tinngun oneshots

Hollywithluv द्वारा

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oneshots of my favorite bl couple from my favorite series series: my school president ship: tinn × gun short... अधिक

can we try that out? (first time)
Don't make a noise
our little one 1/2
our little one 2/2

Crazy about you

427 11 2
Hollywithluv द्वारा

A Tinngun au in which tinn is deeply in love with Gun who is the typical college heartthrob while he is an introverted nerd student. It's the valentines day and he finally decided to step out and propose to Gun but the thing that he didn't expect was to see his twin brother North and Gun - making out in college's washroom.

- explicit content
- North and tinn are twins


Today was one of that day of the year when all the singles wouldn’t like going out and see couples at every corner of the streets, walking hand in hands, having dates at the restaurants or cafes or being PDA at literally every fucking spot they go to, showing the world how happily in a relationship they are with each other. 14th of february, the day of....love, the day of confessions. It’s the best day for people to confess their love to their crush. And that’s exactly what this certain boy with spectacles have been thinking of doing all his life.

One of Tinn’s friends, namely Tiwson have adviced him to confess to his crush today as it’s the valentines day. Tinn has a crush on a guy from his class since he joined this university a year ago. Guntaphon. The boy of his dreams. The boy of everyone’s dream, to be exact. Gun was quite popular in the university as he was an ace player in theirs faculty’s football team. A typical heartthrob who is wanted by everyone while he was just a normal boy, a nerd, who’s only known by few students of the class. Tinn knew that Gun was way out of his league and there was no way he would accept to be his boyfriend.

“Hey, you ready for today?” Tinn’s only friend from his class asked. He actually wasn’t that outspoken and liked to mind his own business, so he only managed to make one friend since one year he was studying in this faculty.

“Ready for what?”

“Don’t tell me you forgot? Today is valentines day, Tinn. The D day. Remember?” Tiwson asked.

“Actually I....” Tinn sighed. Tiwson looked confused and then said, “Tinn, don’t back out. You promised yourself that you will tell him that you like him today.”

“But I am not confident enough! I think this is a wrong idea. He is not gonna like me.” Tinn was way more insecure than Tiwson had thought.

“Are you serious? Where did that Tinn go who was babbling all night about confessing to love of his life?”

“I was drunk. I can only act all confident when I am drunk, you know that, Tiwson.”

“Tinn, you have been admiring him from afar for how long? For around a year already. Now it’s the time you atleast try to do some action to get him. And you don’t need to think about the outcome already, man. Just go to him and tell him how you feel and let him decide what he wants for himself then.” Tiwson was a nice friend indeed. Tinn smiled and nodded his head but from inside he was very nervous, he feels like he’s gonna die. But no, he will try to live.

His eyes fell on the love of his life, walking inside the class while he was talking to one of his friends. Tinn couldn’t stop but admire the smile on Gun’s face as he laughs to what his friend said. His crush walked towards the row right next to his and he sat just one desk behind where Tinn was sitting. Tinn’s heart started beating faster than the usual as he just smelled Gun’s cologne. He smelled like candies and roses, his favourite scent in the entire universe.

Then the professor entered the lecture room, getting his attention. The professor started teaching and Tinn paid attention to him while taking notes on his notebook, adjusting the specs on his face. Few minutes into the lecture and a student just entered the classroom, getting professor’s attention who gave him an annoyed look. North. His twin brother. It was usual for him to come late to the class like this and literally no body was surprised, even the Professor who just ignored North and continued the topic where he left off.

North walked towards the same row where Gun was sitting and he sat just behind the love of his life. The lecture continued for an hour and the professor was finally gone out of the class, giving the students some relief. The students began walking out the class while few began gossiping with each other. Tinn’s entire attention was on Gun as he tried to find the opportunity to finally talk to him. But Gun was suddenly surrounded by girls and even boys who were dying to give him their gifts and put heart stickers on him. Tinn sighed to himself as he felt Tiwson assuring him by placing his hand on his shoulder, he just gave him a tight smile.

“Hey, want me to get you some flowers? I just found from his IG that he likes tulips. Maybe you should give him those while confessing.” Tiwson suggested. Tinn didn’t know if he even will able to confess to Gun today or not but atleast Tiwson was trying. He nodded his head to him and Tiwson sees himself off out of the class to get his best friend some flowers he promised.

