MHA reacts to Dekuverse! S2

By Greyninja27

26.7K 446 192

MHA characters get a chance to watch various realities or It's your usual multiverse reaction fic... just wi... More

A gift from the Unkown!
A Bat, A Lantern, and the Big Blue!
Joseph Seed!
One Centimeter's Distance!
Interlude: Bringing in the Villains!
Eridian Writings!
It's a Glitchy Chair!
Nightmare meets Visionary!
The Girl from the Future & The Encounter from the Past!
Unusual Events Part - 2

Would you kindly enter the Rapture?

3K 42 11
By Greyninja27




Universe found- [Code name:- BioShock] [Powers:- Plasmids, Guns & Advance Science]

"Oh, advanced science! This sounds like fun," Mei exclaimed with excitement, reminiscent of a child exploring a candy store.

"But what are Plasmids?" Melissa asked out loud. "Mr. Nezu, is there any information available on them?"

"I'm afraid there isn't any available information at the moment," Nezu replied. "I am sure we will learn more about these 'Plasmids' while watching the universe."

The scene opens with the text, '1960, Mid-Atlantic,' prominently displayed on the screen.

"1960s, huh? I wonder if we'll get to enjoy some classic music from that era," Mic mused to himself.

Next, we see Izuku sitting in a passenger airplane, holding a cigarette in his hand while a text appears on the screen: [Jack = Izuku Midoriya]

"Izuku Midoriya..." Inko called out to her son with a stern voice. "I hope you know that smoking is not good for your health."

"Of course, Mom, that's the most obvious thing in the world," Izuku said, sweating bullets because he knew that angry Mama Midoriya was scarier than Aizawa without his morning coffee or Nezu with a grudge against someone.

Meanwhile, all the parents in the audience nodded in approval, seeing Izuku's reaction.

He reminisces, "They told me... Son, you're special," as he takes out his wallet, gazing at a picture of himself with an old man and a woman. "You're born to do great things," he thought as a gift appeared in his hands, on the tag of which it was written 'To Izuku with love, from Mom & Dad. Would you kindly not open (hidden by a bow) until (hidden by a bow)?' with part of it concealed by the bow attached to the gift box. "You know that? They were right."

"The boy is a fucking idiot," Dabi muttered, scoffing at on-screen Izuku's words. "Parents always feed their kids with a load of bullshit until they realize the child isn't worth their time anymore and cast them aside," he continued, his voice growing increasingly irate with each sentence, drawing puzzled looks from those around him.

As Dabi ranted, some members of the audience couldn't help but cast suspicious glances at the package in Izuku's hand.

Suddenly, we hear people screaming and the screen goes black, and just a few seconds later we hear the sound of an airplane crashing into the water shattering the silence.

"Well, there goes the hero brat," Shigaraki grinned to himself. "I hope he remains restless even in death."

"You seriously think he bit the dust just three minutes into this universe?" Compress retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Fuck off!" Shigaraki said, glaring at Compress. "Let me have my fun."

The screen lights up again, showing Izuku struggling to swim back to the surface of the water. He sees various items, including people's belongings and valuables, as well as parts of the airplane, sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Finally, Izuku reaches the surface, gasping for air as he surveys the scene, witnessing the burning wreckage of the plane crash surrounding him. There are no signs of land or rescue in sight.

"I'm relieved to see on-screen Midoriya survived the crash, but considering he's in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, his chances of survival seem quite slim," Thirteen explained, summarizing the situation and expressing her opinion as well.

"Midoriya's first and most important objective right now should be finding land," Ruykyu added. "Because not only staying in the water will affect his health, but who knows what is lurking in those waters."

However, his hope is renewed when he spots a nearby lighthouse and begins to swim towards it.

"Huh? Isn't Golden Boy lucky?" Monoma said in a mocking tone. "I mean, among all those 50 or so passengers, Midoriya is the only one who survived that crash, and on top of that, the plane crashed exactly next to that lighthouse... if this isn't an example of busted luck, I don't know what is."

