Tales of a Wild Heart

By Rarabear561

46.5K 1.8K 406

"Violet? Whose that? She's not in this class, is she Maya?" a brunette questioned to her best friend, Maya "U... More

Introducing Ms. Violet Summers
Chapter Two: Violet Meets Communication
Chapter Three: Violet Meets Jealousy
Chapter Four: Violet Meets Art Exihibt
Chapter Five: Violet Meets Beauty Standards
Chapter Six: Violet Meets Bake Sale
Chapter Seven: Violet Meets Bully
Chapter Eight: Violet Meets School Election
Chapter Nine: Violet Meets the Holidays
Chapter Ten: Violet Meets Game Night
Chapter Eleven: Violet Meets Maya's Birthday
Chapter Twelve: Violet Meets Birthday Surprise
Chapter Thirteen: Violet Meets Chaperon
Chapter Fourteen: Violet Meets Operation: Angela
Chapter Fifteen: Violet Meets The One That Got Away
Chapter Sixteen: Goodbye California, Hello School
Chapter Seventeen: Violet Meets Relationship Standards
Chapter Eighteen: Violet Meets Zay Babineaux
Chapter Nineteen: Violet Meets Time Capsule
Chapter Twenty: Violet Meets College Party
New Cast Alert 🚨
Chapter Twenty One: Violet Meets Rules
Chapter Twenty Two: Violet Meets Fatherly Advice
Chapter Twenty Three: Violet Meets Yearbook
Social Media
Chapter Twenty Four: Violet Meets Semi-Formal
Chapter Twenty Five: Violet Meets Autism
Chapter Twenty Six: Violet Meets Head Bitch In Charge
Chapter Twenty Seven: Violet Meets Bull Riding
Chapter Twenty Eight: Violet Meets Triangle
Chapter Twenty Nine: Violet Meets New Years Kiss
Chapter Thirty: Violet meets S.T.E.M

Chapter One: Violet Meets Cowboy

3.4K 85 2
By Rarabear561

Make up

Outfit of the day

~Early morning at Violet's~

"Fuck what time is it" Violet Summers groaned as the sun shined in her face through her half open curtains. She rubbed her eyes and yawned as she stretched out before looking at her alarm clock and saw that she needed to be getting dressed soon. Violet rolled out of bed looking around her messy room as she saw Eclipse, her beautiful black pitbull wiggling her butt around "Hi pretty girl" she said as she rubbed all over her before heading to her dresser to grab clothes for school.

"Hm, I wonder what's gonna be today's lesson and why do I know it's gonna somehow revolve around them" Violet muttered as she got dressed and went to do her morning routine which consisted of brushing her teeth and washing her face. 'I wonder if I should do my makeup today'  she thought to herself as she looked in the mirror "Yeah definitely gonna do makeup" she laughed out loud as she grabbed her bag and looked throughout the pallet of colors.

"Anddddd all done" Violet said as she finished her lipgloss and smiled in the mirror before she checked her phone and saw the time "Fuck I need to start heading out so I can still get there early" she said to herself and grabbed Eclipse's vest and leash "Here girl" she called out to her as she placed them on her and grabbed her bag and house keys.

She glanced around the room once more before walking out and closing the door, heading to the kitchen to grab a quick snack, her smile returning to her face as she saw her cat, Caesar sprawled out across the kitchen floor asleep. Violet bent down planting a kiss on his head and gave his a light tummy scratch before grabbing an apple from her fruit bowl and started to make her to the train station with Eclipse following "Here we go" she said out loud.

~Train station with Violet and Eclipse~

"Alright girl, we made it" Violet said to Eclipse as she gave her a scratch on the head while they walked into the station and looked around at the dark scenery before she looked for her train but not before waving to Dweezil, the local train station drummer. She stepped onto her train, looking for a spot and saw an opening next to a boy her age and went for it "Come Eclipse" she said softly as she tugged her leash lightly. Sitting next to him, she motioned down to Eclipse, who happily obliged and laid on her stomach.