Not only Gun but there were many students surrounding his twin brother, North as well. North was another popular student in the university, a typical bad boy who’s wanted by every girl in the world. He was actually known as....North’s brother instead of Tinn. Even though no girl ever talked to him and even if they did, it means that they wants his brother’s phone number. While he was watching his crush from afar who was getting praised from the bunch of kids, his phone dinged in his pocket. He got it out to see his friend’s text.

[ Hey come out, I got the stuff ]

Tinn looked above to see Gun walking out of the class before he could. He packed his things up and walked towards the exit of the lecture room as well and met with Tiwson on the hallway. Tiwson dragged him behind the wall and showed him the flowers he bought. They were white tulips arranged in a bouquet, looking gorgeously beautiful. No doubt these were Gun’s favorite.

“Here you go. Now go, I just saw him going outside. And he is alone.” Tiwson mentioned.

Tinn nodded, feeling a little pressured but took the bouquet from him anyways. He started walking towards the exit of the building while his friend left his side to somewhere he doesn’t know. While he goes outside, he felt nervousness hitting him as he found Gun standing near a coffee shop, whilst texting someone on the phone. He saw few students eyeing him while they walked past him then he realized that he was standing their unmoving with a freaking bouquet in his hand, looking like a clown.

He saw washrooms right next to him and immediately ran inside to look himself in the mirror to make sure he was enough presentable to propose to love of his life. He adjusted the spectacles on the bridge of his nose and combed his hairs a bit, covering his forhead with his bangs because that’s how he liked it. Tinn exhaled to get the nervousness out of him and smiled to himself in the mirror. Before he could go out to execute his plan, he heard a voice from outside.

“You took ages! I was texting you like for minutes.” That voice. How can he not recognize that soothing voice?

“I wanted to leave but those girls just wouldn’t let me go.” Another familiar voice.

Tinn heard the washroom’s door opening so he immediately went inside one of the toilet cubicles and closed the door to hide himself because he definitely did not want Gun to see him with flowers in a freaking a washroom.

“Oh I just forgot that you are that famous guy from the university. Wow, I’m so lucky to have him.” Gun’s tone was a bit sarcastic when he said that.

“You are not less as well, Mr Guntaphon.” That’s North. That’s definitely his twin brother.

There were giggles and noises.....of smooching? Were they kissing?

Tinn’s eyes slightly widened as his grip onto the bouquet tightened.

There was silence for sometime and just the similar noises could be heard. Tinn gulped the lump down his throat and opened the door slightly to peek outside to find Gun and North making out in front of the faucet. Out in the open. Tinn felt the ground shake underneath his foot and his heart shattering in millions of pieces. His body unmoving as he stared right at North’s back who was entirely covering Gun’s small figure but immediately closed the door when he found them moving apart from each other.

Gun has a boyfriend?

Well that wouldn’t be surprising if he have one. A handsome and popular boy like him would definitely not be single.

But why North? Why his twin brother?

“Come on, I can’t wait anymore.” Gun’s voice. Tinn heard footsteps and then a cubicle’s door opening and then shutting.

“So Mr popular is a exhibitionist huh?” North teased.

“Shut up and do something before someone comes.”

Tinn could heard the noises. The moans. The breathing. Everything. But he still stayed inside the cubicle, devoid of any movement, with his back against the door and eyes on the bouquet in his hand. Tinn could feel the tears brimming in corners of his eyes but somewhere he knew that this would happen. Not exactly this but he knew that Gun and him, together as a couple, can never happen.

“Ahh Fuck.” A moan. That was definitely Gun. Tinn blinked the tears back inside his eyes and turned around to leave. As his hand landed on the door’s handle, he heard again. The moans. Gun’s moans. Those pretty noises. He sounded so..... Tinn immediately shooks his head to get those scandalous thoughts out of his mind. He cannot think about Gun like that. He wasn’t a pervert after all. But somewhere he hoped that he should have been the one making Gun feel good and hearing those noises.

Tinn opened the door and left quietly.

With his head hung low and the bouquet in his hand, he walked out slowly because he couldn’t think anymore. His own brother, his twin brother stole his crush. But he couldn’t blame North. And it will not be surprising as well if they both come out as a couple. They both are perfect for each other. Like the match made in heaven. Handsome people belonged to handsome people. Famous people should only be with famous. And not with a nerd and introvert like him.

There would be no doubt if Gun choose North over him.

He was in his own thoughts when suddenly someone took the bouquet from his hand or snatched it, to be more specific. He looked above to see Bas and his friends. His batchmates and also his....bullies. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with them right now.

“Hey guys, look who I found here? And with the flowers.” Bas comments as he sniffed the flowers, “Wow smells good.”

