather..."

Verona said "I can't believe it. Really? Is this what's he is going through? He is running away from his family's interest and affection in him? He said he hates them and their actions and that's why he moved..."

Dani said "He hasn't lied. That may be the reason he has moved. But the facts don't change. He has the highest chance of being named the next leader... His uncles even approve of him... The only one who really is harsh to him is his own father who can see he is wasting his potential. Stanley is a born leader. You must know that. He is a captain in the military school part of your school. Isn't he?"

Verona was taking in the information. She nodded and then said "So... Do you reject being his girlfriend because there is a possibility that is going to be a leader? He told me he has asked you many times and you said no... Or is it his personality?"

Dani rolled her eyes "It's not his personality. He is very nice. He is very kind to me... That's not the problem. If he wasn't an Alistair I would have gone out with him... I would have in a heart beat. I do like him... But my situation is very complex... More complex than you think or he thinks..."

A voice came "You would go out with me?"

Verona and Dani turned to the direction of the voice. Here he was Stanley standing in the lobby. He had a distant look in his eyes.

Verona noticed he was wearing formal wear as though he had come from a business meeting or an event.

Dani was shocked but then outrage took over as she narrowed her eyes "How many minutes have you been standing there listening to what I said..."

Stanley started taking steps towards Dani while staring at her. He whispered as he was walking "Seconds... Not minutes... But I heard what you said about us... You said you would go out with me..."

Dani started taking steps backwards. "I can't. I can't do this... We can't be together."

Stanley said "You said we can, only seconds ago... No obstacle is too big to remove... I will fight for us..."

Stanley stopped walking and Dani stopped retreating since her back had hit the wall. She shook her head "Stanley... This can't work."

Stanley shook his head "Now that I know how you feel about us being together, I am not letting go. I am not giving up... No matter what happens we work through it..."

Dani was about to argue back "Well...". But then she stopped as she looked into the distance.

Stanley watched as Dani walked to him and hid behind him almost while looking past him.

Verona turned around and said "Oh Venetziano. Hi. What are you doing down here."

Venetziano replied "I came here to see the receptionist. I ordered some necessities but they haven't arrived in my room yet..."

Verona said "They delivered it to my room... They said they didn't want to disturb you. Sorry. I was going to give them to you after I came up..."

Venetziano said "That is great ... I will collect the package from your room...You carry on whatever you are doing here sister..."

Dani said in astonishment as she was hiding behind Stanley "What... You are related? Thats your brother? Then that means you are Verona Rosario? They didn't give me your family name or who you are... I had no idea..."

Stanley was looking at Dani with a mixture of concern and confusion. He noticed. She had paled and looked like she had seen a ghost. Stanley asked "Has he ever done anything to you..."

Dani swallowed hard but shook her head 'No... Its not that... He hasn't done anything to me..."

Stanley was confused but believed Dani when she said Venetziano hadn't hurt her. He looked at venetziano who was completely ignoring him and Dani.

Venetziano was looking at Verona "I see that you are busy with some people. They must be friends of yours if  security thought it's ok to let them near you without telling me... Are they Verona?"

Verona said "They attend my new school..." She then pointed to Stanley "He is Stanley Allistaire. You know he is friends with Nicandro..." She then pointed to Dani "And she is Dani..."

Stanley noticed Dani's still had distress and fear in her eyes and was still standing behind him. He turned to Dani "What's wrong Dani?"

Venetziano said to Verona "I am going back to my room... I will pick up the package from your room... You go to your new friends..." He then walked away.

Stanley looked at Dani and said reassuringly "He is leaving... Now tell me what's wrong exactly.... Explain to me Dani what's going on... I would go after him if he is causing you distress but you say he has done nothing to you... I am confused...."

Dani looked at Stanley and spoke while her voice was shaking "He is Venetziano Rosario... He is a dangerous cut throat... That is reason enough to be wary of him... He is capable of so much and most importantly he knows people who are dangerous... He knows many people who will kill me and hurt me if they find me....:

Stanley frowned "What? You make no sense Dani.... What are you afraid of exactly?. Why would anyone want to hurt you? Is there something you are not telling me?...."

Verona walked to Stanley and Dani. She said "Stanley, Dani seems stressed. You must give her some space.... Everyone finds my brother dangerous and scary either way. That is something I am used to. But if Dani needs to tell you more, it can wait. She has just arrived. I am going to take Dani to a hotel room that is on the Rosario floor that's reserved for our personelle and guests.. The guards are everywhere there and it's safe. You can tell Dani later after she eats and drinks something and relaxes."

Stanley didnt protest as she watched Dani hold Dani's hand and asked Dani to follow her.

Dani gave Verona a weak smile "Thank you Verona...."

Stanley said to Dani "We will talk later... I am going to see Venetziano..."

Verona gave Stanley, her brother's room number as she was walking away .


