Oblivion (A Black Clover Stor...

By Seaflame13

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Iris has a severe case of amnesia. She doesn't remember a single thing before she woke up half-blind in the v... More

Important Author's Notes - PLEASE READ!
Final Author's Notes
Nozel's Ending - LIVE!
Another Update


88 1 0
By Seaflame13

I wish I could say I was startled by Captain Vangeance's offer, but I wasn't. It seemed that we'd already put some of the most crucial details of our lives on the table, so at this point it wasn't anything farfetched. "Alright," I began, "I'll keep my spell activated to use up my mana. Could I ask why you feel like you need the mask though? Why care so much about what others think of you?"

He hummed, closing his eyes and looking forward. "I was always looked down upon for the way I looked. I was called a cursed child not only for that, but because I'm the illegitimate child of a noble. My mother passed when I was young, and when my father's heir died, they found me and brought me into the capital. There, my foster mother abused me because she hated my face. When Julius found me, he didn't care about the way I looked and asked me to get stronger to join his Magic Knight Squad. Because I'd been conditioned to assume everyone would think me repulsive, Julius made this mask for me so I wouldn't have to worry."

As I listened, I slowly felt my mana depleting with every second I kept my whip out and rolled up on my lap. "I see," I muttered, surprised that he would share such details with me. Instinctively, I reached out to place my hand on one of his which rested in his lap. "I'm sorry you went through all of that," I told honestly. "No one deserves that."

We made eye contact again, his expression wavering for a moment before he swallowed hard and looked away. His eyes fell on my hand over his, staring intensely at my fingers. I pulled away a few moments after that, worried that I was making him uncomfortable. I too sat and looked forward after that, only noticing a single, quick glance from him as we then sat in silence.

"Thank you," Captain Vangeance spoke suddenly, causing me to turn my head to look at him again.

"For?" I inquired, curious as to why he was thanking me.

"For giving me your honest and truthful sympathy," he explained.

It all clicked in my head once he said that. Obviously not many had seen his face, and the few people who did either abused him for it in some way, or simply pitied him to make them feel better about themselves. Besides Julius and Yami of course. Most didn't truly care for this man, who to me, seemed so sweet and kind. It... Was a shame. "You're welcome," I answered simply before adding, "You showed me kindness tonight, so I guess my way of paying you back for that is to be honest and tell you that you deserve to be around people who really honestly care about you and accept you no matter what you look like."

He smiled softly, looking down at his lap again. "Well, I certainly am enjoying your company. It's a nice change from the usual members of the Golden Dawn."

His comment made me a bit flustered, so I looked away again and laughed nervously. "I feel the same. I love the Black Bulls, and they all recently found out about my memory loss, so they accept me as the freak I am, but they can be a bit much sometimes!" I expressed. And even Nozel can be... Quite a bit too, but in his own interesting way.

I guess my words were amusing, for Vangeance let out a single puff of air in a laugh. "Yami has assembled quite the group, I see."

This time, I laughed in a much more lighthearted, carefree way. "That's for sure! Yami is something else. But we all love him, and I know he loves us all too! And-" I paused, suddenly feeling a change in my mana. I instantly felt nervous, and my change made my host become more alert too. I cleared my throat, fulling knowing that my hidden scar was now visible. Then, I let my spell dissipate.

"Has it appeared?" he asked gently. 

"Yes," I replied, unsure of what he would think of me, especially because we could relate in that specific area. He sighed, and I turned my head farther away. I could've sworn I'd heard him audibly gulp before the sound of his clothes brushing against themselves told me he was revealing his bare skin. When I heard the clink of his mask on the glass-topped coffee table, I shuddered with anticipation. "Are you ready?"

"Are you?" he shot back softly, avoiding the question. 

I shook my head, "Of course I'm ready, but I'm asking you. You seem more nervous than I am," I expressed, hearing his breath hitch at my words.

Captain Vangeance cleared his throat. "I'm ready to show my face to someone who can relate."

This time, I was the one who sighed as I took one more deep breath and turned my head all the way to my left, allowing him to look at my face while I looked at his.