“But why does he have these?”

“Is he proposing something someone today?” Another boy asked.

“Him and proposing? He can’t even talk properly and you think he can propose someone.” Bas mentioned with a smirk.

Tinn clenched his fists, feeling anger slowly surging in his veins.

“Who are you going to propose? Maybe we can help you.” They laughed. Bas placed his hand on Tinn’s shoulder and ruffled his hairs, “Come on tell us. Who’s your crush?”

Tinn did not say anything and just kept a glare on them. Not in the mood.  He felt like crying already but tried to maintain an expressionless face.

“Come on, tell us. Say it!”

“Say her name, man.”

“Not her. It’s a him, probably.”

“Oh really? That’s why he is not telling us.”

“So now he is not only a stupid and weak nerd but also a fag.” Bas stated and then threw the flowers onto the floor, “Oops. I shouldn’t have touched his flowers. Maybe get the same germs as him.”

Rest of the them laughed at him.

Tinn’s anger was at it’s peak and he would have threw a punch on them if he could. But he knew he couldn’t.

“His crush probably did not like him. So I should just do this...” Bas stomped onto the flowers with his foot and made fun of him.

“So true. I mean who will even like a ugly piece like him?” Now it was getting too much. And Tinn couldn’t handle anymore. Whatever he found in the bathroom had already made him irritated and they were just adding onto that.

Tinn clenched his jaw in anger and pushed Bas off the flowers which were already crushed on the ground. Bas looked surprised as he didn’t expect Tinn to fight back this time.

“You! How dare you push me?!” Bas still had audacity to ask him that after whatever he had done to Tinn today and also previous days in the university till now.

“Leave me alone!” Tinn yelled.

“Not after what you did, nerdy!” Bas commented and punched Tinn across his face. Tinn could feel the pain overflowing in his interior but right now he was angry. Very angry. So he tried to attack Bas and pushed him back once again. At that Bas latched onto him as well and punched him again. While the other boys just stood at their places and watched the scene, a bit scared. Because they knew they all will end up in dean’s office after this but no body actually came in front to stop Bas because he was their “Boss” after all. 

Bas pushed him so hard that Tinn landed on the ground with a thud. Tinn could do nothing except for his hissing and crying. Bas was about to kick him whilst he was recovering from the hard push on the ground when they heard someone’s voice.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing?” Gun asked looking at the scene with a disgusted expression. Tinn breathed heavily on the ground and slowly opened his eyes to see Gun standing there.

Bas looked around at his friends and then back at the popular kid.

“I asked you something, what the fuck do you think you were doing, Bas? Are you crazy?” Gun asked.

Bas just let out a frustrated sigh, not exactly regretting what ever he did.

“He pushed me first-”

“That does not give you the right to beat people like that, Bas!” North came after that next. North walked towards Tinn who was still on the ground and helped him to stand on his feet again.

“Are you okay? Does it hurt much?” His brother asked.

Tinn could not say anything and just shooks his head in no, even though it hurts like a bitch.

North passed them a death glare for beating his brother like that.

“North, Bas did nothing! Your brother pushed him first. Ask him!” Bas’s friend said.

“I don’t freaking care. You just didn’t have to go that far!” North yelled.

“North is right. Bas you are too much! And you guys, you call yourself his friends but didn’t even come forward to stop him. What if he beat him up more severely, then what? What if we didn’t get here at time?” Gun asked. Tinn’s eyes landed on Gun and he couldn’t look away. This was the first time ever that Gun was actually talking about him. Defending him. Tinn was feeling so giddy inside.

“Now if I ever see you guys bullying or beating anyone, I swear I’m gonna tell my father and you know what will happen next.” Gun stated. Gun’s father was a wealthy businessman and University’s Dean’s close friend, “Now what are you waiting for? Get the fuck off!”

Bas and his friends left immediately.

Gun then looked at Tinn and walked towards him. “Hey, Are you alright?”

Tinn had to blink his eyes before nodding his head head.

“Do you think he is alright? Look at his face.” North mentioned. “Where are your glasses?”

Tinn did not even realised when his glasses were knocked off somewhere.

“I-I don’t know.” Tinn answered and looked around.

They both looked around for his glasses as well. But Gun was the one who actually found them, laying next to the ruined flowers. He picked them up and went towards Tinn.

“Here.” Gun said. Tinn was about to take the glasses from Gun’s hand but Gun himself puts the glasses on his face and adjusted them behind his ear. Whilst Tinn’s eyes were stuck on Gun. North watched the interaction silently.

