The award

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He looked at the outfit on the bed, it was a dress up shirt and trousers. It was still way to fancy. "Think maybe I can just where a shirt, sweater and jeans?" He asked the butler. "No your father told me exclusively that you have to dress at least a bit fancy, if the word ever came out your a prince people cannot see you wearing normal people clothes," he said.

Tommy signed and nodded putting it on. He looked in the mirror, the outfit was way to fancy for this school award. He went to his closet, shoving the outfit he described in it, he'll change at the advent. He put his bag on his back and left the room. Where the same butler stood.  "Come, you're father awaits," he said, he was brought to the comen room where his father took his bag. "As I suspected, your wearing what I gave you and nothing else," he said talking the clothes out the bag.

"So I can't be a prince but I also can't be a normal person?" He asked annoyed. "Yes! Your my son, you have to follow what I say!" The king said angrily. "Yea, since when have I been your son?" He asked angrily. "Get out of my face," he snapped, so Tommy left and waited up front for his grandfather to pick him up. He drove a relatively normal vehicle. Since he was only married into the royal family, he didn't have as much publicity, honestly he's only been seen by the public once and it was at his daughters wedding, in every other advent he would be off to the side, not wanting to be in the public eye.

He pulled up and Tommy got into the car. "Quite a fancy outfit for a school award," he said. "Father wouldn't let me wear anything else and took my bag that had a different outfit in," he said shrugging.

"We have time, want to stop at a store and get different clothes?" He asked, witch Tommy smiled. "Yes," he said happily, so that's what he did. His old outfit was left in his grandfathers trunk. Tommy was smiling, singing loudly to music with his grandfather, the window where open and they where singing 'don't stop me now' by queen so loudly as it played in the car.

"Did you know when I was younger I actually seen them play live?" His grandfather asked. "Really that's so cool!" Tommy said, his grandfather was so happy seeing Tommy act like a kid, in the castle he has to stand all straight, not talk to loud nor to quitly, he has to talk in more fancy words. But now he can slouch, sing loudly. Talk how ever he wanted. It was nice to see.

They pulled up to the school where the ceremony was held in the auditorium. They entered as Tommy rambled on about the dream he had the night before.

"Then the giant, French speaking caterpillar came back but with a moustache and ate me!" He said. "Did you ever figure out where it went?" Asked his grandfather and Tommy shook his head, "nope," Tommy laughed.

"Tommy!" Wilbur ran up to him hugging him. "You guys actually came!" Tommy said happily hugging him back. "We couldn't miss it for the world mate," Phil said messing up his hair, Tommy smiled widely.

He pulled away, "gramps these are my friends Wilbur, Phil and techno," Tommy said motioning to them. "And this is my grandfather- I know you have a name but i honestly can't remember it," Tommy said turning to him. "Ah it's Nigel, Thomas," he said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you sir," Phil said, the other also agreed.

"Thomas is Tommy a nickname most of your friends call you?" Asked his grandfather witch Tommy nodded. "I love it, your mother use to call you that when you where first born," he said, Tommy smiled sadly.

The others frowned, not knowing why Tommy didn't have a mom. "She did?" He asked, with his grandfather nodded. "Yea," he said Tommy smiled and nodded.

They went to find a seat, it was an important reward so many teachers, universities recruiters came. There were even some students who decided to show up. Tommy was nervous, he's never been out in public before nor around this many people at once.

Techno put a hand on his shoulder seeing he was nervous. "You'll be ok, want to play I spy to distract you as we wait for it to began?" Asked Techno Tommy nodded.

"I spy with my little eye something that is the colour blue," techno said, Tommy looked around, "that man's shirt?" Tommy asked with techno shook his head, "the candle up on the podium?" Asked Tommy, "yup, your turn,"

"Uh ok, I spy with my little eye something that is brown," Tommy said. "Oh man there so many brown things in here, is it the chair legs?" Asked techno. "Nope," Tommy's said calming a bit, it took 7 more guesses, Wilbur, Phil and Tommy's grandfather all joined in the game as they wait for the award ceremony began.

"Where so proud as a school board to give this award to an outstanding young student, Thomas Simons," said his principal, his grandfather gave him a weird look, that wasn't his last name. Tommy gave him a award smiled and went up to accept the award, after 10 minutes it was over and it was the after part.

Teachers where congratulating him, university recruiters came to talk to to him and his friend and grandfather didn't really have openings to talk to him.

"Simons?" He mumbled confused under his breath. That was his last name, Tommy was supposed to have his fathers and wife's marriaged name, why was he registered in school by his wife maiden name?

"Is there a problem sir?" Asked Phil noting his confusness. "Just Thomas has his mothers maiden name, not her marriage name witch is very confusing," he said. "Oh that's weird," Wilbur said.

They stuck around as Tommy talked to all sorts of people, he kept trying to get out of conversations to go back to his friends but he would get pulled into another one.

"Sorry my watch isn't working, what time is it?" His grandfather asked techno. "4:27," he responded.

"Oh, Thomas is supposed to be home by 4:30 we've got to go," his grandfather said. His father was very clear he was home by then due to a meeting. He went up to Tommy. "So sorry to interrupt but where late for something," he said, Tommy's eyes went wide and he started going with his grandfather.

"Sorry I have to go, thank you guys so much for coming," Tommy said, "yea no problem Tommy, call us when you can," he said Tommy nodded hugging them and leaving. "Get changed in the back," he said to Tommy nodded doing as told. They got there at 4:45 witch was 25 minutes late. His father was waiting outside angrily. "Come inside, I had to resquedual," he said angrily, Tommy said bye to his grandfather and left to go inside and up to his room. "I'm sorry for being him late, many of his teachers where talking to him," said his grandfather.

"This meeting was important, I don't know if I'll trust you to bring him out again," he said. "I understand, please let's talk about this another time," he said seeing the people he had to resquedual the meeting for shown up.

He was just going to get the gared to say to go hang out until later if he didn't show up before they did.

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