It was silent between us when we saw each other. His eyes examined every little detail of my scar and my eye, while I looked especially close at the detail and texture of his skin. Because I'd only seen him from afar the first time, I didn't realize how unusual of a mark it was. The bottom of it had jagged edges like a saw, and only stretched to about halfway down his nose. Even the top three-quarters of his ears were the same purplish color. It was almost as if he had been badly burned; even worse than I seemingly was.

"May I... Ask a question?" I suddenly sounded, my voice breaking the silence. He nodded silently, his body tensing up. He was bracing himself. "Does it hurt?"

He relaxed a little. "No. It never has," he answered plainly, his eyes still locked on my blind eye. "Does yours?"

I placed my hand over my non-seeing eye. "Sometimes," I admitted. "But it's only when I try to remember who I was before." Saying that forced my mind to think back to why I'd washed up in a small river back in Hage, where Asta found me. Why? Why did that happen? I winced at the sudden pain that came with it.

But then, my newfound friend reached over to tightly grip my wrist and tug it away from my face abruptly. "If thinking about it hurts, then don't. It's not worth it."

We made eye contact, and the sensation of his warm, clammy palm against mine was... Comforting. I figured he was sweating a little because he was nervous, but then again so was I. Again, I cleared my throat and looked down. "I can't help it sometimes. It really, really bothers me."

He let go of my hand and suddenly brushed the backs of his fingers against my textured, discolored cheek. When he did, I felt an odd sensation. Something about his touch was... Familiar. "And you will find out the truth one day. But right now, you don't need to worry about it."

His face was only a few inches closer to mine, but that wasn't what made my heart beat faster. It was the fact that his hand was on my face, and that he was the first one besides myself to touch my skin there while my scar was visible. It was an obviously vulnerable spot, and because of that I was more than surprised that he touched me there in the first place. I swallowed hard and thanked him quietly for the words of reassurance before reaching out to touch his face too.

Vangeance flinched and pulled away for a second, but I was determined to break down the walls that he had up. He deserved to feel the touch of someone who wouldn't change a thing about how he looked. I firmly pressed the balls of my fingers on his right cheek, slowly running my thumb across his skin. There were bumps and rough areas here and there where the color differed, but it was overwise normal. For a moment, we merely stared at each other, fingers exploring our insecurities. And after a while, it felt as if he leaned into my touch and welcomed it.

"Thank you for this," I said softly, pulling away.

He followed my lead, leaving my skin cold. The captain shook his head. "No, I should be thanking you. It has been a very long time since anyone has accepted me like this. I guess besides Yami. And... Besides my mother, never a woman," he explained, shifting uncomfortably.

"Well, I do like you the way that you are. I wouldn't change anything about you." It was the truth. He seemed so insecure and I just felt the need to reassure him. I guess my comment struck a nerve, because he blushed intensely. He... He really is adorable. "You say a woman has never liked your face? I don't mean to pry into your personal life Captain, but have you ever been in a relationship?"

My question caught him off guard again, but he smiled. "I have held relationships before, but it is a complicated thing to explain," he finished, closing his eyes.

I smiled back. "I'm willing to listen if you want to talk about it," I offered. "And for what it's worth, I do still find you to be very cute," I admitted, intensifying the blush on each of our scarred faces.

The man cleared his throat and tugged at his collar with an index finger. He really was sweating. Did I make him nervous? "I wouldn't mind explaining. However I have a request."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"You referred to me as 'Captain' just now. Please call me William," he insisted.

"What? Are you sure?"

He nodded with a smile. "Of course. We've just shared a lot with each other. I'd prefer it if you called me by my first name."

I laughed. "Okay... William."

He seemed to beam with happiness at the sound of his name from my lips, his smile so incredibly charming and contagious. It faltered when he started to talk. "Yes, I've held relationships with women before. But they've obviously only ever been brief. It has always gone one of two ways. I have a relationship with them, and when I finally trust them enough to show my face, they run away in disgust. Or, I show them at the beginning so they know what they're getting into... And they also run away."

I furrowed my brows at William's explanation of his brief relationships and how he can't hold an honest one for long. "I'm sorry they've treated you like that. They were obviously after money or status then. Not love."

