The Good and The Bad

By The_Fishcake

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Naruto but is overpowered, has rinnegan, sasuke as a friend, My first fanfic, and I want to make this as good... More

The Good and the Bad
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

1 0 0
By The_Fishcake

I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-sama owns him

*Poof* Giant gasses poofed out covering the person named Anko

"You're early, Anko" Ibiki said

"You were the one who said and I quote "early bird catches the worm bleh bleh" now im early and you call me out for it?" Anko Countered

A tickmark grew on Ibiki's head. In anyway Anko wasn't wrong.

Ibiki sighed. "Alright go ahead"

Anko stepped out of the smoke with a smirk. She was wearing a fishnet outfit, a long coat and a blouse. Her hair was tied in a spiky like ponytail. Most of the other village shinobi were gaping at her.

"Alright, pipsqueaks! Time for your next part of the exam. Head to the Training Ground 44 in 5 minutes or else you fail. MOVE!"

On Anko's Order all the genin left the exam room in an instant. Ibiki smirked out of amusement at how easy Anko ordered the genin before heading to collect the exam papers.

Anko shunshined to training ground 44, also known as The Forest of Death


"Looks like we are back here huh" Naruto commented, as he was staring at the dense forest.

"Looks like we are" Sasuke affirmed

"At least we know some of the place." Hinata continued with Naruto and Sasuke nodding

Naruto and his team reached the gate.

"Looks like you're the first ones to arrive, eh?"

Team 7 quickly turned around in instinct to find Anko Mitarashi staring at them with a smirk

Naruto nodded and said

"We have been here before and it wasn't a first good experience."

Anko raised her eyebrow

"When did you come here?"

"Two Years Ago"

"How old are you?"


"Entering the forest of death at the age of ten?"

Naruto nodded

Anko just grinned and said "You kids are badass then the other cry babies."

Team 7 couldn't help but to be blushing from the praise.

After a while, people started arriving the training ground. Once everyone arrived within 10 minutes. She started speaking.

"Alright! None of you were left out." Anko said while grinning.

She then held up two scrolls and continued "You will all be given one of these scrolls. The Black one is Earth while the Light one is Heaven. You have to defeat the other team with the opposite scroll of yours and you win." She stopped, looking at the genin to see any reactions before speaking again. "Before you guys receive the scrolls from there" she pointed to a cabin near them and then she pulled out a piece of paper. "You have to sign this death warrant. Konohagakure is not responsible if you die in the forest of death because you were weak." She saw fear, neutral, grinning emotions in the genin.

She threw a kunai at one of the sound ninja, intentionally missing him and said "I see you guys are not scared at all, hmm very well then, you all can go and get your scrolls."

"Anko-San" A mysterious person said. Anko turned to see a grass shinobi holding a kunai with her tongue. "Your Kunai" The shinobi continued. Anko took the kunai from her tongue and dismissed her. The grass ninja left but Anko was suspicious of her.

She was not the only one who was suspicious of the ninja. Team 7 were also looking at the conversation. Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"I don't like the look in that grass ninja's eyes. We should stay away from her." Naruto said

"I agree, Naruto" Sasuke responded "Let's leave"

The other two nodded before walking to the cabin. Team 7 signed their death warrant and got an Earth scroll and a gate number. They headed to the assigned gate number.

After sometime the speaker turned on.




10 Minutes later...

"Naruto did you find anyone yet?" Sasuke asked

Naruto shook his head "I haven't its strange. I have no idea wher-- " Naruto suddenly widened his eyes and fell face flat on the ground.

"NARUTO!" Hinata and Sasuke exclaimed

They picked up Naruto and carried him to a tree.

"Naruto, Are you okay?" Hinata asked

Naruto nodded before speaking "Do you guys remember the team from suna?" Both of his teammates nodded and Naruto continued "Whatever you do, don't fight them and run away from them. The Gaara kid, he is gone mentally insane and will kill anyone in the way."

Hinata and Sasuke looked at each other then back at Naruto "Okay Naruto", They said simultaneously before Sasuke speaking up.