Stanley opened the door to Veneziano's room and entered. He saw Venetziano sitting behind a dining table having a heated argument with Ottavio who was sitting opposite him behind a table. They seemed to be pointing to a map and discussing it. The two boys slowly turned to look at the door as Stanley entered.

Ottavio raised an eyebrow as he looked at Stanley "What the hell? "Why are you here?" He then looked at Venetziano "Why is he here?"

Venetziano shrugged as he looked down at the map and started writing something on it. "I dont care... I dont want to know."

Stanley said "I need to talk to Venetziano. Its about my girl... Dani..." He then started walking.

Ottavio put his hand up "Halt... Unless you want to get fried..."

Stanley stopped walking "What?"

Ottavio turned to Venetziano "Disable the intruder welcome pack... You dont to fry him..."

Venetziano muttered as he was still writing on the map "If he cant do the time he shouldn't do the crime..."

Ottavio said "This is an Orsino hotel Venetziano... Let him through... I need him at the military school."

Venetziano dropped the pencil and walked away to the next room.

Ottavio turned to Stanley "Do you always show up unannounced to places uninvited?"

Stanley said "I told you. It's about my girl.... I found out from the school that she is here... I came to see her... I did... But Venetziano here needs to answer my questions..."

Venetziano walked in with two cans of soda. "I dont answer to you..."

Ottavio asked "Did you disable the intruder system?"

Venetziano nodded as he put the soda cans on the table "Yes.. Its all clear... I wont fry him tonight at this hotel of yours..." He then sat down. He picked up his pencil and started drawing on the map.

Stanley shook his head as he walked towards Ottavio and Venetziano. "We need to talk Venetziano..."

Venetziano looked down "Talk... Its free of charge... You are in an Orsino hotel and Ottavio seems fond of you..."

Ottavio sighed as he opened a can of soda "I am not fond of him... I am fond of what he brings into military school..."

Venetziano was still writing and looking down "And what's that he brings in exactly? Bad timing? Or breaking into places he isn't welcome?"

Stanley stood next to the seated form of Venetziano "My girl is scared of you... I need you to explain why? Have you met her before?"

Venetziano put her pencil down and looked at Ottavio "I am thinking of re-activating the intruder welcome pack... I am very tempted." He then looked down at the map "Tell this friend of yours to leave before I fry his backside.... Orsino hotel or not, he is getting on my nerves with his manners or rather the lack of it..."

Ottavio rolled his eyes "Venetziano... Answer his questions... He cares for this Dani girl..."

Venetziano dropped the pencil on the map on the table and stood up as he sighed. He stepped towards Stanley and said "I didn't invite you in... You are a friend of my sister I assume... And you happen to be friends with my dear cousin, Nicandro but you are no friend of mine... I dont need to tell you anything.... Leave... or I will make you..."

Stanley said "I am not leaving. Make me...."

Venetziano said "With pleasure..." He looked at Ottavio "Forget about frying him... I want to break his neck... That would be more satisfying..."

Ottavio said "Venetziano... Just answer his questions... He normally minds his own business on the Irish side of the school... I owe him for getting resources for the military school that Irish suppliers wont give me...."

venetziano sighed and looked at Stanley "Saved by Ottavio... Go on... Speak..."

Stanley said "Tell me what happened downstairs...."

Venetziano turned to Ottavio "He has no manners at all... How do you put up with him in your school? We are going to have problems when I show up from time to time on that exchange program soon..."

Stanley raised an eyebrow "You are joining the school?"

Venetziano turned to Stanley "You could say that... It would be part time... Not full time... I have other places to be too.... I dont have spare time on my hands like you to show up unannounced and disturb people's business meetings..."

Stanley sighed "I am trying to ignore you... Time is something I dont have.... Now answer my questions...."

Venetziano said "Learn some manners first. Maybe I should teach you..." He then offered his hand to Stanley "I am Venetziano... And you are Stanley Wilfred Alistaire I believe. I have heard of you from my cousins..."

Stanley was taken back by his genuine words. He shook his hand "I have heard of you from your cousins too especially Nicandro..." He then let go quickly. "Answer my questions now... Dani is my world... She is the only thing that matters to me in my life... I need you to be honest with me..."

Venetziano said "Save the romantic speech... You dont need it... Oh I can tell you the truth... As soon as you get out of here, then I can get down to some unfinished business with Ottavio that you interrupted so inconveniently.... Ask specifically what you want to know..."

Stanley asked quickly "Why is my girl wary of you? Has she met you before? She says you have never done anything to her and that's why I am not shooting first before asking you questions... So tell me what is going on with her? Why did she look like she had seen a ghost when she saw you?"

Venetziano said "Why dont you ask your girl all these questions? Or is she your girl? She isn't. Is she? I bet she isn't.... Not yet anyways... When a girl becomes mine, I will know everything about her... Everything...."

Stanley said "She is so upset right now... I wanted to ask you instead... I will talk to her later... Why was she scared of you? It cant be just your reputation? She said to me that the people you know can hurt her if they find her.... I have no idea what she means by that..."

