Hide Away Prince (discontinue...

By psycsyh

145 1 0

THIS HAS BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR LITERALLY WEEKS, my spelling and grammar has improved. But I'm not fixing it b... More

The award
Family reunion
Stuffed bares
I hate being a prince.
A dabble in self care
Birthday (part 1)
Borthday (part 2)

Silent dinner

10 0 0
By psycsyh

"Your punishment is officially lifted, but if you keep disrespecting me expressly in front of others there will be worse consequences," he said. "Yes father, thank you," he said. His father then shoo'd him off with his hands, a gared was unlocking his closet as they spoke. Once in his room he smiled at the gared leaving. Entering he turned on his pc and emidetly open discord.

His inbox was full of messages from everyone he knows, witch he expected, he didn't care, he just wanted to message his group chat.

Booming business men (& Ranboo)

Technoblade: do one of you have my charger? I can't find it - February 28 9:37

Philza: I have it mate, sorry - February 28 9:42

Technoblade: I found mine, I think you have someone else's - February 28 9:43

Ranboo: I think you have mine Phil - February 28 9:43

Philza: oh sorry mate, I'll drop it off at your place later today - February 28 9:43

March 3rd 2022

Tommyinnit: I GOT MY STUFF BACk :D - Today 13:27


Tommyinnit: clingy - Today 13:27

Philza: not clingy mate, you couldn't message us for over a mouth - Today 13:28

Tommyinnit: sorry sorryyy, I missed you guys too - Today 13:28

Wilbur: better have - Today 13:28

Technoblade: yea or else we threatened the king for nothing - Today 13:29

Tommyinnit: it wouldn't be for nothing, how many people can say they threatened the king and it came with no consequences? - Today 13:29

Ranboo: Tommy's right - Today 13:29

Tommyinnit: of course I am, I'm the prince - Today 13:29

Philza: that doesn't count as much for us, your only right because your smart - Today 13:29

Tommyinnit: rude. That's rude Dadza - Today 13:30

Tubbo: Phil you can't deny he looks so cool in the crown - Today 13:30

Tommyinnit: of course I do! My mom chose it for me when she was pregnant - Today 13:30

Technoblade: she had good taste - Today 13:30

Tommyinnit: not in men though - Today 13:30

Philza: yea - Today 13:31

Technoblade: you defeated me - Today 13:31

Tommyinnit: :D - Today 13:31

He smiled looking at the screen, man he would of giving up ages ago if it wasn't for his friends. He decided to look at other chats, some people where just shocked asking if this was some sort of prank, some where getting mad at him for it and others where just trying to get things out of him.

He decided to just play some hypixel due to boredom and he had to turn off other player chats to get though a game.

"Dinner Thomas, your grandparents will be there with you and your father so dress your best and don't forget your crown," said one of the new gareds. "Oh alright, thank you," he said said nervously, his grandparents hated him on that side.

He looked at the game turning it off and getting up. He sighed choosing a new outfit as if he wasn't already wearing fancy clothes. He chose an outfit, putting it on and accessorizing it. He sighed looking in the mirror, everytime he does this, he sees the life he could of had if his father just loved him. If everyone didn't blame him, if he lived the life he was born into.

He gulped opening the door to his room, seeing the same gared there. "Isn't it usually my butler who brings me where I need to go?" He asked. "There busy and the king said it would be good for me to get use to the layout," they said, Tommy nodded. They walked in silence at the beginning.

"So, your new?" Tommy asked the gared, "the king said I shouldn't make small talk with you," they asked. "Oh, ok yea that's fine," he mumbled sadly. The walk to the dining room luckily soon ended and he went into the room witch all eyes went onto him.

"Thomas, it took you long enough," his father said, "sorry father," he said going up to the chair he always sits in. He sat down and waved at his grandparents, "hello, it's nice to see you guys again," he said to them.

"Yup," his grandmother said popping her lip, showing her clear annoyance. He gulped, this is going to be an amazing dinner. "So mum as I was saying, I was thinking about doing this advent, we have many people come together, raising money for charity, my likeness has went down since everything with Thomas and I need to get it back up," said the king.