"Are you able to travel?"

Naruto nodded and tried to get up but failed to do so as he had just taken a massive fall from a tree. 'I think I got a concussion'

'No you don't, I healed most internal injury from that fall. ' Kurama said from Naruto's mind.

Naruto got up once again then gestured his teammates to let them carry on. But before they could leave Naruto widened his eyes again.

"Guys! You remember the grass ninja with a weird looking face and a long tongue."

"What about him Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he didn't find him to be that important

Naruto then started breathing hastily "HE'S HEADING RIGHT TOWARDS US WITH A GIANT SNAKE!"

Hinata and Sasuke saw the mentioned snake charging at them at full speed. They barely managed to dodge it. While Sasuke started making handsigns before calling out "KATON: GOUKAKYUU NO JUTSU!" releasing a giant fireball and burned the head of the snake. The sound ninja then jumped out of nowhere.

"Interesssting, to see my summoning destroyed with one fireball. You have potential young boy." A man with long black hair and eyes responded before licking his lips.

Naruto got back to his team then asked the man "Who are you?"

"Why should I tell my name to those who are gonna die?"

"How do you know that we will die."

"Cause your murderer is infront of you" he said before attacking him with a snake.

Naruto grabbed the snake by the neck and threw it elsewhere. He then jumped over the man and struck his neck pressure point. The man fell on the ground.

"What? Why can't I move?"

Naruto smiled "Its because I pressed your pressure point on the back of your neck to paralyse you. Now tell us who the hell you ARE!" He said before punching him in the face

His punch made a scratch in his skin. Naruto looked near his skin and so a gray skin. He then pulled out the skin to find a pale man with snake like eyes. Naruto widened his eyes.

"YOU'RE OROCHIMARU." He exclaimed. Hinata and Sasuke's eyes widened

Orochimaru chuckled "So what if I am? Your puny little trick wont work on me"

He then open his mouth. Naruto and his team jumped back while they saw in shock that another Orochimaru came out from the mouth and stood grinning madly as he just found his vessel

"GUYS BE ON GUARD!" Naruto said before making handsigns and called out "WIND STYLE: CUTTING BLADE!" and held his hand with air pressure collecting on the side of his hand. He then swiped his hand like a knife at Orochimaru which created a blast that made Orochimaru go defensive.

Once the wind dissipated. Orochimaru found that they had hid somewhere.

'DAMN IT! I HAVE BEEN FOOLED BY MERE GENINS!' He thought, gritting his teeth.

In a hollow tree...

"Hinata, Sasuke we have to make a plan on losing Orochimaru. My taijutsu won't be able to get him since he is able to counter with his weird jutsu." Naruto explained

"Why don't you summon a fox to message Lord Fourth or Lord Third." Naruto nodded before making handsigns Boar – Dog – Bird – Monkey – Ram and slammed his palm on the ground.

*Poof* Ishito came out from the smoke.

"Hey Ishito, We are in trouble right now. Send message to Tou-San and Jiji that Orochimaru of the Sannin is in the forest." Naruto ordered. He then took out a scroll he keeps for calligraphy and wrote on it. He labelled the scroll urgent in Kanji "Give this to my dad saying its Urgent" Ishito nodded before taking the scroll and disappearing.

Naruto then created 3 shadow clones. 2 of them transformed into Hinata and Sasuke. He then spoke to his teammates

"Let's get out of here, I will use my shadow clones and transform them into us. They will leave the stump and they will be a diversion. I added more chakra so they should survive 1-2 hits. It should be more than enough." Naruto said

The shadow clones left the tree and went the opposite way from the center. Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke. Then left after a minute towards the other side.

Jumping from tree-to-tree Naruto used his rinnegan to see that orochimaru took the bait and was chasing the shadow clones. They need assistance as fast as possible.

At The Hokage's office...

*Knock knock*

"Come in!" Minato stated

The door creaked to find Sarutobi Hiruzen smiling. "Lord Fourth, it seems we have message from The Fifth Mizukage, Mei Terumi. She wants to join the The Chunin Exam Finals."