“Thanks.” Tinn said. Gun smiled.

“I think we should get him treated. Let’s go the infirmary.” Gun suggested. North nodded his head as they took Tinn towards the infirmary.


When they reached the infirmary, Gun himself took the initiative to treat the way wound on Tinn’s face, near his lips and jaw. While Tinn just stared at Gun’s face and his mind was completely blank. Butterflies dancing in the pit of his stomach. He have no idea how he ended up so close to love of his life in mere seconds. Even though he knew it was because of his twin brother who is probably Gun’s boyfriend. At that he realized he shouldn’t be thinking like that about Gun. Gun was not his and can never be his.

But still he couldn’t stop but take the opportunity of looking at his crush and enjoy this little moment that he had with him. Gun had two moles on his left cheek and his skin was so smooth and fair. And his scent, ghosh. Tinn was going crazy.

After getting Tinn treated, North have dropped Gun at his house first and then drove themselves towards their own home. North and Tinn never actually goes to university and comes back together because they both preferred different times and North actually wasn’t quite interested in going with his nerd brother and ruin his so-called reputation. Tinn knew that North was like that but that doesn’t mean that North wasn’t a good brother. He was. And at least when they were not in school.

“By the way, what exactly happened? Did you seriously push Bas first?” North asked after they reached the home and went inside. Tinn scratches the back of his head and took a seat on the sofa.

“Actually, yes.” He said.

“You! You pushed him?” Now that was hard for North to believe because he knew his brother wasn’t a guy to fight other kids.

“I did it because he was....he was bullying me! And I have had enough, so I pushed him.” Tinn answered.

North let out an amused hum and sat next to him. “Really? I still can’t believe it. My brother is finally standing up against his bullies.”

Tinn rolled his eyes.

“Okay, cool. And were you really going to propose someone? I saw flowers on the floor there.” North mentioned.

Tinn acted like coughing and North passed him a glass of water. He drank a sip of it and looked around the house.

“Where is mom and dad?” Tinn asked.

“Dad is out for work and mom is at Aunt’s house.” North answered even though Tinn already knew that but he just needed to divert North’s mind.

“Stop changing the subject and tell me! Come on, you will not tell your own brother about your crush?” North asked.

“There is no one.”

North scanned Tinn’s facial expressions and he could find him blushing and hiding his face to the other side. North smirked, “So there is seriously is someone right? Look at you, blushing.”

Tinn had no idea why he was blushing. Maybe remembering of the incident happened in school, Gun defending him and treating his wounds.

“I-I am not!”

“Come on! Tell me. Maybe I can help you.”

Tinn gulped. He could not tell North about Gun knowing they both probably were in a relationship. North would be so mad at him. So what if he could not tell him about his feelings? He could at least ask about North’s feelings.

“Come on! Say it!”

“Why don’t you tell me about yours first? You probably have one too!” Tinn said.

North scoffed, “Me? If I had a girlfriend or boyfriend, everyone in school must have known. I don’t!”

“That’s not important. Maybe you are secretly dating someone.”

“You know me? I don’t do relationships.” North stated.

Tinn looked confused. “You are lying. You have a boyfriend!”

North looked at him at that. “How do you know that I have a boyfriend? It can be a girlfriend too.”

Tinn then realized he shouldn’t have blurted it out like that. “No, I mean....you... ”

North quirked his one eyebrow, indirectly asking him to say it already.

Tinn sighed and said, “Isn’t Gun your boyfriend?”

North blinked his eyes. “What?”

“I saw you both....in the washrooms. I mean I was in there to- to pee and I didn’t mean to but I heard you.” Tinn stuttered. North smirked once again, confusing Tinn.

“So you saw us huh? How much did you see?” North asked. He wasn’t even ashamed or embarrassed one bit. I mean Tinn have caught him making out with girls at home several times and even more than that. It’s not like he wanted to but North just could not keep his door locked or something.

“N-Nothing much, just kissing and....”


Tinn sighed. “That does not matter. Gun is your boyfriend. You lied to me.”

“Gun is not my boyfriend.” North stated and Tinn looked confused. “We were just having fun.”

North took a cigarette out of his pocket and lighted it up, smoking afterwards. Parents were not at home so North could probably do this openly.

“Having fun? Means?”

“It means that Gun and me are not in a relationship. We are....what people say, Friends with benefits? Fuck buddies? Something like that.” North mentioned.