A few minutes later, Izuku arrives at the doors of the lighthouse. He peeks inside but can't see anything because it's too dark. With no other choice, he enters the lighthouse, and the doors ominously close behind him.

"Alright, things are starting to get a little creepy, and I'm not sure I'm a fan," Mina remarked, her expression twisting into a slight grimace.

Moments later, the lights inside the lighthouse come on, revealing a huge statue of Rikiya Yotsubashi looming over Izuku. A banner above the statue reads, 'No Gods or Kings. Only Man.' Followed by the text appearing on the screen: [Andrew Ryan = Rikiya Yotsubashi (Re-Destro)]

"Oh, now it is getting interesting," Re-Destro smirked while stroking his chin, looking at the statue of himself on the screen. He also found the words 'No Gods or Kings. Only Man.' very appealing.

Meanwhile, Gaten, Skeptic, and other commanders of PLF suddenly appeared very interested in this universe and quite pleased as well.

Izuku continues down a staircase and discovers a submarine-like device with comfortable seating and a lever in the middle. A board on the side of the device indicates that it's called a Bathysphere and provides instructions on how to use it.

"Seems like some sort of elevator," Mei mused, tapping her pen against her chin. "But why design it to resemble a submarine when the conventional square shape is perfectly functional... strange."

Without hesitation, Izuku enters the Bathysphere and pulls the lever. The doors of the Bathysphere seal shut, and it begins descending into the depths of the water, resembling an underwater elevator.

"It's going down..." Izuku said as he and many others started wondering what exactly this place was. Not to mention the different emblems on the walls and the huge statue of Re-Destro from earlier were only fueling their curiosity even more.

Suddenly, a screen appears in front of Izuku's face, and an advertisement begins playing on the screen, voiced by none other than Rikiya Yotsubashi.

'I am Rikiya Yotsubashi and I'm here to ask you a question: is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No, says the man in Washington. It belongs to the poor. No, says the man in the Vatican. It belongs to God. No, says the man in Moscow. It belongs to everyone. I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I choose the impossible. I choose... Rapture,'  the screen is lowered and Izuku sees a panorama of the underwater city. 

"Wohhh! Amazing!" many in the audience collectively voiced their wonder as they laid their eyes on the underwater city, Rapture.

"An underwater city... how did they even construct that? And how are those buildings still standing, despite constantly being under all that pressure?" David Shield muttered out questions that were honestly swirling around in the minds of people who knew even a little about oceans and how the deeper you go under the sea, the greater the pressure of the water pushing down on you.

Meanwhile, Re-Destro was in absolute delight upon seeing that not only did his counterpart refuse to follow the rules like a dumb sheep but also went against the world and created an entire city that would follow his ideals.

'A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality. There the great would not be constrained by the small. And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well,' and with this, the advertisement comes to an end.

"Ohh! I would love to live in a place like that," Dr. Garaki, one of the most important subordinates of All for One, mused. "It was the pity constraints of society that failed a great man like me and refused to acknowledge my greatness, which could have led society to prosper more."

"Oh, so does that mean I can stab anyone, anytime if I lived there?" Himiko asked with stars in her eyes.

"Absolutely!" Re-Destro nodded. "If it's my city, then anyone is free to do anything they want."

As Izuku was mesmerized by the breathtaking sights of the underwater city, his attention was suddenly drawn to the voices emanating from a radio mounted on the side of the Bathysphere.

After the initial excitement and discussions about the underwater city subsided, the audience gradually shifted their attention back to the plot of this universe.

" ...but the lighthouse is all lit up like hellfire... looks like some kind of plane crash..." one of the men spoke, his words carrying a distinct Irish lilt.

"...we're in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean... How could it—" the other man began to argue.

"Dunno, you best get over there and be quick about it... The splicers are coming..." the Irish-accented man urgently cautioned his counterpart.

"Something is going on there... and from the tone of those people's voices, that something sounds terrible," Nezu mused to himself.

"Speaking of which, does anyone have a clue about what splicers are?" Mina inquired.

"I don't think I am familiar with the term," Momo shook her head. "It must be something native to that world."

