The Good and The Bad

By The_Fishcake

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Naruto but is overpowered, has rinnegan, sasuke as a friend, My first fanfic, and I want to make this as good... More

The Good and the Bad
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

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By The_Fishcake

I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-sama owns him

After the devastating blow to Haku from Gaara who has gone mentally insane, Hayate announced a short break so everyone can calm down. Naruto and his team were thinking as to whose match is next. Lets find out!

30 Minutes Later...

"Alright, everyone let's resume the matches." Hayate said as the board started spinning again

3.. 2.. 1..


"Kiba has got a tough opponent, he would need to play his best" Naruto said before walking over to Kiba

"Hey Kiba!" He called out getting the attention of said person "All the Best" he said with a thumbs up.

Kiba smiled at that "Thanks Naruto." As he raised his fist for a fist bump which Naruto took.

Kiba then walked down the stadium preparing his mind for battle.

Kiba, with Akamaru by his side and his distinctive Inuzuka clan attire, stood at one end of the arena. Temari, her giant fan at the ready and her Sand Village attire billowing in the wind, faced him from the opposite end.

Hayate, in between the two of them raised his hand and shouted "BEGIN!"

Kiba and Akamaru moved forward with a synchronized grace, while Temari maintained her distance, her giant fan creating a protective barrier against any incoming attacks.

Kiba's sharp senses allowed him to track Temari's movements with precision. He bared his teeth in a feral grin, ready to unleash his clan's signature jutsu.

Temari's thoughts raced as she calculated her strategy. 'Kiba and Akamaru's teamwork is impressive, but I have the advantage of long-range attacks.'

Kiba, signalled to Akamaru, and together they activated their Inuzuka clan Jutsu, the "Beast Human Transformation!" Kiba's appearance altered as he gained sharp claws and feral features, while Akamaru grew larger and more ferocious.

"Beast Human Transformation!" Kiba called out, his voice echoing through the arena.

Kiba and Akamaru charged toward Temari with incredible speed, their claws gleaming with menace.

"Double-Headed Wolf Strike!" Kiba shouted as he and Akamaru launched a barrage of slashing attacks.

Temari wielded her giant fan with precision, creating powerful gusts of wind to defend against their assault. "Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance!" she declared, her fan movements swift and deadly.

Kiba's thoughts raced as he and Akamaru evaded Temari's counterattacks. 'We need to get past her defences and strike swiftly.'

Temari recognized the tenacity of her opponents and knew that she needed to adapt her strategy. She decided to employ her Kamaitachi, summoning a trio of deadly wind weasels.

"Summoning: Kamaitachi!" Temari called out, her voice carrying over the battlefield.

The Kamaitachi weasels, agile and razor-sharp, worked in tandem with Temari. They created a whirlwind of slashing winds that enveloped Kiba and Akamaru, making it difficult for them to maintain their attacks.

Kiba's thoughts raced as he and Akamaru struggled against the relentless assault. 'This is tough. We have to find an opening.'

Temari maintained her focus, utilizing her fan to control the Kamaitachi's movements and attack patterns. She watched for any signs of vulnerability in her opponents.

Kiba and Akamaru, their teamwork and resilience tested to the limit, made one final, coordinated attack.

"Fang Wolf Fang!" Kiba shouted, his voice filled with determination. a spinning, slashing assault that closed in on Temari with incredible force.

Temari, recognizing the impending danger, used her fan to create a massive gust of wind. "Whirlwind Defence!" she declared.

The powerful whirlwind deflected Kiba and Akamaru's attack, sending them tumbling backward, knocking them out.

"The Winner of the match is Temari of the Sand!"

Medics came in and had taken Kiba and Akamaru on a stretcher.

'Looks like sand shinobi don't really have a murderous nature. The only person really dangerous is Gaara and Orochimaru then.' Naruto was gazing at Temari as she was heading back to her team.

He then turned, facing towards the board as the names were about to be announced.

3.. 2.. 1..


Naruto had a confident grin and got on the stadium, his Rinnegan hidden from sight. Zaku, wearing the Sound Village's distinctive attire, faced him from the opposite end.

Hayate looked at both of them getting a nod from each and started the match.


Zaku, his arms covered with air-generating tubes, watched Naruto with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

Naruto's thoughts raced as he considered his options. 'I have an array of abilities at my disposal. I need to gauge Zaku's strength before deciding how to approach this.'

Zaku, narrowing his eyes, activated his "Wind Scythe Jutsu," sending slicing blasts of air toward Naruto.