"Ahh so that means the Bloodmist regime has ended?" Minato asked while Sarutobi nodded.

"Indeed, The Fourth Mizukage was a tough opponent."

"Inform the Mizukage that they are permitted to attend the Chunin Exam Finals"

"Alright, I don't mind it as well. It would be better rather nice than only the Kazekage entering every year." Hiruzen spoke before he and Minato heard a voice coming from downstairs.

"Wait, WAIT!"

Minato walked out with Hiruzen to find Ishito running towards them.

"Ishito! What happened?" Minato asked

"I have brought a message from Naruto and Its Very Urgent and Important. We can't say it here."

Hiruzen and Minato nodded. They all headed the Hokage's office and activated the sound barriers. In this barrier no voice comes in and no voice goes out.

"What's urgent Ishito?" Minato asked

Ishito gave Minato the scroll handed by Naruto with the Kanji 'Urgent' written on it.

Minato opened the scroll with Sarutobi behind him also reading it.

Tou-San, Jiji,
I believe you have received my message. Orochimaru of the Sannin was disguised as a Genin and infiltrated part two of the Chunin Exams. Me, Hinata and Sasuke are buying some time because we are well aware of our strength and we are not strong enough to defeat a sannin. We request backup in secret or with a reliable request as to not show favouritism. We will try our best to hold Orochimaru in the Forest Of Death. Please send someone as soon as possible so we can finish part 2. I will explain everything after this test... or whenever we meet face to face.


By the time they finished reading. A lot of emotions were running through their mind. They were impressed how well written the message was. But they were shocked as to when did Orochimaru enter the village. They couldn't waste time right now. Minato put down the scroll. And then called out "Ryu! Neko!" Two ANBU dressed shinobi appeared out of nowhere.

"Head towards the Forest Of Death with Ishito" He pointed towards the fox. "Locate Orochimaru or any signs of Orochimaru to appear. MOVE!" The ANBU nodded, picked up Ishito and shunshined towards the Forest of Death.


"Anko-San!" A Chunin shinobi called out

"What's the matter?" Said person asked

"Look What we have found, Its Urgent!"

Anko followed the Shinobi only to find three grass shinobi with no face. Anko widened her eyes. She knew exactly whose doing it was.

"I'm heading into the Forest Of Death. Inform Hokage-Sama that we have urgent news"

"No Need, Hokage-Sama is aware of this" A voice called and the ANBU shinobi dropped down with Ishito on their shoulder.

"How?" Anko Asked generally confused

"One shinobi informed us before hand." The ANBU with the Dragon mask started "That doesn't matter, let's move!" He finished and Anko nodded.

"Ishito-San" The masked ANBU called the fox "lead the way" Ishito nodded then sprinted knowing the ANBU were fast enough.


"SHIT!" Naruto Cursed "Orochimaru got the clones. He is damn pissed right now."

Naruto created more clones and they headed where the clones went. Sasuke and Hinata were sweating and tired. But they knew if they stopped Orochimaru will get them.

Suddenly, three Shurkien ran past them from the front. Team 7 stopped and were shocked. They were being attacked by another team as well. Another three shuriken tried hitting them. Hinata and Sasuke dodged but Naruto was pissed. He hasn't finished the techinique but its all he got. He dropped his resistance seal by one level and felt the shuriken fly in slow motion. He used two fingers and caught the flying Shuriken then spoke "NISHI SHINKU HA(Two Finger Nil-Space Grasp)" And threw the shuriken back where it came from. He then heard someone drop from the trees on the ground.

Team 7 jumped off the tree and found one Mizu Shinobi wounded on his stomach with the same shuriken Naruto threw. The other shinobi also dropped down.

Hinata ran towards the second shinobi and disabled his chakra points while Sasuke wrapped the third shinobi in ninja wire and threw a paper bomb at him. All three were knocked out.

Sasuke searched them to find an Earth Scroll.

"Aww man" Naruto said, sad by the outcime "they had an Earth scroll, no fair."