Violet could immediately feel his eyes on her, which made her raise a brow and give him a slight smirk "See something you like" she teased as she turned towards him just slightly. The boy blushed slightly and glanced down "Sorry ma'am, I didn't intend to be rude" he said as his southern accent hit her ears causing her smirk to grow "Mm it seems I found myself a cowboy" Violet hummed scratching her imaginary beard as she noticed his blush began to brighten.

"It would appear so ma'am, my name is Lucas, Lucas Friar" Lucas introduced as he looked back up at her, noticing her hazel eyes which seemed to put him a trance before he shook himself out of it. "The names Violet Summers" she replied before she looked him over and hummed to herself again "You're new around here aren't ya?" Violet questioned as she knew, more so recognizes almost anyone who rides the train and he was not looking of any familiarity. "Yes ma'am, I'm from Austin, Texas. Me and my family just moved here this week" he said to her, nodding with a smile.

"You can drop the ma'am I'm pretty sure we're the same age" Violet told him as she playfully punched his shoulder, she felt comfortable with him but she was still being cautious knowing to never get too comfortable. She looked him over again when she processed what he said "Oh you're from Texas, that's pretty cool I've visited there a couple times, I miss it sometimes" she said to him before her eyes glanced out the window and saw them. Her demeanor immediately shifted as she straightened herself out just slightly.

Lucas noticed the change in demeanor, but didn't bring it up as he just looked around the train before bringing his focus back onto Violet. "Yeah I miss it too, my dad got a new job so we were kinda forced to move" he replied to her even though he knew that wasn't the only reason for him moving to New York, but she didn't have to know that, he thought to himself.

Violet was lucky enough to be on Lucas right side as she could observe her surroundings, petting Eclipse she watched as the girls came on the train and rolled her eyes as she watched the brunette girl apply lipgloss which she has never done a day in her life.

~With Riley and Maya~

"Lipgloss Riley? You don't do lipgloss" Maya says to her best friend with a raised brow at the new attitude she was bringing to the table. Riley, Maya's best friend simply smiled "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'm completely making myself over. I ride the subway now with my kiwi lips, I'm just as cool as you now" she said as they both found a place on the train.

She still couldn't believe that she was on the subway making the world her own "Cool as me? Oh yeah, let's see how cool you are when you take a look at him" Maya said to her nodding over towards a cute blonde boy, which made Riley follow her eyes as a huge awkward smile stretched itself onto her face. It caused Maya to laugh "Alright lesson number one, let me teach you about boys and girls, watch me" she told her as she cleared her throat, tossing her hair to the side, making her way towards the boy.

~Back with Lucas and Violet~

Violet noticed the blonde coming over to Lucas and rolled her eyes as her focus went to Eclipse, but she kept her ears open wondering what did she want with Lucas. Maya stood in front of Lucas smiling as she looked at him as if she were love "Hi, I'm Maya. You're really cute. We should hang out sometime. You make me happy. You don't pay enough attention to me. This isn't working out. It's you, not me. We can still be friends. Not really" she said to him before walking away from him as if nothing had just happened.

Violet couldn't help but to snicker at the poor confusion on Lucas face at the whole ordeal "That was a nice breakup you just had there cowboy" she teased before her gaze went over to the girls noticing that Maya had unlatched her friend's hand which sent her flying into Lucas lap "Hi. We were just talking about you. You used to go out with my friend, Maya." Riley said to him as she looked at the boy from his lap "I'm Lucas" he introduced which resulted in Riley saying "I love it"

~John Quincy Adams Middle School~

Violet sighed as she walked into the halls of her middle school looking around before going to her locker making sure no one was interacting with Eclipse before she grabbed her books for class. She had split off from Lucas at the beginning of school after the whole Riley and Maya situation, which in her opinion was really awkward but who was she to judge.

The bell rung signaling class was about to start. She walked into her last class of the day, history, which happened to be Cory's class also known as Mr. Matthews, Riley's father who she just happened to have the class with along with Maya. She sat in her chair and pulled out homework from the night before, she looked over and nodded at Farkle, Farkle was a skinny, pale boy who wore turtlenecks and had a bowl cut hairstyle.