Naruto, with swift reflexes, created a series of shadow clones to evade Zaku's slicing wind blasts. Each clone moved with precision, dodging the attacks effortlessly.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto called out, his voice echoing through the arena.

Zaku's thoughts raced as he continued to unleash a barrage of slicing wind blasts. 'His shadow clones are impressive, but they won't save him.'

Naruto decided to showcase his versatility. He combined his knowledge of pressure points with his strategic instincts, creating unpredictable and rapid movements that disoriented Zaku.

Naruto's movements were fluid and unpredictable, making it challenging for Zaku to lock onto a target. He focused on creating openings by using his precise strikes to momentarily weaken and confuse his opponent.

The battle reached its climax as Naruto's unpredictable movements and precise strikes disoriented Zaku. With a well-timed strike to a pressure point on Zaku's forehead, Naruto paralyzed him without causing serious harm.

"The winner of the match is Naruto Uzumaki!"

Naruto smiled at his victory and headed back to his teammates.

"Damn, Naruto that was quick and smooth" Sasuke said with a look of awe

Naruto rubbed his head while laughing nervously.

3.. 2.. 1..


Shikamaru sighed as he walked to the stadium

Shikamaru, with his usual nonchalant expression and hands tucked into his pockets, stood at one end of the arena. Kankuro, donning his puppeteer attire and holding his puppet Crow, faced him from the opposite end

Shikamaru sighs deeply and spoke "This is such a drag."

Kankuro in turn also sighed "Yeah, what a drag."

"Hey! Stop saying the sacred Nara line"

"Whatever" Kankuro said without giving a damn

Hayate seeing both of them not in the mood to fight said "Remember, the Chunin Exams are a test of your abilities and your commitment to your village. Are you both sure about forfeiting?"

The proctor's words echoed in Shikamaru's mind as he sighed deeply, realizing that they couldn't escape the inevitable.

Shikamaru reluctantly agreed to fight while murmuring "troublesome"

Kankuro also agreed by saying "I hate to admit it, but he's right. Let's get this over with."

The battle commenced with both Shikamaru and Kankuro displaying their tactical prowess. Shikamaru was known for his ability to outthink opponents, while Kankuro was skilled in puppetry, adding a layer of complexity to his strategy.

Shikamaru pondered, "Kankuro's puppeteering skills are no joke. I need to think several steps ahead."

Kankuro, with his eyes fixed on Shikamaru, believed, "He may be smart, but he can't outmanoeuvre my puppetry." As he saw him in the forest of death once.

Shikamaru's tactical mind allowed him to evade Crow's attacks and create diversions, while Kankuro used his puppet's agility and weapons to keep Shikamaru on his toes.

Shikamaru grumbled to himself, "What a drag. This is getting troublesome. I wanna sleep."

Kankuro stayed focused, thinking, "I can't let my guard down. Nara clan's strategies are unpredictable."

(queue in Douten – Aku, if you wish)

Shikamaru assessed the situation, realizing that Kankuro's strength lay in his puppet, Crow. Separating them would be the key to gaining the upper hand.

Shikamaru noticed a brief moment when Kankuro's focus shifted from the puppet to himself. It was a tiny window of opportunity that he couldn't afford to miss.

With lightning-quick thinking, Shikamaru initiated his Shadow Possession Jutsu. The tendrils of his shadow extended toward Kankuro and, more importantly, made contact with the shadow of Crow, which was cast on the arena floor.

Shikamaru focused intensely on maintaining the connection. If he lost control of the shadow now, his plan would fail.

As the shadow tendrils tightened their grip, Kankuro's movements were restricted. His body was partially immobilized, and he struggled to control both himself and his puppet.

Shikamaru couldn't help but think, "This better work."

Kankuro, realizing the dire situation he was in, made a tough decision. He reluctantly conceded, understanding that Shikamaru's strategy had outmaneuvered him.

"I Forfeit" Kankuro said

Hayate nodded

"The winner of the match is: Shikamaru Nara!"

Shikamaru let go of his Shadow possession jutsu and walked up towards the stance

As he reached up, Naruto came up to him. "Woah Shikamaru! You did awesome out there."

Shikamaru smiled at Naruto's enthusiasm. "Thanks Naruto, your match wasn't bad as well."

"Well Done, Shikamaru" This time was his Jonin Sensei, Asuma Sarutobi who was also smoking a cigarette.

3.. 2.. 1..


"This match is a tie! None of them advance as both are knocked out." Hayate said

"Dayum who would expect a tie to happen." Hinata said as she turned towards the board as the last two names popped up

3.. 2.. 1..