“Ohh.” Tinn have no idea what to think of this new information. But it did not make his emotions feel any better. But atleast they were both not in a romantic relationship with each other. Atleast they both did not love each other. But they both had sex with each other. And they do that on daily basis he guessed. That’s not better, at all.

“And we just have sex whenever we want. Nothing more than that. I don’t have a boyfriend, I swear,” North mentioned. “Now tell me about you. Do you have someone? or someone you like?”

Tinn’s mind was still consuming that information and he wasn’t in the state to answer, so he got up from the sofa. “I have to do my homework, I’ll just-” He was about to leave but North spoke up, “You like Gun, right?”

That made Tinn to stop moving. He slowly turned around to look at North, who was still smoking on the sofa.

North hummed, “You like him, right?”

“How do you know that?”

North chuckled. “Of course I know. I saw how you were looking at him when he was treating you. Yours eyes were just like you are so in love.”

Tinn couldn’t find the words to speak.

“And you were probably about to propose to him today, right? I saw Tiwson giving you a bouquet. Tulips, huh? Nice choice,” North mentioned. “They just ruined the moment. Those bastards.”

Tinn blinked his eyes. “B-But he would have rejected me so that doesn’t matter.”

“Who said that he would reject you? Did you try?” North asked, “Gun is not like what people think he is. You saw that today, right? How he came up and helped you, treated your wounds? That probably means something. Don’t you think?”

Tinn sighed. “You are just making fun of me. He probably just helped me because I’m your brother. And you and him have something between you guys. So he just wanted to maybe-”

“You think too much, Tinn.” North assured him and diffused the cig on the ground, stomping on it next. “Gun is a nice guy. He would consider you if you seriously tell him how you feel.”

“Are you sure? Do I still have a chance?” Tinn could feel the candle of love inside his heart lightening once again. 

“Of course, man.”

“But you guys....”

“What? Do you have problem with us having sex?”

Tinn gave him a duh look. North chuckled and got up from the sofa, “I know. I was just pulling your leg. If you both end up together then we both will stop having sex. Okay?”

Tinn nodded as he and North did a hand shake.

“And if you want, you can join us.” North mentioned and smirked. Tinn’s eyes widened and cheeks reddened. “Just kidding.” North chuckled and left.

Tinn sighed in relief.

“North! Get that cig off the ground or mom is gonna whoop your ass.” Tinn yelled behind him.


Tinn and North once again entered the class separately next morning even though they both came together to the university. When Tinn entered inside the lecture room, he saw Gun sitting at side row while he scrolled through his phone. The seat next to Gun was empty - his friend probably didn’t come today. But Tinn did not have the courage to sit next to him so he goes ro sit at his usual spot. But before he could do that his twin brother, North took his seat. Tinn looked confused at him.

North gestures towards Gun, indirectly telling Tinn to sit next to his crush. Tinn shooks his head in no but North gave him a stern look, making him gulp and look at Gun. Tinn sighed and goes towards the seat where Gun was sitting. Gun helped him yesterday, maybe North was right. Even if Gun can not be his boyfriend yet, they both can probably be friends at least.

Tinn cleared his throat next to Gun taking his attention on himself. Gun looked above from his phone and saw Tinn in front of him.

“Oh, hey, Tinn. What’s up?”

“Hi...” Tinn cleared his throat, his heart starting to beat without any reason. “Can I sit here?” He asked while pointing at the seat next to him.

Gun smiled and nodded. Tinn smiled back and sat next to him. When he sat, his shoulder slightly brushed against his and the butterflies erupted inside his stomach. Gun’s flowery cologne engulfed his nostrils and he was sure that he was just two inches away from Gun to loose his senses.

Tinn felt his phone vibrant inside his pants so he pulled it out and read the text sent by his brother.

[ Talk to him, stupid ]

.....No? Thanks.

Tinn did not want to make a fool out of himself while stuttering or saying something stupid in front of love of his life.

“Is your wound okay now? Feeling better?” Gun asked.

Tinn puts his phone down and paid attention to him. “Yeah it’s okay now. Thank you....for yesterday. For taking a stand for me and treating my wounds. Thanks a lot.”

Gun smiled. “Your welcome. But don’t think you’ll get away just by saying Thank you.”

Tinn looked confused.

“You have to buy me a coffee after school, okay?” Gun said.

Tinn blinked his eyes internally, not believing his ears. He nodded his head in yes. “Of course! Sure, why not?”

Gun smiled at Tinn’s enthusiastic reply.

After that they couldn’t actually talk because the professor entered the lecture room and begans his lecture, interrupting them.