Simultaneously, the Bathysphere that Izuku was riding docked into some kind of submarine port. Each section of the port was highlighted with the words: 'All good things of this Earth flow into the city,' accompanied by the city's emblem, and the slogan, 'Rapture: Meeting of the minds,' appeared.

"Honestly, this city, Rapture, seems rather pretentious with all those ads, banners, slogans, and flashy lights bombarding people as they enter," Nemuri remarked, her expression furrowing in disapproval. "It's as if they're attempting to subliminally convince newcomers of how superior this city is compared to the outside world," she vocalized her thoughts, earning a disapproving glare from Geten.

"You've gotta be kidding- How do you know someone's even coming?" the second man queried, his tone laced with skepticism.

"Cause we got a bathysphere on its way down... That means we've got company," the man with the Irish accent explained.

"O-okay, just one more minute... The 'sphere— the 'sphere is coming up now..." the second man stammered.

"Johnny, security's banging off all over... get a move on!" the Irish-accented man urgently pressed as Izuku's Bathysphere ascended. 

"It looks like there is something chaotic going on in there, and the hero brat is going into that chaos," Shigaraki said while grinning to himself. "...nice."

To Izuku's horror, the first thing he sees is a man, presumably Johnny, under attack by a nightmarish creature with hooks instead of hands.  

"Please, lady... I didn't mean no trespass. Just don't hurt me..." Johnny pleaded fearfully, inching away from the creature at a snail's pace. "Just let me go... you can keep my gun. You can-" In a sudden, gruesome turn of events, the creature emitted an ear-piercing scream and viciously sliced Johnny in the stomach, killing him.

"First of all, what the hell!" Bakugo exclaimed. "And second, what the hell are these creatures?"

"I couldn't agree more," Mina chimed in. "When you hear 'underwater city,' the last thing you'd expect is some lunatic with hooks for hands."

Meanwhile, Himiko couldn't help but be pleased at the sight of someone getting stabbed on the screen, though she might have preferred a knife over hooks, she certainly wasn't complaining.

The creature breathed heavily as she redirected her attention toward Izuku. And for a fleeting moment, thanks to a brief flash of light, he caught a glimpse of her disfigured face.

Many in the audience visibly cringed upon seeing Splicer's face while some were looking at the creature with even more intrigue than before.

"Is it someone new?" the creature said while looking at Izuku. She let out an angry screech and jumped onto the Bathysphere, breaking it in her attempt to reach Izuku. This was followed by more angry shrieks and sounds of exertion, but eventually, she gave up and left Izuku alone.

"Well, that is one more scenario added to my nightmare list," Kendo made an offhanded remark.

"These creatures don't seem to be totally mindless, as we thought before," Momo said. "That thing not only noticed Izuku but also tried to destroy the machine and even succeeded to some extent."

"Would you kindly pick up that shortwave radio?" The radio crackled to life once more, and Izuku heard the voice of a man bearing an Irish accent, this time addressing him directly. Without hesitation, Izuku grabbed the radio and attached it to his waist.

"I don't know how you survived that plane crash, but I've never been one to question Providence. I'm Atlas, and I aim to keep you alive," the Irish-accented man, now identified as Atlas, continued. "Now keep on moving... we're gonna have to get you to higher ground."

The door of the bathysphere opened "Take a deep breath and step out of the bathysphere, I won't leave you twisting in the wind," Atlas said as Izuku walked out of the device. 

"So does anyone know who Atlas is?" Izuku asked, but no one in the audience had the answer to his question. "Huh? Strange... so far, all the important parts in all the previous universe are played by one of us, and from the looks of it, this Atlas guy is going to prove really important for my counterpart."

"We're gonna need to draw her out of hiding. But you're gonna have to trust me," Atlas continued as Izuku walked through the corridor, observing the scattered luggage and protest signs all around him.

"Well, it looks like people are not as happy to be living here as that Rikiya guy proclaimed, and I am not even slightly surprised," Aizawa remarked. "A society without proper rules and constraints will soon drive itself to anarchy, where every single person will try to upstage one another, and..." he glanced at Re-Destro. " a certain point, even the person who built that place won't be immune to the greed of someone who will want to take his place."