He may look dorky, but boy did he have the intelligence to back it up, Violet often challenged him toe to toe when it came to it. "Hey spitfire, how's it going" Farkle flirted as he noticed the nod she gave him. Violet smiled at the attempt "Going pretty good, I'm just wondering what's gonna be todays lesson" she responded before her attention going to the door noticing that Maya and Riley was late for class.

"Hi, honey." Mr. Matthews said to Riley as he had met them at the door in which she smiled sweetly "Hi, Daddy" she responded which resulted in a back and forth conversation. "You're late to your father's class" he said with a hand on his hip and a raised brow questioning to why the girls were late, Maya the quicker thinker of the two, stepped up to him. "Oh, don't worry, Mr. Matthews, you wrote her a note" she told the man as he looked at her confused as she handed Riley the note.

Riley had proceeded to hand said note to her father "See you did" she said with a smile, Mr. Matthews took the note reading it out loud "Riley's late. Deal with it" before he noticed something in the note "Oh, you got my signature down pretty good this time" he said to Maya. "Oh it was easy, you write like a girl" she said to him with a smirk. Violet rolled her eyes at the scene as he always had let them get away with everything, hell she was sure he'd let them get away with murder.

Violet watched as Mr. Matthews gathered the class attention and started to talk about the Civil War, well more like he tried to start talking about it, but of course Maya and Riley started another banter which caused her to zone out. She opened her notebook and started to sketch to pass time as the golden girls stole class time once again. By the time she finished her sketch she tuned back in as Mr. Matthews asked "Who are you? I don't know who you are."

Violet looked up confused on who he was talking about until she noticed Lucas walking in the door with a pass in his hand, she heard Riley whisper to Maya "Subway boy!" She rolled her eyes at their antics as she leaned against her hand watching Lucas hand Mr. Matthews the pass. "I'm Lucas Friar, from Austin, Texas" he introduced and nodded when asked if he was a new student. "Great. You're just in time for today's assignment. Have a seat in the empty seat in front of Violet" Mr. Matthews said as he placed the pass on his desk.

"Violet? Whose that? She's not in this class is she Maya?" Riley questioned as she never heard that name before looking over at her best friend who in return gave her a confused look "Uh I don't believe so" she responded. Violet rolled her eyes even more as she heard the exchange between the girls, typical they didn't even know she existed even though she's been in the same class with them for the past 3 years.

"Violet raise your hand, so that Mr. Friar knows where to sit" Mr. Matthews instructed which resulted in her raising her hand even though Lucas knew who she was. She watched as both girls eyes widened as they landed on her "Where in the heck did you come from? I don't remember seeing you ever" Riley questioned as she pointed at her.

Violet raised a brow "I've been here the entire time, you would've noticed if-" she cut herself off as she didn't want to get in trouble with her teacher. Her gaze moved to said teacher and cued him to return with the lesson which he understood immediately. As soon as Lucas plopped in the seat in front of her, Violet watched Riley's eyes go straight to him, but she felt Maya gaze still linger on her.

Mr. Matthews turned his daughter head back around as he looked at his lesson plan "Okay class so turn your books to page 48" he instructed as he watched the class do so and smiled as he spoke again "Now turn your book to page 1. Now I would like for you to read pages 1-48." The class groaned in unison except for Farkle, Violet and Lucas.

"Okay so for tonight's assignment, I would like for you guys to write me a three page essay on anything you guys strongly believe in, something you'd fight for" Mr. Matthews instructed the class, Violet made sure to write down the assignment because she often sometimes forget due to her medications. She watched as once again Maya and Riley started their "show" as Maya stood up "That! I'd fight for no homework. Why can't you teach me everything I need to know while I'm here?" She blurted out as she raised a finger towards the man.

Riley cheered "Woo" in support of her friend which changed immediately once her father glanced at her "I mean not woo." Maya disregarded their interaction as she faced towards the class "He gets our days, let's take back our nights" she stated as she stood and began to chant "No homework, More freedom" the class started to join in on the chant. Violet found the whole thing idiotic as she looked at the clock and saw that it was 5 minutes til class was over which meant it was time for her to start to leave and started to pack her things. She nodded a goodbye to Lucas and Mr. Matthews as she got Eclipse attention when she noticed that she was starting to get distracted and left the classroom, leaving Riley and Maya to their own devices.

