Life Changes (Rewriting)

By cheerhotty23

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Mia's had a hard life. She lost her entire family. The only one she trusts is her best friend Annie who has a... More

Ch 1.
Ch 2
Ch 3 Presents
Ch 5 starting over
Ch 6 First Day
Ch 7 high school life
Ch 8 Kevann
Ch 9 Being Annie
Ch 10 Annie said yes
Ch 11 could it be?
Ch 12 Mia's Story
Ch 12 The Truth
School ends in worry
Stripping the old away
It's Different Now
The End
Back to Normal
Annie's bump
Welcome home? Oh no
My Hero
waking up

Ch 4 birthday

11K 99 33
By cheerhotty23

thanks for reading dont forget to fan comment and vote

Blaze’s POV

                “I’ll leave you two alone. I have to run to the farmers market. Blaze, Voglio grandi neonati presto.” It’s a good thing Mia doesn’t speak Italian or that for sure would have scared her off. Leave it to Maria to after the first date say she wants grand babies soon. Lord, help me.

                “The night we sat at your house talking for hours you mentioned that if you could be any animal you would be bird so you could fly above the city and see everything. If you don’t like it I can take it back and get something different. And here Maria and I were up early cooking breakfast for you.” I had spent an hour at the jewelry store looking at diamond earrings and everything else the salesman said a girl would like before my eyes landed on the small bird.

                “Like it? I love it! Can you help me put it on?” Thankfully it fit her small wrist and didn’t slide off. As soon as her hand was free she grabbed a fork and began shoveling food in her mouth. “Sorry I’m starving.”

                “It’s ok I totally forgot to feed you last night.” I took a few small bites of the meal since the entire time we had been cooking I had snuck bites. Before I could take a sip of my drink I heard a loud gasp followed by the clanking of a falling fork.

                “I forgot about Annie. She always comes over for my birthday to cook me breakfast.”

                “I already talked to her she said it was fine because she apparently forgot to wake up since her and Kevin were up all night. But she wants to do lunch with you so I made plans for us this evening.”

                “Aw her and Kevin hit it off than? And ok as soon as I’m finished eating we can go.”

Mia’s POV

                The first thing I noticed when I walked into my room was the box with the huge bow sitting on my bed.

Wear this tonight, I’ll be here at 7 o’clock


Opening the box a gorgeous white dress fell out followed by diamond earrings and a matching necklace. This was by far the best birthday and second date ever and it hadn’t even started yet.

                Annie somehow knew about the surprise that awaited me as she somehow got me into one of the busiest hair salons in town and the conveniently had an appointment for me.

                “Do you die your hair or is this the natural color? And those must be contacts right?” The guy stood behind me looking at me through the mirror as he began lightly curling the ends of my hair.

                “No I don’t die it and these are my real eyes. Is there any way you can make my hair more of the natural look. I don’t really like to get all dressed up.”

                “Sure, honey. Just sit back while Katrina does your makeup.”

                It took an hour for them to do my hair and makeup but I was beyond happy with it. My hair fell in loose curls while my makeup seemed to make my eyes deeper than the ocean, if that was even possible.

                “Seriously after this day you better marry that boy, Mia.”

                “Thanks for everything you’ve done today Annie. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you. And speaking of marrying… how are you and Kevin?” Her eyes grew as the words fell out of my mouth. “Oh seriously, you can’t keep anything from me.”


              “Blaze told you, didn’t he?”


              “Ok yeah but still.”

               “I had fun with him last night and he kissed me goodnight when he dropped me off. He asked me out again tonight.” The blush that formed consumed her whole face making me smile at how cute it was.

               “Hello ladies. What are two pretty ladies doing sitting all alone?” Two guys stood next to our table smirking at us. They held the posture of a popular jerk that was used to getting what he wanted. Don’t get me wrong they were cute and well built, but they had that huge ego look going on. Plus they were not even close to as good looking as Kevin and Blaze.


                “Not interested.”

                “Oh come on baby, I don’t disappoint in bed.” He wiggled an eyebrow at me causing Annie to gag.

                “Is this your sorry attempt at flirting right now? Girls with bodies like mine don’t talk to girls with faces like yours.” With that I stood and walked out.

                “That was a little harsh Mia.”

                “I know and I feel bad. It just gets annoying how guys just want girls to fall into their beds. Aren’t there any decent guys left in this world?”

                “Um news flash you have one, his name is Blaze.”

                “Yeah but I don’t even know what he’s really like. We just met a few days ago.” I was scared he would turn out like every other guy.

                “You mean like James? Mia you have to move on and be happy again. Not every guy will screw you over.” I just needed to decide if the risk of getting my heart broken again was worth the chance of falling in love.

Blaze’s POV

                I sat waiting, worrying. With each passing minute I worried that this might be over the top.  Finally she walked down the stairs looking like an angel. Her dress hung perfectly on her and her hair was curled lightly around her face. I wanted to tell her how gorgeous she looked but the words were stuck in my throat.

                “What do I look bad or something? Did I mess up my makeup?” Right as she was turning to run back up the stairs I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into me.

                “You look beyond gorgeous. I’m at a loss for words.”  Turning to walk out the front door I felt a soft small hand squeeze into mine and couldn’t ignore the little shiver that went down my spine at her touch.

                “Please tell me this isn’t your car, you rented it right? I mean it’s cool and all but you’ve already made this day better than any birthday I had you didn’t have to rent a car.”

                “It’s mine. My dad bought it for me when I caught his secretary sneaking out the door one night.” He opened the door to a matte black Maserati. It was beyond beautiful. “You should see my dad’s collection of cars.”

                “My dad was into old cars, I helped him work on them here and there. Where are we going in this baby?”

                “It’s a surprise. So did you and Annie have fun today?”

                “Yes but I had to be mean to these poor guys.” Honestly I could not picture Mia ever mean. “These guys came up to Annie and I and one of them said he wouldn’t disappoint me in bed. I tried to nicely tell him I was interested but he didn’t listen.”

                “If any guy ever gives you problems just let me know. Some guys are jerks but then again most girls do jump into bed easily. We’re here.”

                Mia’s POV

                We pulled up to a cute cottage style house right on the beach of the ocean. Candles and roses made a path down to a pier that held a small table.

                “You did all this for me?” Tears formed in my eyes. No one had ever done so much for me before.

                “I hope it’s not over the top. You seem to love the water so I thought dinner on the beach would be perfect. Don’t worry Maria helped with the dinner part.” Everything looked beyond perfect.

                “No Blaze, it’s sweet.” Glancing up I was taken aback by all the stars in the sky.

                “What’s wrong? You don’t like it do you?” His face looked like a sad boy who was told that if he ate all his veggies he could have ice cream and then it turned out they were out.

                “I really do love it, but do you do this for all the girls you take on dates?”

                “Honestly no. Sure I’ve gone on dates with other girls but I’ve never brought a girl to the beach house. This is kind of a special place to me, because when my parents would fight my brother Luke and I would escape here. Mia, I was a player before, I used girls like toys but you’re different. And I think you’re cute, especially when you blush." We sat there smiling at each other until slowly he brought his lips toward mine and gently kissed me. The kiss was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I had had tons of kisses but none had the fireworks this one did. My hands moved towards his hair and pulled him closer until he broke away. I couldn't hide the smile from forming on my lips.

"Calm down Mia. I like you a lot so I want to take this slow." His hands brushed away the hair from my face, trailed down my cheek, and brushed against my lips.

"This?" My voice came out soft and hoarse and I was surprised he heard me. My lips wouldn’t move.

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