Yakumo, with her dark eyes hinting at her Genjutsu prowess, stood at one end of the arena. Shino, his hood covering his face and insects lurking in the shadows, faced her from the opposite end

"BEGIN!" Hayate commenced the match to begin

Yakumo's proficiency in Genjutsu and Shino's mysterious insect-based techniques promised a battle of silent but deadly abilities.

Yakumo's thoughts raced as she considered her strategy. 'I can create illusions that challenge even the sharpest minds.'

Shino, his thoughts hidden beneath his stoic exterior, prepared to deploy his insects strategically. 'My insects can be both a defense and an offense. I must stay focused.'

Shino and his insects resisting Yakumo's illusions. His precise commands to his insect companions kept them focused on their task.

Shino knew that losing focus for even a moment could mean falling victim to Yakumo's Genjutsu. He couldn't afford to make mistakes.

Yakumo, on the other hand, maintained her concentration, weaving intricate illusions designed to disorient and confuse her opponent.

Yakumo's Genjutsu proved to be too overwhelming for Shino and his insects to resist. The illusions grew more complex, making it impossible for Shino to distinguish reality from the illusions.

Shino's mind became a chaotic battleground, his thoughts overwhelmed by the intricate illusions Yakumo had created.

Unable to break free, Shino's movements slowed, and he found himself falling victim to the illusions' grasp. In a final, decisive move, Yakumo incapacitated Shino without causing any lasting harm.

"Winner of the match is: Yakumo Kurama!" Hayate started "And that concludes the Chunin Exam Preliminaries. Those who have won, please come to the stadium."

The winners came down as Hayate brought out a box. "Pick out a piece of paper from the box and say the number on it"

"3" Hinata said

"5" Kasumi Said

"1" Neji Said

"2" Sasuke Said

"9" Gaara Said

"6" Temari Said

"8" Naruto Said

"4" Shikamaru Said

"7" Yakumo Said

"Alright!" Hayate said " So the matches will go like this" He then pointed towards the board.





"Since the numbers are odd. People with the last number will be paired in a Free for All"

Everyone nodded at the information. Minato, who was sitting in the Hokage area got up and shunshined to the stadium

"Congratulations to the ones who have passed on to the finals. There will be a month gap from now till the finals start. The reason there is because the leaders all arrive from distant lands. And also, you will need time to learn new tricks as the Chunin Exams are meant to fight with Unknown people and Unknown abilities. All of you can work to your best and win the exams." He said before waving a sign of dismissal.

Everyone left the area while Naruto signalled his dad to meet him at the Hokage office. Minato nodded and flashed to his office, waiting for Naruto to arrive.

While Obito appeared with Kamui infront of them. "Congratulations Team 7! You all successfully made it to the finals."

"Ahh!" Naruto jumped as he was in his thoughts "Stop doing that senseiiii!!"

Obito scratched the back of his head "Sorry, it's just a habit I had picked up in 6 months. By the way you guys should have gotten used to it by now."

Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke just shrugged it.

"Well, I gotta meet my dad. Gotta talk to him about Orochimaru." Naruto said

"Want me to take you?" Obito asked

"I don't see why not."

Naruto bid goodbye to Sasuke and Hinata before Obito and him used Kamui towards the Hokage's Office.


"All we found were, lifeless bodies and the fact we saw Orochimaru in person. That's all" ANBU with Dragon mask said

"Well... that's definitely my students work but whatever else he has done I do not know." Hiruzen said

"...I see" Minato said "well... whatever we know is only minimum. I'm afraid only Naruto can explain to us. He has seen most what Orochimaru had done or any other suspicious activities. He is dropping by very soon."

As soon as he said there was a knock on the door. The ANBU stood Next to Minato and Hiruzen. "Come In!" Minato Said

The door opened to find Naruto and Obito.

"Ahh Naruto. Please come in. Obito, I'm pretty sure you should stay." Minato said

Both of them entered and sat down.

Minato activated the sound barrier.

"Naruto" Minato said getting his attention "Do you know when did Orochimaru infiltrate the Chunin Exams?"

"I'd say from the beginning. I saw him staring at us with the same look he gave in the forest of death. We wouldn't possibly know since he was in a disguise." Naruto said

"I would like to tell you something as well."

"What is it?"

"The Sand village has sent an unstable jinchuriki to the chunin exams."

Minato's eyes widened "Do you know who it is?"

Naruto Nodded "Gaara of the Sand."

"Lord Fourth" Hiruzen said getting his attention "I believe he is the son of the Fourth Kazekage."