"Agreed. I guess it's better off that way then," he said, finishing his thoughts on the subject. Or so I thought. When I felt his gaze again, I looked at him puzzlingly. As soon as we made eye contact yet again, he blushed and looked away. "May I ask you something?"

He'd intrigued me, so I leaned closer with interest, turning my body towards him. "Of course, anything."

William cleared his throat nervously. Whatever he had to ask me was proving to be difficult for him. "Would you... Would you like a drink?" he asked.

That's what he wanted to ask me? No... Surely there's something else, and he's too nervous to ask it. Maybe a drink will relax him a bit. "That depends. Will you be drinking with me?"

"If that is what you wish."

"I certainly don't like drinking alone, so please, drink with me," I requested, receiving his nod of approval as he stood up and walked across the room towards a small minifridge that I hadn't noticed before. 

"What do you like?"

I said the first thing I could think of. "Do you have any wine?"

He nodded again, pulling out a bottle with a black label. "Will this do?"

"Y-yes," I stuttered, "But that looks really expensive! Are you sure you want to open that now?" I asked, standing up and walking to where he was. It was then that I noticed that he was about my height, save for the inch that he had on me. 

He shrugged. "Julius gifted it to me some time back. I have no other reason to open it," he said, already peeling the foil off of the top and twisting the opener into the cork. When it popped open, I could tell that both of us enjoyed the smell of the fresh- and most likely insanely expensive- wine. William poured us both a glass and we sat back down. Then, we clinked glasses. "To being different," he smiled.

"To being different!" I exclaimed as we took our first sips. I licked my lips after tasting the sweet but fruity white wine on my tongue. It was most definitely the best thing I'd ever tasted. I took another sip and licked my lips again. "This is delicious," I said quietly, taking a third sip this time. 

He smiled again, although his eyes appeared to be locked on my mouth. "I agree. I'm glad you like it," he said, seeming to stare right through me but at the same time not.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, suspicious.

He flinched, but then sighed. "Actually... There's something else I wanted to ask you before."

"What is it?"

"Ah... It's more of a favor... A request. And it is most definitely inappropriate of a Captain to ask this of any Magic Knight..." he trailed off. But now I was only more interested in what he had to say. I was intrigued. At the sound of my silence, he continued. "You can say no. That is perfectly fine. However... As I made clear just now, no woman has ever enjoyed both my company and my face. Except you. I..." he paused, sighing, "I want to know what it's like... To kiss someone who actually likes me the way that I am," he pretty much blurted out all at once. 

I was shocked at the request, to say the least. "You... Want me to kiss you?"

"Y-you don't have to- You can forget-"

"Don't be so quick to answer for me," I snapped, surprising him. "I'll kiss you," I smiled, "It's not like I'm in any committed relationship myself either," I told. It was true- Nozel and I were nothing but friends-with-benefits. Whenever I'd brought up or joked about being anything more, he either ignored me or scoffed. He obviously wanted nothing more to come of whatever we had. "But I must ask," I started again, "Have you kissed anybody at all?"

"O-of course I have!" William exclaimed, his blush not letting up now. The way his unscarred cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink was cute. "But they all seem so fake looking back on them. And I've certainly never kissed anyone with my mask off."

"I understand," I sympathized, taking a deep breath before setting down my half-full glass and moving my body to sit much closer to him. Our thighs touched. His body was warm, but maybe that was because he was sweating out of being so anxious. When we locked eyes, I almost couldn't believe it. The Captain of the Golden Dawn asked me to kiss him.

Slowly, I leaned my face closer and closer to his, watching closely for any sign that he would regret doing this. But, although very stiff, he stayed still and attentively watched my movements. When I could feel his breath against my lips, I made eye contact with William again, his vibrant purple eyes looking even more beautiful as he began to close them. Quickly but gently, I closed the gap between us.

William's lips were soft and warm, even if his movements did feel a bit awkward at first. But when I just slightly pulled away, he leaned in closer to kiss me back. This time, he kissed me with purpose and meaning. I knew this was a big deal to him. When I pulled away, his lips chased mine, but only slightly.