Upon hearing Aizawa's words, Re-Destro gritted his teeth and glared at the hero because his own ideology somewhat aligned with his on-screen counterpart, but then he calmed down by telling himself that Aizawa was just a government dog talking out of his ass.

Then, as Izuku was walking through the dark corridor, he suddenly found himself face to face with the nightmarish creature from earlier.

"Oh, the lady from earlier!" Toga exclaimed in an enthusiastic voice. "I really hope she makes Izuku bleed, just like she did with that man earlier."

It screeched menacingly at him, but before it could make a move, Atlas sets a flying security robot on her, "how do you like that, sister?" he mocked her and chased her away.

"Oh, flying bots with turrets," Nezu remarked, an amused expression on his face. "Perhaps we should consider incorporating something like this into our entrance exams and sports festival."

"I'm not entirely sure about using them against students," Power Loader chimed in, "but we could certainly include them in our security equipment. Scheduled patrols around the campus could also benefit from these as an added security measure against both villains and some overenthusiastic students who enjoy sneaking out at night."

Meanwhile, Himiko frowned seeing the stabbing lady getting chased away without getting a chance to stab Izuku.

"Now would you kindly find a crowbar or something?" Atlas said, and Izuku looked around, finding a wrench on the ground and picking it up.

"Wrench, huh? Well, it's better than having nothing, I guess," Kendo remarked. "By the way, what is with all this politeness? It really feels out of place with all of the things going around Midoriya."

"Maybe Atlas just doesn't want to be rude and come off as someone who is just ordering young Izuku around," All Might suggested while Kendo just shrugged.

"Bloody splicers sealed Johnny in before they... goddamn splicers.

"Poor Atlas, he must be really sad about losing a friend, especially in a place like this," Ochako said, feeling bad for Atlas.

After acquiring his first weapon, Izuku continued further, engaging in battles with several splicers until he came across a vending machine named 'Gatherer's Garden.' It featured a statue of a little girl on both of its sides, and the pickup box contained a bottle filled with red-colored liquid and a syringe next to it.

"Something about this vending machine seems rather eerie..." Jiro's dad remarked, eyeing the Gatherer's Garden on the screen.

"I agree," Ochako's dad concurred. "With those statues of little girls, along with the products it has, it's giving me an uneasy feeling."

"I think that liquid looks pretty," Himiko muttered to herself.

Izuku picked up the bottle, filled the syringe with the red liquid, and injected it into his veins. 

The silence spread across the auditorium as on-screen Izuku injected himself with a strange red liquid until Bakugo yelled, "What the hell is wrong with him? What kind of sane person injects themselves with an unknown liquid from a shady-looking vending machine?"

"I mean, maybe my counterpart knows what he's injecting himself with," Izuku suggested with a strained smile on his face.

"Oh, fuck off, Deku! Stop defending your counterpart," Bakugo glared at Izuku. "He doesn't even know where to go without that Atlas guy's help, and you're telling me he knows what that stupid machine and that liquid were."

Instantly, a surge of electricity coursed through his hands, accompanied by excruciating pain.

Some in the audience grimaced at Izuku's state, while many regarded this new and anticipated development with curiosity gleaming in their eyes.

"Steady now! Your genetic code is being rewritten - just hold on and everything will be fine!" Atlas attempted to reassure him, but the agony overwhelmed Izuku. He staggered backward, lost his balance, fell from the second floor, and lost consciousness.

"Well, this is what happens when you inject yourself with an unknown substance," Aizawa grumbled under his breath.

"You get cool superpowers?" Kaminari asked.

"No!" Aizawa snapped his neck toward Kaminari, glaring at him. "You slowly lose your mind and get addicted to that substance... and fall off a second floor, I guess."

Meanwhile, on the villains' side, many of them appeared intrigued by this mysterious red liquid that seemingly granted Izuku an electricity-based quirk. Among them, Garaki was particularly focused on figuring out how to replicate that red substance to create his own splicers.