"We don't have time Naruto, we need to leave before we-" Sasuke was interrupted before he dodged a giant snake

"Oh shit." Was the only words Naruto said before he saw the Pale Snake-eyed man

"You thought you could essssscape from me?" Orochimaru said grinning like an evil maniac walking towards them

As Orochimaru advanced, Naruto rushed forward, throwing a barrage of explosive kunai and shuriken in Orochimaru's direction. Orochimaru gracefully dodged them, but the explosions created enough smoke and noise to obscure their movements.While Orochimaru was distracted, Sasuke and Hinata leaped into action. Sasuke used his Sharingan to track Orochimaru's movements, making it difficult for the Sannin to strike them. Hinata focused on supporting her teammates and maintaining a barrier to protect them from Orochimaru's attacks.

Orochimaru grew frustrated as the trio evaded his attacks and kept him at bay. He hissed, "You're wasting your time. I will have Sasuke's sharingan."

"So you are after the Sharingan eh?" Naruto asked "Not over my dead body you are gonna get it."

Just as Orochimaru prepared to unleash a dangerous jutsu, a sudden flash of movement caught his eye. ANBU operatives, clad in their black masks and cloaks, descended from the trees.

Naruto shouted with relief, "They're here!"

The ANBU swiftly surrounded Orochimaru, their masked faces betraying no emotion. They were highly trained and specialized in dealing with dangerous threats. With their combined strength, they would be able to contain Orochimaru.

Orochimaru realized he was outnumbered and trapped. He hissed, "This isn't over, Sasuke."

With a burst of smoke, Orochimaru disappeared, leaving only a lingering sense of menace. The ANBU scanned the area, ensuring he was truly gone.

One of the ANBU members approached Team 7 and nodded in appreciation. "You did well to hold him off until we arrived. You've shown great teamwork and resolve." ANBU left to work searching forclues to Orochimaru's plan

Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata exchanged smiles, relieved that their plan had worked. They continued their journey in the forest, knowing that they had faced one of their greatest challenges and emerged victorious.

They already had a Heaven scroll. They just needed to get to the centre. A day was almost over. They weren't exactly in a hurry but... early, the better I guess. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Team 7 glimpsed the center of the Forest of Death in the distance. It was a hidden shrine, bathed in an eerie, otherworldly light.

With renewed determination, they made their final sprint, pushing themselves to the limit. They arrived at the shrine just as the last rays of sunlight disappeared, completing their mission in only a day. They entered the room to find a riddle. To Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata it was obvious. It was a two part reverse summoning jutsu. Naruto laid out the first scroll while Sasuke laid the second scroll... both of them crossing each other. At the center of the intersection of the scroll.

*Poof* Smoke bursted in the air.. As it dissipated. They found Iruka Umino standing with a smile.

"Congratulations! Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke" He Started "You were the first to make it. And it all took you a day as well. I couldn't be anymore proud"

Team 7 smiled at their sensei and gave him a thumbs up. "Thank you, Sensei!"

Team 7 said simultaneously.

"Alright head on to your rooms. You all might be tired" Iruka said clearing seeing their worn out faces.

Team 7 nodded and headed towards their room

"Hey Naruto?" Sasuke spoke


"What was that technique which you used during our fight with the Mizu Shinobi. its nearly damn impossible to touch a shuriken while its in motion?" Sasuke said

"Also! That hand movement to throw the shuriken was pretty fast as well."

Naruto gave an "ahh" expression before speaking

"Well, That techinique comes with my Death Fists style. I cant solely rely on pressure points. Since I'm working with precision. Precision can be achieved through any training on speed. I was practicing this move for a while. Looks like I finally got it, but I had to level down my resistance seal which means I need more training."

"That move was still sick. It was pretty clean."

"Thank You, Sasuke" Naruto blushed at the praise

"Well, we should wait for the other genin to arrive. Until then, let's relax and create more strategies." Hinata suggested

Naruto and Sasuke nodded before entering their rooms.

Thankyou for reading Chapter 14

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