“So.... ” North asked while he munched on a potato skewer in his hand. “How was the date with Gun after school? Coffee and all huh?”

Tinn blushed after remembering how Gun and him talked for about an hour inside the coffee shop while having a warm cup of coffee. That was the best day of his life so far. And Gun was the one who actually asked him out was making him feel so giddy inside.

“N-Nothing much. We just talked.”

“And for an hour?” North could not believe. “What were you guys even talking for an hour in there?”

“Why? Don’t you talk to people that much when you go out with them?”

“Not really. We just talk a bit and then hook up in the car. And that’s all take like fifteen minutes, maximum. Talking plus fucking.” North explained.

“I can’t with you. Can you not think from your dick for once?” Tinn asked, slightly disgusted.

“How about no? God gave me a big D so why gotta waste it?” North said making Tinn even more disgusted than he already was, “Just kidding. But don’t act like you don’t get those thoughts in your head.”

Tinn looked confused as they both settle themselves inside North’s car. North on the driving seat while Tinn on the passenger seat next to him.

“What thoughts?”

North chuckled while they both did theirs seat belt. North placing the half eaten skewer by his side.

“Of fucking. Having sex. What else?”

Tinn sighed heavily and looked out the window as they drove past their university. North noticed his expression and said, “Don’t act like you didn’t imagine yourself doing those things to Gun.”

“I.....I did not think anything. Just shut up and focus on driving.” Only Tinn knows what thoughts he get inside his brain whenever he sees Gun. But he did not want to share it with North, who probably have done every thing that he wanted to do to Gun. And that made him sick and jealous to the core.

North just chuckled. He knew that Tinn may look innocent but he wasn’t that stupid that people might think he is.


Tinn and North’s parents were once again out for some business trip, leaving them alone inside the house. And guess what, it’s time for North to call one of his hook ups once again. But the thing Tinn didn’t expect was to see Gun in the house when he goes to the kitchen to drink some water. Gun wore a cute black sweatshirt and white pants, with his hairs down covering his for-head. Ghosh, he looked so good.



Awkward greetings were exchanged.

Gun looked around the house. It was his first time visiting here so maybe he was a bit out of place.

“Actually, North called me....to hang out. But he is not picking my phone now and I don’t know where he is now.”

“Oh. He is probably showering. It’s past five so he must have just came back from the gym.” Tinn said.

“Oh okay.”

“You should make yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink?” Tinn asked while walking towards the refrigerator, opening it afterwards.

“No, I am fine. Thanks.”

“Okay...” Tinn took a water bottle for himself.

“Your house is beautiful.”

“Really? Thanks. This is your first time visiting. You should come here often. I mean....if you want to you can come....often.” Tinn said. Even though he knew why Gun was here and why North have called him at this time when nobody was at home, except him. He didn’t care, atleast he was able to see Gun.

Gun smiled. “Of course, I would love to visit again,” They had an eye contact for a while. “If you invite me.”

“Of course.”

Gun looked around and walked towards the kitchen counter to find cookies on it, covered by a transparent polythene.

“Wow those looks good.”

“Wanna try it?” Tinn asked. But he did not wait for his answer and grabbed one cookie, giving it to Gun who took it. Gun smiled and took a bit of it.

Gun hummed in satisfaction. “Wow, these are delicious. Who made them?”

“Really? You liked them?” Tinn asked a bit excited, Gun nodded while chewing. “Actually, I made these. My mom taught me.”

“No way! You are a chef now.”

“No, I’m not a chef.” Tinn scratched back of his head, slightly blushing. “Glad that you liked it.”

“Can I take another one?”

“Sure!” Tinn gave him an another cookie.

“Oh what’s going on here?” North asked while walking towards them. He just wore a pair of sweatpants and no shirt, hairs wet from the shower.

“Hey, North! Tinn just gave me the cookies that he made. He is so good. These are so delicious.” Gun exclaimed.

North walked towards them. “Oh yeah. I have tried them before. He is really a good cook.”

“I can....make you more if you liked it that much, Gun.” Tinn said.

“Really? Thank you, Tinn. You are such a sweetheart.” Gun said with a smile. “Your brother is so sweet, North. If I knew that Tinn is so sweet and he makes these delicious cookies, I would have made him my friend long time ago.”

North smirks while looking at Tinn who just blushed to himself.

“Well if you are done with complimenting my twin brother. Can we go now?” North asked while pointing towards the stairs behind.

Gun looked at Tinn at that who was standing there awkwardly now. Gun was a bit embarrassed as he did not want Tinn to feel left out when they both leave him alone in here.