On the other hand, Overhaul wore a frown, discontented that in a world free from quirks, someone was spreading a disease called superpowers.

Having a moment to regain his fleeting senses, Izuku saw two splicers next to him barely opened, blurry eyes.

"This little fish looks like he just had his cherry POPPED," the splicer wearing a bunny mask and clutching a baseball bat commented as he leaned in closer to Izuku. "I wonder if he's still got some Adam on him?" 

"That red liquid must be this 'Adam' thing these... people?... splicers are talking about," Melissa mused to herself. "But I do wonder how they are planning to extract it from Izuku's body, though."

"Honestly, I don't think I want to know," Izuku responded, his expression contorting with discomfort as his imagination conjured rather gruesome images of how something could be extracted from his body.

"You hear that? Let's bug!" the other splicer, who was standing behind him, said.

"Weak! You're weak chopper!" the first splicer said.

"This little fish ain't worth toeing it with no Big Daddy!" cautioned the second splicer, turning away and starting to walk off, just as the ominous sound of heavy footsteps grew closer.

"Yellow! Always have been!" the first splicer yelled at the first one and then turned towards Izuku. "You'll be no better off with the metal daddy, little fish. See you floating in the briney..." With that, the splicer left as the sound of heavy footsteps grew even closer.

"Big Daddy... sounds interesting," Nemuri said while licking her lips. "I wonder how long-"

"Nem... for the love of god, please don't say anything that will make parents of our students pull them out of the school," Mic said with a pleading expression on his face.

"What are you talking about? I was just asking how long before we see this person," Nemuri said with an innocent face though the devilish glint in her eyes told an entirely different story.

Izuku then heard rumbling steps and deep growling, and finally, a giant figure emerged into Izuku's blurry field of vision. It was clad in a very distinct heavy diving suit, with its head enclosed in a spherical helmet adorned with eight illuminated portholes. Attached to its right arm was a massive, conical drill, that had red stains all over it.

"When those splicers mentioned Big Daddy, I imagined a huge man with muscles ripping out of his shirt, and definitely not a golem wearing a diving suit with that large drill attached to its hand," Yu complained. "What is that thing even doing there?"

"I think it might be a kind of enforcer, to keep those splicers in check," Toru suggested.

"Hmm, that makes sense," Pony nodded in agreement. "Maybe that's why those splicers from earlier were afraid of this thing."

But that wasn't all. Alongside the Golem-like figure, another character materialized. This time, it was a young girl, her eyes aglow with an eerie, yellow hue. In her grasp, she held a peculiar weapon, distinguished by a syringe-like needle at the front and a collection bottle filled with crimson liquid at its other end.

As the little girl appeared on the screen, a mixture of concern and curiosity rippled through the audience. Many eyes were fixed on her with apprehension, pondering why someone so young was in such a place and how they managed to survive amidst the deranged splicers.

'This city, Rapture, is getting more and more disgusting with each new character we meet,' Nezu thought as he surveyed the girl's condition and immediately realized what possibly had happened to her and just thinking about it was making him boil with anger.

'That liquid... that looks familiar to what my counterpart found at that vending machine,' Izuku thought with a frown. 'Looking closely at the statues at that vending machine... didn't they look similar to her... fuck there is something messed up going down here.'

"Look Mr. Bubbles, it's an angel. I can see light coming from his belly," the little girl remarked to the massive golem, her finger directed at Izuku. "Wait a minute, he's still breathing. It's alright, I know he'll be an angel soon." With these curious words, the girl turned and walked away, the Golem obediently following her.

"No, there's definitely something deeply unsettling about that girl," Momo remarked, a sense of unease creeping over her. "The way she spoke about Izuku's counterpart, it seemed as though she expected him to be dead. And that weapon in her hand... it certainly appears to be used for extracting the liquid Izuku's counterpart injected himself with."

"But why would such a young girl would ever do something like this?" Mina asked tilting her head. 

"Maybe someone is forcing her too," Izuku suggested, his fists clenching as sparks of One for All flickered around his hands. "And whoever it is, I hope my counterpart pays that person handsomely for playing with such a young girl's mind."

