Borthday (part 2)

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He let out a loud, pitiful sob, knocking on the door witch soon opened. He heard the other laughter die down seeing Tommy there, and full of tears. "Oh Tommy," was all that came out, Tommy shoved himself into the other, needing a hug, yet it almost made him fall back.

He hugged the younger tight, rubbing his back slightly. No one let out a word, the others in the house where worried. Techno, Phil and Kristen were over, Techno because that's wear he was staying and Phil and Kristen due to them agreeing to have lunch together today. They usually have dinner together but they wanted to be home on time to call Tommy later in the day so they changed it to lunch.

Tommy sobbed in his embrace for 5 minutes. "Would you like to come inside?" Wilbur asked witch Tommy nodded sniffling letting go of the other.

Tommy was slightly shocked to see the other three yet he just slightly waved, wiping his tears. "How about you go sit down, I'll make us all some hot drinks and we talk about it." Wilbur said, Tommy nodded, giving him a small smile, he was so greatful. He and the others went to the living room, Tommy putting his crown on the table.

It was a miracle no one tried to rob him on the way over. "Hey mate," Phil said sitting next to him. "Sorry if I ruined your guy's plans," Tommy mumbled.

"Hey no, Tommy you didn't," Phil said sturnly, "now, why don't you try and start telling us what happened?" Phil asked.

He brought me to my mums grave today," Tommy said, "your father?" Wilbur asked witch Tommy then hummed. "Didn't even remember it was my birthday, I don't know why that broke me, he's never remembered," Tommy said snuffling.

"I can see why, he brought you to your mums grave on a day that probably brings up a lot of emotions, it was as if he was shoving the life you could of had if she was alive," Kristen said, as Wilbur pored the now hot water in the 5 mugs while listening sadly.

"I knew my father wasn't really there much, but I thought he at least cared about me a little bit, yet when I asked, he stayed silent. Why doesn't he care about me?" Tommy asked starting to cry again.

"He's angry and indenile about someone he lost, it's no excuse for how he treats you or feels about you, but you do have people who care so much about you Tommy, me, Wilbur, techno, Kristen, Tubbo, Ranboo and so many people on the internet and many more friends. Tommy, we all care about you so much," Techno said crouching down infront of where the kid sat.

Wilbur came over with everyone's preferred hot drinks, Coffee for Phil and techno, tea for Kristen, hot chocolate for Tommy and plain hot water for himself.

Tommy sniffed, "thanks tech," he said, his tears calming down. "Sorry today seemed to suck for the most part but let's turn it good, yeah?" Asked Phil witch Tommy smiled and nodded.

I'm less then an out they had a cake, Ranboo and Tubbo over, candles and Tubbo even brought a gift he was hoping to try and give the gardes to give to Tommy. Wilbur even let him change into some of his clothes apposed to the uncomfortable ones he was wearing.

There was a knock at the door hours later when everything was quieting down, they just ordered pizza witch it would be Tommy's first time ever having pizza and he was excited.

Phil went and answered the door and his shoulder sunk. "Tommy your fathers here," Phil said sadly, witch made Tommy go over to the door sadly. "Hi," Tommy mumbled.

"I got you a gift," his father said holding out a wrapped box witch made Tommy look up at him shocked. With shaky hands he took it and opened it to reveal a phone.

"There's a SIM card on it with unlimited text and calls, you can start going out more but only one day a week and you have to respond to mine or gareds text, depending on if I'm busy or not," he said.

"Seriously?" He asked witch his father nodded witch made Tommy's face lit up. "Thank you," he said happily.

His father nodded, "I'm really sorry for what happened today, I would really love to actually have a relationship with you Thomas, I'll be here to pick you up at 10 if that works for you all," he said.

Witch it did. His father left and he turn to them shocked, witch Tubbo hugged him, happy for Tommy. "He's trying, that's amazing," Tubbo mumbled witch Tommy nodded, still quite shocked.

They messaged the chat with the others who wanted to trow him an online party something happened witch made him be able to go to Wilbur's but it they where still wanting to do the party they can the next day, witch is exactly what they did.

This was his best birthday yet.

(I This and many of my other story's probably will never be finished. Im sorry but I left this fandom almost completely two years ago but I struggle with change and couldn't stop writing about them. Wilbur kept me in the fandom but now we found if he's a douch so... sorryyyy)

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