“Come on.” North grabbed his hand. Gun went towards him.

“Okay bye, Tinn. See you again.” North said.

“Have fun....guys.” Tinn murmured.

They both left upstairs in front of his eyes. Tinn eyed them laughing with each other and North had his arm around Gun’s waist as he led him towards his bedroom. Tinn looked away from them and sighed to himself.

It hurts.

It hurt him very much, seeing the love of his life happy with someone else. Even though he knew that North and Gun were not really in love with each other but still- he felt jealous. Hurt. He should have been the one holding Gun and making him laugh like this. Tinn’s eyes went towards the transparent glass cabinet on the lower kitchen cabinet just under the counter where the cookies were placed. The cabinet had those expensive wines and alcohols, meant to be served in front of the guests on the special occasions.

Tinn could not control himself so he opened the cabinet and pulled one bottle out which was half filled. If his father saw him drinking his favorite alcohol, he would kill him for sure. But he wasn’t here right now. So he opened the bottle and poured himself a bit inside the glass and drank that whole in one go, scrunching his nose at the warm and bitter feeling in his throat. He could feel his brain getting dizzy as he did have a low alcohol tolerance. But right now he was hurt and this is the only thing which could make him feel a little better.

And it did.

Tinn poured himself more and drank again. He could feel the tears brimming in corners of his eyes. He didn’t know the reason of it. Was it because of Gun or was it just because of the bitter taste of the alcohol? That’s it, he was drunk. Slightly. He poured a bit of water inside the bottle and closed it, placing it inside the cabinet.

With that he walked- or tried to walk out of the kitchen and began walking upstairs. He did not want to. At all. To stand in front of his twin brother’s room. But he stopped right there and placed his ear next to the door, concentrating on the noises coming from inside. He was sure he felt the rush going down his spine when he heard...

“Ahhh Fuck.” Those noises. The same pretty moans that he heard in the washroom that day. Tinn have no idea what he was thinking or doing, his mind was half clouded with the effect of the liquor he just drank.

He pressed his back against the door, keeping his ear close to it and closed his eyes. If he wasn’t drunk right now, he knew that he would call himself the most perverted and embarrassing person ever. But right he wasn’t exactly in his senses, or maybe he was. Tinn could feel the alcoholic rush going down his cock and he could feel it hardening underneath the pants. He let his hand go down inside his underwear and palm himself, letting out a noise of satisfaction.

Tinn breathed heavily for some reason and began stroking himself while hearing Gun’s moans — imagining Gun’s hands on his body. Imagining that it was Gun who was palming him and jerking him off. He could imagine himself touching Gun, kissing on every part of his body and leaving marks here and there, specially his thighs. He could feel himself fucking between Gun’s thighs as he whimpered and moaned his name in pleasure. Tinn was so close....so close. He was completely engrossed in his feelings, his thoughts. He was about to reach his climax but he could not actually do it because the door opened and someone stood behind him. Tinn breathed heavily and his hand stopped, pulling it out of his pants as he turned around with his flush expression.

Tinn saw Gun standing in front of him. He let his eyes roam on Gun’s body from his revealed chest to the half knotted belt around the white silk robe that he wore. Tinn was sure that Gun was naked beneath that robe. Oh, how bad he wanted to pull it off of his body.

Gun on the other hand smirks when he found Tinn’s undone pants and flustered expression. Tinn looked ruined.


“Hi...” Gun smiles and hides the blush on his cheeks.

“Told you,” North said from behind, he was still shirtless with a pair of sweatpants on which he just put on. “He is crazy about you.”

Gun hummed and crossed the arms around his chest. “I knew that you liked me but not to this extent...” Tinn blinked his eyes when Gun moved closer towards his ear and whispers, “That you were getting off to my moans.”

Tinn gulped. He could feel his cock harden once again underneath his underwear, it was getting painful at this point. Gun slowly moved his eyes from Tinn’s face to his crotch and moved closer to him, standing just few inches away. Tinn was froze, he wasn’t in a position to even think about whatever that was happening. Gun bites his own lower lip and caressed him over his crotch, feeling his hard cock through the fabric. Tinn let out a shaky breathe.

“North, I think your brother need some help with his problem.” Gun smirked, “Should we help him?”

North laughed to himself and sat on the couch, pulling a cig out to smoke. “Sure, go on. He is dying to fuck you.”