Then some time later Izuku finally comes to his senses and regains his consciousness. 

"You all right, boyo?" Atlas's voice crackled through the radio, as soon as Izuku got back on his feet. "First time plasmid's a real kick from a mule. But... here's nothing like a fistful of lightning, now, is there?" he said, as Izuku observed the electricity coursing through his body.

"It's incredible how a city that Re-Destro built found a way to give quirks to normal pathetic people," Geten said praising Re-Destro's counterpart.

"And you know what's more incredible, this absolute clusterfuck of a dying city that your moron of a boss can't seem to handle," Bakugo shot back at Geten.

"How dare you insult Re-Destro? I will freeze you alive?" Geten glared at Bakugo.

"Try me, bitch!" Bakugo returned the glare, but none of them moved from their place, knowing that the barrier between them won't allow them to fight anyway.

With newfound power at his disposal, Izuku explores his surroundings, defeating more splicers, learning to use the electric plasmid to stun enemies and open broken locks, and scavenging for useful resources until he finally finds an elevator and goes up. 

"Oh, that's a neat trick, and I am totally stealing it," Kaminari commented upon witnessing how Izuku's counterpart utilized a combination of electricity and a wrench. "Now I only need to find a good wrench for myself."

"Listen- I've got a family. I need to get them out of here. But the splicers have cut me off from them- If you can reach them in Neptune's Bounty, then maybe, just maybe-" Once again, Atlas contacts Izuku and requests his assistance as Izuku ascends in the elevator. "I know you must feel like the unlikeliest man in the world right now, but you're the only hope I'll ever see my wife and child again. Go to Neptune's Bounty... find my family... please."

"Oh, well, there it is!" Tomura said with a grin across his face. "And here I was almost starting to believe that this Atlas guy was helping this total stranger out of goodwill... but guess what? There is no such thing as goodwill, and people will only help you if they are getting something out of it."

After ascending several floors, the elevator finally stopped and as soon as Izuku stepped out, he heard a melodic lullaby and saw the shadow of a female splicer singing it to someone in a cradle.

"First of all, that lullaby is incredibly unsettling, and second, who on earth allowed someone like her to have a baby with her?" Mina exclaimed, her unease evident in her tone.

Without making a sound, Izuku slowly approached the splicer and dispatched her with a combination of electric stun and a well-aimed wrench to her head. 

"See, I told you this is a great combo," Kaminari said, smirking to himself.

"Well, that's all well and good, but I am surprised how unhinged Midoriya's counterpart is," Jiro remarked. "I mean, wasn't he just a normal civilian just a few hours ago? And look at him now; he is killing those splicers like he's been doing this for years."

"You know, when you put it like this... it does feel strange," Kaminari agreed while nodding his head.

When he peered inside the cradle, he realized that the female splicer wasn't singing a lullaby to a baby but to a pistol, which Izuku took for himself.

"Who in their right mind sings a lullaby to a pistol?" Vlad King mused aloud.

"Honestly, it sounds like something Snipe would do," Mic teased, a mischievous grin on his face as he tried to provoke his colleague.

"Just because I like guns doesn't mean I do weird shit with them as well!" Snipe yelled at Mic, while the latter laughed as he got the reaction he was looking for. "Anyway, Midoriya's counterpart made the right choice by taking that gun. After all, getting up close and personal with those splicers doesn't sound like a good idea to me."

Then Izuku examined and tested the gun on some splicers as he listened to Atlas talking over the radio."Plasmids changed everything. They destroyed our bodies and our minds. We couldn't handle it," Atlas explained. "Best friends butchering one another, babies strangled in cribs. The whole city went to hell."

"Of course, this was always going to happen," Overhaul said. "If this doesn't convince you that quirks are a curse, I don't know what will."

"Well, that's high and mighty coming from someone who has an insanely broken quirk like Overhaul," Compress said while rubbing his metal arm.

"Well, he had a busted quirk," Dabi said with a devilish grin on his face. "But he's totally useless ever since he gave a hand to Shigaraki."