He kept his eyes closed for a second longer, trying to indulge himself in the lingering feeling of me. When our eyes met again, his gaze was soft and glazed over. It was like I was seeing a completely new and different side of him, even though this was our first one-on-one encounter. The expression his face held was so gentle and filled with kindness and happiness. Happiness to have found someone who cares for him the way he is, without any desire to change him.

For a minute or two, we just stared at each other. Then, he closed his parted lips and smiled wide. "Thank you."

I blushed. "Of course," I replied, "So... What were the other kissing experiences like? Romantic? Slow and long? Lustful?" The reason I asked was because I was genuinely curious, but... I found myself wanting to kiss him again and I was now searching for a reason to do so.

William tugged at his collar again, shifting his body. We were still close, our faces only about a foot from each other. "They... Weren't anything special. I-If I'm being honest... I don't really know much in that realm."

Now I was the one shifting nervously. "Would... You like me to show you?"

"Show me?" he gulped.

"The different types of kisses you might receive from someone?" It took a second for him to register what I was offering to do. When he nodded, I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek, leaning in to kiss the opposite one. "Something quick, but meaningful. And..." I trailed off, my eyes wandering to his forehead before grabbing his head with both of my hands and tipping it downwards so I could press my lips against his forehead, right in the center of his mark. "You deserve to be kissed everywhere, even on your perfect imperfections."

When I let up and looked into William's eyes again, they were wide, and it looked like they were a bit glassy. I guess me doing this was something more on the emotional side for him. I leaned in once more, gently touching my lips to his again and resulting in a slow, long kiss. He reached up to cup my face in his hand, fully putting everything he had into it. The kiss we shared was unlike anything I'd experienced. For the first time since I woke up, I felt... Truly, truly wanted in every possible way. He... Was different than Nozel.

The time came when we both pulled away, and I felt like it was a regretful thing on both ends. Neither of us wanted to stop. "I enjoyed that one," he expressed, finally feeling comfortable it seemed like.

"That was more of a romantic kiss. Like... Like when you really, really care about someone," I explained. "Do you... Want me to continue?" I was nervous now, and I couldn't think of any other kind of kiss than a lusty one.

"Please," he asked simply.

I shifted, moving my body away from him. Although he looked confused, he stayed silent. Before I opened my mouth again, I finished that heavenly glass of wine, and so did he. "Okay. Sit in the middle of the couch," I ordered, watching him quickly do as I say. "Now... If this is too much for you... Please tell me." I waited for him to do or say something before I moved, and when he nodded, I took a deep breath. In one swift motion, I straddled him and sat my behind on his lap.

Clearly the man was startled, because his eyes went wide again and he looked at me in a way I couldn't decipher. I couldn't tell if he was nervous, excited, or having a panic-attack. "Mmm..." he hummed, trying to find words. His face was the reddest I'd seen it and it was hard to keep eye contact. "A-and what is this for?"

"A l-lustful kiss?" I said, my tone more of a question than an answer. I guess me being so nervous forced me to test the waters before I went through with it. "A-as long as that's okay with you..."

I was surprised when he quickly nodded. "Yes!" he exclaimed, his voice louder than either of us anticipated it sounded like, for his blush spread to his earlobes. William cleared his throat. "Please, I want to experience all you're willing to give."

I felt my own face get hotter at the words of the most powerful Magic Knights Captain. "Okay. If you don't like anything, tell me," I repeated, to which he nodded.

Gently, I grabbed his hands that felt like they had no place resting at his sides on the couch and placed one high up on my thigh. The other I put around my waist. It felt different being in this position with someone that wasn't Nozel since I'd gotten so used to him and his rough and anxious touch. But it was nice. I liked how sweet and gentle William was, and the way he softly wrapped his arm around me further proved my point. The change was more than welcome. When we kissed again, I started off slow to help him get acclimated to the feeling of my lips again. But then I pressed a little harder, and I knew he liked it. His head fell back to rest on the back of the couch, and I kissed him even harder. I felt his hand twitch at the feeling, but I wondered how he'd react to what I still had planned. 