Gun grabbed Tinn’s hand and lead him towards the bed. Gun made Tinn sit on the edge of the bed as he sat on his knees in front of him so that his face was directly in front of his crotch. Gun looked at Tinn and they both had the eye contact for a while. Gun slowly pulled him out of his underneath and held him bare that made Tinn to come out of his trance and he was stuck by reality finally. This was happening. This was really happening. Even though Tinn was slightly drunk but he could feel everything that was happening.

Gun slowly moved his thumb on his slit towards the tip, spreading the precum in circular motions. Tinn was breathing heavily. No body have touched him before, except himself of course. Gun was feeling proud about the effect that he had on him and he slowly moved closer to tip and licked it. Tinn groaned at that and gripped the sheets down him, keeping his eyes on the boy who was on his knees for him.

Gun licked him few more times over his tip and side, until he got used to the taste and began taking him inside his mouth. Tinn’s head moved backwards and mouth parted in pleasure. His one hand subconsciously went to rest behind Gun’s head, guiding him to take him deeper. Gun complied and took him entirely in his mouth, alongside stroking him.

“Ahh shit.” Tinn groaned. Gun moved his mouth up along his length while his tongue was flat on the surface to lick him whole and make him moan in pleasure. Gun began bobbing his head back and forth while Tinn’s fingers gripped his hairs a bit tighter.  Tinn was already close previously and he knew that he could not last longer.

“Fuck! No, I’m gonna....” Tinn was dazed. Tinn moaned every now and then, while slightly thrusting his cock inside his mouth. Gun did not want to make him come already so he pulled his mouth off of him. Tinn let out a pained hiss at that, looking a bit dissatisfied. Gun smirked and pushed Tinn on the bed entirely and got himself on top of him, sitting on his thighs.

“Not that soon, sweetheart.” Gun whispers next to his ear and looked at him in the eye. Gun goes down captured his lips with his own, beginning to kiss him. The kiss was rough and messy. Tinn found his hands squeezing Gun’s naked thighs while he entered his tongue into his mouth. Both breathed heavily and continued making out for a while until Gun felt the need to breath and let go off of his lips, sitting straight on Tinn’s thighs, with his legs on either side of him.

Gun bites his lower lip and slowly removed his robe, throwing it on the floor, leaving himself completely naked. Tinn’s eyes raked from top to bottom of Gun’s beautiful body. And he knew that he could come by just looking at him. Gun smirked at his reaction and slowly moved closer towards Tinn’s hard cock, getting himself on top of it by keeping himself up by his legs. Gun held Tinn’s cock and guided it to his entrance. North had fucked him before this so he knew he could take it raw. Tinn panted and grabbed his hips to guide him on his cock. Gun’s face scrunched as he felt the tip entering past his rim as he let out a gasp. Tinn caressed his hips and thighs while Gun took him entirely inside his entrance.

“Fuck....” Both let it out at the same time.

Literally. Fuck. It felt so fucking good.

Tinn’s lips parted in pleasure as he himself bucked his hips upwards to get the remaining of his length inside of him. Gun whined at that and grabbed Tinn by his shoulder as he slowly started moving. Moving his hips back and forth initially to get used to the length. Gun was losing his mind because he have never rode North before so he didn’t know how it felt like riding someone and he should admit that this felt amazing. He could feel every inch of Tinn’s cock against his walls, filling him to the brim. Gun began bouncing on his cock, up and down, while letting out incoherent words out of his mouth. His one hand gripped Tinn’s thigh from behind, digging his nails on it, to stable himself on top and fucked himself faster. Tinn’s eyes were closed and his head leaning backwards on the bed, hands gripping the sheets down him.


All of Tinn’s fantasies were really coming true.

North on the other hand just watched from the sofa but when he became hard again and began to palm himself, that he didn’t even know himself.

Gun was seriously bouncing on his cock and the bed was slightly moving back and forth. But they both didn’t care, too engrossed in the pleasure that they both were receiving.

Tinn began to wanting more so he gripped Gun’s waist and fuck upwards. Now Gun became louder, part of it because of Tinn taking control and part of it because he was getting closer to his orgasm. Gun fell forward on Tinn’s chest and gripped his shoulders. Tinn took the full control and fucked him faster, feeling himself coming inside of him. Gun breathed heavily and came with a loud moan, untouched.

There was silence in the room for sometime as both of them calmed themselves down from their highs.

“Fuck! You guys.....” North had said. “I have never came this hard in my life.”   his dick was out and his naked chest was covered in his own cum. Gun and Tinn looked at him and laughed to themselves.


Tell me if u liked it or not uwu <3

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