Violet put her necessary books away into her locker and started to make her way towards the exit as the final bell rung out trying her best to avoid traffic with the students. She glanced at her phone sighing as she looked at her lock screen with a small smile before she started her walk. "Violet" she heard a voice call her as she glanced back and noticed that it was Lucas "Cowboy, what's up" Violet questioned as she stopped walking, she wondered what he needed her for.

It's not like they were friends, she'd considered him an acquaintance at best. "Care if I walk with you?" He questioned as he broke the space between them, he was quite interested in the split dyed hair girl in front of him, but he wasn't sure why. "I don't mean to sound rude Friar, but we aren't necessarily friends so why do you want to be around me" Violet questioned him, it wasn't that she didn't like his company and sure she has friends at school but that's what they were school friends none of them actually want to talk to her outside of school, well except Farkle, Farkle tends to check up on her every now and again which she appreciates.

"I just thought being that I'm still new to the city and you seemed to be alone quite a bit I could keep you company and we could possibly get to know each other" Lucas responded to her with a smile, he hoped she didn't take offense to what he said. Violet raised a brow at his observation and thought about the odds, she really didn't want twiddle dee and twiddle dum to annoy her for hanging out with him, but who are they to dictate her choices "Yeah sure why not cowboy. I was heading to my favorite place before I head home if you would like to join me" she offered to him as she took in his image and features.

She didn't think he was that too bad looking of a guy, she watched as his smile grew at her invitation "It would be an honor ma'am" he said accepting offer and jokingly tipped his fake cowboy hat at her. It caused a laugh to erupt from Violet's mouth as she smirked at the gesture "Well let's go then" she told him as she began walking again and watched him followed suit right next to her. "I was wondering" Lucas started off by saying as he tried to think of the best way to approach his question, Violet glanced at him "Speak your mind" she said as she raised a brow, not many people wonder about her so she was curious to know what he wanted to ask.

Lucas nodded as he gathered his thoughts "How come you bring your dog with you to school, I thought dogs were permitted" he asked her, he was curious about her dog, don't get him wrong he loves animals but he noticed that Violet's dog had a special vest on. He watched as Violet's face turn into a grin "Ah so you're wondering about my baby girl, Eclipse" she started to say petting her head as Lucas nodded in response staying silent to let her continue "Well she's my service animal, meaning shes trained with tasks that helps me with my disabilities due to my medical conditions. I bet you wouldn't think a girl like me have medical problems huh?" Violet finished as she joked with him.

She glanced at him to see a reaction and saw the look of concern "It's nothing to be worried about, Eclipse always alerts me before it gets too bad" she reassured him with a smile as she grabbed his hand with her free hand pulling him to turn the corner right in front of "Svorski's Bakery".

Violet watched as Lucas was still processing what she said to him and honestly his silence was starting to scare her just a bit. "Cowboy you okay" she asked as they stood in front of the bakery, Lucas shook clear of his thoughts as he didn't know what to say as looking at Violet, you wouldn't think anything was wrong with her. "Yes I'm fine, sorry for the silence I just wouldn't have thought you'd have-" he was cut off by Violet as she finished his sentence "Health issues. Yeah I know not many people at our school know except for the adults so please keep it a secret."

Lucas nodded in agreement "Yeah Violet of course" he responded as he squeezed her hand when he saw that she didn't release it yet. The action caused her to blush as she let his hand go "Sorry about that, let's go in" she laughed. The two teens smiled as they walked into the bakery, Violet showed him her favorite pastries and drinks and they had a great time getting to know each other before they had to say goodbye when they realized how much time had passed by.

~John Quincy's Cafeteria~
Outfit of the day

Violet had just left her art class with Eclipse who also got to paint which made her extremely happy as she walked into the cafeteria. She took notice of Lucas not knowing where to sit as everyone seemed to have their own little groups, she thought it was cute how he looked like a lost puppy.