"Oh yeah, how can I forget that look of despair on his face," Compress said with a chuckle, while Overhaul glared at the villains with a murderous expression on his face.

After that Izuku explored some more, defeated more enemies, collected resources like food and ammunition for his gun and after finally roaming around for a while he exited the bathroom through a hole in the wall, emerging into a section where he had to get across by walking on the steel beam.

"Careful now... would you kindly lower that weapon for a minute?" Atlas's voice once again resonated through the radio, prompting Izuku to holster his weapon. 

Something is weird...' Aizawa thought. 'I don't know why, but Midoriya's counterpart seems good at following instructions... a little too good for a person who was just thrust into this mess just a few hours ago.'

He proceeded cautiously along the steel beams when, he spotted the same little girl from earlier, stabbing her peculiar weapon into a lifeless body. 

Many in the audience were visibly taken aback upon seeing the disturbing imagery on the screen.

"It seems that I was right," Momo said while shaking her head, clearly unhappy that her words had come true.

"You think that's a child down there?" Atlas asked as Izuku stared at the girl. "Don't be fooled. She's a Little Sister now. Somebody went and turned a sweet baby girl into a monster."

"That's really horrible! Who can even do such a thing!?" Inko asked, horrified at the idea of experimenting on such young girls.

"Well, who else could it be aside from the person who built this city?" Nemuri said, flashing a glare at Re-Destro.

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it's my counterpart who made them," Re-Destro shrugged. "After all, knowing myself, stupid morality is the last thing that I will ever let stand in my way."

"Whatever you thought about right and wrong on the surface, that doesn't count for much down in Rapture. Those Little Sisters - the genetic material that keeps the wheels of Rapture turning - everybody wants it. Everybody needs it."

"He must be talking about that drug, Adam, that gave Midoriya powers," All for One said as a smile appeared on his face. "Maybe I should try and conduct a similar experiment. I might start by giving someone a very powerful quirk, let them play with it, and then take it back. I wonder what kind of reaction they will have."

After crossing the bridge, Izuku descended the stairs and got a clear view of the Little Sister sucking the red liquid out of the corpse. 

"No matter how many times I see this, it still feels so creepy and unsettling," Jiro's mother said.

"I am not sure, but that might be because we are subconsciously seeing our own daughters in that poor girl," Ochako's mother suggested, feeling somewhat similar as well.

"I can confirm that must be the case," Momo's mother added. "After all, it is really hard to not see our daughters in them after all."

Suddenly, a splicer entered the room and started approaching the Little Sister, who screamed at the top of her lungs. Her actions panicked the splicer, and he hit her.

The actions of the splicer generated a wave of anger among the audience as they glared and cursed at the insane man on the screen.

Immediately, an angry roar reverberated through the room as the Golem from before appeared. This time, the lights in his hemispherical helmet were red instead of yellow.

"Oh boy, that Big Daddy doesn't look happy at all," Nemuri said, noticing the red lights flashing on the Golem's helmet. "Not that I can blame him; after all, that splicer went too far with what he did."

"That's the Big Daddy. She gathers Adam, he keeps her safe," Atlas informed Izuku over the radio. as he watched as the Big Daddy obliterated the splicer with a drill attached to its hand and then walked away with the little girl as if nothing had happened.

"Well, even if it is a messed-up system, I am glad that there is someone to protect that kid from those insane people," All Might said. "But it's still strange that the girl didn't even react after what that Golem did to that man. It's like she is just used to seeing similar things happening around her."

Izuku then goes on and finds the right door to Neptune's Bounty, but it turns out that the door was blocked, and then the sirens blared as many splicers appeared to attack him.

"It's Rikiya! Goddamn Rikiya Yotsubashi! He found us!" Atlas panicked over the radio as Izuku defended himself from the splicers. "Dammit! He's shut off access to Neptune... there's another way to get there... head to Medical! What are you waiting for? Go!"

"Hahaha! Did that hero kid really think that it would be that easy to just barge into my city and do whatever he pleases," Re-Destro said with a wide grin across his face.