"What is he thinking sending an unstable jinchuriki to the exams. Has he gone out of his mind?" Minato asked rhetorically

"I don't think so" Naruto started "Since Orochimaru has also here. I have a hunch... just a hunch that there is some connection between the Jinchuriki, Orochimaru and the Sand Village"

"I see... Thank you for your insight, Naruto" Minato said "Is there anything else you are suspicious off?"

Naruto nodded "indeed, it's about that genin Kabuto Yakushi"

"Firstly, he gave us information we weren't supposed to know and even about the new genin who haven't entered the chunin exams. My first reason would be how did he get it."

"Secondly, If he had the information which is vital to any shinobi in the chunin exams. Why did he just forfeit after the second part of the exams. It just doesn't make sense"

Minato frowned "Well that is indeed bizarre. Lord Third, do you know this, Kabuto Yakushi?"

Hiruzen scratched his goatee in thought "if my memory serves me right, this isn't the first time he has dropped out of battle."

"Yea, he told me he has failed six times in a row." Naruto asked

"Yes, Indeed, I have a file on him since he was in the chunin exams." Hiruzen opened the Hokage's drawer and scrambled to letter K and pulled out a file labelled 'Kabuto Yakushi' He opened the file and started reading it.

"His time at the academy is not what you would expect, he has failed three times in the graduation exam. As far as the missions he has carried out since then were 14 D Ranks and 2 C Ranks."

"I see" Minato said "Anything else?"

"Yes, the interesting part comes before his time at the academy."

"What is it?"

"Do you remember the child that was found after the battle of Kikyo pass? The only survivor?"

"I remember it, it was said that a young boy was found nearly dead on the battlefield. He was brought back by a Jonin from the medical unit. You are saying that is the boy?"

"Yes, that's exactly what it says in his file." Hiruzen said

"Well... If he has critical information, I suspect he is working as a spy but we don't have enough proof."

"A spy? For whom?" Obito asked

"An unknown party, that we are unaware of... or we do. We just don't suspect it."

"Are you saying it has something to do with Orochimaru?" Hiruzen asked,

"I do not know, it's a mere guess, but we should also take guesses cautiously since we are playing with fire."

"I don't know why but when adding Orochimaru to everything... it all just makes sense" Obito said

"Well... he has done many psychotic things. This isn't the first time." Minato was slightly amused at his Uchiha student. 'Still making jokes, eh Obito?'

Minato then turned to the ANBU. "Ryu!" ANBU stood in attention "Send one of your infiltration ANBU member and spy on Kabuto Yakushi till the Chunin Exam start."

"Hai! Hokage-Sama" He said

Minato dropped the sound barrier as the ANBU shunshined.

"We shouldn't speak of this anymore. What we spoke, should never been said to anyone. I declare this an S-Rank Secret, known to only people who were discussing it."

Minato then showed the sign of dismissal to Obito and Naruto.

"Allow me to take you home Naruto" Obito said

"Thanks, Obito-Sensei" Naruto said with a smile

Obito used his Kamui to teleport them to his home.


"I'm Back Kaa-San!" Naruto said as he entered his house.

Kushina ran from the living room to the entrance with light speed and hugged Naruto.

"YAY! My Sochi is back. You know how worried I was about you? You were gone for 5 days." Kushina said giving a Pout to Naruto

"hee-hee , Kaa-San! I'm fine. I passed the second stage of the chunin exams! Im on to the finals." Kushina was enlightened

"I knew my Sochi could do it!"

"Can we get some ramen today?"

"Of Course! I was preparing Ramen for the past two days. I was waiting for you!"

'Two Days? That must be some well marinated broth' Naruto thought with excitement

"Hey! What's this about having Ramen without me?"

Kushina and Naruto both turned around to see Minato pouting. Both of them laughed.

"I was gonna save some for you!" Kushina started "But you didn't enter the chunin exams. Naruto did"

"Technically, I was watching the chunin exams"

"That doesn't count!"

"I don't care. I like ramen as much as you both do." Minato said before facing to Naruto "Congratulations on going to the Finals! I am proud of you. You also had a pretty awesome fight bud!" He said before ruffling Naruto's hair

"Hee-hee, Thanks tou-San"

"Also, Jiraya is coming back to the village to train you."

"Why is Pervy Sage teaching him?"

"Well... because I was thinking that he could learn some Fire style and Earth style Jutsu. He has affinity to five elements... why not use them"

"I could teach him water manipulation then"

"I mean... no one is stopping you from teaching him."

"Hey! I'm right here dattebayo!"

Minato and Kushina laughed nervously before...

"Alright! Time for some ramen!" Kushina said

"Yay!" as everyone headed towards the dining room.

Thankyou for reading Chapter 16

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