Family reunion

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The butler examined his outfit, even though he not seen as a prince by anyone except his grandfather doesn't mean he still didn't have to act like a prince. Actually many family and friends come over and that's when he has to act. There was many people coming over, first family reunion in almost 5 years. The only people not there will be anyone dead or his grandfather on his mum side due to the king still being mad at him. "We should add a corset," he said grabbing a brown one.

He put it around the princes waist. "Good now exsessorys," he said. "I know how to dress myself," Tommy said. "Your father dosnt want you dressing in your normal clothes," he said. "I only dress that way due to my hobbie and for school or going out. I know how to dress like a prince, iv faked it many times," he said.

"Sir I know your father doesn't see you as a prince, but you are, it's not faking, now why don't you acsessptize and get on appropriate shoes and open your door when your done, I'll wait outside," Tommy smiled, he was letting him do this.

He put on some rings, a chain necklace and changed his shoes into dress shoes. He opened the door and the butler smiled. "You look good prince Thomas, we forgot your crown, let me grab it," he said. Tommy nodded. The butler gave it to him and he put it on his head.

Then they left for the comen aria where his father waited for him. "People will be here soon, you will be in charge of keeping the children company, if any one ask about-" he cut the king off. "I know, iv lied for you many times, keep you seeming like a good father and king, I get it," he said.

"If you got it you wouldn't of cut me off, but I'll let it slid just this once," the king said since many people started showing up.

First was the kings parents and his siblings. He had a sister only 2 years older then Tommy, with was the whole reason he was hidden away. His father wanted his sister to be the next queen, witch she was the runner up as long as he didn't have any children. Since the pregnancy was hidden from everyone but the family no one knew he existed. So she was going to be queen one he steps down or dies.

There was the kings mom, the kings dad, witch his mum step down from being the queen when his sister was born. His sister had 1 kid at 18 who was only a year old.

His grandfather ignored him, walking passed him to say hellos to his father. Most of the family didn't like him.

His grandmother after saying hello to her son went up to him. "Thomas, your dressed as a prince for once," she said, he looked at her confused, "my daughter found your YouTube channel, such a disappointment you are," she said. He continued staring straight, he wouldn't let her know what she said affected him nor would he egnolage her existence.

She walked away nothing she said would get a reaction. Many more people shown up and everyone ignored him, except the children. They where attached to him like the plague since he was still a kid but older then all of them, so he was cool in there eyes. "Father, may I stop my stance?" He asked not wanting to keep doing this. "You may," he said, so he was happy, he and the kids went over to another part of the room away from the parents,

"I watch you on YouTube," said one of the kids, they must be 12. "Oh," he said shocked, not expecting any of them to have. "If your a prince then why do you make YouTube videos and stream?" She asked. "I like doing it," he said. "Do you like being a prince? I haven't seen anything about you being one," she said. "I do," he said, it wasn't a lie, he did enjoy some parts of it, if most the family didn't hate them for one reason or another he probably would like it more.

"Can I wear your crown?" Asked another kid, "no sorry," he said, his father told him before hand that no one could touch his crown, it's really expensive and he didn't like spending money on him, even though there really rich.

He made up some games for them to play until dinner came around. He sat at the dinner table staring at the food in front of him. Again he was being fed meat. His father gave him a look telling him to eat it so he just dealt with it and ate it all. As everyone talked he felt himself get sicker and sicker, who knew why meat made him sick it just always did.

He got up and sprinted out the room toward the nearest bathroom, he couldn't hold it in, he neeled in front of the toilet, holding his crown and on his head as he threw up. His father would get ever more mad if he took of his crown. Apparently he had to keep it on for respect. His father stood at the door angrily as he trew up his food.

"Your such a disgrace of a son," he said, walking off, the same kid who watched his video came in and grabbed him a towel. "I don't think the king treats you very well," she said Handing it to him, he wiped his mouth with it. He didn't respond to what she said.

"If he doesn't treat you as if your the prince then why do you play along at things like this?" She asked, it was a good question, he just didn't want to get cut off and trown out at 18. He hoped doing as his father told him would make the chances lower.

He stayed silent not being able to answer anything. "I get it, your situation tough, but honestly your like the only good person here, the kings a dick, his mum and dad are too, and his mums my aunt, my part of the family also kind of sucks,  your like the only genuine person here, it sucks you can never be king," she said.

He smiled sadly at her. "So your my first cousin once removed huh? What is your name?" He asked. "Amelia, I'm 13," she said. "It's nice to meet you Amelia, I don't think I'm welcomed back to the party, want to come check out my room?" He asked.

"Are you sick?" She asked, "no, I'm not just meat makes my stomach all weird, not sure why, I'm not sick though," he said so she nodded.

So he brought her to his room, she looked at it in amazement, it was so big. "Wow, wait if this is your room then where do you steam from?" She asked, so he opened his closet. "Wow!" She said looking around.

"Might not be counted as a pince but I do have some of the perks," he said with a small laugh. "I wonder how the world would react if they figured out there's a secret prince and he's a Minecraft YouTuber," she laughed, "yea I can't even imagine," he laughed. They hung out in his room for a bit until a butler came to get them, bringing them back to the rest of the family, witch they're here practically all giving him death glare.

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