"Well, it's a shame that I am not there. It would have been fun to make his life miserable while playing with all that technology around him," Skeptic added.

Heeding Atlas's instructions, Izuku went to the transitional chamber of the Medical Pavilion, but it turned out to be locked as well.

"Ah, Christ! You're trapped..." Atlas's voice echoed on the radio, sounding more panicked than before. "Wait! I am going to try and override the exit from here!"

"Oh boy! This is hilarious," Re-Destro laughed out loud. "It's like watching a rat trying to escape a maze... a deadly maze that will eventually claim its life."

"Well, aren't you talking too much for someone who is going to get mopped by Deku in the future?" Ochako said while glaring at the villain.

"You seem pretty delusional, young lady," Re-Destro replied. "That boy is now trapped in a city that I control. And not only the city, but it looks like I even have a way to control those insane people as well as those turrets, so that boy is going to die. If not here, then somewhere else; that's just inevitable."

"Yeah, like that's ever going to happen," Ochako said and thought, 'Deku has changed fate once, so why won't his counterpart have the ability to do the same?'

As Atlas's voice fell silent, an enormous screen materialized before Izuku, bearing the face of Rikiya Yotsubashi. 

"So tell me, friend... which one of the bitches sent you?" Rikiya asked, his words echoing with menace and his voice reverberated through speakers scattered all over Rapture. "The KGB wolf? Or The CIA jackal? Here's the news: Rapture isn't some sunken ship for you to plunder and Rikiya Yotsubashi isn't a giddy socialite who can be slapped around by government muscle. And with that, farewell, or Dasvadinya. Whichever you prefer."

"Sir, my counterpart was just a normal passenger on that airplane that crashed near that cursed, god-forsaken lighthouse and then got involved in this... as Kacchan said, clusterfuck of a situation," Izuku groaned as on-screen Rikiya accused him of belonging to one of the secret organizations. "Honestly, I am not even sure if my counterpart knows who this Rikiya Yotsubashi is, who Atlas is, what those splicers are, why they exist, and why children are extracting blood from a freaking corpse while a giant in a diving suit is protecting them... damn it, just send him home if you have that much of a problem with him."

"That was a good rant, but killing your counterpart right then and there would be much more effective and satisfying," Re-Destro replied, making Izuku sigh in defeat.

As Rikiya's chilling message concluded, a frenzied mob of splicers surged forward, clamoring to breach the room where Izuku stood. They screeched and pounded their weapons against the windows, their collective efforts beginning to shatter the glass.

"Atlas... buddy, I think Midoriya could really use a helping hand right now," Mina said, as she herself was feeling terrified for Izuku's counterpart.

But then, like a light in the dark, Atlas's voice came through, "I got it... get out of there... get out now!!!" he said and without wasting any time, Izuku entered the door and made his way to the Medical Pavilion.

"Man, I wish I had a friend like Atlas when I used to rob people and sometimes get stuck in their locker rooms," Mr. Compress said.

"How about you just stop stealing stuff?" Kirishima suggested.

"Ah, you hero kids, always trying to find an easy way out," Mr. Compress said with a dramatic sigh.

Then the screen went black.

"So, what are your thoughts?" Nezu asked.

"It was unsettling, that's for sure," Inko said. "Seeing that little girl extracting that thing... ADAM from that corpse is going to give me nightmares for a long time," she said, and many nodded in agreement.

"I liked the splicers, though," Himiko chimed in. "They were efficient at stabbing people and making them bleed."

"I hated them," Mina said. "They reminded me of some of the horror movies I watched as a child."

"I think getting to see something like Rapture was a fantastic experience," Izuku added.

"Yeah, the city itself was a wonder on its own," Melissa said. "I would love to see more structural details and how other things are managed without contact with the surface world."

"Well, as beautiful as it was from the outside, it was equally rotten from the inside," Ryukyu commented. "It felt like it was almost on the verge of collapse."

Then they discussed some more opinions, and when everyone was done, they moved on to the next universe.

To be continued...


Source: BioShock (2007)

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