Tugging Eclipse's leash slightly, she guided her to the lunch line and gave Geralyn, the lunch lady, a smile "How you doing today" she asked the woman as she pointed at what she wanted "I'm doing okay honey, no complaints as of yet" Geralyn responded as she placed the food onto her tray.

"That's good, you have nice one. I'll be here to help for cafeteria duty tomorrow" she told her as she hooked Eclipse's leash to her bag to not drop her lunch. She grabbed the tray with both hands and walked over to Lucas seeing as he still hadn't found a place to sit.

"Howdy Cowboy" Violet greeted as she stood next to him as she glanced around seeing that Maya had seemed to be coaching Riley, but wasn't sure what for. "Hey V, I have no clue where to sit" Lucas responded before he took notice of Riley and Maya and looked over at Violet to see if she was interested in sitting with them.

She noticed his glance and blinked at him following him to their table silently just as Riley said "Hey" as if she was practicing. "Hey back" Lucas greeted as he sat down and looked at Violet to join who reluctantly just stood questioning her choices. Riley took notice of Lucas attention being elsewhere and followed his gaze up to Violet which made her look back to Maya who was already looking at said girl.

"You're free to sit down too Violet, I've been meeting to speak with you since yesterday but you left class yesterday early, why is that" Riley rambled on as Violet groaned in her head and sat down next to Lucas as she looked at Riley who practically was staring at her curiously "Um no offense Riley, but I'm not really interested in speaking my business" she stated as she placed her tray and went to backpack pulling out a food container for Eclipse to eat as well.

"Oh my goodness is that a dog? Is she yours? Can I pet her, pretty please" Riley basically pleaded as she took notice of Eclipse who was sitting right next to Violet, she had already gotten up to go pet her. Violet immediately shut down the whole idea "Please do not touch my dog or distract her" she simply stated as she regained Eclipse's focus, Maya who saw Riley's face drop immediately turned to Violet and gave her a glare "And why can't she touch your dog, you can't just bring a dog to school and expect nobody to want to touch it" she said with attitude.

Violet looked over at Maya before looking at Lucas before she silently got up "I don't have time for this" she stated as she placed the food container back in her bag "Eclipse go to Darby" she instructed as she grabbed her tray and followed suit not looking back. Maya rolled her eyes before she comforted Riley who looked upset about the situation "It's okay Riles, she was just being rude" she said into her ear as she hugged her.

Lucas wasn't sure how to feel about the situation, he knew Maya shouldn't have confronted Violet in that manner, but he also thought Violet could've handled the better. He thought about following after her, but he knew it wouldn't be a good idea so he stuck with Riley and Maya as he glanced at Riley "Thank you for allowing me to sit with you" he said to her which seemed to bounce her back into being happy as he watched her giggle to Maya.

Before he knew it, he was being dragged out of the cafeteria by Mr. Matthews as he waved bye. Violet watched the whole scene and couldn't help but laugh when she heard Mr. Matthews ask Lucas about what part of Texas was closest to Mexico, she was still annoyed that Maya went off on her, but after ranting to Darby and Yogi she felt better. She made sure she fed Eclipse as soon as she had reached the table, she just hoped history wouldn't be a disaster.

~Mr. Matthews History Class~

Violet walked straight to her seat when the bell rung as she didn't care to look at Riley or Maya, she gave Lucas a small smile before she sat and signaled Eclipse to lay down and gave her a treat for listening. She pulled out her homework as she had worked hard on it as she watched Mr. Matthews approach Lucas "You seem to have better sense of direction than I anticipated" he spoke when he made it to his desk noticing that Riley was looking at Lucas, he made the "I'm watching you" hand signal.

"Okay so today we find out if anybody in here believes in something so strongly that they'd fight for it. Maya" Mr. Matthews says as he called on Maya. "Yes sir" Maya responded in which Mr. Matthews responded back with "Present your homework." Violet already knew where this was gonna go as she heard Maya say "I didn't do my homework sir. That's what I'm fighting against." She sighed as she rested her head down against her arms knowing this was gonna go on for a while as she heard Riley say she didn't do her homework either as if that was a good thing.