Venetziano looked at Stanley. "Firstly, you can tell your girl I am not after her blood if that's what's worrying her... Unless she upsets the Rosarios especially my sister, I have no reason to go after her . I dont care when she looks worried but my sister clearly does... Any more questions?"

Stanley said "She says you have never hurt her... But do you want me to believe you have no intentions of hurting her?"

Venetziano sighed "Don't insult me... Hurting her kind don't interest me... That's a fact... I can assure you Stanley."

Stanley looked at Venetziano "Her kind? What does that supposed to mean?"

Venetziano shrugged "Her kind. Dead people walking..."

Stanley shook his head "What do you mean by that? Stop giving me riddles..."

Venetziano said "You say she is your girl... Yet she hasn't told you anything?"

Stanley asked "She hasn't told me what? You call her dead girl walking... Explain that..."

Venetziano said "Go ask her who she is... Or rather who her brother is. Her brother and her are dead people walking. They are trying to hide and run. But it's not going to work."

Stanley said "You have got her mistaken for someone else surely. She has no brother. Her parents worked for my family until now. They work for Arlinda Macleod now..."

Venetziano said "They are not her parents. Well. They are her god parents. Her biological parents are dead..."

Stanley shook his head in disbelief "I don't believe you... It can't be true. If it was, my family would have revealed it by now..."

Venetziano said "Your grandfather knows. Only him. He is hiding her for his own reasons... He was asked to protect Dani. He is no honourable man. It was a business arrangement he agreed to with Dani's family or whatever was left of it. Dani only has one blood relative left now and that's her brother who was being raised and mentored by his uncle who was killed last month. Her brother is young. Our age. He won't survive long. Not unless he signs some awful deals that would make him even more enemies than he and his family currently has ..."

Stanley was in total shock and couldn't speak. He whispered once he was out of shock "How do you know this? Were you or your people after her?"

Venetziano said "No. Not really. I know people who are after her family. She might have seen me somewhere at a stand off when ultimatums were given here and there.... Dont look at me like that... It never had anything to do with me... I am friends with the sons of Dani and her brother's enemies... Thats where my link to her situation ends... But Rosarios have no personal vendetta... You need to have a long talk with your girl..."

Stanley shook his head in disbelief "Why didn't she tell me? Doesn't she trust me?"

Venetziano said "She has been living a double life... Why would she tell you something that even she prefers to forget Stanley? I told you she has had to be involved in stand offs with the enemies of her family from time to time... She has been in touch with her brother alot... I think her excuse was visiting elderly relatives perhaps or something like that... Her family is not in a good situation... I told you her brother is all she has left of her family... I told you that her uncle who took care of her brother and mentored him died last month... He was killed.... Her brother is next unless he changes his ways..."

Stanley asked with a mixture of emotions in his eyes "But hold on. How come Nicandro hasn't told me about this? He knows how much Dani means to me...."

Venetziano said "He doesn't know..."

Stanley asked with surprise "What? But how come you know and how come you haven't told him..."

Venetziano said "No one knows but me in my family.... Its not knowledge I share... I only know because I do have links with those who worked with or are linked to my great grandfather Paulo Rosario... No one else in my family has links with them..."

Stanley said "Who is her family. Do I know them?"

Venetziano said "No... Your family do not have links to them... Dani's family is the MacReynolds family..."

Stanley closed his eyes.

Venetziano said "Now you know her identity... Her brother is Dacian MacReynolds..."

Stanley opened his eyes. "She should have come to me before... Why didnt she tell me? I could have helped her..."

Venetziano said "You can help her...Convince her to stop her brother signing crazy deals that would anger many more families... Now that you know which family she belongs to you know what you are dealing with... She has many enemies who want her dead... She has no one but her brother..."

Stanley looked at Venetziano "I cant believe you even gave me all this information. I feel gratitude..."

Venetziano said "You dont need to... I didnt do it for you... My mother's family, the Andovini family was wiped out in a similar way as Dani's were destroyed... My mother survived when many wanted her dead... My father kept my mother alive and in fact no one even dares think wrongly about my mother... The question is, are you upto the challenge? If you are. Leave and keep your girl safe... If you are not, still leave... I have work to do...." He then walked to the chair behind him and sat down as he said "Where were we Ottavio?"

Ottavio was looking at Venetziano with astonishment. He had been silent as he had witnessed the most unlikeliest exchange.

Stanley muttered another thank you and left.

Ottavio said to Venetziano "I never knew you harboured so many secrets... I just witnessed something very extraordinary here... Stanley is so in control of his emotions.... You revealed so much and he reacted rationally... See... That is why he is perfect for being a leader in military school...."

Venetziano opened a soda can and looked at Ottavio "I harbour secrets? Look who's talking... I cant wait to see my father's reaction because frankly I dont know how he will react to finding out your love for my sister..."

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