"Your not scared you may seem desperate?" Asked his father, "I don't believe he will Hunny, it might actually work, no one will bat a eye to it, they will be to busy thinking about the money they are donating, wondering if it's enough to be a good citizen or thinking of how many people will be at the advent. No one will think twice about it," the kings mother said.

"Are we also going to donate?" Tommy asked, his father looked at his puzzled, "no, where setting up the advent," he said. "Yes but where rich, shouldn't we donate?" Tommy asked confused. "No where getting the charity money, that's all what matters," he said.

"Yes and no, if we can do more then shouldn't we, doing what we can is the best thing we can do, and we most definitely can do more then pay people to set up this advent for us," Tommy said. His father gave him an angry look.

"If you don't like it and you ever become king some day, witch will never happen you can recreate this advent and donate as much money as you want," he said. Tommy would have continued fighting but thought about what his father said earlier in the day. He couldn't lose communication with the only people keeping him sain.

"Now that he's finished being disrespectful I was wondering we're dinner is," his grandfather said giving him a glare he assumed was supposed to be mean but it was hard to tell.

"Any minute now dad," his father said, "see how hard is that Thomas's? To call your own father dad, he's in his 30s and still calls his father dad," his grandmother said angrily.

"A dad and a father are different and I was tough to use my words correctly and only lie when it benefits the king," he said staring her in her eyes. "You know what? Your banished from speaking for the rest of the night!" She said, he gave her an annoyed glare.

"You do not have any control over me," he spat, "but I do, no more speaking Thomas," his father said, he nodded slightly and just then the door open with dinner, "sorry we acsadently started a bit late on Thomas food," they said putting the plates of food infront of each person, Tommy smiled at a thanks.

He gets the no talking punishment quiet a bit so there use to it. "Picky eater is he?" Asked his grandmother, yet she said it more as a statement. "Yes, yet he says meat makes him sick I just think it's an excuse for not liking it," the king said. Tommy shook his head, trying to tell them that he's wrong.

"Tell me how I'm wrong, oh wait your not aloud to talk," he said laughing, Tommy annoyingly just ate his food as they make fun of him right in front of his face.

"And that hair of his, so ugly, are you sure he's not a homosexual?" His grandmother asked. WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP ASSUMING THAT? AND WHY IS IT PORTRAYED AS A BAD THING? ITS NOT.

He just had to pretend nothing they said affected them. "And those friends of his, your sister told me how one of them identifies as a they. How can a single person be a they? Your not multiple people, your either a he or a she, that's it!" She said.

He grinned his teeth, angrily trying his best not to scream at them. Talking bad about him is one thing but his friends? They had no right!

"And that other friend apparently has ADHD, it's so stupid how many people believe that crap, people with that diagnosis are just lazy people who think they can get away with it because they have a disability. It's not that hard to do simple tasks," she said. Fucking hell he wished he could just scream at her, tell her she wrong, to explain how adhd is a real thing that makes people struggle.

Yet he couldn't.

"And his other friend, he can't seem to chose a career, it's not like any other them are real careers, a YouTuber, a musician, I think she even mentioned he use to edit for another YouTuber, just chose something!" She said.

He shoved a pease of food into his mouth, couldn't yell if his mouth was full.

Her job was picked out for her at a young age, she had no choice. She had a kid at 20 and it didn't affect her, she retired at 56 and she had no problem with it. Not money wise or anything. Other people arnt born with the same chances as her. Some people spend there whole lives looking for a job they love, and you can love mutual jobs. He's young, he can try jobs, he's making money to have a livable life, isn't that all what matters really? He's happy  and comfortable.

"There so stupid, but I guess he needs to learn how to socialize even if it's with a horrable group of people," his grandfather said. Like he could say much, he was born into money and then married into money, he just like his grandmother job was chosen young, yet him at 16 when they where married.

God he hated this dinner so much.

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