Eventually, it turned into Maya taking control of the class instructing everyone to turn in their homework, Violet didn't trust it not one bit as she put her homework back in her bag. Violet watched as Farkle ran out to get his homework and came back with a huge project that had real sparklers, she flinched slightly as Maya plucked two of the sparklers from the diorama.

She didn't feel safe as her anxiety started peaking as she watched Maya stand on the desk with everyone's homework in her hand ready to burn them as she says "The burning of the homework led to the end of the Homework Rebellion, because there was no more homework." Violet didn't realize she was already starting to shake until Eclipse started to push her nose into her leg, but she couldn't calm herself down even after Mr. Matthews took the homework from Maya.

"Maya stop" she found herself yelling with a voice crack from Mr. Matthews desk, she didn't even remember getting. Maya ignored both Mr. Matthews and Violet as she started chanting "No homework, more freedom" with the sparklers still in her hands. Violet didn't know what got into her, but she tried to grab one of the sparklers from Maya and instead burning her hand intensely as Maya rose the sparklers out of reach causing them to hit the sprinklers.

The sprinklers turning on caused the class to hurry out in a frenzy and the only thing on Violet's mind was Eclipse as she heard her whine loudly, her brain went into a frenzy forgetting about the burn she rushed to her desk to grab Eclipse when she saw she was gone.

Violet started to panic as she looked around not seeing her not caring that she was starting to get soaked. Her senses were going off the charts as she heard Mr. Matthews give Maya detention, she blocked that out as she started hit her chest to breathe and she fell to her knees wheezing, nobody noticed as Mr. Matthews was scolding Maya and Riley about the situation.

Lucas had grabbed Eclipse to avoid her getting trampled, when he heard the whine. Thankfully, Darby took her from Lucas and asked where was Violet, Lucas looked around the hall when he noticed she was nowhere to be found, he went back into classroom to the group with his jacket over his head to avoid being drenched "Where's Violet?" He asked them. Mr. Matthews eyes widened in realization when he remembered Violet burnt her hand from the sparklers as he looked around finding her on the floor by her desk struggling to breathe.

He ran over and scooped her up "Violet!? Are you okay?" Mr. Matthews asked as he looked at her noticing her wheezing was getting worse. Violet buried her face in his chest as she tried to breathe. The group looked at her in shock and in worry as they watched Mr. Matthews take her out of the room and followed suit.

Lucas didn't know how to feel as he watched Mr. Matthews place Violet on the floor sitting up trying to get her to breathe. Watching the scene in front of him, it was as if time slowed as he remembered his and Violet conversation from the bakery. "Mr. Matthews! Her inhaler, she needs her inhaler" Lucas said in frantic as he patted his pockets finding the spare that she had given him, he quickly shook it and rushed over handing it to Violet.

"Thanks cowboy" Violet weakly coughed out as she reached for it and hit it two good times, she gripped her skirt as she got her breathing in control. She looked around trying to get her senses back in check when she remembered what sent her into her attack "Where's Eclipse" she asked looking around frantic whistling for her dog who ran at her full force hopping onto her lap "Oh my goodness, my baby" she said with relief as she rubbed all over her.

Violet noticed that the small group was looking at her "Um thanks for the assist" she said as she went to push herself off the ground and immediately hissed in pain as she saw her hand that had a bad burn. Lucas noticed the burn mark first and helped her up as he looked at it "We need to take care of that" he said to her as Mr. Matthews nodded "I'm sorry that this happened to you Violet, I feel like such a bad teacher for not paying attention. I need to contact your parents so that they can come get you and get you treated" he said to her as he went to grab his phone.

Violet's eyes widened as she shook her head "It's okay Mr. Matthews um my parents are away on a business trip, I can just treat it at home or even better the nurse" she stated as she looked at them. "If you're certain then this will be the only time I don't let your parents get involved" Mr. Matthews said to her as she hugged him and thanked him. She could Maya and Riley's eyes burning into her but she didn't want to even look at them right now as she looked at Lucas "To the nurses office cowboy" she said laughing as if her hand wasn't killing her but she knew he wasn't going to let her leave his sight until it got resolved.

•chapter ended
Season 1 Episode 1
"Girl meets World"

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