I trailed my hands up his uniform over his chest and wrapped one hand around the back of his neck while the other rested on his shoulder. He gasped for a moment, giving me my chance. I pushed my tongue into his mouth to meet his own. The low sound that erupted from the back of his throat sent shivers down my spine. William was a bit awkward at first, but he was a fast learner. With each swipe of our tongues, I wanted him more and more. I don't think he realized it, but his grip on my thigh tightened and his other arm pulled me further onto him and left no gap between us whatsoever. When he did, I softly moaned into his mouth. He was hard. I could feel it. I guess the feeling of my weight on top of his erection, even if it was covered, got him so excited that he let out a moan in return.

Stop, Iris stop. You want him but is he ready? Iris. Iris!

I managed to pull away before I got too carried away. I knew for a fact that my panties were soaked and even though his dick clearly wanted me, I wasn't sure if his mind did. When I was able to focus my glossy vision on his face again, his eyes were half-lidded and glistened even more than before. His hands and arms held me even tighter. He didn't want me to stop or leave his lap.  William let out a short puff of air when he realized how intimate we currently were. But... He didn't loosen his hold on me. We didn't drink much but it was like he was drunk off of me.

I sighed, our eye contact intense. "Do you want to?"

That was what broke his concentration. "W-what?"

I took a deep breath this time. "Do you want to have sex?"

His expression changed, and I felt him shift beneath me. Although I didn't think his blush could deepen, it did. "Ah... B-but... I... I-I've never- I'm-"

"A virgin?" I stated plainly, finishing his sentence and startling him even more. He looked ashamed of that fact. "I already know that," I told. It was obvious from the fact that he said he'd never really explored the realm of kissing. And his awkwardness proved it too.

We made eye contact again. "Y-you do?" In return, I nodded. "You already knew and you still... Want to? W-with me? O-out of all people..."

Well, someone else got to me first, but I think I like the idea of sleeping with you too. "Do you not want to?" I asked, unsure of how he was reacting. I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling.

"I do!" William blurted out. He shifted again at the realization of how forward he was. "B-but only if you want to... And are willing? I..." he muttered, trailing off again. This time, he now refused to look me in the eye.

I grabbed his chin and forced him to make eye contact with me. "I want to, trust me. And I am more than willing. I will teach you all that I know, as long as you're the one who really wants to. If it's too much-"

"It's not too much," he promised. "I really, really want to... I-I've never had such a pretty woman in my room before... The thought about kissing you at the very least crossed my mind, b-but I didn't think it would actually happen!" he explained, being completely and utterly honest with me.

I leaned in a little closer. "Then if you truly want to..." I trailed off, my breath against his lips.

"I want to," William repeated in the split second before I kissed him again. This time, he was the one who slid his tongue in between my lips and into my mouth. His movements sent tingles down my spine, and I found myself wanting him even more. His lips, his tongue, his fingers... His body...

I reached down to move his hands closer to my behind. My voice was but a lustful whisper as I begged, "Touch me."

He flinched, but still nervously started to explore my body with his hands, even though I still had all my clothes on. Our tongues moved even faster, every so often fighting for dominance. I won every time. William's fingers found their way underneath the elastic of the edge of my loose pants, sliding along its length. I so badly wanted him to dive his hands deep inside of them to grab me, but I could tell he was still nervous... Or maybe it was the angle we were at.

I lifted my head after a while, our glossy eyes meeting once again. "William," I said firmly, seeing his pupils dilate at the sound of his name from my lips like that. Combined with the manner in which I said it, not to mention the position we were in, I'm pretty sure it drove him crazy. "Take me to your bedroom."


A/N- Sorry that it's been a while! Life happens. But I'm super excited to introduce the second official love interest of the story! I feel like Nozel and William are a rarer combo in the fandom, especially since they barely interact and have pretty much no relationship with each other so that makes all of this interesting.

Song: First Time - Hozier

And the first time that you kissed me
I drank dry the River Lethe
The Liffey would have been softer on my stomach all the same
But you spoke some quick new music
That went so far to soothe this soul
As it was and ever shall be
Unearth without a name

Some part of me must have died
The first time that you called me baby
And some part of me came alive
The first time that you called me baby

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